A library for displaying Markdown contents within Jetpack Compose. Uses Coil
Current limitations
- Lists that are annotated with the
must have an space after the delimiter. - If a line starts with an image, just the first one will be loaded. eg:

Will only display the first image.
- Placeholders are not supported.
- Header closing tags are not supported.
- Blockquotes are not supported.
- List elements must be in the same line.
- Code blocks are not supported.
- Horizontal rules are only supported for
, starting with at least 2 characters without spaces. - Automatic links are not supported.
Add to the module's dependencies:
implementation 'com.arnyminerz.markdowntext:markdowntext:1.1.0'
Jetpack Compose example:
fun MarkdownTextPreview() {
val exampleImageUrl = ""
val exampleBadge = "!-success"
modifier = Modifier.verticalScroll(rememberScrollState()),
) {
markdown = listOf(
"This is markdown text with **bold** content.",
"This is markdown text with *italic* content.",
"**This** is where it gets complicated. With **bold and *italic* texts**.",
"# Headers are also supported",
"The work for separating sections",
"## And setting",
"### That get",
"#### Deeper",
"##### And Deeper",
"###### And even deeper",
"Remember _this_ ~not this~? Also works!",
"[This]( is a link.",
"- Lists",
"- are",
"- also",
"- supported",
"That is a hr!",
"Here is a normal inline image: ",
"But this one has a link: []($exampleBadge)",
"This is a large block image:",
modifier = Modifier
.padding(horizontal = 8.dp),
bodyStyle = MaterialTheme.typography.bodyMedium,