Adding locale aware thousands separator dynamically as the user types


Locale aware, dynamic thousands separator for EditText

Adding locale aware thousands separator dynamically as the user types


  • Add thousands separator dynamically as the user types
  • Enable editing in between the string and not only at the ends
  • Style of thousands separation is based upon the locale (eg: 100,000 vs 1,00,000)
  • Symbol of thousands separator and decimal marker is based on the locale (eg: 100,000.00 vs 100.000,00)
  • Supports all languages and locales


  • Does not support copy/paste operations
  • In right-to-left languages (eg. Arabic), the cursor jumps to the end on deleting the first number


  • If you are programmatically setting text, always set formatted text returned by getCurrencyFormattedAmountValue()
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