Example application using Bugfender SDK in Android


Bugfender Android SDK


SDK Installation

Here are the main points to getting Bugfender working on your apps:

  • Get an app key at bugfender.com
  • Add Bugfender SDK dependency to your module <module>/build.gradle: implementation 'com.bugfender.sdk:android:3.+' (or the most recent version of the SDK)
  • Initialize Bugfender in your Application#onCreate() with:
Bugfender.init(this, "<YOUR APP KEY>", BuildConfig.DEBUG);
  • If using Proguard, you do not need to change your configuration. Bugfender is compatible out of the box.
  • If you detect an issue, you can send it calling Bugfender.sendIssue("Title", "Message");
  • If you want to associate a value (String, Integer, Boolean or Float) to a device, you can send it with (learn more about [Device associated data] (https://bugfender.com/blog/associated-device-information)):
    • Bugfender.setDeviceString("user.email", "[email protected]");
    • Bugfender.setDeviceInteger("user.photo.image.width", 600);
    • Bugfender.setDeviceBoolean("user.is.logged", true);
    • Bugfender.setDeviceFloat("user.children", 3f);
  • If you want to remove a specific value associated with the device, you can do it with: Bugfender.removeDeviceKey("user.children");
  • Bugfender automatically generates an identifier for the application install in a device. You can retrieve it to show in your UI or send it to your server: Bugfender.getDeviceIdentifier();

This repository contains a sample application using Bugfender.

Collecting User feedback

Getting feedback from the final users is one of the most important things for an app developer. Good user feedback allows you detect errors in your app and helps you to understand better your product.

Starting from version 1.1, Bugfender provides a new feature to easily collect app feedback from final users. It takes only two minutes and a few lines of code to integrate. You can think about the User Feedback as an special kind of Issue, every time your users submit their feedback you will get a new issue in Bugfender.

The easiest way to implement Bugfender User Feedback is using the customizable User Feedback Activity. It provides a convenient screen with two text fields, one short for the subject and another bigger for the feedback.

Using default UI

Using the convenient UI provided by Bugfender requires calling the following method that will return the Intent that must be used to start the Activity:

// Obtaining the Intent
Intent userFeedbackIntent = Bugfender.getUserFeedbackActivityIntent (
                                                        "App bar title",
                                                        "Give some instructions to your users",
                                                        "Placeholder for subject textfield" ,
                                                        "Placeholder for message textfield",

// Starting the Activity
startActivityForResult (userFeedbackIntent, YOUR_REQUEST_CODE);

You can obtain information about the user action (if feedback was sent and the URL on Bugfender dashboard) using the onActivityResult method:

protected void onActivityResult (final int requestCode, final int resultCode, final Intent data) {
  if (requestCode == YOUR_REQUEST_CODE) {
    Toast.makeText (this, resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK ? "Feedback sent" : "Feedback cancelled", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show ();
    if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) {
	    String url = data.getStringExtra ("result.feedback.url");
  } else {
    super.onActivityResult (requestCode, resultCode, data);

Additionally, if you require more customization you can configure the colors of the screen calling a version of Bugfender.getUserFeedbackActivityIntent method that accepts a FeedbackStyle object as an additional argument. With this object you can configure three areas of the screen separately (app bar, input and rest of the screen), the areas that are not set will use the colors provided by our default implementation.

FeedbackStyle feedbackStyle = new FeedbackStyle ()
    .setAppBarColors (R.color.backgroundColor, R.color.titleColor, R.color.closeButtonColor, R.color.actionButtonColor)
    .setInputColors (R.color.backgroundColor, R.color.textColor, R.color.hintColor)
    .setScreenColors (R.color.backgroundColor, R.color.textColor)

Using a custom UI

If you need further customization you can implement your own UI. All you have to do is collect your user feedback as you wish and send it to Bugfender using Bugfender.sendUserFeedback:

Bugfender.sendUserFeedback ("Title of the feedback", "Message of the feedback")

More information


For more information on all methods available, please go to the Bugfender Android reference documentation.

SDK status

The SDK is suitable for production. Please feel free to open an issue or contact us at bugfender.com .

  • NPE in bugfender sdk

    NPE in bugfender sdk

    Fatal Exception: java.lang.NullPointerException
           at com.bugfender.sdk.a.a.l.a.b(Unknown Source)
           at com.bugfender.sdk.a.a.b$4.run(Unknown Source)
           at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:864)
    opened by AlexZvonik 5
  • OOM with Bugfender SDK

    OOM with Bugfender SDK

    SDK Version: 1.0

    Fatal Exception: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Failed to allocate a 18 byte allocation with 3888 free bytes and 3KB until OOM
           at dalvik.system.VMStack.getThreadStackTrace(VMStack.java)
           at java.lang.Thread.getStackTrace(Thread.java:580)
           at com.bugfender.sdk.a.a.b.r(Unknown Source)
           at com.bugfender.sdk.a.a.b.b(Unknown Source)
           at com.bugfender.sdk.a.a.b.a(Unknown Source)
           at com.bugfender.sdk.a.a.b.b(Unknown Source)
           at com.bugfender.sdk.a.a.d.c.a(Unknown Source)
           at com.bugfender.sdk.a.a.d.c.a(Unknown Source)
           at com.bugfender.sdk.a.a.d.c$1.a(Unknown Source)
           at com.bugfender.sdk.a.a.d.a.a(Unknown Source)
           at com.bugfender.sdk.a.a.d.a.c(Unknown Source)
           at com.bugfender.sdk.a.a.d.a.run(Unknown Source)
    opened by bikranttripathi 3
  • App crash after upgrade from 0.6.4 to 0.7.3

    App crash after upgrade from 0.6.4 to 0.7.3

    Can you please take a look? thx.

    java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean java.lang.String.equalsIgnoreCase(java.lang.String)' on a null object reference at com.bugfender.sdk.a.a.b.o(Unknown Source) at com.bugfender.sdk.a.a.b.a(Unknown Source) at com.bugfender.sdk.a.a.b.a(Unknown Source) at com.bugfender.sdk.Bugfender.d(Unknown Source) at com.katlalabs.sidekick.SidekickApplication.onConnected(SidekickApplication.java:179)

    opened by billylo1 3
  • Propagating Bugfender logs to Logcat

    Propagating Bugfender logs to Logcat

    I am using com.bugfender.sdk:android:3.0.8

    I have added many Bugfender.d(tag,"") logs to a specific part of project .

    for initialization I have added the following code to myApp class

    Bugfender.init(this, "<My Key>", BuildConfig.DEBUG);

    When I run the project in debug I have noticed that the logs are shown correctly in the bugfender portal . but they are not appearing in my logcat , I have observed the internal code of the bugfender and I have noticed that in debug mode it should propagate the logs to the logcat but this is not the case .

    I have noticed the method "enableLogcatLogging" but this will send all the logs to the portal which is not needed

    Is there a way to achieve this ?


    opened by abdelhameedo 2
  • Replacement of Bugfender.getDeviceIdentifier()

    Replacement of Bugfender.getDeviceIdentifier()

    Provide me information regarding

     String deviceIdentifier = Bugfender.getDeviceIdentifier();
     Bugfender.d("DEBUG", "Device identifier: " + deviceIdentifier);

    I am using below version in my Android Studio

    implementation 'com.bugfender.sdk:android:1.+'

    As I see this method is deprecated.

    opened by manishpatelgt 2
  • it doesn't work...

    it doesn't work...

    I see only bugdender sdk errors... many errors.. like this..

    2018-06-02 14:53:44 +0300 System.err logcat  com.bugfender.sdk.a.a.b.b.c: com.bugfender.sdk.a.a.g.b.a.a: IO Exception: Error status: 500 / Response Message: Internal Server Error / Error Body: {"code":-1100,"message":"kafka server: Message was too large, server rejected it to avoid allocation error.","field":""}
    2018-06-02 14:53:44 +0300 System.err logcat    at com.bugfender.sdk.a.a.b.a.b.a(Unknown Source)
    2018-06-02 14:53:44 +0300 System.err logcat    at com.bugfender.sdk.a.a.g.a.a(Unknown Source)
    2018-06-02 14:53:44 +0300 System.err logcat    at com.bugfender.sdk.a.a.b.a.b.a(Unknown Source)
    2018-06-02 14:53:44 +0300 System.err logcat    ... 7 more
    2018-06-02 14:53:44 +0300 System.err logcat    at com.bugfender.sdk.a.a.j.a.d.d.a(Unknown Source)```
    opened by LSDsl 2
  • Not working in Foreground service after activity is destroyed

    Not working in Foreground service after activity is destroyed

    Hi Bugfender team,

    I have been using Bugfender for a while now & I can confirm that there is an issue related to usage in foreground services in Android.

    Steps :

    1. Include Bugfender sdk in Application class as advised by the document.
    2. Implement a Foreground service (Service with notification) & print random logs continuously .
    3. Put the display to sleep [To make sure the activity is destroyed] .

    Logs will be available in Bugfender console only till the screen was awake i.e when activity was alive. Technically , application is alive as the service is active & Bugfender is supposed to work in services.

    Let me know if any further details is needed, fixing this would enable bugfender to be used in services of apps where user intervention is not available & where bug fender would be really helpful.

    opened by indiandragon 2
  • UIEventLogging conflicting with Twitter fabric sdk

    UIEventLogging conflicting with Twitter fabric sdk

    Hi Bugfender team,


    is conflicting with Twitter fabric sdk and there by causes twitter login to fail. When the UIEventLogging is disabled, the both logcat logging and twitter routines function as expected.

    Logcat trace :

    Authorization completed with an error com.twitter.sdk.android.core.TwitterAuthException: Authorize failed. at com.twitter.sdk.android.core.identity.TwitterAuthClient.handleAuthorize(TwitterAuthClient.java:110) at com.twitter.sdk.android.core.identity.TwitterAuthClient.authorize(TwitterAuthClient.java:101) at com.twitter.sdk.android.core.identity.TwitterLoginButton$LoginClickListener.onClick(TwitterLoginButton.java:161) at com.bugfender.sdk.internal.a.c.d.onClick(Unknown Source) at com.twitter.sdk.android.core.identity.TwitterLoginButton$LoginClickListener.onClick(TwitterLoginButton.java:164) at com.bugfender.sdk.internal.a.c.d.onClick(Unknown Source) at com.twitter.sdk.android.core.identity.TwitterLoginButton$LoginClickListener.onClick(TwitterLoginButton.java:164) at com.bugfender.sdk.internal.a.c.d.onClick(Unknown Source) at com.twitter.sdk.android.core.identity.TwitterLoginButton$LoginClickListener.onClick(TwitterLoginButton.java:164) at com.bugfender.sdk.internal.a.c.d.onClick(Unknown Source) at com.twitter.sdk.android.core.identity.TwitterLoginButton$LoginClickListener.onClick(TwitterLoginButton.java:164) at com.bugfender.sdk.internal.a.c.d.onClick(Unknown Source) at com.twitter.sdk.android.core.identity.TwitterLoginButton$LoginClickListener.onClick(TwitterLoginButton.java:164) at com.bugfender.sdk.internal.a.c.d.onClick(Unknown Source) at com.twitter.sdk.android.core.identity.TwitterLoginButton$LoginClickListener.onClick(TwitterLoginButton.java:164) at com.bugfender.sdk.internal.a.c.d.onClick(Unknown Source) at com.twitter.sdk.android.core.identity.TwitterLoginButton$LoginClickListener.onClick(TwitterLoginButton.java:164) at com.bugfender.sdk.internal.a.c.d.onClick(Unknown Source) at com.twitter.sdk.android.core.identity.TwitterLoginButton$LoginClickListener.onClick(TwitterLoginButton.java:164) at com.bugfender.sdk.internal.a.c.d.onClick(Unknown Source) at com.twitter.sdk.android.core.identity.TwitterLoginButton$LoginClickListener.onClick(TwitterLoginButton.java:164) at com.bugfender.sdk.internal.a.c.d.onClick(Unknown Source) at com.twitter.sdk.android.core.identity.TwitterLoginButton$LoginClickListener.onClick(TwitterLoginButton.java:164) at com.bugfender.sdk.internal.a.c.d.onClick(Unknown Source) at com.twitter.sdk.android.core.identity.TwitterLoginButton$LoginClickListener.onClick(TwitterLoginButton.java:164) at com.bugfender.sdk.internal.a.c.d.onClick(Unknown Source) at com.twitter.sdk.android.core.identity.TwitterLoginButton$LoginClickListener.onClick(TwitterLoginButton.java:164) at com.bugfender.sdk.internal.a.c.d.onClick(Unknown Source) at com.twitter.sdk.android.core.identity.TwitterLoginButton$LoginClickListener.onClick(TwitterLoginButton.java:164) at com.bugfender.sdk.internal.a.c.d.onClick(Unknown Source) at com.twitter.sdk.android.core.identity.TwitterLoginButton$LoginClickListener.onClick(TwitterLoginButton.java:164) at com.bugfender.sdk.internal.a.c.d.onClick(Unknown Source) at com.twitter.sdk.android.core.identity.TwitterLoginButton$LoginClickListener.onClick(TwitterLoginButton.java:164) at com.bugfender.sdk.internal.a.c.d.onClick(Unknown Source) at com.twitter.sdk.android.core.identity.TwitterLoginButton$LoginClickListener.onClick(TwitterLoginButton.java:164) at com.bugfender.sdk.internal.a.c.d.onClick(Unknown Source) at com.twitter.sdk.android.core.identity.TwitterLoginButton$LoginClickListener.onClick(TwitterLoginButton.java:164) at com.bugfender.sdk.internal.a.c.d.onClick(Unknown Source) at com.twitter.sdk.android.core.identity.TwitterLoginButton$LoginClickListener.onClick(TwitterLoginButton.java:164) at com.bugfender.sdk.internal.a.c.d.onClick(Unknown Source) at com.twitter.sdk.android.core.identity.TwitterLoginButton$LoginClickListener.onClick(TwitterLoginButton.java:164) at com.bugfender.sdk.internal.a.c.d.onClick(Unknown Source) at com.twitter.sdk.android.core.identity.TwitterLoginButton$LoginClickListener.onClick(TwitterLoginButton.java:164) at com.bugfender.sdk.internal.a.c.d.onClick(Unknown Source) at com.twitter.sdk 06-25 15:44:53.092 13770-13770/in.timebender.larynxbot E/Twitter: Authorization completed with an error com.twitter.sdk.android.core.TwitterAuthException: Authorize failed. at com.twitter.sdk.android.core.identity.TwitterAuthClient.handleAuthorize(TwitterAuthClient.java:110) at com.twitter.sdk.android.core.identity.TwitterAuthClient.authorize(TwitterAuthClient.java:101) at com.twitter.sdk.android.core.identity.TwitterLoginButton$LoginClickListener.onClick(TwitterLoginButton.java:161) at com.bugfender.sdk.internal.a.c.d.onClick(Unknown Source) at com.twitter.sdk.android.core.identity.TwitterLoginButton$LoginClickListener.onClick(TwitterLoginButton.java:164) at com.bugfender.sdk.internal.a.c.d.onClick(Unknown Source) at com.twitter.sdk.android.core.identity.TwitterLoginButton$LoginClickListener.onClick(TwitterLoginButton.java:164) at com.bugfender.sdk.internal.a.c.d.onClick(Unknown Source) at com.twitter.sdk.android.core.identity.TwitterLoginButton$LoginClickListener.onClick(TwitterLoginButton.java:164) at com.bugfender.sdk.internal.a.c.d.onClick(Unknown Source) at com.twitter.sdk.android.core.identity.TwitterLoginButton$LoginClickListener.onClick(TwitterLoginButton.java:164) at com.bugfender.sdk.internal.a.c.d.onClick(Unknown Source) at com.twitter.sdk.android.core.identity.TwitterLoginButton$LoginClickListener.onClick(TwitterLoginButton.java:164) at com.bugfender.sdk.internal.a.c.d.onClick(Unknown Source) at com.twitter.sdk.android.core.identity.TwitterLoginButton$LoginClickListener.onClick(TwitterLoginButton.java:164) at com.bugfender.sdk.internal.a.c.d.onClick(Unknown Source) at com.twitter.sdk.android.core.identity.TwitterLoginButton$LoginClickListener.onClick(TwitterLoginButton.java:164) at com.bugfender.sdk.internal.a.c.d.onClick(Unknown Source) at com.twitter.sdk.android.core.identity.TwitterLoginButton$LoginClickListener.onClick(TwitterLoginButton.java:164) at com.bugfender.sdk.internal.a.c.d.onClick(Unknown Source) at com.twitter.sdk.android.core.identity.TwitterLoginButton$LoginClickListener.onClick(TwitterLoginButton.java:164) at com.bugfender.sdk.internal.a.c.d.onClick(Unknown Source) at com.twitter.sdk.android.core.identity.TwitterLoginButton$LoginClickListener.onClick(TwitterLoginButton.java:164) at com.bugfender.sdk.internal.a.c.d.onClick(Unknown Source) at com.twitter.sdk.android.core.identity.TwitterLoginButton$LoginClickListener.onClick(TwitterLoginButton.java:164) at com.bugfender.sdk.internal.a.c.d.onClick(Unknown Source) at com.twitter.sdk.android.core.identity.TwitterLoginButton$LoginClickListener.onClick(TwitterLoginButton.java:164) at com.bugfender.sdk.internal.a.c.d.onClick(Unknown Source) at com.twitter.sdk.android.core.identity.TwitterLoginButton$LoginClickListener.onClick(TwitterLoginButton.java:164) at com.bugfender.sdk.internal.a.c.d.onClick(Unknown Source) at com.twitter.sdk.android.core.identity.TwitterLoginButton$LoginClickListener.onClick(TwitterLoginButton.java:164) at com.bugfender.sdk.internal.a.c.d.onClick(Unknown Source) at com.twitter.sdk.android.core.identity.TwitterLoginButton$LoginClickListener.onClick(TwitterLoginButton.java:164) at com.bugfender.sdk.internal.a.c.d.onClick(Unknown Source) at com.twitter.sdk.android.core.identity.TwitterLoginButton$LoginClickListener.onClick(TwitterLoginButton.java:164) at com.bugfender.sdk.internal.a.c.d.onClick(Unknown Source) at com.twitter.sdk.android.core.identity.TwitterLoginButton$LoginClickListener.onClick(TwitterLoginButton.java:164) at com.bugfender.sdk.internal.a.c.d.onClick(Unknown Source) at com.twitter.sdk.android.core.identity.TwitterLoginButton$LoginClickListener.onClick(TwitterLoginButton.java:164) at com.bugfender.sdk.internal.a.c.d.onClick(Unknown Source) at com.twitter.sdk.android.core.identity.TwitterLoginButton$LoginClickListener.onClick(TwitterLoginButton.java:164) at com.bugfender.sdk.internal.a.c.d.onClick(Unknown Source) at com.twitter.sdk.android.core.identity.TwitterLoginButton$LoginClickListener.onClick(TwitterLoginButton.java:164) at com.bugfender.sdk.internal.a.c.d.onClick(Unknown Source) at com.twitter.sdk

    opened by indiandragon 2
  • Android logs/crashes not appearing.

    Android logs/crashes not appearing.

    Hello, I assume I'm using the latest version, my gradle entry is this.. compile 'com.bugfender.sdk:android:1.+'

    I was expecting that when someone has a crash then that would be logged, with a crash report. (I have all devices disabled, but thought crashes logged nevertheless) Unfortunately I',, not getting anything.

    Cheers, Mark

    opened by marksheekey 1
  • Feature/add upload mapping plugin

    Feature/add upload mapping plugin

    • Update sample app dependencies & gradle plugin
    • Add upload-mapping gradle plugin to sample app
    • Update README.md with info about gradle-mapping-upload plugin

    This PR should not be merged until Bugfender backend is updated to support the plugin.

    opened by franmontiel 0
  • Update readme

    Update readme

    Installation instructions needs to be updated to conform with new versions of Android Studio/Gradle Plugin. 'compile' is no longer valid. Also, using '+' in the version number is bad practice.

    opened by smithaaron 0
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