A Basic CRUD compose app with kotlin

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Jetpack Compose egym


A basic Jetpack Compose CRUD app, developed just for study the technology, where is possible browse exercises, see their details and create training plans (the feature of start a training isn's developed yet) to keep in shape for the summer, or for some else purpose.


This app implements the following technologies to be able to run as proposed:

  • Retrofit
    • Loads the exercise catalog from a private webservice.
  • Firebase
    • Read, write and update the training plans as well as perform the user authentication with a google account.
  • Jetpack Compose
    • To render the views
  • Dagger Hilt
    • Builds the features dependency graph
  • Google Accompanist
    • Draws some UI components and controls some Android Window Insets
  • Node JS with Exepress
    • Helper api http/https server (just for fetch the exercises yet)
  • Docker
    • Just to deploy the http/https server


To performs the proposed functions the app was implemented using the MVVM, use-cases and Repository patterns.


  • Retrofit
    • Set the exercises fetching server's url in the /core/build.gradle.kt file, at the HELPER_API_URL build config field variable.
    • Create a file called api-keys.properties into the root app's path with a value key1=[server-key], where server-key is your server private key.
  • Firebase
    • Place the firebase json config file, with auth and firestore permission scopes on it, in the /app/src/[debug/release] path.
  • NodeJs JS with Exepress
    • As the helper api server is a private server, place the keys of it in the /functions/oracle-cloud/api/api-keys.json file. The required format is an array of strings. See the /functions/oracle-cloud/api/index.js file for more details.
    • Place the firebase json config file, with firestore permission scope on it, in the /functions/oracle-cloud/api/e-gym.json file.
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