Fast Record,Organize,and Share. The android memo app you will deeply love. ❤

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Animations EverMemo

EverMemoBuild Status

The simplest memo app.


  The simplest way to take notes and memos on your phone. EverMemo enables quick note creation by creating a new note each time you open the app. It also syncs with Evernote, placing all of your mobile notes in their own folder inside Evernote, ensuring you never lose your notes again.

Desgined By Plidezus in Shanghai , Coded by Me in Beijing.

Android    Android


How to build?

Step1: run ./gradlew clean build in root directory.

if you meet some problems when build this project, please feel free to contact me or set up an issue. I'm very glad to receive from you. : )

About me

A student in Beijing Normal University,be crazy about CS, and just want to make a good app.

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    Hi there!

    I've downloaded the src code zip.And I already install the gradle and set the environment variables .Gradle needs sdk build-tools and support-library to compile.. At last,it seems that I succeed.Just like the snap below: image And now,in the root directory.A build directory is created. image

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