Use Flink's Stateful Functions as a control-plane technology for operating a streaming-platform



Use 🌰 Flink Stateful Functions as a control-plane technology for operating a streaming-platform based on Apache Kafka.


  • Ensure Protobuf and kafka-python is installed: pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  • Run docker-compose up --detach to start the infrastructure
  • Run gradle run to start the embedded Stateful Functions application

To follow the events egress, open a new terminal in the same directory and run: python3 ./ events

To follow the snapshots egress, open a new terminal in the same directory and run: python3 ./ snapshots

Open a new terminal in the same directory, then:

  • To add a topic, run python3 ./ add-topic hello-stream
  • To add a user, run python3 ./ add-user wandering-squirrel
  • To add a credential, run python3 ./ add-credential wandering-squirrel 5m

Your new credential will expire in 5 minutes. However, a user can have multiple credentials.

Using your new credential, list topics, produce, and consume from Kafka using kafkacat:

  • To list topics, run kafkacat -b localhost:9092 -X security.protocol=SASL_PLAINTEXT -X sasl.mechanism=SCRAM-SHA-256 -X sasl.username=<credential identifier> -X sasl.password=statefun -L
  • To produce to a topic, run echo "hello" | kafkacat -b localhost:9092 -X security.protocol=SASL_PLAINTEXT -X sasl.mechanism=SCRAM-SHA-256 -X sasl.username=<credential identifier> -X sasl.password=statefun -P -t hello-stream
  • To consume from a topic, run kafkacat -b localhost:9092 -X security.protocol=SASL_PLAINTEXT -X sasl.mechanism=SCRAM-SHA-256 -X sasl.username=<credential identifier> -X sasl.password=statefun -C -t hello-stream -o beginning -e

To cleanup, remove your credentials, users, and topics.

  • To revoke a credential, run python3 ./ revoke-credential <credential identifier>
  • To remove a user, run python3 ./ remove-user wandering-squirrel
  • To remove a topic, run python3 ./ remove-topic hello-stream
  • Finally, stop the infrastructure: docker-compose down
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