Highligth specific points of interest of your app

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UI/UX ShowTipsView


ShowTipsView let you highligth specific points of interest of your app.


ShowTipsView showtips = new ShowTipsBuilder(this)
	.setTitle("A magnific button")
	.setDescription("This button do nothing so good")


setButtonText(String text)

setTitleColor(int color)
setDescriptionColor(int color)
setBackgroundColor(int color)
setBackgroundAlpha(int alpha)
setCircleColor(int color)
setCloseButtonColor(int color)

setButtonBackground(Drawable drawable)

By default the circle will adjust to the passed view, if you want a custom radius and position use:

setTarget(View v, int x, int y, int radius)

There is a listener for the "Got it" button. You can use it for example to create consecutive tips, just set the callback and create a new ShowTip, like this:

showtips.setCallback(new ShowTipsInterface(){
    public void gotItClicked() {
    //Lunch new showtip

To only display the tip one time just call displayOneTime(int showtipId) on the Builder.

showtipId is a unique id for that tip.

Android Arsenal

##Download Gradle:

compile 'net.fredericosilva:showTipsView:1.0.4'


Copyright (c) 2014 Frederico Silva

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0

  • Compatibility With SherlockActionBar

    Compatibility With SherlockActionBar

    Can we use this Showcase with ABS?? And can u provide code that has Backward Compatibility to API 8 or API 10 bcoz I do require in older model also... Expecting +ve response..!! And thanx for sharing the code..

    opened by patelakshay13890 7
  • BackgroundColor with alpha / transparency

    BackgroundColor with alpha / transparency


    is there a way to make the backgroundColor() work with opacity ? I tried this on the ShowTipsView


    but the background is still fully opaque. I am doing it wrong ?

    Thanks by advance. Adrian

    opened by fakir22 3
  • Removed all variable allocation inside the OnDraw

    Removed all variable allocation inside the OnDraw

    Removed all variable allocation inside the OnDraw to prevent the DrawAllocation issue on low memory devices as described in this link http://tools.android.com/recent/lintperformancechecks.

    opened by htcardone 0
  • NullPointerException at net.frederico.showtipsview.ShowTipsView$2.run(ShowTipsView.java:150)

    NullPointerException at net.frederico.showtipsview.ShowTipsView$2.run(ShowTipsView.java:150)


    The code below works fine until data is cleared from shared preferences from settings/app folder.

    Code is shown below and is executed in a fragment .: /** showtips = new ShowTipsBuilder(getActivity()) .setTarget(spinnerArrow) .setTitle("Select Connection Type to display dataLimit") .setDescription("Displays Data/Time graph for chosen connection type") .setDelay(800) .build() ; showtips.setDisplayOneTimeID(1); showtips.setDisplayOneTime(true); showtips.show(getActivity());

        showtips.setCallback(new ShowTipsViewInterface(){
            public void gotItClicked() {
               //Lunch new showtip
                showSettingstips = new ShowTipsBuilder(getActivity())
                .setTitle("Set Settings")
                .setDescription("Choose connection type")


    11-28 15:39:03.556: E/AndroidRuntime(26772): FATAL EXCEPTION: main 11-28 15:39:03.556: E/AndroidRuntime(26772): java.lang.NullPointerException 11-28 15:39:03.556: E/AndroidRuntime(26772): at net.frederico.showtipsview.ShowTipsView$2.run(ShowTipsView.java:150) 11-28 15:39:03.556: E/AndroidRuntime(26772): at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:730) 11-28 15:39:03.556: E/AndroidRuntime(26772): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:92) 11-28 15:39:03.556: E/AndroidRuntime(26772): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:176) 11-28 15:39:03.556: E/AndroidRuntime(26772): at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5419) 11-28 15:39:03.556: E/AndroidRuntime(26772): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method) 11-28 15:39:03.556: E/AndroidRuntime(26772): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:525) 11-28 15:39:03.556: E/AndroidRuntime(26772): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:1046) 11-28 15:39:03.556: E/AndroidRuntime(26772): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:862) 11-28 15:39:03.556: E/AndroidRuntime(26772): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)

    opened by vyshas 0
  • setCallback Consecutively for third time

    setCallback Consecutively for third time


    It would be great if you could provide a sample where how to set callbacks if you want to show hints for more than three targets in a layout. I'm having an issue when I tried to call the third time. For Ex:

    ShowTipsView showSettingstips,showtips;

    showtips = new ShowTipsBuilder(getActivity()) .setTarget(spinnerArrow) .setTitle("Showtips1") .setDescription("ShowTips1") .setDelay(800) .build() ; showtips.show(getActivity()); showtips.setCallback(new ShowTipsViewInterface(){ @Override public void gotItClicked() { //Lunch new showtip showSettingstips = new ShowTipsBuilder(getActivity()) .setTarget(mSettings) .setTitle("showtips2") .setDescription("showtips2") .setDelay(800) .build();
    showSettingstips.show(getActivity()); /********how do i put callback for showSettingtips???? ***/
    } }); I want to show a third hint once the "showSettingstips's got it button is clicked .How do i enable a callback for showSettingstips ??????

    opened by vyshas 0
  • Fix broken headings in Markdown files

    Fix broken headings in Markdown files

    GitHub changed the way Markdown headings are parsed, so this change fixes it.

    See bryant1410/readmesfix for more information.

    Tackles bryant1410/readmesfix#1

    opened by bryant1410 0
  • setTitleColor and setCircleColor bring to unpredictable results

    setTitleColor and setCircleColor bring to unpredictable results

    Hello, I noticed that when I set titleColor and circleColor I get strange results.

    This is what I get without specifying any color:

        ShowTipsView showtips = new ShowTipsBuilder(MyActivity.this)
                .setTitle("Completamento automatico dei nomi")
                .setDescription("Selezionando la casella \"Salva i nomi dei passeggeri\" i nominativi verranno salvati per le prossime prenotazioni")
                .setButtonBackground(ContextCompat.getDrawable(getApplicationContext(), R.color.LightGrey))


    If I specify a circleColor and a titleColor I'd expect to see them applied. Actually, it seems to revert back to some default.

        ShowTipsView showtips = new ShowTipsBuilder(MyActivity)
                .setTitle("Completamento automatico dei nomi")
                .setDescription("Selezionando la casella \"Salva i nomi dei passeggeri\" i nominativi verranno salvati per le prossime prenotazioni")
                .setButtonBackground(ContextCompat.getDrawable(getApplicationContext(), R.color.LightGrey))


    This happens as well if I apply some default color as R.color.common_plus_signin_btn_text_light instead of R.color.hc_red, which is customized.

    opened by MarKco 1
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