Air Native Extension (iOS and Android) for the Facebook mobile SDK

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SDK ANE-Facebook

Air Native Extension for Facebook (iOS + Android)

This is an AIR Native Extension for the Facebook SDK on iOS and Android. It has been developed by FreshPlanet and is used in the game SongPop 2.

Facebook SDK Versions

  • iOS: 4.19.0
  • Android: 4.19.0


The ANE binary (AirFacebook.ane) is located in the bin folder. You should add it to your application project's Build Path and make sure to package it with your app (more information here). See it within our sample project's app descriptor here.



Be sure to follow steps 1 and 4 of the Getting Started with the Facebook SDK for iOS guide.

Check out the sample project here for app descriptor inclusions.


You will need to add the following activities and permission in your application descriptor:

        <manifest android:installLocation="auto">
            <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
                <meta-data android:name="com.facebook.sdk.ApplicationId" 

                <activity android:name="com.facebook.FacebookActivity" 
                          android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar" android:configChanges="keyboard|keyboardHidden|screenLayout|screenSize|orientation" android:label="{YOUR_FB_APPLICATION_NAME}" />

                <activity android:name="com.freshplanet.ane.AirFacebook.LoginActivity" 
                          android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar" android:configChanges="keyboard|keyboardHidden|screenLayout|screenSize|orientation" />

                <!-- If you're sharing links, images or video via the Facebook for Android app, you also need to declarthe   FacebookContentProvider in the manifest. -->
                <provider android:authorities="{YOUR_FB_APPLICATION_ID}" 

You can check out our example of this in our sample project here.

NOTE: It is important to prefix YOUR_FB_APP_ID with "fb" in <meta-data> (and ONLY in <meta-data>) tag, because obug in Android manifest file ( SDK code in this ANE was modified to recognize FB_APP_ID prefixed with "fb".

Using the ANE

Once installed you can initialize the ANE...

Facebook.instance.init("0123456789", _initCallback);

and it will be ready to go! Check out our sample code to aid you.

Build from source

Should you need to edit the extension source code and/or recompile it, you will find an ant build script (build.xml) in the build folder:

cd /path/to/the/ane

# Setup build configuration
cd build
mv build.config
# Edit build.config file to provide your machine-specific paths

# Build the ANE


This ANE has been written by Thibaut Crenn, Alexis Taugeron, Renaud Bardet, and Adam Schlesinger. Rewrites and modifications to version SDK 4.x were made by Ján Horváth.

  • Can't connect with Android devices

    Can't connect with Android devices


    I'm trying to connect on a few Android devices and I'm not able to connect to facebook. When turning on the log, I get:

    [Facebook] INFO - InitFunction, session={Session state:CREATED, token:{AccessToken token:ACCESS_TOKEN_REMOVED permissions:[]}, appId:570287986354141}

    My as3 code: _facebookConnect = Facebook.getInstance(); _facebookConnect.logEnabled = true; _facebookConnect.init(ConfigManager.getConstant("facebook-id")); _facebookConnect.openSessionWithReadPermissions(["read_stream", "email"], _onSessionOpened);

    private function _onSessionOpened(success:Boolean, userCancelled:Boolean, error:String = null) : void { trace(this, "_onSessionOpened", success, userCancelled, error); }

    I've created the facebook app following the guidelines found on :


    I've set the manifestAdditions in the application-descriptor.xml as described in the documentation.

    Is there something I forgot?

    BTW: the ANE works perfectly on iOS.

    opened by cordechasse 32
  • {AppName} has been making recent API calls to Graph API v2.0

    {AppName} has been making recent API calls to Graph API v2.0

    Hi, i got that email from facebook:

    "{AppName} has been making recent API calls to Graph API v2.0, which will reach the end of the 2-year deprecation window on Monday, August 8, 2016. Please migrate all calls to v2.1 or higher in order to avoid potential broken experiences."

    Does anyone know how to migrate all calls to v2.1 or higher?

    Thank you!

    opened by yokoboko 29
  • Android

    Android "Unfortunately, [app_name] has stopped"

    When I am trying to fb login this message appears: "Unfortunately, [app_name] has stopped". Latest ANE ver. Please help me to solve this problem. Thank you!

    My manifest:

                    <!-- Only this application can receive the messages and registration result -->
                    <permission android:name="air.[app_name].permission.C2D_MESSAGE" android:protectionLevel="signature" />
                    <uses-permission android:name="air.[app_name].permission.C2D_MESSAGE" />
                    <!-- This app has permission to register and receive message -->
                    <uses-permission android:name="" />
                        <activity android:name="com.freshplanet.nativeExtensions.NotificationActivity" android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar.Fullscreen" />
                        <receiver android:name="com.freshplanet.nativeExtensions.C2DMBroadcastReceiver"
                            <!-- Receive the actual message -->
                                <action android:name="" />
                                <category android:name="[app_name]" />
                            <!-- Receive the registration id -->
                                <action android:name="" />
                                <category android:name="[app_name]" />
                        !-- Local notification -->
                        <service android:name="com.freshplanet.nativeExtensions.LocalNotificationService"/>
                        <receiver android:name="com.freshplanet.nativeExtensions.LocalBroadcastReceiver" android:process=":remote"></receiver>
                        <activity android:name="com.facebook.LoginActivity"/>
                        <activity android:name="com.freshplanet.ane.AirFacebook.LoginActivity" android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar"></activity>
                        <activity android:name="com.freshplanet.ane.AirFacebook.ShareDialogActivity" android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar"></activity>
                        <activity android:name="com.freshplanet.ane.AirFacebook.ShareOGActivity" android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar"></activity>
                        <activity android:name="com.freshplanet.ane.AirFacebook.WebDialogActivity" android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar"></activity>
                        <activity android:name="com.freshplanet.inapppurchase.activities.BillingActivity" android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar.Fullscreen"></activity>
    opened by YeeshaYe 20
  • Ane-Facebook Working Example (Read/Publish)

    Ane-Facebook Working Example (Read/Publish)


    After the last commit from our friend @ataugeron I make a new example to help you when you are going to use the ANE-Facebook from freshplanet

    Download the example from the git:


    opened by messi89 20
  • Everything fine until SSO

    Everything fine until SSO

    Hi again,

    Everything was working fine today. I finally was able to log into facebook, do the authentication etc. We were testing and all was great until we hit a phone who had SSO. A phone who has facebook app already installed, and a facebook account already created. It loads up the login screen, then it jumps to the "app wants to get your info", and then "success = false, usercancelled=true, error = null".

    I think issue #88 was the same problem.

    I thaught, hey maybe it will work if I delete the facebook account, and the log back in. So i did that, and after the login page, a facebook page poped up, it loaded something and tried syncing stuff, and in the end the same result. "success = false, usercancelled=true, error = null".

    Any idea? What can i do for a workaround? We did this on a galaxy s3, and on a motorolad droidx. Same errors.

    opened by kerike 20
  • Login issue

    Login issue

    I've written several applications in andoid using this ane and everything was working fine. I had some complaints about facebook login not working, but there were a very small number, and I didn't take them into consideration.

    Well last week we bought a new phone, a Samsung Galaxy s3 with android 4.3.3. I have a Samsung Galaxy s3 also, on which I've tested all my apps. Android version 4.3.

    When I try to login on the new phone, the login process does not finish. What I am seeing is that it tries to login over and over again. I've deleted the facebook app and tried to login without SSO, and the same result: the login page pops back up and says you have to be logged in. I type in my email and pass, login and the same page pops back up.

    The same app works fine on my phone, my coworkers phone and my bosses tablet.

    What could be the problem? Can anyone give me an idea where to look for problems?

    I've tried building the app with air 3.9 and 4.0, no clue. I've downloaded the songpop app, and it works on all devices. The OverGen tutorial doesn't work on the new phone only on the old one.


    opened by kerike 13
  • App Crash on Android Login

    App Crash on Android Login

    Hello, Many thanks for the ANE! It works fine on iPad running iOS6.

    However, when I try to openSession on iPad running iOS5 or on an Android device, the app crashes without any log. This happens either with or without the facebook app installed on the device.

    Here is my code:

    private var facebook :Facebook;
    facebook = Facebook.getInstance();
    facebook.logEnabled = true;
    var permissions:Array = ["publish_stream", "user_photos", "user_about_me"];
    facebook.openSessionWithPublishPermissions(permissions, myCallback);

    Any help would be appreciated! Thanks

    opened by ghost 11
  • iOS6 permissions request returning userCancelled as true

    iOS6 permissions request returning userCancelled as true

    The ANE is working great on iOS7. I borrowed a coworkers iPhone 4 with iOS 6.1.3.

    When performing the openSessionWithPublishPermissions call, the callback receives userCancelled as true, even though I am clicking "Okay". The Don't Allow option is properly setting the APPLICATION_TURNED_OFF error.

    Is this a known issue? Is there a way to force webview authentication as a quickfix? I already have a SystemProperties ANE which allows me to detect the iOS version.

    opened by eric-holmes 9
  • Crash Project Connect Facebook

    Crash Project Connect Facebook

    I make 1 project connect facebook use ANE-Facebook. But bug :

    //Output when run test project Facebook.isSupported : true [Facebook] INFO - InitFunction, appID=220662714755911 [Facebook] INFO - InitFunction, session={Session state:CREATED, token:{AccessToken token:ACCESS_TOKEN_REMOVED permissions:[]}, appId:220662714755911} [Facebook] INFO - IsSessionOpenedFunction [Facebook] INFO - IsSessionOpenedFunction, AirFacebookExtensionContext=com.freshplanet.ane.AirFacebook.AirFacebookExtensionContext@40670e48 [Facebook] INFO - IsSessionOpenedFunction: session.isOpened false [Facebook] INFO - LoginActivity.onCreate [Facebook] INFO - LoginActivity.onCreate, session.isClosed false, state CREATED

    //Output screen mobile Error : Sorry! The application Test(process air.air.Test) has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again.

    Pls help me!

    opened by anhtran1989 9
  • Crash on iOS 5.1.1

    Crash on iOS 5.1.1

    Crash on iOS 5.1.1 but iOS 6.1.1 is OK. The errors: Jun 5 12:19:25 unknown UIKitApplication:ANEFacebook[0x73cd][581] : Facebook.isSupported true Jun 5 12:19:26 unknown ANEFacebook[581] : [AirFacebook] Trying to open session with readAndPublish permissions: ( ) Jun 5 12:19:26 unknown ANEFacebook[581] : -[__NSCFDictionary setObject:forKeyedSubscript:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x983ee0 Jun 5 12:19:26 unknown ANEFacebook[581] : *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[__NSCFDictionary setObject:forKeyedSubscript:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x983ee0' *** First throw call stack: (0x358f588f 0x33519259 0x358f8a9b 0x358f7915 0x35852650 0x68db11 0x68d9fd 0x68cc51 0x67e211 0x4d983c 0x35c3c8 0x61e367 0x61d9b5 0x61dd23 0x61dabf 0x61cc93 0x5e6d23 0x61d67d 0x61cc93 0x5e6d23 0x61d67d 0x61d46b 0x61cc93 0x5e6d23 0x61d67d 0x61d46b 0x61cc93 0x5e6d23 0x61d709 0x61d46b 0x61dddb 0x61e02f 0x5e6651 0x5c11af 0x61e367 0x61d9b5 0x61dcfb 0x61dabf 0x61d46b 0x61cc93 0x5e6d23 0x61d67d 0x61d46b 0x5eeb33 0x5e6745 0x61c6cb 0x2dba18 0x2db27c 0x2db084 0x2de014 0x3e3e98 0x34f260 0x61e367 0x61d9b5 0x61dd23 0x61dabf 0x61d46b 0x61cc93 0x5e6d23 0x61d709 0x61d46b 0x5eeb33 0x5e6745 0x61c6cb 0x3e3a48 0x3e39cc 0x23c9cc 0x23d05c 0x238c20 0x23d0c8 0x1d15e0 0x1d2010 0x10954c 0x10a258 0x2b96fc 0x32a6e86f 0x32a6e7c5 0x36b3a001 0x3579560d 0x358bef13 0x358c9523 0x358c94c5 0x358c8313 0x3584b4a5 0x3584b36d 0x335e6439 0x33023cd5 0x1faef0 0x67d17c) Jun 5 12:19:26 unknown UIKitApplication:ANEFacebook[0x73cd][581] : terminate called throwing an exception Jun 5 12:19:26 unknown ReportCrash[583] : Formulating crash report for process ANEFacebook[581]

    opened by ColerYu 9
  • Android Auth Dialog returns to black screen

    Android Auth Dialog returns to black screen

    When I integrate the latest ANE in my Android AIR app, then I try the Login function:

    facebook.openSessionWithReadPermissions( permsArray, onLoginComplete );

    the the auth dialog returns to a black screen, are you getting the same issue?

    opened by sscholle 9
  • Error occurred while packaging the application:

    Error occurred while packaging the application:

    I got the following error:

    aapt tool failed:C:\Users\torora\AppData\Local\Temp\0a4ace11-898a-4498-8467-2b361d0803c8\AirFacebook-facebook-common-res\values\values.xml:71: error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name '@style/Theme.AppCompat.NoActionBar'.

    C:\Users\torora\AppData\Local\Temp\0a4ace11-898a-4498-8467-2b361d0803c8\AirFacebook-facebook-common-res\values\values.xml:76: error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name '@style/Theme.AppCompat.Dialog'.

    I tried the following solutions, but no success:

    • Added ANEs of AppCompatV7 and CardViewV7 from Distriqt, the APK was packaged successfully but it does not work on the device.
    • I used @CaptainHug branch: it works well for 32Bits. Unfortunately, it's not updated to support 64Bits.

    Could you help please?

    opened by goodamr 2
  • Export Build Error

    Export Build Error

    aapt tool failed:/private/var/folders/3m/lw5f925j18v6d1w5yc6d27sw0000gn/T/d87b10b5-f499-4ef1-9a93-bc849f2c237b/AirFacebook-facebook-common-res/values/values.xml:71: error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name '@style/Theme.AppCompat.NoActionBar'.

    /private/var/folders/3m/lw5f925j18v6d1w5yc6d27sw0000gn/T/d87b10b5-f499-4ef1-9a93-bc849f2c237b/AirFacebook-facebook-common-res/values/values.xml:76: error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name '@style/Theme.AppCompat.Dialog'.

    opened by kantar35 1
  • ANE Does not work on Android

    ANE Does not work on Android

    On iOS, everything works, but it does not work on Android. Compilation occurs without errors, but after running on the android, the feeling that it does not even understand that this is Facebook tested on xiaomi mi 9, honor 20 and honor 10

    Still need to upgrade to Facebook sdk v5 +

    opened by drGippo 0
  • Error #1069: Property value not found on String and there is no default value.

    Error #1069: Property value not found on String and there is no default value.


    I tried the ANE with the sample project and got this error when trying to test the logEvent. This is the only feature that I need, and I don't get the error. I didn't change a single line on the test project, but maybe I didn't fill up the facebook page accordingly. For the record, the issue happens on the second line:

    var event:FBEvent = FBEvent.create_ACTIVATED_APP();

    Thanks a lot for your help!

    opened by yvant 0
  • IOS compiling error: ld: library not found for -lclang_rt.ios

    IOS compiling error: ld: library not found for -lclang_rt.ios

    When i try compile, using FlashBuilder4.7 on Windows10, rise following error

    Error occurred while packaging the application:

    ld: library not found for -lclang_rt.ios ld: library not found for -lclang_rt.ios Compilation failed while executing : ld64

    current: AIR SDK 30

    opened by mideon 1
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