Encrypted overlay filesystems implementation for Android.



DroidFS is an alternative way to use encrypted overlay filesystems on Android that uses its own internal file explorer instead of mounting virtual volumes. It currently only works with gocryptfs but support for CryFS could be added in the future.


DroidFS is provided "as is", without any warranty of any kind. It shouldn't be considered as an absolute safe way to store files. DroidFS cannot protect you from screen recording apps, keyloggers, apk backdooring, compromised root accesses, memory dumps etc. Do not use this app with volumes containing sensitive data unless you know exactly what you are doing.

Unsafe features

DroidFS allows you to enable/disable unsafe features to fit your needs between security and comfort. It is strongly recommended to read the documentation of a feature before enabling it.

  • Allow screenshots:

    Disable the secure flag of DroidFS activities. This will allow you to take screenshots from the app, but will also allow other apps to record the screen while using DroidFS. Note: apps with root access don't care about this flag: they can take screenshots or record the screen of any app without any permissions.
  • Allow opening files with other applications *:

    Decrypt and open file using external apps. These apps could save and send the files thus opened.
  • Allow exporting files:

    Decrypt and write file to disk (external storage). Any app with storage permissions could access exported files.
  • Allow sharing files via the android share menu *:

    Decrypt and share file with other apps. These apps could save and send the files thus shared.
  • Keep volume open when the app goes in background:

    Don't close the volume when you leave the app but keep running it in the background. Anyone going back to the activity could have access to the volume.
  • Allow saving password hash using fingerprint:

    Generate an AES-256 GCM key in the Android Keystore (protected by fingerprint authentication), then use it to encrypt the volume password hash and store it to the DroidFS internal storage. This require Android v6.0+. If your device is not encrypted, extracting the encryption key with physical access may be possible.
* Features requiring temporary writing of the plain file to disk (DroidFS internal storage). This file could be read by apps with root access or by physical access if your device is not encrypted.


You can download DroidFS from F-Droid or from the "Releases" section in the repo.

APKs availables here are signed with my PGP key available on keyservers:

gpg --keyserver hkp://pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-keys 007F84120107191E
Fingerprint: BD5621479E7B74D36A405BE8007F84120107191E
Email: Hardcore Sushi <hardcore.sushi@disroot.org>

To verify APKs, save the PGP-signed message to a file and run gpg --verify <the file>. Don't install any APK if the verification fails !

If the signature is valid, you can compare the SHA256 checksums with:

sha256sum <APK file>

Don't install the APK if the checksums don't match!

F-Droid APKs should be signed with the F-Droid key. More details here.


DroidFS need some permissions to work properly. Here is why:

  • Read & write access to shared storage:

    Required for creating, opening and modifying volumes and for importing/exporting files to/from volumes.
  • Biometric/Fingerprint hardware:

    Required to encrypt/decrypt password hashes using a fingerprint protected key.
  • Camera:

    Needed to take photos & videos directly encrypted inside DroidFS. You can deny this permission if you don't want to use it.
  • Record audio:

    Required if you want sound on video recorded with DroidFS.


DroidFS use some parts of the original gocryptfs code, which is designed to run on Linux x86 systems: it accesses the underlying file system with file paths and syscalls. However in Android, you can't access other apps files with file paths. Instead, you must use the ContentProvider API. And obviously, the original gocryptfs code doesn't work with this API. This is why DroidFS can't open volumes provided by other applications, such as cloud storage clients. You can only use DroidFS with volumes located on shared storage or in the app's internal storage (hidden volumes). External storage such as SD cards are only supported in read-only access for now.


Most of the original gocryptfs code was used as is (written in Go) and compiled to native code. That's why you need Go and the Android Native Development Kit (NDK) to build DroidFS from source.

Install Requirements

  • Android Studio
  • Android NDK and CMake (OpenSSL build fails with NDK versions higher than v22. It should pass with NDK v21.4.7075529 and lower)
  • Go (on debian: $ sudo apt-get install golang-go)

Download Sources

$ git clone https://github.com/hardcore-sushi/DroidFS.git

Download libgocryptfs:

$ cd DroidFS
$ git submodule update --init

libgocryptfs needs OpenSSL:

$ cd app/libgocryptfs
$ wget https://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-1.1.1m.tar.gz

Verify OpenSSL signature:

$ wget https://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-1.1.1m.tar.gz.asc
$ gpg --verify openssl-1.1.1m.tar.gz.asc openssl-1.1.1m.tar.gz

Continue ONLY if the signature is VALID.

$ tar -xvzf openssl-1.1.1m.tar.gz

DroidFS also need FFmpeg to record encrypted video:

$ cd app/ffmpeg
$ git clone --depth=1 https://git.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.git


First, we need to install some dependencies:

$ sudo apt-get install libcrypto++-dev libssl-dev pkg-config

And also Go dependencies:

$ go get golang.org/x/sys/unix golang.org/x/sys/cpu golang.org/x/crypto/hkdf github.com/jacobsa/crypto/siv github.com/rfjakob/eme

Then, retrieve your Android NDK installation path, usually someting like "/home/<user>/Android/SDK/ndk/<NDK version>". We can now build libgocryptfs:

$ cd DroidFS/app/libgocryptfs
$ env ANDROID_NDK_HOME="<your ndk path>" OPENSSL_PATH="./openssl-1.1.1m" ./build.sh

And also FFmpeg:

$ cd app/ffmpeg
$ env ANDROID_NDK_HOME="<your ndk path>" ./build.sh ffmpeg

Then, open the DroidFS project with Android Studio.
If a device (virtual or physical) is connected, just click on "Run".
If you want to generate a signed APK, you can follow this post.

Third party code

Thanks to these open source projects that DroidFS uses:

Modified code:


  • move the open container button

    move the open container button

    after entering the password, you need to click on the open button, but the button is closed by part of the keyboard. I ask you to move the button above so that it is convenient to press open


    opened by OmlineEditor 22
  • [Feature] Allow mounting volumes with root

    [Feature] Allow mounting volumes with root

    A significant improvement would be to allow DroidFS to mount volumes under specified directories, such as /mnt/media_rw or in /storage using root permissions or a Magisk module.

    opened by Atrate 18
  • more beautiful and clear camera buttons

    more beautiful and clear camera buttons

    I ask you to change the buttons for a more convenient and better perception

    the picture shows the buttons from the program Open Camera: https://f-droid.org/ru/packages/net.sourceforge.opencamera/


    opened by OmlineEditor 17
  • Rename option does not work on android 5.1.1 (lollipop)

    Rename option does not work on android 5.1.1 (lollipop)

    Hello, So I created a volume in the Android/data/sushi.hardcore.droidfs directory on the sd card. The problem is that whenever I try to rename anything, a file or a folder it always shows "Error Failed to rename file/folder". The same thing happens to volumes created inside the internal storage too. This happens in a device running android 5.1.1. I tested the app on another device running android 11, this does not occur on that in either locations. The version I am using is the latest v1.7.0, downloaded from github releases.

    opened by spectrumgamer75 17
  • Freezes when opening large volume

    Freezes when opening large volume

    I have a Gocryptfs volume containing over 22,000 files, total size 2.6 GiB. There are a dozen top level directories, and most of the files are about three or four directories deep.

    When I open that volume in DroidFS, the app freezes in the browser page. It just shows "Location: /" and "N//A" in the top bar and becomes unresponsive. If I wait until the phone blanks its screen, then when I reawaken it, DroidFS has ceased trying to open the volume, and has returned to the home page with the three buttons, and is responsive again.

    I enabled the "Keep volume open when the app goes in background" unsafe feature and tried again. About 9 minutes after opening the volume, DroidFS populated the file browser with all the top level directories in the volume, and I could then successfully navigate the folders and view files. However, this only happened twice. On four other attempts, DroidFS remained frozen on a blank page for up to 30 minutes before I used "Force stop" on the app.

    Once the volume was successfully open, there was a delay to close it as well. After pressing OK on the "Warning! Are you sure...?" pop-over dialog, DroidFS froze for about 30 seconds with the dialog still visible, then returned to its home page.

    Opening and closing a small Gocryptfs volume that contains about a dozen files works fine, with no freezes or delays.

    opened by quixotique 15
  • Add some feature to video player

    Add some feature to video player

    Hello, I noticed forward button of exoplayer was removed in recent releases, so I added simple gesture support to the player, for fast forward/backward. hope you like it.

    Change list:

    1. gesture support
    2. add a rotate button for fast screen orientation toggle
    3. WindowInsetsController does not work perfectly on some devices or customized ROMs, use deprecated window.decorView.systemUiVisibility on these devices instead. this option is default to false in preferences.
    opened by hanghang 11
  • [Feature Request] opening containers using face recognition

    [Feature Request] opening containers using face recognition

    I have a Hawaii y5 2018 it supports face recognition but it doesn't have a fingerprint sensor it would be great if i could save the password hash using my face instead of having to type the password every time, if I'm in a hurry it wouldn't be possible, i tried using the numeric keypad it's fast but I don't feel comfortable creating a container with numbers only, it may weaken the encryption.

    opened by creeper451 8
  • DroidFS crashes while opening large subfolder after successful decryption of the root folder.

    DroidFS crashes while opening large subfolder after successful decryption of the root folder.

    DroidFS 1.10.1 OS Android 7.1.1. on Oukitel WP5000

    I can successfully open a folder that was encrypted by gocryptfs v. 2.2.1. And i can see the files in the all subfolders except the one that contain large amount of files (2300 files with a total size of 6 Gb). The DroidFS crashes when i try to open that directory. i tried to disable thumbnails and FoldersMap but that did not help. All experimental functions also disabled.

    opened by erydit 7
  • Large images look pixelated

    Large images look pixelated

    OS: Android 11 Device: OnePlus 6 Platform: ARM64 DroidFS version: 1.7.2

    Hi, it's me, the friendly neighbourhood big images guy. Anyway, i've got a new problem. Every image ≥ 5MB (not just PNGs) looks pixelated when i try to view it. Now, i'm not a developer by any stretch of imagination, but i tried building DroidFs without this commit: https://github.com/hardcore-sushi/DroidFS/commit/bd4c935c4c3919e119955ba120ac259ff5c77f48 And this: https://github.com/hardcore-sushi/DroidFS/commit/23d017780fd962224ee0f211324c3e76654fc8e3 And it worked! I can see them now. I'm sorry for not being able to help more (you know, actual code and stuff).

    opened by wannaskoo 7
  • backup of encrypted data

    backup of encrypted data

    now you can export files in an unencrypted type from a hidden volume. it's not safe. I ask you to make a backup function when all the data is packed in a zip archive in encrypted form.

    that is, it is a simple data packaging in a zip archive with the name: containerName_date_time.zip

    you can also implement data recovery from a backup from a zip archive.

    opened by OmlineEditor 7
  • Adding an 'Import/Encrypt Folder' button

    Adding an 'Import/Encrypt Folder' button

    This is my first attempt to contribute to an open source project. If any information is missing, please feel free to bring it up in a comment, and I'll update this pull request.

    I'm implementing a simple feature: #44 , to "add an option that makes it possible to import (a single) entire folder (recursively)"

    opened by Anon7250 7
  • Maybe no GrapheneOS hardened malloc compatibility?

    Maybe no GrapheneOS hardened malloc compatibility?

    Currently I get crashs regularily, until I enable unsafe RAM allocation, which afaik could result in other apps sharing that RAM space and data leaked.

    Thank you for this awesome app!

    Edit: yes sorry I meant hardened memory allocation

    opened by firefoxlover 1
  • Clear 'Password' field when sending to background or locking screen

    Clear 'Password' field when sending to background or locking screen

    First of all thanks for maintaining such a cool app 🤩

    Consider following situation:

    User type the password for a specific volume in order to mount it and right after that, tap the 'Home' key to send app to the background or instantly lock the screen because of an emergency.


    When switching back to the app, the password remains in the password field. An attacker/ someone else can gain access to the volume just by tapping 'Open'.

    Expected result:

    Clear the password field whenever before mentioned events happen.

    opened by Dilshan-H 1
  • [Feature request] Adding a tab in Documents UI

    [Feature request] Adding a tab in Documents UI

    Hi, i'm a little bit confused with all volumes, mount, etc But i really miss that Volume tab in the Files app(as an unsafe feature of course) Is it possible to add it? It would make opening files without decrypting and then encrypting them so much easier Thank you

    opened by xxxcrow 3
  • [Improve] Eliminate brief black screen when switching images

    [Improve] Eliminate brief black screen when switching images

    When I use swipe gesture to switch images left and right in fullscreen mode, I notice a brief black screen during the switch. If the color of the images are relatively bright, this black and white flickering process will be dazzling.

    Is it possible to implement some kind of image slider animation?

    Thank you all so much for your hard work.

    For example:


    opened by conan81412B 0
  • v2.0.0-alpha2(Oct 8, 2022)

    • Allow opening CryFS volumes using fingerprint
    • Allow changing password of CryFS volumes
    • Allow to open & create volumes without remembering
    • Pink theme
    • Translation updates
    • Dependency updates
    • UX fixes
    • I/O performance improvements
    • Bug fixes


    This is an alpha version. Many bugs are expected. This could lead to FILE CORRUPTION, DATA LOSS or sensitive DATA LEAKAGE. Use at your own risk.

    Requires Android API level 21+ (Lollipop).

    There is an APK for each ABI. If you know what your ABI is, prefer to download the corresponding APK (it's smaller). Otherwise, you can download the universal APK (all ABIs are supported).

    Don't trust Github, verify PGP signature !

    Hash: SHA256
    ec0a5794b3e8b2db301a4928d1745d50d96614a69d8a4bddccd2b7bf9d7d5a32  DroidFS-v2.0.0-alpha2-arm64.apk
    074fa97b5f95e167c008ee9431e04960774312eb28ce1c847b4ab77ede76bfd7  DroidFS-v2.0.0-alpha2-armeabi.apk
    ac1ac59e01d6e0f17ea2b05c5c1c225db26bbe62bba66fa4320d955d867a38b7  DroidFS-v2.0.0-alpha2-universal.apk
    5df901da1c2b0d588c7f41b7c67a9d65b80507ed524cbe08d2e373f6d74ed9c9  DroidFS-v2.0.0-alpha2-x86.apk
    4caa8b6cf2c10a6a50c5e108f56ff95fd179826911e15c5a26b7cca16045d655  DroidFS-v2.0.0-alpha2-x86_64.apk
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    DroidFS-v2.0.0-alpha2-arm64.apk(8.37 MB)
    DroidFS-v2.0.0-alpha2-armeabi.apk(8.21 MB)
    DroidFS-v2.0.0-alpha2-universal.apk(21.10 MB)
    DroidFS-v2.0.0-alpha2-x86.apk(8.66 MB)
    DroidFS-v2.0.0-alpha2-x86_64.apk(8.76 MB)
  • v2.0.0-alpha1(Jun 26, 2022)

    • Experimental CryFS support
    • Arabic translation
    • Bug fixes


    This is an alpha version. Many bugs are expected. This could lead to FILE CORRUPTION, DATA LOSS or sensitive DATA LEAKAGE. Use at your own risk.

    Requires Android API level 21+ (Lollipop).

    There is an APK for each ABI. If you know what your ABI is, prefer to download the corresponding APK (it's smaller). Otherwise, you can download the universal APK (all ABIs are supported).

    Don't trust Github, verify PGP signature !

    Hash: SHA256
    192b04e7e8c9f33cf41c97621ed38ca09bed17e32ce505bfbbeb8a6085d7983d  DroidFS-v2.0.0-alpha1-arm64.apk
    58af1ed556db98bfbe58c5e6864d7543691bf023ef10833f5f2f985a07a2e50d  DroidFS-v2.0.0-alpha1-armeabi.apk
    6e2eab9db615e7887235832db8d55bbd9acee66fbf0991374adb0cd74dce2fbb  DroidFS-v2.0.0-alpha1-universal.apk
    b1352b61504fc4a19bff1c08cc576f0b41bd9faba1dfa877d66b6377a9428f19  DroidFS-v2.0.0-alpha1-x86.apk
    b13bd9a0c06f294d5bee67c222f85c771c26746f1940455ce929e6a4bb1da9ae  DroidFS-v2.0.0-alpha1-x86_64.apk
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    DroidFS-v2.0.0-alpha1-arm64.apk(8.33 MB)
    DroidFS-v2.0.0-alpha1-armeabi.apk(8.14 MB)
    DroidFS-v2.0.0-alpha1-universal.apk(21.08 MB)
    DroidFS-v2.0.0-alpha1-x86.apk(8.57 MB)
    DroidFS-v2.0.0-alpha1-x86_64.apk(8.72 MB)
  • v1.10.1(Apr 22, 2022)

    • Updated Spanish translation
    • Updated libgocryptfs (fix crash)
    • Small UX fix

    Requires Android API level 21+ (Lollipop).

    There is an APK for each ABI. If you know what your ABI is, prefer to download the corresponding APK (it's smaller). Otherwise, you can download the universal APK (all ABIs are supported).

    Don't trust Github, verify PGP signature !

    Hash: SHA256
    c039b5151c2b31ea42a1d381647a8cce17050640719a253b9ea6a3f50daceaec  DroidFS-v1.10.1-arm64.apk
    2783c6caf55bde65c0eed80b98ee0451e883833522734817a3ef845cbc3638b7  DroidFS-v1.10.1-armeabi.apk
    127c0c6687b1b57275b1a467c72a73ad0170135f63080ff84b7e34bef41820a1  DroidFS-v1.10.1-universal.apk
    b2aa23f3a6a52d1de1cb1ecb4f0533f38a881c5439a40675a7e1e83a4285cd7c  DroidFS-v1.10.1-x86.apk
    983512ece691dc041b6ca3b734d447c77c033fb67a18bbc17901b1c3e5b4301d  DroidFS-v1.10.1-x86_64.apk
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    DroidFS-v1.10.1-arm64.apk(6.58 MB)
    DroidFS-v1.10.1-armeabi.apk(6.53 MB)
    DroidFS-v1.10.1-universal.apk(14.55 MB)
    DroidFS-v1.10.1-x86.apk(6.68 MB)
    DroidFS-v1.10.1-x86_64.apk(6.82 MB)
  • v1.10.0(Apr 21, 2022)

    • Explorer grid layout
    • Switched to Kotlin co-routines
    • New Spanish translation
    • Pin passwords
    • Display the number of selected items
    • Better explorer info bar
    • Ability to auto open a volume at application startup
    • Better handling of image rotation
    • Updated translations
    • Updated libgocryptfs
    • UX fixes
    • Bug fixes

    Requires Android API level 21+ (Lollipop).

    There is an APK for each ABI. If you know what your ABI is, prefer to download the corresponding APK (it's smaller). Otherwise, you can download the universal APK (all ABIs are supported).

    Don't trust GitHub, verify PGP signature !

    Hash: SHA256
    a847dc8a2667ca10767b40216e21a4bb90b9764655b51b1a45269de1d43cadf2  DroidFS-v1.10.0-arm64.apk
    d9f7a12ce96054b2f369b24167aeb5b662ca21c6d2e2cd71a82e059beb467905  DroidFS-v1.10.0-armeabi.apk
    a721a0e1aab51ab376badd323e02326143fd9412edc7f45d6f0f0b27bbfa1b37  DroidFS-v1.10.0-universal.apk
    3eea85a21128b2686797dfd09b1adb9de64752badbdcc3815f45daf2519a2b8a  DroidFS-v1.10.0-x86.apk
    de4f108254231f89b4994afd59ae6bdc61c18a55bfc588edea819757c62bedab  DroidFS-v1.10.0-x86_64.apk
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    DroidFS-v1.10.0-arm64.apk(6.57 MB)
    DroidFS-v1.10.0-armeabi.apk(6.53 MB)
    DroidFS-v1.10.0-universal.apk(14.54 MB)
    DroidFS-v1.10.0-x86.apk(6.67 MB)
    DroidFS-v1.10.0-x86_64.apk(6.82 MB)
  • v1.9.1(Mar 26, 2022)

    • Ability to rename volumes
    • New media player UI
    • Ability to change the maximum file size for which to load a thumbnail
    • Bug fixes

    Requires Android API level 21+ (Lollipop).

    There is an APK for each ABI. If you know what your ABI is, prefer to download the corresponding APK (it's smaller). Otherwise, you can download the universal APK (all ABIs are supported).

    Don't trust GitHub, verify PGP signature !

    Hash: SHA256
    0a732e0ebf31078b3247df0d762d235bfd284660d40621cb346ad57c67e5e01e  DroidFS-v1.9.1-arm64.apk
    7287f9444b31e0c6217c521714c483f689f6eb177b143349e2e5d2137cb4184e  DroidFS-v1.9.1-armeabi.apk
    d0006185c897a958cf3f6cbdda6127234972f8dbb07b192c1fd3a3bd26bbe032  DroidFS-v1.9.1-universal.apk
    4b1e8ec4983f45646ace15595153438363626c9889b4e5d738b5d10127cff680  DroidFS-v1.9.1-x86.apk
    1a65c298adc4077759949e4127a5f5f2852624f089ef1bd747d4001e93dea20f  DroidFS-v1.9.1-x86_64.apk
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    DroidFS-v1.9.1-arm64.apk(6.49 MB)
    DroidFS-v1.9.1-armeabi.apk(6.45 MB)
    DroidFS-v1.9.1-universal.apk(14.43 MB)
    DroidFS-v1.9.1-x86.apk(6.59 MB)
    DroidFS-v1.9.1-x86_64.apk(6.74 MB)
  • v1.9.0(Mar 8, 2022)

    • New home UI
    • Ability to copy volumes between hidden and shared storage
    • Updated translations
    • UX fixes
    • Bug fixes

    Requires Android API level 21+ (Lollipop).

    There is an APK for each ABI. If you know what your ABI is, prefer to download the corresponding APK (it's smaller). Otherwise, you can download the universal APK (all ABIs are supported).

    Don't trust GitHub, verify PGP signature !

    Hash: SHA256
    7404caa4300dd86d3e3af8f94af438d3d7255579b30c876f62648524b815bc71  DroidFS-v1.9.0-arm64.apk
    389e439000f8d60e451dc5bfcb659e9ef4ebcba884470fceeae82a6488ab9b93  DroidFS-v1.9.0-armeabi.apk
    981a667795757c32718b5daff86644731afcc88db4df0c79a0c31cedc5581af5  DroidFS-v1.9.0-universal.apk
    aa9edc210c7fe881ef29962ab5d857bab0a8c9be97c2522d070cc84d6beadb15  DroidFS-v1.9.0-x86.apk
    f920d8b31b877676c4263d2f2ebe2ff455821d9461d2fdded3b0f41639b67887  DroidFS-v1.9.0-x86_64.apk
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    DroidFS-v1.9.0-arm64.apk(6.44 MB)
    DroidFS-v1.9.0-armeabi.apk(6.40 MB)
    DroidFS-v1.9.0-universal.apk(14.38 MB)
    DroidFS-v1.9.0-x86.apk(6.54 MB)
    DroidFS-v1.9.0-x86_64.apk(6.69 MB)
  • v1.8.0(Feb 18, 2022)

    • PDF viewer
    • UI bug fix

    Requires Android API level 21+ (Lollipop).

    There is an APK for each ABI. If you know what your ABI is, prefer to download the corresponding APK (it's smaller). Otherwise, you can download the universal APK (all ABIs are supported).

    Hash: SHA512
    DroidFS releases and commits will now be signed with my new PGP key. Here is its fingerprint:
    B64E FE86 CEE1 D054 F082  1711 AFE3 8434 4A45 E13A
    You can download it by running:
    gpg --keyserver hkps://keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys AFE384344A45E13A
    This message is signed with my old one.
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
    Hash: SHA256
    0d4c29fc8057adca92b7e82d7ca0b3feba607879b8608f903eaa840384b9704b  DroidFS-v1.8.0-arm64.apk
    7b3743145e7f5b4b463d8ac6389c224a528c634bb85e5c0e7938a15c8a4f7db8  DroidFS-v1.8.0-armeabi.apk
    a65d01da9bb050fb4dcd6923decb144061321fb408d767a275552ec8fb3b461f  DroidFS-v1.8.0-universal.apk
    698b100dc208c7d5ed9537aa79a91b305864e2d39616392ebdf8bda36001b689  DroidFS-v1.8.0-x86.apk
    fd827c2b2e147de95baef6341fda2e9bfd01a862423ff0869bbf28f641ccc9d6  DroidFS-v1.8.0-x86_64.apk
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    DroidFS-v1.8.0-arm64.apk(6.33 MB)
    DroidFS-v1.8.0-armeabi.apk(6.28 MB)
    DroidFS-v1.8.0-universal.apk(14.26 MB)
    DroidFS-v1.8.0-x86.apk(6.43 MB)
    DroidFS-v1.8.0-x86_64.apk(6.57 MB)
  • v1.7.2(Jan 20, 2022)

    • Double-tap controls in video player
    • Updated russian translation
    • UX bug fixes

    Requires Android API level 21+ (Lollipop).

    There is an APK for each ABI. If you know what your ABI is, prefer to download the corresponding APK (it's smaller). Otherwise, you can download the universal APK (all ABIs are supported).

    Don't trust GitHub, verify PGP signature !

    Hash: SHA512
    58411416a50aee2776fc35e94d487aab6b1382607b40c0e627614b20c420663b  DroidFS-v1.7.2-arm64.apk
    5ffaafdeeec4435fb6c0b02b58d2a22744549b0b583bc41919f79eb4dba9ad82  DroidFS-v1.7.2-armeabi.apk
    b0f4fa786b51962897b779c8fd6f740b52933e5d5b097f3f95668df184c79b83  DroidFS-v1.7.2-universal.apk
    2396085c11fdd176f7b83bc52a34689560471f0d83a7b3897d28cbe6676e6424  DroidFS-v1.7.2-x86_64.apk
    9620288625b11071947bed53963a6f80502b9cd9bde17d2309ec3930f048f24e  DroidFS-v1.7.2-x86.apk
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    DroidFS-v1.7.2-arm64.apk(5.74 MB)
    DroidFS-v1.7.2-armeabi.apk(5.70 MB)
    DroidFS-v1.7.2-universal.apk(13.63 MB)
    DroidFS-v1.7.2-x86.apk(5.85 MB)
    DroidFS-v1.7.2-x86_64.apk(5.99 MB)
  • v1.7.1(Dec 25, 2021)

    • Toggle orientation button for video player
    • Legacy fullscreen mode option
    • Dependency updates
    • Bug fixes

    Require Android API level 21+ (Android Lollipop).

    There is an APK for each ABI. If you know what your ABI is, prefer to download the corresponding APK (it's smaller). Otherwise, you can download the universal APK (all ABIs are supported).

    Don't trust GitHub, verify PGP signature !

    Hash: SHA512
    6f69dfb13613827d96ef0c2bf76f3f4a233d75704612e22b7e806b2155b0d96a  DroidFS-v1.7.1-arm64.apk
    68f1baf9ecb6750fb277adfddf157af070e33e340dfd7ef5715b219ed3b495a9  DroidFS-v1.7.1-armeabi.apk
    0dafaebacf646cfd93d058e77aeafd66036742c37d1840339f8a2555c6093495  DroidFS-v1.7.1-universal.apk
    54eecc680fe73e579065dc116aa71adbc2ae7ff155eeabd732c761a5d8d55759  DroidFS-v1.7.1-x86.apk
    2bac8bf20a44052ec92030e32784238eb63a6a1810ecbacc0c0884fc70029087  DroidFS-v1.7.1-x86_64.apk
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

    IPFS: QmaH6BAKr8LmkUvN66umbHxhuh6jfntmJzY32vEcPJjiKR

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    DroidFS-v1.7.1-arm64.apk(5.78 MB)
    DroidFS-v1.7.1-armeabi.apk(5.73 MB)
    DroidFS-v1.7.1-universal.apk(13.67 MB)
    DroidFS-v1.7.1-x86.apk(5.88 MB)
    DroidFS-v1.7.1-x86_64.apk(6.03 MB)
  • v1.7.0(Nov 11, 2021)

    • Thumbnails
    • Themes
    • Bug fixes

    Require Android API level 21+ (Android Lollipop).

    There is an APK for each ABI. If you know what your ABI is, prefer to download the corresponding APK (it's smaller). Otherwise, you can download the universal APK (all ABIs are supported).

    Don't trust GitHub, verify PGP signature !

    Hash: SHA512
    c7556cc386e6684e4854aa28895be2d7899a8967d19ef45a7a43c8610c63da98  DroidFS-v1.7.0-arm64.apk
    6668059b98fb27a76955f8675503dc67b86aec72e1047d1f7984e253a5156423  DroidFS-v1.7.0-armeabi.apk
    723d8c95e7e5b6d78e9a618d8b057d83311722fe5d00eb1ab9cfe558847f2437  DroidFS-v1.7.0-universal.apk
    f92a1547a1a9e4970a5569470e0b8f285aa5efcc2f1d312475ac608cbfbcfd58  DroidFS-v1.7.0-x86.apk
    4f0b5eb05636e747a80ae9c9a6ddf028e8c62aa562bc42e56f779ca60c380010  DroidFS-v1.7.0-x86_64.apk
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    DroidFS-v1.7.0-arm64.apk(7.14 MB)
    DroidFS-v1.7.0-armeabi.apk(7.10 MB)
    DroidFS-v1.7.0-universal.apk(15.01 MB)
    DroidFS-v1.7.0-x86.apk(7.25 MB)
    DroidFS-v1.7.0-x86_64.apk(7.39 MB)
    DroidFS.v1.7.0.torrent(7.54 KB)
  • v1.6.0(Oct 20, 2021)

    • Video recording
    • XChaCha20-Ploy1305 support
    • Repeat & shuffle buttons added in media player
    • Add "Open as" option in explorer menu
    • Allow creating volumes located under Android/data/sushi.hardcore.droidfs on SD cards
    • Bug fixes

    Require Android API level 21+ (Android Lollipop).

    There is an APK for each ABI. If you know what your ABI is, prefer to download the corresponding APK (it's smaller). Otherwise, you can download the universal APK (all ABIs are supported).

    Don't trust GitHub, verify PGP signature !

    Hash: SHA512
    751ebc195d07956b7376ee2345fb0b6f9bc406adb4848bed92cd2e7a9eee63df  DroidFS-v1.6.0-arm64.apk
    2fe6ff56d28328256e37daa20db6c9205613df7d6cfdedf652c044d2d2b80815  DroidFS-v1.6.0-armeabi.apk
    d520b0377c5de8c76036825c7306a77a42b34509d4fa38898741514d9f446db4  DroidFS-v1.6.0-universal.apk
    d8fe6242766122ae61f48baa9bff2d91f3ca2a9d74e250be1627a21c9f877920  DroidFS-v1.6.0-x86.apk
    84614b0bbed519685175cbe99d6190c3e1eaf65dab29e445956469566f305eec  DroidFS-v1.6.0-x86_64.apk
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

    Also available on IPFS: QmUkWw6PQ4i66eJdXCD17ujB8Gxf3URj89qb6nzAt5Ap9B

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    DroidFS-v1.6.0-arm64.apk(5.33 MB)
    DroidFS-v1.6.0-armeabi.apk(5.29 MB)
    DroidFS-v1.6.0-universal.apk(13.29 MB)
    DroidFS-v1.6.0-x86.apk(5.44 MB)
    DroidFS-v1.6.0-x86_64.apk(5.59 MB)
  • v1.5.4(Sep 5, 2021)

    • Bug fix
    • Update russian translation

    Require Android API level 21+ (Android Lollipop).

    There is an APK for each ABI. If you know what your ABI is, prefer to download the corresponding APK (it's smaller). Otherwise, you can download the universal APK (all ABIs are supported).

    Don't trust GitHub, verify PGP signature !

    Hash: SHA512
    69799ac45be9fb2a79865406b7c6e012e6886e7a427d0f32e0620daa5a3413b0  DroidFS-v1.5.4-arm64.apk
    4faff2cc21d6afa3d46fdcae04f8281abc1f09193d5be1799a704cc4b92c8824  DroidFS-v1.5.4-armeabi.apk
    459160856b7f659851ff213b0514ba3c84872f8e9ab2cf4299212677feceea83  DroidFS-v1.5.4-universal.apk
    f19f397261d36b8a0fe5564fe8fa80da66235440229af5c58d221af64049108f  DroidFS-v1.5.4-x86.apk
    c2a26eec444d9b8153d3bb4cd0ed03fb07008bc96422fad93ee46f0135ea8a88  DroidFS-v1.5.4-x86_64.apk
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    DroidFS-v1.5.4-arm64.apk(4.76 MB)
    DroidFS-v1.5.4-armeabi.apk(4.65 MB)
    DroidFS-v1.5.4-universal.apk(10.87 MB)
    DroidFS-v1.5.4-x86.apk(4.77 MB)
    DroidFS-v1.5.4-x86_64.apk(4.97 MB)
  • v1.5.2(Jul 14, 2021)

    • Optional folder mapping
    • Dependencies update

    Require Android API level 21+ (Android Lollipop).

    There is an APK for each ABI. If you know what your ABI is, prefer to download the corresponding APK (it's smaller). Otherwise, you can download the universal APK (all ABIs are supported).

    Don't trust GitHub, verify PGP signature !

    Hash: SHA512
    745504e6c641aec931cafcd6d13b74a771447d2e280a6cb30cab808e44d1e4ad  DroidFS-v1.5.2-arm64.apk
    b0151c2654f71695d236172b98259fee7239609b7beefd4455f79cfff810d6a9  DroidFS-v1.5.2-armeabi.apk
    6887748eae28cec9ac064dcae0d3a1f45fc86d7ab4e5d406ac4c290bfcf5bbde  DroidFS-v1.5.2-universal.apk
    272ddb83e6a03e8c00ca7c808927a0018b7b798b91c33b45b0d63b4c6b6d0cf7  DroidFS-v1.5.2-x86.apk
    0cf1d6b3e0c55bd935b1a06ad6032720db124c4efbfeeb0d2eee8e6200d51af0  DroidFS-v1.5.2-x86_64.apk
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    DroidFS-v1.5.2-arm64.apk(4.72 MB)
    DroidFS-v1.5.2-armeabi.apk(4.60 MB)
    DroidFS-v1.5.2-universal.apk(10.74 MB)
    DroidFS-v1.5.2-x86.apk(4.72 MB)
    DroidFS-v1.5.2-x86_64.apk(4.91 MB)
  • v1.5.1(Jun 27, 2021)

    • Major bug fixes
    • libgocryptfs upgrade

    Require Android API level 21+ (Android Lollipop).

    There is an APK for each ABI. If you know what your ABI is, prefer to download the corresponding APK (it's smaller). Otherwise, you can download the universal APK (all ABIs are supported).

    Don't trust GitHub, verify PGP signature !

    Hash: SHA512
    2fea647deb73774dbca717c6b786b9f06e714b642cbf97e7e8a0afc275818382  DroidFS-v1.5.1-arm64.apk
    d4133d4daf131a95dce238c2ddf6f9f97b4a6608ee6da48c02f6e2366c65b12f  DroidFS-v1.5.1-armeabi.apk
    ad20bcf259a480e0fa2b0ef3a42c3d6a28f3c09ab3a5caec5a61fea092a65141  DroidFS-v1.5.1-universal.apk
    2b59d8cc095280d73613f225ed37e5dbd2f8b1d71f397a1f5eea13d05e40a78a  DroidFS-v1.5.1-x86.apk
    184892100c442c2836d77e510e6fd2c64830d5f1dafd31804d1c240352891dc0  DroidFS-v1.5.1-x86_64.apk
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    DroidFS-v1.5.1-arm64.apk(4.71 MB)
    DroidFS-v1.5.1-armeabi.apk(4.60 MB)
    DroidFS-v1.5.1-universal.apk(10.74 MB)
    DroidFS-v1.5.1-x86.apk(4.71 MB)
    DroidFS-v1.5.1-x86_64.apk(4.91 MB)
  • v1.5.0(Jun 14, 2021)

    • Switched to external libgocryptfs (gocryptfs 2.0.1)
    • Ask storage permissions only when using external volumes
    • Migrated to viewBinding
    • Some bug fixes

    Require Android API level 21+ (Android Lollipop).

    There is an APK for each ABI. If you know what your ABI is, prefer to download the corresponding APK (it's smaller). Otherwise, you can download the universal APK (all ABIs are supported).

    Don't trust GitHub, verify PGP signature !

    Hash: SHA512
    032d92542b20abdd04be74719f26fe3e1fb83088678b40948337beaae92bb39b  DroidFS-v1.5.0-arm64.apk
    a94173cb8f75716ebe05bc28e301f4e55e16d531c426240ee55051b65cbb58fe  DroidFS-v1.5.0-armeabi.apk
    a20309930bd52ca67d9ded59bc71d6dc85895250e63aa888fc5e1623b3fff251  DroidFS-v1.5.0-universal.apk
    6107f21427fcb3b8aa702f38c2b81d3163f8407ee30d7fdab7e7df957b0a3870  DroidFS-v1.5.0-x86.apk
    d652fd7d4751eb86de919b941fbe69d1c846276769e3c7852331c9d47a98f560  DroidFS-v1.5.0-x86_64.apk
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    DroidFS-v1.5.0-arm64.apk(4.68 MB)
    DroidFS-v1.5.0-armeabi.apk(4.59 MB)
    DroidFS-v1.5.0-universal.apk(10.70 MB)
    DroidFS-v1.5.0-x86.apk(4.71 MB)
    DroidFS-v1.5.0-x86_64.apk(4.91 MB)
  • v1.4.5(Apr 5, 2021)

  • v1.4.4(Mar 17, 2021)

  • v1.4.3(Mar 16, 2021)

  • v1.4.2(Feb 7, 2021)

  • v1.4.1(Jan 21, 2021)

  • v1.4.0(Dec 31, 2020)

  • v1.3.0(Dec 20, 2020)

  • v1.1.1(Jul 28, 2020)

  • v1.1.0(Jul 26, 2020)

  • v1.0.1(Jul 19, 2020)

Hardcore Sushi
Because I love Hardcore music and eating Sushi ! Follow me on the Fediverse: @hardcore_sushi@mamot.fr
Hardcore Sushi
Android app that displays the logcat buffer in a system overlay window

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