Hash Checker

About application
Fast and simple application that allows you to generate and compare hashes from files and text.
Supporting algorithms
Name | Since version | Status |
MD5 | 1.0.0 | Supporting |
SHA-1 | 1.0.0 | Supporting |
SHA-224 | 1.4.0 | Supporting |
SHA-256 | 1.0.0 | Supporting |
SHA-384 | 1.4.0 | Supporting |
SHA-512 | 1.0.0 | Supporting |
CRC-32 | 2.9.0 | Supporting |
SHA3-224 | 3.6.5 | Supporting |
SHA3-256 | 3.6.5 | Supporting |
SHA3-384 | 3.6.5 | Supporting |
SHA3-512 | 3.6.5 | Supporting |
Supporting languages
You can help with translation on OneSky.
Languages in app
Language | Since version | Status |
English | 1.0.0 | Translated |
Español | 2.9.9 | Help wanted |
Deutsch | 2.9.6 | Translated |
Français | 2.9.9 | Help wanted |
Italiano | 2.9.9 | Help wanted |
Magyar | 2.9.9 | Help wanted |
Nederlands | 2.9.9 | Help wanted |
Svenska | 2.9.9 | Help wanted |
Ελληνικά | 2.9.9 | Help wanted |
Русский | 2.9.6 | Translated |
Polski | 2.9.9 | Help wanted |
Português (Brasil) | 3.7.0 | Translated |
简体中文 | 2.9.9 | Translated |
한국어 | 2.9.9 | Help wanted |
עברית | 2.9.9 | Help wanted |
فارسی | 2.9.9 | Translated |
日本語 | 3.6.3 | Translated |
Tiếng Việt | 3.6.5 | Translated |
Not translated
Language | Since version | Status |
Bahasa Indonesia | - | Help wanted |
हिंदी | - | Help wanted |
Українська мова | - | Help wanted |
norsk | - | Help wanted |
čeština | - | Help wanted |
suomi | - | Help wanted |
Tiếng Việt | - | Help wanted |
srpski | - | Help wanted |
dansk | - | Help wanted |
Türk | - | Help wanted |
Slovenščina | - | Help wanted |
Screenshots (Light theme)
Screenshots (Dark theme)
How to use
Black Duck Open Hub
Privacy Policy
If you have any question or feature idea for app, you can open issue on this page or contact me by email jaman.smlnsk@gmail.com.
How to contribute
Start with How to build a project.
Before commit, read Commit Convention. Make sure your build is green before you contribute your pull request. Then:
$ ./gradlew clean
$ ./gradlew build
$ ./gradlew -Pandroid.testInstrumentationRunnerArguments.class=com.smlnskgmail.jaman.hashchecker.AndroidTestSuite connectedCheck
If you don't see any error messages, submit your pull request.
- @fartem as Artem Fomchenkov
- @Marwa-Eltayeb as Marwa Said
- @vaqueraexe as Sergio Amaya
- @firaja as David Bertoldi
- @fu7mu4 as fu7mu4
- @AmrDeveloper as Amr Hesham
- @vipozdn as Victor
- @itamarc as Itamar Carvalho
Special thanks
- @IzzySoft as Izzy for uploading the app to IzzySoft Apt Repositories
- @lexterror as mrrmx for useful feature requests