Fast and simple application that allows you to generate and compare hashes from files and text


Hash Checker

GitHubActions Codacy Codecov Android Arsenal

About application

Fast and simple application that allows you to generate and compare hashes from files and text.

Supporting algorithms

Name Since version Status
MD5 1.0.0 Supporting
SHA-1 1.0.0 Supporting
SHA-224 1.4.0 Supporting
SHA-256 1.0.0 Supporting
SHA-384 1.4.0 Supporting
SHA-512 1.0.0 Supporting
CRC-32 2.9.0 Supporting
SHA3-224 3.6.5 Supporting
SHA3-256 3.6.5 Supporting
SHA3-384 3.6.5 Supporting
SHA3-512 3.6.5 Supporting

Supporting languages

You can help with translation on OneSky.

Languages in app

Language Since version Status
English 1.0.0 Translated
Español 2.9.9 Help wanted
Deutsch 2.9.6 Translated
Français 2.9.9 Help wanted
Italiano 2.9.9 Help wanted
Magyar 2.9.9 Help wanted
Nederlands 2.9.9 Help wanted
Svenska 2.9.9 Help wanted
Ελληνικά 2.9.9 Help wanted
Русский 2.9.6 Translated
Polski 2.9.9 Help wanted
Português (Brasil) 3.7.0 Translated
简体中文 2.9.9 Translated
한국어 2.9.9 Help wanted
עברית 2.9.9 Help wanted
فارسی 2.9.9 Translated
日本語 3.6.3 Translated
Tiếng Việt 3.6.5 Translated

Not translated

Language Since version Status
Bahasa Indonesia - Help wanted
हिंदी - Help wanted
Українська мова - Help wanted
norsk - Help wanted
čeština - Help wanted
suomi - Help wanted
Tiếng Việt - Help wanted
srpski - Help wanted
dansk - Help wanted
Türk - Help wanted
Slovenščina - Help wanted

Screenshots (Light theme)

Screenshots (Dark theme)

How to use


Black Duck Open Hub

Privacy Policy


If you have any question or feature idea for app, you can open issue on this page or contact me by email

How to contribute

Start with How to build a project.

Before commit, read Commit Convention. Make sure your build is green before you contribute your pull request. Then:

$ ./gradlew clean
$ ./gradlew build
$ ./gradlew -Pandroid.testInstrumentationRunnerArguments.class=com.smlnskgmail.jaman.hashchecker.AndroidTestSuite connectedCheck

If you don't see any error messages, submit your pull request.


Special thanks

  • F-Droid inclusion

    F-Droid inclusion

    Half a year ago you've opened an RFP for F-Droid inclusion, which since then waits your reponse to fix some problems. Unfortunately, you must have missed all notifications, so we try for a last time here: If you're still interested in getting your app listed, could you please respond over there and fix the problems? Thanks!

    PS: if you meanwhile want to add another badge, your app is also available in my repo.

    help wanted good first issue question takes time for resolve 
    opened by IzzySoft 11
  • 2021-06-18 v. 3.6.6: including pt-BR translation

    2021-06-18 v. 3.6.6: including pt-BR translation

    1. Added:
    • values-pt-BR\strings.xml with Brazilian Portuguese translation
    1. Updated:
    • to include Brazilian Portuguese



    • [ ] I am ran the app before creating PR
    • [ ] I am ran all tests before creating PR


    • [ ] I am ran the app for visual checks.


    • [ ] I am tested basic app functionality.


    Describe all changes here:

    • First; Added support to Brazilian Portuguese language.


    I tried to run the application with my changes, but I'm not an Android developer and couldn't build it, even trying to follow your build instructions.

    Looks like build.graddle needs to be updated also to include 'pt-BR' in resConfigs. I didn't change it.

    opened by itamarc 6
  • Fix hash value copy in History

    Fix hash value copy in History

    Right now if a user click on at any history item - the hash value from it don't copy to the Clipboard but copy if a user click on the "Ok" button on the Snackbar (which showing after a user click at the History item). This is invalid case, value should copy at History item click.

    bug help wanted good first issue invalid 
    opened by fartem 6
  • Update strings.xml

    Update strings.xml

    Google Play is Google Play in Japanese, This changes only strings.xml



    • [ ] I am ran the app before creating PR
    • [ ] I am ran all tests before creating PR


    • [ ] I am ran the app for visual checks.


    • [ ] I am tested basic app functionality.


    Improve translation only:

    • Google Play is the term, no need to translate it;


    This changes string.xml only.

    opened by fu7mu4 2
  • Add app closing with double tap on back button

    Add app closing with double tap on back button

    Right now you can exit from the app by tap on back button and press "Exit now" from showed bottom sheet. Replace this behaviour by exit from the application by double tap.

    help wanted good first issue Google Play 
    opened by fartem 2
  • Hide clear buttons when hash EditText fields is empty

    Hide clear buttons when hash EditText fields is empty



    • [x] I am ran the app before creating PR
    • [ ] I am ran all tests before creating PR


    • [x] I am ran the app for visual checks.


    • [x] I am tested basic app functionality.


    Describe all changes here:

    • First; Hide clear button (ivCustomHashClear) when hash EditText (etCustomHash) is empty
    • Second; Hide clear button (ivGeneratedHashClear) when hash EditText (etGeneratedHash) is empty


    Describe all additional information here.

    opened by Marwa-Eltayeb 2
  • Added norwegian translation

    Added norwegian translation



    • [x] I am ran the app before creating PR
    • [x] I am ran all tests before creating PR


    • [x] I am ran the app for visual checks.


    • [x] I am tested basic app functionality.


    Describe all changes here:

    • Added Norwegian translation


    • Added Norwegian translation
    opened by StianVaage 1
  • 3.6.9 (#169)

    3.6.9 (#169)



    • [ ] I am ran the app before creating PR
    • [ ] I am ran all tests before creating PR


    • [ ] I am ran the app for visual checks.


    • [ ] I am tested basic app functionality.


    Describe all changes here:

    • First;
    • Second;
    • Third;
    • ...


    Describe all additional information here.

    opened by fartem 1
  • Check if Feedback message is not empty

    Check if Feedback message is not empty



    • [x] I am ran the app before creating PR
    • [x] I am ran all tests before creating PR


    • [x] I am ran the app for visual checks.


    • [x] I am tested basic app functionality.


    Describe all changes here:

    • First; check if the feedback message body is not empty before send it


    Describe all additional information here.

    opened by Marwa-Eltayeb 1
  • FNV-1a

    FNV-1a Q: Why are you using FNV-1a everywhere? What about hash collisions?! WHAT ABOUT MY BABY?! A: FNV-1a is very fast and convenient, and we're far less likely to run into a hash collision with 64-bit FNV-1a. With a software library as small as the Jaguar's, even accounting for homebrew, you'd have to be actively trying to produce a collision.

    takes time for resolve 
    opened by soundsnow 0
  • Language setting does not work on Android 10 (but does work on Android 11)

    Language setting does not work on Android 10 (but does work on Android 11)

    Describe the bug The language setting does not do anything on my Android 10 device. When I change the language, I get the box telling me to restart the app, but after clicking OK and restarting the interface remains in English.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Install the app on a Samsung Galaxy S9 running Android 10 (with One UI 2.5)
    2. Open the app
    3. Go to Settings
    4. Click "Language"
    5. Select Spanish/español from the language
    6. Observe the warning message that appears
    7. Click "OK" on the warning message
    8. Observe that the app returns to the main screen
    9. Observe that the UI remains in English

    Expected behavior UI is in Spanish

    Device (please complete the following information):

    • Device: Samsung Galaxy S9
    • OS: Android 10 (with One UI 2.5)

    Additional context I tested this on a different device running Android 11 and the language changes as I expected.

    bug help wanted good first issue invalid takes time for resolve 
    opened by ObjectBoxPC 2
  • Feature Request:  Compare with file - md5.txt

    Feature Request: Compare with file - md5.txt

    Many downloaded files, particularly LARGE files, are accompanied by a *.txt file containing a 32bit md5 string. The text file contains the MD5 string for the file, and is named something like "xxx_md5.txt"

    Currently, the user must open the md5.txt file, copy the MD5 string, and paste it into the app so to compare the original file directly with the MD5 string. Comparing the md5.txt file directly to the original file will fail, because the files are inherently (and intentionally) different.

    I would like to request a feature such that a user can compare the file I downloaded ( directly with the *.txt file containing the md5 string (myfile_md5.txt).

    The app would have to recognize and parse the *.txt file to access the MD5 string within, rather than comparing the md5.txt file to a much larger file, which would obviously not match.

    This would mitigate the extra steps of opening the *_md5.txt file and copying/pasting the string into the app to get an accurate MD5 check.

    Thanks for listening!

    feature takes time for resolve 
    opened by DrPhant0m 0
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