Simple API implement DataBinding and ViewBinding.



Simple API implement DataBinding and ViewBinding. Welcome star
简单的 API 实现 DataBinding 和 ViewBinding,欢迎 star

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About Binding

Binding has been migrated to Maven Central because jCenter will be deprecated

Binding simplifies the use of DataBinding and ViewBinding, and only requires one line of code to implement DataBinding and ViewBinding.

The future plan of Binding provides a general findViewById solution. Due to the iterative update of technology from butterknife, DataBinding, Kotlin synthesis method (Synthetic view) to the current ViewBinding, there may be new technologies in the future. No matter how the technology changes, just need Update Binding, the external use remains unchanged.

Thank you for your suggestions. At present, Binding has been adapted to a large number of scenarios. At the same time, it also provides a lot of practical cases of DataBinding and ViewBinding. If you encounter Binding incompatible scenarios during use, please raise an issue and I will solve it as soon as possible. .

If this repository is helpful to you, please give me star, thank you very much for your support, and welcome you to submit a PR ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

Binding the following advantages:

  • Support using DataBinding or ViewBinding in custom ViewGroup
  • Provides many cases including Ativity, Fragment, Dialog, Adapter, include, merge, ViewStub , Navigation etc.
  • A simple API requires only one line of code to implement DataBinding or ViewBinding
  • Support the use of DataBinding or ViewBinding in the ActivityAppCompatActivityFragmentActivityFragmentDialog
  • Support the use of DataBinding or ViewBinding in the ListAdapterPagedListAdapterPagingDataAdapterRecyclerView.Adapter
  • Support the use of DataBinding and ViewBinding in Navigaion Fragment management framework, BottomSheetDialogFragment and other scenarios
  • Avoid a lot of template code
  • Avoid memory leaks, have life cycle awareness, and automatically destroy data when the life cycle is in onDestroyed()


Binding has been migrated to Maven Central because jCenter will be deprecated

add jcenter

Add the following code to the build.gradle file at the Project level

allprojects {
    repositories {
        // aliyun center 包含 mavenCentral 和  jcenter
        maven { url "" }
        // maven

add dependency

Add the following code to the module level build.gradle file, and you need to enable DataBinding or ViewBinding

android {
    buildFeatures {
        dataBinding = true
        viewBinding = true

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.hi-dhl:binding:1.1.3'

simple API

Binding provides a simple API as shown below.


val binding: ActivityViewBindBinding by viewbind()


val binding: ActivityDataBindBinding by databind(R.layout.activity_data_bind)
val binding: ActivityDataBindBinding by databind()

let's see how to use in Ativity, Fragment, Dialog, Adapter, include, merge, ViewStub , Navigation , ViewGroup etc.


Use DataBinding and ViewBinding in Custom ViewGroup,

  • Use of ViewBinding :

    • When the root layout is a non-merge label, use this method to initialize val binding: LayoutViewCustomBinding by viewbind()
    • When the root layout is the merge tag, use this method for initialization val binding: LayoutViewCustomBinding by viewbind(this)
  • Use of DataBinding

    val binding: LayoutViewCustomDataBinding by databind(R.layout.layout_view_custom_data)

A detailed example is shown below。

class ViewBindCustomView @JvmOverloads constructor(
    context: Context,
    attr: AttributeSet? = null,
    defStyleAttr: Int = 0,
) : LinearLayout(context, attr, defStyleAttr) {

    // ViewBinding
    // When the root layout is the merge tag, use this method for initialization
    val binding: LayoutViewCustomBinding by viewbind(this)
    // When the root layout is a non-merge label, use this method to initialize
    val binding: LayoutViewCustomBinding by viewbind()
    // DataBinding
    val binding: LayoutViewCustomDataBinding by databind(R.layout.layout_view_custom_data)

    init {
        with(binding) {
            result.setText("Use DataBinding and ViewBinding in Custom ViewGroup")

Use DataBinding and ViewBinding in Adapter (ListAdapter, PagingDataAdapter, RecyclerView.Adapter, etc.), add by viewbind() or by databind(), the example is as follows,see example

class ProductViewHolder(view: View) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(view) {
    // DataBinding
    val binding: RecycleItemProductBinding by databind()

    fun bindData(data: Product?, position: Int) {
        binding.apply {
            product = data

class ProductViewHolderHeader(view: View) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(view) {

    // ViewBinding
    val binding: RecycleItemProductHeaderBinding by viewbind()

    fun bindData(data: Product?, position: Int) {
        binding.apply {
            name.text = "通过 ViewBinding 绑定的 head"

use in Activity, AppCompatActivity, and FragmentActivity, add by viewbind() or by databind(R.layout.activity_main).

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

    // DataBinding
    val binding: ActivityMainBinding by databind(R.layout.activity_main)
    // ViewBinding
    val binding: ActivityMainBinding by viewbind()

There are two ways in Fragment, and their use positions are different, as shown below.

Method 1class FragmentNav1 : Fragment() {
    // DataBinding
  	val binding: FragmentMainBinding by databind()
    // ViewBinding
  	 val binding: FragmentMainBinding by viewbind()
    override fun onCreateView(
        inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?,
        savedInstanceState: Bundle?
    ): View {
        return binding.root

Method 2class FragmentNav1 : Fragment(R.layout.fragment_main) {
    // DataBinding
  	val binding: FragmentMainBinding by databind()
    // ViewBinding
  	 val binding: FragmentMainBinding by viewbind()
    override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)
        binding.apply { textView.setText("Binding") }

The usage in Dialog is as follows。

class AppDialog(context: Context) : Dialog(context, {

    // DataBinding
    val binding: DialogAppBinding by databind(R.layout.dialog_data_binding)
    // ViewBinding
    val binding: DialogAppBinding by viewbind()

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        binding.apply { result.setText("DialogAppBinding") }

or add life cycle listening

class AppDialog(context: Context,lifecycle: Lifecycle) : Dialog(context, {

    // use DataBinding life cycle listening
    val binding: DialogAppBinding by databind(R.layout.dialog_data_binding, lifecycle)
    // use ViewBinding life cycle listening
    val binding: DialogAppBinding by viewbind(lifecycle)

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        binding.apply { result.setText("DialogAppBinding") }

Extension method that supports DataBinding to bind data when initialized,Thanks to @br3ant contribute,see example

val binding: ActivityDataBindBinding by databind(R.layout.activity_data_bind) {
    val account = Account() = "test"
    this.account = account

Do not want to generate a binding class for a layout, add the following attributes to the root view of the layout file





-keepclassmembers class ** implements androidx.viewbinding.ViewBinding {
    public static ** bind(***);
    public static ** inflate(***);
    public static ** inflate(**,**);

change log


  • fix not found inflate(LayoutInflater) in the ViewGroup #26


  • Fixed the issue that the diff with Fragment Lifecycle #18
  • Binding has been migrated to Maven Central


  • Fixed the issue that the diff with Fragment Lifecycle and View Lifecycle #15
  • Fixed the issue that the layout attribute of the root view of Fragment is invalid #13


  • Support using DataBinding or ViewBinding in custom ViewGroup
  • add use cases in ViewGroup



  • Support Activity and Fragment to automatically bind LifecycleOwner。see issue


  • Support using DataBinding and ViewBinding in navigation fragment,see example


  • Support all Adapters related to RecyclerView.ViewHolder (ListAdapter, PagingDataAdapter, RecyclerView.Adapter, etc.) to use DataBinding and ViewBinding,see example

  • Extension method that supports DataBinding to bind data when initialized,Thanks to @br3ant contribute,see example


  • Use of DataBinding in Dialog, by databind(R.layout.dialog_data_binding) or by databind(R.layout.dialog_data_binding, lifecycle)
  • Avoid memory leaks, have life cycle awareness, and automatically destroy data when the life cycle is in onDestroyed()
  • The minimum SDK version is reduced to 14


  • Demo adds DataBinding example
  • Demo adds ViewBinding example
  • Demo adds kotlin-parcelize example


  • Use ViewBinding in Dialog, add by viewbind() or by viewbind(lifecycle)


  • A simple API requires only one line of code to implement DataBinding or ViewBinding
  • Support the use of DataBinding or ViewBinding in the ActivityAppCompatActivityFragmentActivityFragment
  • Avoid a lot of template code
  • Avoid memory leaks, have life cycle awareness, and automatically destroy data when the life cycle is in onDestroyed()

contact me

  • 个人微信:hi-dhl
  • 公众号:ByteCode,包含 Jetpack ,Kotlin ,Android 10 系列源码,译文,LeetCode / 剑指 Offer / 多线程 / 国内外大厂算法题 等等一系列文章


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  • LeetCode / 剑指 offer / 国内外大厂面试题 / 多线程 题解,语言 Java 和 kotlin,包含多种解法、解题思路、时间复杂度、空间复杂度分析

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  • SmartRefreshLayout自定义RefreshHeader时,报java.lang.NoSuchMethodException的错误


    升级到1.1.5版本之后,SmartRefreshLayout自定义RefreshHeader时,报java.lang.NoSuchMethodException的错误: Caused by: [class android.view.LayoutInflater, class android.view.ViewGroup] at java.lang.Class.getMethod( at java.lang.Class.getMethod( at at 查看源码源码发现1.1.5版本viewbind扩展方法强制要求传入viewGroup引起的,自定义的RefreshHeader是通过addview方式添加进SmartRefreshLayout里面的。viewbind改回不传入viewGroup方式可正常使用,建议增加viewGroup可空的方法。

    opened by skyCracks 13
  • ActivityDataBinding /FragmentDataBinding 可以考虑默认绑定 lifecycleOwner

    ActivityDataBinding /FragmentDataBinding 可以考虑默认绑定 lifecycleOwner

    如下: return bind.apply { viewBinding = this viewBinding?.lifecycleOwner = (activity/fragment).lifecycleOwner //绑定生命周期 block?.invoke(this) block = null }

    feature / 功能 
    opened by kakarrot 13
  • 使用viewbind时,如何在使用xml布局的自定义ViewGroup中使用呢


    自定义ViewGroup布局名称layout_empty_tip,根标签使用了<merge>, 声明了private val binding: LayoutEmptyTipBinding by viewbind() 但是运行报错了

    java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: inflate [class android.view.LayoutInflater] at java.lang.Class.getMethod( at java.lang.Class.getMethod( at at


    fun Class.inflateMethod() = getMethod(INFLATE_NAME,


    opened by jqorz 4
  • Fragment生命周期监听方法不正确


    当前的监听方法通过fragment.lifecycle添加了Observer, fragment.lifecycle关联的是fragment的生命周期,而非fragment.view的生命周期,

    fragment.lifecycle.addObserver { destroyed() }

    由于fragment.view活跃的生命周期存在明显比fragment活跃生命周期短的情况, (如采用Navigation库管理fragment(attach/detach)) 正确的做法是采用fragment.viewLifecycleOwner.lifecycle添加Observer。

    Simple one-liner ViewBinding in Fragments and Activities with Kotlin 中fragment生命周期监听的方法是正确的 (其中onDestroy回调与fragment.onDestroyView()回调对应)

    fragment.lifecycle.addObserver(object : DefaultLifecycleObserver {
        override fun onCreate(owner: LifecycleOwner) {
            fragment.viewLifecycleOwnerLiveData.observe(fragment) { viewLifecycleOwner ->
                viewLifecycleOwner.lifecycle.addObserver(object : DefaultLifecycleObserver {
                    override fun onDestroy(owner: LifecycleOwner) {
                        binding = null

    PS: observers可以不额外手动remove,因为fragment.lifecycle和LiveData都在DESTROYED时做了反注册。

    opened by start141 4
  • 反射调用时报NoSuchMethodException崩溃


    Oppo R17 binding:1.0.7

    Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: com.datedu.lib_camera.databinding.ActivityTakeVideoBinding.inflate [class android.view.LayoutInflater] at java.lang.Class.getMethod( at java.lang.Class.getMethod( at at at at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Native Method) at at at at

    opened by br3ant 3
  • bug onGetLayoutInflater

    bug onGetLayoutInflater


    2 3 4 5 6 com.snmi.smclass.ui.main.SmClass5Fragment.getBinding(Unknown Source:10) 7 com.snmi.smclass.ui.main.SmClass5Fragment.access$getBinding$p(SmClass5Fragment.kt:73) 8 com.snmi.smclass.ui.main.SmClass5Fragment$loadSemesterBeans$1$2.invokeSuspend(SmClass5Fragment.kt:496) 9 kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl.resumeWith(ContinuationImpl.kt:33) 10 11 android.os.Handler.handleCallback( 12 android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( 13 android.os.Looper.loop( 14 15 java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 16$ 17

    opened by aixi2494 3
  • 自定义View的混淆规则


    作者你好,之前向你反馈的自定义View使用viewbind导致的崩溃问题,升级1.1.3版本后,已经可以正常使用。但是混淆规则却没有跟着更新,这会导致自定义View的ViewBinding类中的inflate方法被混淆掉,导致异常。所以混淆规则需要新增一个public static ** inflate(**,**);,作者可以试一试

    opened by jqorz 2
  • NoSuchMethodException问题


    问题: 在继承系统布局中,如果布局文件的根是merge标签,会抛出NoSuchMethodException;替换为ConstraintLayout等则不会。调试过,貌似原因是getMethod里调用的getPublicMethodRecursive只匹配了仅有LayoutInflater类型参数的infalte方法

    merge标签产生的binding类也只有一个inflate(@NonNull LayoutInflater inflater, @NonNull ViewGroup parent)这种签名的,作者有时间看看是不是这样? 备注:混淆添加了的

    discuss / 讨论 
    opened by collinsmao 2
  • Cannot inline bytecode built with JVM target 11 into bytecode that is being built with JVM target 1.8. Please specify proper '-jvm-target' option

    Cannot inline bytecode built with JVM target 11 into bytecode that is being built with JVM target 1.8. Please specify proper '-jvm-target' option

    val binding: ActivityMainBinding by viewbind() Android Studio标红报错 : Cannot inline bytecode built with JVM target 11 into bytecode that is being built with JVM target 1.8. Please specify proper '-jvm-target' option

    opened by EthanCo 1
  • 在Navigation启动的Fragment中使用报错



    Caused by: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
            at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatImageView cannot be cast to android.widget.TextView
            at fun.inaction.stallx.databinding.FragmentSearchBinding.bind(
            at fun.inaction.stallx.databinding.FragmentSearchBinding.inflate(
            at fun.inaction.stallx.databinding.FragmentSearchBinding.inflate(
            at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Methodat


    class FragmentViewBinding<T : ViewBinding>(
        classes: Class<T>,
        fragment: Fragment
    ) : FragmentDelegate<T>(fragment) {
    ... 省略
    bind = layoutInflater.invoke(null, thisRef.layoutInflater) as T
    ... 省略
    opened by hahaha28 1
  • 同一类型的多个 fragment 实例的 binding.view 引用错位问题

    同一类型的多个 fragment 实例的 binding.view 引用错位问题

    代码结构: Activity -> 上下两个 Fragment (同一个类型的,2个实例)


    class ImageAdFragment : AdFragment(R.layout.fragment_image_ad) {
        private val binding by viewbind<FragmentImageAdBinding>()
        override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
            super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)

    导致第二个 fragment 的图片,展示到了第一个 fragment 里的 ImageView 上, 然后,第二个 Fragment 显示空白...

    opened by DQSecret 2
  • Fatal Exception: java.lang.IllegalStateException: onGetLayoutInflater() cannot be executed until the Fragment is attached to the FragmentManager.

    Fatal Exception: java.lang.IllegalStateException: onGetLayoutInflater() cannot be executed until the Fragment is attached to the FragmentManager.

    Fatal Exception: java.lang.IllegalStateException onGetLayoutInflater() cannot be executed until the Fragment is attached to the FragmentManager. ( ( (

    报错 FragmentDataBinding 行数: 35,但使用的Fragment(layoutId: Int) 构造方法,

    按常理:在onViewCreated() 方法后调用,

    FragmentDataBinding 中第 35 行 thisRef.view == null 应该为 false,除非什么异常情况导致执行此句,

    然后,想到可能和fragment 的恢复有关系,恢复的时候 走的是 Fragment() 无参数方法,layoutId = 0, 所以 view 为空

    目前尝试在 onSaveInstance() 里面保存 layoutId,在恢复时重新将 layoutId 还原


    opened by kakarrot 11
  • ActivityViewBinding 是否应该主动在onCreate时调用setContentView

    ActivityViewBinding 是否应该主动在onCreate时调用setContentView

    ActivityViewBinding 里是在委托首次赋值时调用的setContentView,根据使用习惯的不同,会使得调用时机不明确:例如可能在数据请求返回之后才遇到首次操作UI的时机,那么在此之前委托的属性都没被获取、不会调用setContentView,使得页面一直显示空白。

    对于类似的情况,是不是应该监听Activity的生命周期,主动在 ON_CREATE 事件里调用setContentView

    discuss / 讨论 
    opened by xiaozhikang0916 1
  • 反馈个bug,我用viewpager2,从kotlin-android-extensions改成这个框架报错


    先是报错 FragmentManager is already executing transactions 然后我改了FragmentStateAdapter的条件 报错变成了Fragment no longer exists 但是FragmentStateAdapter saveState是final方法 和viewpager2 也是final class 所以我还原代码kotlin-android-extensions的写法就没有报错了 我应用的UI是下面三个tab,一个tab用viewpager2包两个 Fragment 在tab上切来切去就报错

    discuss / 讨论 
    opened by shenyunhuan 4
  • FragmentDataBinding viewBinding lifecycleOwner参数疑问

    FragmentDataBinding viewBinding lifecycleOwner参数疑问

    opened by start141 13
Jack Deng
公众号:ByteCode,致力于分享最新技术原创文章,涉及 Kotlin 、Jetpack 、译文 、系统源码 、 LeetCode / 剑指 Offer / 多线程 / 国内外大厂算法题 等等一系列文章。如果你同我一样喜欢 coding,一起来学习,期待与你一起成长...
Jack  Deng
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