A secure and decentralized Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency wallet for Android phones. Supports Bitcoin, Ethereum, EOS, Binance Chain, Bitcoin Cash, DASH, ...


Unstoppable Wallet

We dream of a world… A world where private property is untouchable and market access is unconditional.

That obsession led us to engineer a crypto wallet that is equally open to all, lives online forever and unconditionally protects your assets.

It is fully peer-to-peer and works without any centrally managed servers. It can't be stopped, blocked or taken down.

Such approach enables the wallet to operate anywhere and remain censoship-resitant. Only the user is in control of the money.

More at https://unstoppable.money


Get it on F-Droid Get it on Google Play

Source Code



This wallet is open source and available under the terms of the MIT Lincense.

  • The 0.14.0 release on Google Play cannot be verified

    The 0.14.0 release on Google Play cannot be verified

    This time it looks like you might have an extra line in some code file which I think is generated, so maybe your DAO generator is not deterministic? Anyway, please see here for all details. The diff is big but to my understanding only about debugging.

    opened by Giszmo 35
  • accountId warning and error

    accountId warning and error

    Error /***/unstoppable-wallet-android-0.9/app/build/tmp/kapt3/stubs/devMainnetMasterDebug/io/horizontalsystems/bankwallet/core/storage/AccountRecord.java:10: error: Cannot find getter for field.

    Warning 1 . /***/unstoppable-wallet-android-0.9/app/build/tmp/kapt3/stubs/devMainnetMasterDebug/io/horizontalsystems/bankwallet/entities/EnabledWallet.java:7: warning: accountId column references a foreign key but it is not part of an index. This may trigger full table scans whenever parent table is modified so you are highly advised to create an index that covers this column. public final class EnabledWallet { ^ 2. w: [kapt] Incremental annotation processing requested, but support is disabled because the following processors are not incremental: androidx.room.RoomProcessor (DYNAMIC).

    I could not solve the above problems. where can the problem be?

    opened by ozcanodabasoglu 15
  • ZEC seed not working

    ZEC seed not working

    I have tried many times, I have had someone proof read my typing with the two phones side-by-side, but new phone will not accept old phone's ZEC seed. When I hit the "Next" button I get just "Incorrect key". There is only one ZEC in the wallet. If any dev would like to pursue this, I would be happy to provide a private screen shot of the two phones side-by-side.

    opened by clayt0nk 12
  • Urus migrated

    Urus migrated

    Urus token migrated to a new address. On the new token, the current price is missing.

    New address:


    opened by kdejaeger 11
  • Paste button in Add Token page not working

    Paste button in Add Token page not working

    The paste button in Add Token page does not check and request read clipboard permission if necessary, so the paste button will have no action since the app did not have access to read data from it. Unstoppable Wallet did not throw any error about this. However when I enter Send coin page, Unstoppable Wallet request for that permission and now the paste button in Add Token page finally works.

    opened by HenryWu01 10
  • [Bug] occasionally unable to select transfer tab

    [Bug] occasionally unable to select transfer tab

    Occasionally (more than 2 times per day) I will open unstoppable and the transfer tab is greyed out (not selectable). Closing and reopening unstoppable corrects this until the next time it happens.

    I didn't notice this issue (at all) on the previous version

    Currently running the Google play release of 0.20.0 on android 10

    Update: running 0.21.1 now

    Thank you

    opened by nahuhh 10
  • Allow using third-party keyboard

    Allow using third-party keyboard

    I think the third-party keyboard check is a little overreaching. I have deliberately installed a third-party keyboard (Anysoft) precisely because I don't trust the built-in default keyboard of my phone. I don't want to outsource trust to my apps exclusively. Additionally, I want to be able to use auto-fill from my password manager too.

    So, I think there should be a configuration option that allows the use of third-party keyboards even while typing in sensitive strings like private key phrases.

    opened by eternaltyro 10
  • Zcash (ZEC) Sync Error

    Zcash (ZEC) Sync Error


    Zcash (ZEC) does not synchronize for several days in a row. "Sync Error" is occurred, "Retry" does not help. There are no any settings for a lightwallet server or something like this for ZEC wallet. I have checked network, reinstalled the app. ZEC wallet just does not work now.

    opened by espdev 9
  • Cannot build the app

    Cannot build the app

    After I downloaded the release 0.25.3 The app cannot be build cause it cannot find the bitcoin kit and add into the project.

    FAILURE: Build completed with 9 failures.
    1: Task failed with an exception.
    * What went wrong:
    Execution failed for task ':app:dataBindingMergeDependencyArtifactsDebug'.
    > Could not resolve all files for configuration ':app:debugCompileClasspath'.
       > Could not find com.github.horizontalsystems:bitcoin-kit-android:a070562.
         Required by:
             project :app

    how to solve it?

    opened by laisuki1109 9
  • change ethereum fees to max

    change ethereum fees to max

    Hi, I just created a ERC20 Token for my client and added that token to the wallet, It is a crowdsale/ICO Token and when while using metamask with high fees, every transaction is getting cleared but while sending ethereum from this wallet to the contract address, each and every transaction is failing, plz help me, if I don't change the ethereum fees to 0.009 atleast, my client will seriously kill me, I can't find any way to change the ethereum sending fees.

    Plz provide a system there to set a custom fees.

    Plz help me, I need immediate help, I'm begging to you.

    opened by wolfenix 9
  • Unable to send coin, all transactions stuck pending

    Unable to send coin, all transactions stuck pending

    Tried to send coin on Fri but I messed up my fees by accident so I thought they just weren't picked up and would eventually drop off. Still waiting but I just tried to send coin from my wallet with max fees but it's still not registering anything on the blockchain.

    Starting to look like my wallet just is not connected to any network at all? The send button keeps grey'ing out every do often. Currently I'm stuck in limbo with 4 transactions apparently pending but if I try to verify them, all servers appear offline.

    If this is not connecting then can I do something to cancel my pending transactions so I can release my coins as it appears they were never actually broadcast?

    opened by Taklun86 9
  • ZCASH (ZEC) blockchain not downloading all the blocks anymore

    ZCASH (ZEC) blockchain not downloading all the blocks anymore

    The ZCash coin isn't working anymore because the app is unable to download all the needed blocks. It used to break and reset its downloaded block count after some time when it would reach a certain block number. Not sure whether this is caused by a change in the standard at some block height or something else but even with a phone with enough memory and storage space this keeps on occurring.

    opened by kralux 1
  • Coin Manager: Handle 'not supported' alert

    Coin Manager: Handle 'not supported' alert

    • [x] If the wallet is restored via EVM private key/Xpriv key and the user is trying to add Bitcoin/Ethereum --Show an alert:

    Not Supported Your current wallet type %s does not support %s

    • [x] If the user tries to enable unsupported blockchains, show an alert:

    Not Supported Unstoppable does not support %s Blockchain

    opened by Dianaaiym 0
  • Swap: Component changes

    Swap: Component changes

    • [ ] Move the coin selector to the right side of the card, and input of amount to the left side
    • [ ] Change the sizes of the height of the "swap" card, and internal margins
    • [ ] Add a toggle button of value
    • [ ] For the "Revoke" case, don't show the information about "Allowance"
    • [ ] Show button "Balance N/a" when from token doesn't have a wallet in balance tab
    opened by kansalt 0
  • 0.28.2(Dec 13, 2022)

    This release brings a fix to the non-standard wallet problem which might have affected a small fraction of wallets created in the Unstoppable wallet app version 0.27-0.28.1

    THE PROBLEM ONLY AFFECTED USERS who have chosen a non-English word list when setting up a new wallet (or an additional password in addition to the word list) which included a diacritic symbol (marks placed above or below a letter in a word to indicate a particular pronunciation).

    After updating to this version all affected users will see one of the following alerts on the wallet Balance Tab:

    1. A yellow recommendation alert showing that the wallet has a non-recommended character in its secret words list (aka mnemonic) or password. It’s a recommendation alert to instruct the user that while the wallet is standard compliant not all 3’rd party wallet apps will be able to restore it.

    2. A red warning alert showing that the wallet is not standard compliant. This alert will guide a user through migration steps to a standard wallet.

    Also, affected users trying to restore wallets that were created in a non-standard manner need to use a Non-Standard Restore option on the Wallet Restore screen.

    If you need any assistance on this issue contact us via support.unstoppable@protonmail.com

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    unstoppable-wallet-0.28.2.apk(66.36 MB)
  • 0.28.1(Dec 1, 2022)

    1. In version 0.27 we added the capability to create wallets with non-English word lists (aka mnemonic). It turned out that a wallet with a non-English word list (and/or password) that included a diacritic symbol was not standard compliant.

    2. While such wallets work as expected in Unstoppable, migrating them between Unstoppable and other standard wallet apps became no longer possible.

    3. THIS ONLY AFFECTS USERS that have chosen a non-English word list when setting up a new wallet (or added a password in addition to the word list) which includes a diacritic symbol (marks placed above or below a letter in a word to indicate a particular pronunciation).

    4. In this update, we have disabled the ability to create and restore a non-English word list. In the coming days, we are going to push one more update targeting already created wallets (in case such exist).

    5. If you do happen to have a wallet with a non-English word list (or a passphrase) with a diacritic symbol please create a new wallet in the app (selecting the English option for words list) and transfer funds to that new wallet to ensure compatibility with all standard wallet apps.

    6. If you need help on this issue, write to our support.unstoppable@protonmail.com

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    unstoppable-wallet-0.28.1.apk(66.37 MB)
  • 0.28.0(Oct 31, 2022)

    Version 0.28 Highlights


    GM free souls! This sprint mostly focused on upgrading wallet management for Bitcoin and Ethereum chains. We wanted to cover all possible cases for existing Bitcoin and Ethereum wallets.


    Unstoppable Wallet is now a truly universal multi-wallet and at the same time likely the most comprehensive non-custodial Bitcoin wallet around. Not only are users now able to create/restore standard-compliant Bitcoin wallets but also export existing wallets to Unstoppable using any of the following:

    • Mnemonic phrase (with/out passphrase)
    • BIP32 Root Key
    • Account Extended Private Key

    Special thanks go to a number of users pushing us to extend the wallet to cover those use cases ;)


    Bitcoin hodlers keeping sats on cold storage devices (i.e. Ledger, Trezor etc) are now able to watch their balance in read-only wallets without exposing their private keys.


    Wallet users on Ethereum and other EVM chains can now export existing wallets to Unstoppable using EVM Private Key. Previously EVM wallet export was limited to mnemonic phrases.


    We are still working on integrating the Solana chain. Stay tuned.

    Enjoy and Peace!

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    unstoppable-wallet-0.28.0.apk(66.37 MB)
  • 0.27.0(Oct 5, 2022)

    Version 0.27 Highlights


    GM free souls! Most of the work in this sprint was aimed at addressing existing bugs, user interface improvements, and code refactoring.

    1. NFT Improvements

    This update brings the ability to send NFTs making the wallet fully NFT-ready. This Unstoppable Wallet has all NFT-related features from market analytics to sending/receiving.

    2. Wallet Management

    Unstoppable Wallet is now truly universal multi-wallet allowing anyone to create and/or restore any standard compliant wallet (with/out passphrases), even those created in other wallet apps.

    3. ZCASH

    ZCash library was updated to its latest version that addressed some of the known bugs.


    There were substantial UI improvements through the wallet app, covering dozens of screens.


    In this sprint, we also started working on Solana integration which is currently in the development mode and for the most part complete. If all goes smoothly we expect it to be available in the app in version 0.28.

    Enjoy and Peace!

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    unstoppable-wallet-0.27.0.apk(66.12 MB)
  • 0.26.0(Aug 9, 2022)

    Version 0.26 Highlights


    GM free souls! Another ginormous update for Unstoppable Wallet. As usual, this release brings some major new features and some extensive improvements to the existing feature set.


    Unstoppable users are now able to interact with Avalanche C Chain (Contract chain) as well as make use of DEXes (decentralized exchanges) on that blockchain. With that Unstoppable is the only wallet that provides such capability in a frictionless manner.

    If you're an Avalanche user definitely give it a try and let us know!


    Some users will now be able to get a wallet and cryptocurrency market overview from within the widgets section of the smartphone OS. This feature is not available to all users yet.


    The Unstoppable app now fully supports Artbitrum and Optimism rollup chains for Ethereum blockchain. Send and Receive assets on those L2 chains in an easy-to-use manner.


    The wallet generation and restore features got significant improvements as well. Mainly, the users are now able to:

    • restore wallets that use non-English seed phrases.
    • restore and generate wallets using 12, 15, 18, 21, and 24-word length seed phrases with an optional passphrase.


    The Markets Overview page now shows top blockchain platforms based on the cumulative market cap of the projects operating on those blockchains. Users are able to view top blockchains as an ordered list as well as view a list of projects operating on those blockchains.


    The Transactions Tab received a major makeover and now comes with new transaction filtering capabilities enabling users to quickly filter and find specific transactions even if the wallet has thousands of transactions.


    The individual NFT collections now come with an activity tab allowing users to browse and filter the latest happenings for that collection on the leading NFT marketplace (i.e. Opensea). Users are able to browse the latest sales, orders, transfers, etc.

    8. OTHER

    There were a lot of other significant UI and security improvements throughout the app as well as several bug fixes. Most of the external feature recommendations and bug reports were addressed as well.

    Enjoy and Peace!

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    unstoppable-wallet-0.26.0.apk(64.85 MB)
  • 0.25.2(Jun 16, 2022)

  • 0.25.0(Jun 7, 2022)

    Version 0.25 Highlights


    GM free souls! Another ginormous update is here. As usual, there are some major new features and some extensive improvements to existing features.

    1. NFT Improvements

    This update brings NFT support like no other instrument or NFT wallet out there. View your NFTs, track NFT balances (based on a sale price, floor price, and 7D /30D avg. sell price), view buy offers, etc.

    In version 0.25 we intend to:

    • market analytics covers NFT markets
    • ability to browse top NFT markets
    • ability to browse individual NFT collections

    Work in progress:

    • ability to send/receive NFTs
    • ability to list NFTs for sale
    • ability to accept and reject offers

    2. New Transactions Tab

    The Unstoppable app now provides you the most sophisticated and comprehensive way to visualize your transactions history. Apart from some UI enhancements transaction list now much faster when it comes to synchronizing transaction history with the blockchain.

    Most notably, Unstoppable is the only wallet there which presents smart contract interactions in a human-readable form. Whether you deposit liquidity to some liquidity pool, sell an NFT token, receive tokens from an exchange, or claim an airdrop, Unstoppable shows the context of that transaction. The wallet covers all actions on major protocols as well as able to identify addresses belonging to crypto exchanges.

    3. Markets Improvements

    The markets tab now includes an overview of top NFT collections on the market based on 24-hour trading volume. The users are also able to expand on it and visualize the top 100 NFT collections over various periods. Moreover, clicking on a specific collection opens a dedicated collection page including collection items and their sale history.

    The tab also includes Top Platforms sections which list major blockchains based on the cumulative market cap of projects on that blockchain platform. Helpful for seeing the most active blockchains based on the market value of projects built on top of them.

    4. Balance Tab Redesign

    The balance tab got some statistical make-over. The numbers are now bigger and formatted for easier readability. There are also settings to manipulate how numbers appear. For those interested to see the total balance in BTC or ETH equivalents, such an option is available as well.

    These are experimental features and will be adjusted accordingly once we receive some more feedback from the community.

    5. Zcash

    ZCash library was updated to its latest version covering the latest and biggest upgrade to Zcash privacy cryptocurrency!

    Enjoy and Peace!

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    unstoppable-wallet- MB)
  • 0.24.2(Apr 7, 2022)

  • 0.24.1(Mar 29, 2022)

  • 0.24.0(Mar 23, 2022)

    Version 0.24 Highlights


    GM folks! Another gigantic update. As usual, we are excited about this one. Keeping up with the tradition we added a couple of major new features and applied major improvements to some of the existing features.

    1. NFT Support Integration

    This update brings NFT support like no other instrument or NFT wallet out there. View your NFTs, track NFT balances (based on a sale price, floor price, and 7D /30D avg. sell price), view buy offers, etc.

    In version 0.25 we intend to:

    • expand market analytics to cover NFT markets
    • add the ability to browse NFT markets and collections
    • add the ability to send/receive NFTs
    • add the ability to list NFTs for sale
    • add the ability to accept and reject offers

    Once the list above is implemented Unstoppable can be the only app users will ever need when it comes to NFTs.

    2. Watch Address (Read-Only Wallets)

    The unstoppable app now includes the ability to track wallets/addresses on EVM blockchains like Ethereum or Binance Smart Chain. This enables someone to watch balances and monitor transaction activity for any address on any EVM blockchain, be it a user or a smart contract.

    This also marks our first minor step towards read-only multi-wallets which we wanted to add for a while.

    3. EIP-1559

    Unstoppable is now EIP-1559 compliant. The transaction fee recommendation service in the Unstoppable app now almost guarantees speedy confirmation times :)

    4. WalletConnect v2

    This version also features WalletConnect version 2. The unstoppable is one of the first wallet apps to integrate WalletConnect v2 which addresses many issues present in WalletConnect v1.

    Please note that for WC2 to work, DApp that the user connects to should also support WC2. Therefore, do not expect it to work right away. Most of the major DApps i.e Uniswap still work with WC1.

    Apart from the updates above, we have fixed several reported bugs, addressed crash reports, and applied several UI improvements throughout the app.

    Other highlights include:

    • enhancements on coin charts
    • improvements to markets analytics
    • ability to see TVL data by chain
    • 1inch improvements
    • advanced search improvements


    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    unstoppable-wallet-0.24.apk(62.44 MB)
  • 0.23.2(Dec 29, 2021)

  • 0.23.0(Dec 13, 2021)

    Version 0.23 Highlights


    Another gigantic update and we are really excited about this one! We added a couple of major new features and updated a number of essential app components.

    1. New Markets & Coin Analytics

    One of the main goals behind this sprint was to bring entire cryptocurrency market analytics to the app. The new markets database tracks over 11K cryptocurrency coins and provides users with substantial data for each.

    The coin page has been redesigned and now includes even more data about each token as well as provides quick options to add token to a wallet or a watchlist.

    Other analytics updates include revised token categories and new project reviews for over 20 projects.

    2. Swap Improvements

    The swap feature received a number of essential improvements including UI refactoring, better error handling and helper alerts on important swap settings.

    More importantly, the swap provider 1INCH was updated to its latest version.

    3. Accelerate / Cancel Transactions

    The wallet now provides ability to accelerate or cancel transactions while they remain in a pending state. 

The feature currently limited to transactions on Ethereum blockchain. In the coming months we intent to bring same capabilities to Bitcoin and other blockchains where this may be relevant.

    4. UI Improvements

    As usual, we made a lot of UI improvements covering a wide array of app screens based on the feedback we collected.

Some of the bigger enhancements on UI side include redesign of Coin Manager screen and addition of a new setting to control app launch screen.

The app launch settings allow user to set the launch screen for the app i.e. balance, watchlist etc.

    5. Chainlink Partnership

    The crypto-to-fiat exchange rates for primary base currencies i.e. USD, EUR, GBP JPY etc are now provided by Chainlink Price Feeds.

    The addition pf Chainlink Price Feeds provides Unstoppable users with real time exchange rates for major cryptocurrencies.

    Apart from the above-mentioned highlights, we have fixed all user-reported bugs and applied lots of UI improvements on various screen. In addition, we also the Academy and FAQ sections received major updates.


    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    unstoppable-wallet-0.23.apk(47.01 MB)
  • 0.22.1(Aug 24, 2021)

  • 0.22.0(Aug 13, 2021)

    Version 0.22 Highlights


    Another monstrous update! As usual, this sprint adds some major additions to the wallet feature set as well as includes extensive improvements throughout the app.

    1. Coin Analytics

    The coin page went through yet another batch of improvements, including the addition of:

    • Major Holders: the amount of tokens in circulation held by the top 10 wallets.

    • Audits: projects audits, issues discovered, and the company behind audit.

    • Trading Volume: historical change in the 24-hour trading volume over time.

    • TVL Rank: assets held under management by project and how it compares to other projects.

    The coin page is still work in progress. Expect even more substantial improvements in the coming releases which are going to focus on advanced on-chain analytics i.e. user activity, daily transaction counts, on-chain liquidity volumes, and more.

    2. New Transactions Tab

    The transactions tab component was rewritten and redesigned with performance and usability in mind.

    The users are now able to differentiate between various transaction types (send, receive, swap, approve, contract call, etc) and see relevant details for each transaction.

    Overall this component became faster and easier to maintain moving forward.

    3. DEX Aggregator

    Unstoppable constantly working on improving decentralized token swapping capabilities to enable token swapping at optimal rates. This version features:

    • integration with 1inch liquidity aggregator
    • upgraded Pancake integration to version 2

    4. FAQ Page v2

    The latest update brings a new version of the FAQ page. This page was redone addressing the most common questions and usage issues that users have experienced with Unstoppable over the past.


    The page is available online as well as from within the app and features over 100 questions relating to various use cases when storing and transacting with cryptocurrencies. We highly recommend everyone to go over it. It's a concise and beginner-friendly resource to get familiar with cryptocurrencies and DeFi in general.

    5. Network Change Capabilities

    Advanced users would be happy to find out that users are now able to change the network settings (Mainnet or Testnet) for Ethereum and BSC blockchains. The option is available in settings for individual wallets which can be accessed from the Manage Wallets screen.

    Do not use this feature if not sure what it does!

    6. Zcash Improvements

    Zcash users now have the ability to send transactions to transparent addresses. Previously, Unstoppable supported only shielded addresses.

    Apart from the above-mentioned highlight features, we have fixed all user-reported bugs, addressed a number of community requests, applied lots of UI improvements on various screens, and fixed a number of app bugs.


    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    unstoppable-wallet-0.22.0.apk(46.19 MB)
  • 0.21.4(Jun 14, 2021)

  • 0.21.2(Jun 2, 2021)

  • 0.21.1(May 26, 2021)

    Version 0.21 Highlights


    Another big update! As usual, this sprint adds some major additions to the wallet feature set as well as includes extensive improvements throughout the app.

    1. Multi-Wallet (and passphrase support)

    The largest feature of the current sprint! For a while now we were looking to standardize wallets and add the capability for any wallet created in the app to support all coins within the app. Previously, various wallets were meant for different sets of coins.

    We finally addressed this and were happy to see it live. Users are now able to manage an unlimited number of wallets capable of storing any coin available in the app. Unstoppable now also supports passphrase as per BIP-39 standard.

    This enables users to create wallets that are secured by a user-provided passphrase in addition to 12/24 - word mnemonic seed word. The benefit here lies in the ability to create an unlimited number of wallets using the same mnemonic phrase but different passphrases. It's a highly convenient method to manage multiple wallet portfolios.

    A new wallet switcher button was added to the Balance tab for quick and easy navigation between active wallets. Moreover, the wallet management screen now provides a way to view the wallet master private key, next to mnemonic phrases.

    Note! You don't need to do anything to migrate, the app will do that for you. If you have multiple wallets in Unstoppable, they will be renamed as Wallet 1/2/3 ...

    2. Markets Improvements

    Markets section of the app went the through next batch of scheduled updates:

    • Markets Overview tab now provides means to preview and expand historical changes (7D, 1M etc) in primary market parameters i.e. Trading Volume, BTC Dominance, DeFi Market Cap and Total Value Locked by decentralized protocols.

    • Coin icons are now colored. While this may seem as a trivial change it took a lot of effort on our part)

    • Some coins now display our token version of coin description instead of showing a generic one from Coingecko. At this point we added about 30-40 descriptions covering some of the more popular coins.

    • The bottom section of Markets Overview now displays the latest market news from leading crypto news sites.

    Expect more substantial improvements in the coming releases.

    3. UI / UX Improvements

    A number of improvements were made to the interface as well as the overall app performance:

    • system setting for light/dark mode >> the wallet can now use the native system settings for the wallet theme.

    • balance hide on/off >> to hide/unhide balance you may now simply click on the balance amount itself.

    • warning on low fee >> a custom alert will now shown when the user selects a transaction fee below the network recommended value.

    • socket connectivity >> improvements were made to the elements using socket connectivity. As a result the app provides even smoother and faster feel.

    Apart from the above-mentioned features, we have fixed all user-reported and self-discovered app crashes and bugs.


    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    unstoppable-wallet-0.21.1.apk(45.67 MB)
  • 0.21.0(May 24, 2021)

    Version 0.21 Highlights


    Another big update! As usual, this sprint adds some major additions to the wallet feature set as well as includes extensive improvements throughout the app.

    1. Multi-Wallet (and passphrase support)

    The largest feature of the current sprint! For a while now we were looking to standardize wallets and add the capability for any wallet created in the app to support all coins within the app. Previously, various wallets were meant for different sets of coins.

    We finally addressed this and were happy to see it live. Users are now able to manage an unlimited number of wallets capable of storing any coin available in the app. Unstoppable now also supports passphrase as per BIP-39 standard.

    This enables users to create wallets that are secured by a user-provided passphrase in addition to 12/24 - word mnemonic seed word. The benefit here lies in the ability to create an unlimited number of wallets using the same mnemonic phrase but different passphrases. It's a highly convenient method to manage multiple wallet portfolios.

    A new wallet switcher button was added to the Balance tab for quick and easy navigation between active wallets. Moreover, the wallet management screen now provides a way to view the wallet master private key, next to mnemonic phrases.

    Note! You don't need to do anything to migrate, the app will do that for you. If you have multiple wallets in Unstoppable, they will be renamed as Wallet 1/2/3 ...

    2. Markets Improvements

    Markets section of the app went the through next batch of scheduled updates:

    • Markets Overview tab now provides means to preview and expand historical changes (7D, 1M etc) in primary market parameters i.e. Trading Volume, BTC Dominance, DeFi Market Cap and Total Value Locked by decentralized protocols.

    • Coin icons are now colored. While this may seem as a trivial change it took a lot of effort on our part)

    • Some coins now display our token version of coin description instead of showing a generic one from Coingecko. At this point we added about 30-40 descriptions covering some of the more popular coins.

    • The bottom section of Markets Overview now displays the latest market news from leading crypto news sites.

    Expect more substantial improvements in the coming releases.

    3. UI / UX Improvements

    A number of improvements were made to the interface as well as the overall app performance:

    • system setting for light/dark mode >> the wallet can now use the native system settings for the wallet theme.

    • balance hide on/off >> to hide/unhide balance you may now simply click on the balance amount itself.

    • warning on low fee >> a custom alert will now shown when the user selects a transaction fee below the network recommended value.

    • socket connectivity >> improvements were made to the elements using socket connectivity. As a result the app provides even smoother and faster feel.

    Apart from the above-mentioned features, we have fixed all user-reported and self-discovered app crashes and bugs.


    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    unstoppable-wallet-0.21.0.apk(45.67 MB)
  • 0.20.0(Apr 19, 2021)

    Version 0.20 Highlights


    Markets Tab Improvements

    The biggest feature of the current sprint. In the previous version, markets tab merely provided means to browse and filter coins by various criteria. In this update, we took a few steps further and added following features:

    • global market info: Shows total market cap, total 24h volume for all cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin dominance level, DeFi market cap, and total value locked (TVL) in all major DeFi protocols. In the coming release, we aim to expand it further.

    • coin search: Users now can easily search through all available coins on the market, view detailed info about each coin and add it to the watchlist.

    • advanced search: A power user feature allowing to perform an advanced filtered search on nearly available coins by various criteria i.e market cap, 24-hour trading volume, and price change for the specific period (ex: all coins with 50% price change in 2 week period).

    • coin info: In addition to charts and technical indicators users are now able to see the exchange where a coin is being traded along with volume data, known venture funds that have invested in the project, and information about the token itself.

    While this feature is still a work in progress it already provides our users with the most thorough token search and monitoring capabilities available online incl. majority of premium commercial data providers.

    In version 0.21 we are looking to add detailed analytical data about the coin. We couldn't find such data online and hence building it ourselves. Nearly done, stay tuned!

    Binance Smart Chain

    The Unstoppable Wallet team is always focused on solving users' problems and providing full functionality to interact with various blockchains. By popular demand, we have added support for Binance Smart Chain and BEP20 tokens along with decentralized swap capabilities.

    Note: Also in one of the upcoming sprints, we will add the ability to swap BEP-2 tokens(Binance Cain) to BEP-20(Binance Smart Chain) format.

    PancakeSwap Integration

    This release brings integration of PancakeSwap protocol for decentralized swaps. The benefits of this change are BEP20 swaps and lower token swap fees. The fees are the same as if you went to PancakeSwap website and tried swapping via WalletConnect.

    In version 0.21 we are planning to expand on this and integrate the ability swap on multiple DEXes at the same time and get the best swap terms for the given trade across entire liquidity.

    WalletConnect Improvements

    In addition to Ethereum, WalletConnect now able to work with protocols on Binance Smart Chain. We also added the ability to run multiple WalletConnect sessions at the same time. Moreover, WalletConnect transaction confirmation screens became more readable.

    Apart from the above-mentioned features, we have fixed all user-reported and self-discovered app crashes and bugs.

    There were also countless minor changes in the UI elements as well as the entire set of app onboarding screens based on the feedback received from the community.


    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    unstoppable-wallet-0.20.0.apk(45.07 MB)
  • 0.19.0(Feb 17, 2021)

    Version 0.19 Highlights



    This release brings one of the most awaited features.

    Markets Tab enables anyone to browse cryptocurrency tokens, filter tokens by market criteria (i.e volume, price change and market cap) and browse cryptocurrency tokens by category for easy comparison of similar projects.

    We are happy how it turned out and planning to add even more cooler stuff to the markets tab in the next version. Specifically, we are looking to auto categorize the projects based on the risk/quality factors using on chain data as well as trading volume/liquidity for the project. Stay tuned!


    Unstoppable now able to discover all tokens (ERC20 and BEP2) where you have the balance. You no longer need to activate all those tokens one by one.

    Currently the feature doesn't work for ERC20 coins or BEP2 tokens that are not listed in the Unstoppable coin catalog. This point will be addressed in version 20.

    3. UI / UX Improvements

    The app is undergoing though massive UI changes throughout the app. You may not notice it right away but a lot of minor details are being tweaked.

    • added new markets tab
    • redesigned tx info screen
    • improved all input fields throughout the app
    • item cells became bigger throughout the app


    In this version we started preparing the Unstoppable architecture and UI flow to an integration of an multicoin / multiwallet capability.

    This feature will enable anyone to have unlimited number of wallets in Unstoppable app where each wallet capable of storing any supported token. This feature will make it possible to have just one wallet for all your cryptocurrency needs.

    Currently this is not the case. Different wallet types support different set of tokens. In order to make the transition faster we decided to disable EOS wallet for the time being. If you have an active EOS wallet and need to be able to monitor it Unstoppable we recommend you not to update.


    Due to high network activity on Ethereum there is a high chance of failing transactions. During busy hours this happens a lot and users may easily loose up to 100$ on fees and still have transaction fail.

    We took another look at transaction fee calculation algorithms and made some changes to limit the chances of transaction failing (i.e. out of gas errors).

    As a result of applied changes the value recommended by Unstoppable is set slightly higher than a recommended value returned by a an Ethereum node. On user side this means slightly higher fees (5 - 10 %) when transacting with a very low chance of fail.


    In addition to ENS (Ethereum Name Service) the Unstoppable wallet app now supports Unstoppable Domains https://unstoppabledomains.com.

    To send cryptocurrency, all you need to know is the recipient’s blockchain domain which is much easier to handle than the actual lengthy Ethereum address.


    All reported bugs were addressed. Moreover, Unstoppable had its code reviewed by Certik for security. No significant issues were discovered. There were a couple of UI improvements per recommendations made in the audit report.

    Another massive sprint on our end. Stay tuned! Peace!

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    unstoppable-wallet-0.19.apk(44.08 MB)
  • 0.18.2(Jan 8, 2021)

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