Kotlin way of building RecyclerView Adapter 🧩. You do not have to write RecyclerView Adapters again and again and suffer from handling of different view types. Kiel will help you.


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Kiel is a RecyclerView.Adapter with a minimalistic and convenient Kotlin DSL which provides utility on top of Android's normal RecyclerView.Adapter.


Most of the time:

  • We found ourselves repeating same boilerplate code for RecyclerView.Adapter.
  • We have difficulty in handling RecyclerView.Adapter when there are many viewTypes.

But now, Kiel may help us to get rid of these problems. You may read the detailed story in this blog post.


Basic Usage:

 val recyclerViewAdapter = adapterOf<Text> {
                    layoutResource = R.layout.adapter_message_text_item,
                    viewHolder = ::TextMessageViewHolder,
                    onViewHolderCreated = { vh->
                       //you may handle your on click listener
                       vh.itemView.setOnClickListener {

                    onBindViewHolder = { vh, _, it ->
                        vh.messageText.text = it.text
                        vh.sentAt.text = it.sentAt

 recyclerView.adapter = recyclerViewAdapter
 val pagingDataAdapterOf = pagingDataAdapterOf<Text> {
                    layoutResource = R.layout.adapter_message_text_item,
                    viewHolder = ::TextMessageViewHolder,
                    onViewHolderCreated = { vh->
                       //you may handle your on click listener
                       vh.itemView.setOnClickListener {

                    onBindViewHolder = { vh, _, it ->
                        vh.messageText.text = it.text
                        vh.sentAt.text = it.sentAt

 recyclerView.adapter = recyclerViewAdapter

Different View Types:

You may register different ViewHolders to your adapters.

                    layoutResource = R.layout.adapter_message_text_item,
                    viewHolder = ::TextMessageViewHolder,
                    onBindViewHolder = { vh, _, it ->
                        vh.messageText.text = it.text
                        vh.sentAt.text = it.sentAt

                    layoutResource = R.layout.adapter_message_image_item,
                    viewHolder = ::ImageMessageViewHolder,
                    onBindViewHolder = { vh, _, item ->
                        vh.messageText.text = item.text
                        vh.sentAt.text = item.sentAt


Handling Events:

As ViewHolder instance is accessible in:

  • onViewHolderCreated
  • onBindViewHolder
  • onBindViewHolderWithPayload

You can handle the events in the same way how you did it before.

 val recyclerViewAdapter = adapterOf<Text> {
                    layoutResource = R.layout.adapter_message_text_it,
                    viewHolder = ::TextMessageViewHolder,
                    onViewHolderCreated = { vh->
                       vh.itemView.setOnClickListener {

                       vh.messageText.addTextChangedListener{text ->

                    onBindViewHolder = { vh, _, it ->
                        vh.messageText.text = it.text
                        vh.sentAt.text = it.sentAt

recyclerView.adapter = recyclerViewAdapter

View Binding:

As ViewHolder instance is accessible in:

  • onViewHolderCreated
  • onBindViewHolder
  • onBindViewHolderWithPayload

You may define your ViewBinding in your ViewHolder class and you can easily reach it:

class TextMessageViewHolder(view: View) : RecyclerViewHolder<Text>(view) {
    val binding = AdapterTextItemBinding.bind(view)

val recyclerViewAdapter = adapterOf<Text> {
                    layoutResource = R.layout.adapter_message_text_it,
                    viewHolder = ::TextMessageViewHolder,
                    onViewHolderCreated = { vh->
                    onBindViewHolder = { vh, _, it ->
                       vh.binding.messageText.text = it.text
                       vh.binding.sentAt.text = it.sentAt


val recyclerViewAdapter = adapterOf<MessageViewState> {
                    areContentsTheSame = { old, new -> old == new },
                    areItemsTheSame = { old, new -> old.message.id == new.message.id },
                    getChangePayload = { oldItem, newItem ->
                        val diffBundle = Bundle()

                        if (oldItem.selectionState != newItem.selectionState) {

                        if (diffBundle.isEmpty) null else diffBundle
                register (
                    layoutResource = R.layout.adapter_message_text_item,
                    viewHolder = ::TextMessageViewHolder,
                    onBindViewHolder = { vh, _, it ->
                        vh.messageText.text = it.message.text
                        vh.sentAt.text = it.message.sentAt


implementation 'me.ibrahimyilmaz:kiel:latestVersion'

latestVersion = Download


Copyright 2020 Ibrahim Yilmaz

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
  • [question] Use setHasFixedSize list will not be displayed

    [question] Use setHasFixedSize list will not be displayed

    @ibrahimyilmaz If the RecyclerView layout uses wrap_content instead of match_parent and setHasFixedSize = true, the list will not be displayed.


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
                android:layout_height="wrap_content" />
            android:layout_height="match_parent" / "wrap_content"
            tools:listitem="@layout/item_task_detail" />


    class CountryIndonesiaActivity : BaseActivity() {
        private val viewModel by viewModel<CountryIndonesiaViewModel>()
        private lateinit var binding: ActivityCountryIndonesiaBinding
        private val viewAdapter by lazy { createAdapter(::onItemClicked) }
        override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
            binding = ActivityCountryIndonesiaBinding.inflate(layoutInflater)
        private fun initView() {
            with(binding.recyclerView) {
                adapter = viewAdapter
        override fun observeChange() {
            observe(viewModel.items, ::onDataLoaded)
            observe(viewModel.toastMessage, ::showSnackbarMessage)
        private fun onDataLoaded(items: List<BaseViewItem>) {
        private fun onItemClicked(viewItem: BaseViewItem, view: View) {
            when (viewItem) {
                is DailyItem -> {
                is TextItem -> {
        companion object {
            fun startActivity(context: Context?) =
                context?.startActivity(Intent(context, CountryIndonesiaActivity::class.java))

    This question can be through kotlin-mvvm-covid19 project test.

    opened by tcqq 23
  • Add

    Add "import" information in README

    Hi, I just tried out your library and I have to say: Awesome! I WILL use it in my projects from now on.

    But it seems like adapterOf does not get imported automatically, so I had to search for the import in the sample app. Maybe you should add the note to the README that you need the import import me.ibrahimyilmaz.kiel.adapter.RecyclerViewAdapter.Companion.adapterOf like in the Download section.


    documentation enhancement kiel 
    opened by cyb3rko 5
  • [kiel] : Support HasStableId in adapterOf

    [kiel] : Support HasStableId in adapterOf

    In order to set hasStableId, we may pass lambda or interface to RecyclerViewAdapter to override getItemId.

    When it is passed, RecyclerViewAdapter use it, When it is not passed, RecyclerViewAdapter default super.getItemId()

    Aim is to make it composable also:

    syntax would be:

    val adapter =adapterOf<Type>{
             itemId{ t.getId() }
    documentation good first issue up-for-grabs 
    opened by ibrahimyilmaz 5
  • [kiel] Drop Jetifier

    [kiel] Drop Jetifier


    Hi! Thank you for making Kiel! I've played with it for some time now and I want to use it in our project but this issue is we are trying to reduce build time by dropping jetifier.

    We found out by dropping jetifier we can reduce a significant amount of build time. thank you!

    Describe the solution you'd like

    I've forked your project and dropped jetifier, test it and it works! I just disabled the app module because of some conflicts. Anyway it's working fine in my test project.

     implementation 'com.github.raquezha:kiel:1.2.1-beta'

    Describe alternatives you've considered

    I hope you consider this feature request

    Additional context

    1. Adam Bennet's Article about droping jetifier: https://adambennett.dev/2020/08/disabling-jetifier/
    2. Can I Drop Jetifier Repo: https://github.com/plnice/can-i-drop-jetifier
    enhancement kiel 
    opened by raquezha 4
  • [Kiel] Support for nested recyclerview

    [Kiel] Support for nested recyclerview

    Hi @ibrahimyilmaz, There is a common case that we will have a child list of items as a row of recyclerview just like Google Play did. Is there any solution for this case in Kiel?

    opened by rainboy93 4
  • [kiel] Support for load more functions

    [kiel] Support for load more functions

    Hi there, RecyclerView usually have to handle a large amount of data, I think it really need to add support for load more functions. What do you think?

    opened by rainboy93 4
  • [kiel] Create alternative methods for register , where layoutResource is passed as a value, and then wrapped into a function type.

    [kiel] Create alternative methods for register , where layoutResource is passed as a value, and then wrapped into a function type.

    Create alternative methods for register , where layoutResource is passed as a value, and then wrapped into a function type.


        type = Text::class.java
        layoutResource = { R.layout.adapter_message_text_item }
        viewHolder = { ::TextMessageViewHolder }
        onViewHolderBound = { vh, _, it ->
            vh.messageText.text = it.text
            vh.sentAt.text = it.sentAt

    would become this: Kotlin

        type = Text::class.java
        layoutResource = R.layout.adapter_message_text_item
        viewHolder = { ::TextMessageViewHolder }
        onViewHolderBound = { vh, _, it ->
            vh.messageText.text = it.text
            vh.sentAt.text = it.sentAt


    fun register(layoutResourceProvider: () -> Int) {
        // use layoutResourceProvider
    fun register(layoutResource: Int) = register(
        layoutResourceProvider = { layoutResource }
    enhancement good first issue 
    opened by ibrahimyilmaz 4
  • `listAdapterOf` DSL implementation

    `listAdapterOf` DSL implementation

    Proposed Changes/Issues Fixed

    listAdapterOf DSL introduced. example syntax:

    val adapter =listAdapterOf<Any> {
                itemDiffUtil { RecyclerViewItemCallback() }
                register { 
                    type {  }
                    viewHolder {  }
                    layoutResource {  }
                    onViewHolderBound { vh, i, it ->  }
                    onViewHolderCreated<> { vh, i, it ->  }
                    onViewHolderBoundWithPayload { vh, i, it, list ->  }<> { vh, i, it ->  }



    • [x] Change/Fix added to CHANGELOG.md
    • [x] Issue Link https://github.com/ibrahimyilmaz/kiel/issues/29
    • [ ] Current Sample was changed/ new sample is introcuded


    • [x] Unit-Tests implemented
    • [x] Monkey-Test done
    • [x] Does your submission pass ./gradlew check?
    opened by ibrahimyilmaz 2
  • Artifact Maven Central Upload

    Artifact Maven Central Upload


    • [x] Change/Fix added to CHANGELOG.md
    • [x] Issue Link https://github.com/ibrahimyilmaz/kiel/issues/72
    • [ ] Current Sample was changed/ new sample is introcuded


    • [ ] Unit-Tests implemented
    • [x] Monkey-Test done
    • [x] Does your submission pass ./gradlew check?
    opened by ibrahimyilmaz 1
  • MavenCentral upload task added to pipeline.

    MavenCentral upload task added to pipeline.


    • [ ] Change/Fix added to CHANGELOG.md
    • [ ] Issue Link
    • [ ] Current Sample was changed/ new sample is introcuded


    • [ ] Unit-Tests implemented
    • [ ] Monkey-Test done
    • [ ] Does your submission pass ./gradlew check?
    opened by ibrahimyilmaz 0
  • Remove jcenter from kiel

    Remove jcenter from kiel

    Proposed Changes/Issues Fixed

    Before publishing kiel to Maven Central, jcenter should be removed.


    • [x] Change/Fix added to CHANGELOG.md
    • [x] Issue Link https://github.com/ibrahimyilmaz/kiel/issues/72


    • [x] Monkey-Test done
    • [x] Does your submission pass ./gradlew check?
    opened by ibrahimyilmaz 0
  • how to define viewTypes with conditions

    how to define viewTypes with conditions

    now we can register viewTypes but README has no way to determine which viewType is created at spefici position i.e how to make views has two types Head, Sub

    • Head with odd positions
    • Sub with even positions
    opened by MahmoudMabrok 5
  • Composable Diff improvements

    Composable Diff improvements

    https://github.com/ibrahimyilmaz/kiel/pull/40 added syntax to define Diff callback for whole adapter. But you still have no ability to define diff callback for register blocks separately.

    There is example of how it may look like:

    adapterOf<Animal> {
            layoutResource = R.layout.item_cat,
            viewHolder = ::CatHolder,
            diff = diff(
                areItemsTheSame = { cat1, cat2 -> cat1.name == cat2.name }
            layoutResource = R.layout.item_dog,
            viewHolder = ::DogHolder,
            diff = diff(
                areItemsTheSame = { dog1, dog2 -> dog1.bark == dog2.bark }

    This builder under the hood should create single DiffUtil.Callback with multiple "delegates": one for Cat, one for Dog. Then, when DiffUtil.Callback methods are called, that Callback must pick appropriate "delegate" and call it

    enhancement help wanted good first issue reddit up-for-grabs 
    opened by terekhovyes 0
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