Annotation processor that provides better navigation on android multi-modules projects 🛳.


FlowNav    Maven Central

FlowNav is a mobile library for Android that helps and provider a better way to make multi-modules navigation.

The main purpose of this library is to help in cases where you have a project with multiple modules and need to navigate from one feature to another without adding dependency between them. For example, to navigate from module A to module B, you do not need to add module B as a dependency of module A.

There are other ways to solve the problem of module-to-module navigation such as using Intent-filter (which is error-prone and not support fragments). FlowNav solves these problems, either using Activities, native Fragments, or through the Navigation Component.

Check the wiki.


dependencies {

    kapt "dev.jeziellago:flownav-processor:$VERSION"


dependencies {

    implementation "dev.jeziellago:flownav-annotation:$VERSION"


dependencies {

    api "dev.jeziellago:flownav-router:$VERSION"

Router dependency is imported only on the navigation module.

All other modules will import the Processor and Annotation dependencies

Start Now!


This project is available under Apache Public License version 2.0. See LICENSE.

  • Wrong paths with multi-application modules

    Wrong paths with multi-application modules

    I've two application modules, app_a_app and app_b_app. And feature modules like app_a_payment and app_b_payment. These specific modules inherit from an common scope module like payment.

    In specific feature modules (by app), always the activity have the same name and the same EntryFlowNav like PayersActivity.

    So my module router do the maginc (with this cool library) calling the right path. Like start(FEATURE_X) inside a extension function like openFeatureX().

    When I'm running the app, the entrymap generated by library it's mixing paths from feature modules from other application module.


    [1] [2]

    I'm seeing references/paths in wrong application, causing ActivityNotFoundException.

    bug v0.4.4 
    opened by pedrofsn 13
  • [QUESTION] Multiple application modules in same project

    [QUESTION] Multiple application modules in same project

    Can I handle multiples flownav.main.module with this library? I've multiple applications modules in my scenario, it's a kind of white label application.

    We're using to handle multi module navigation, it's working well but unhappy this processors is not incremental.

    opened by pedrofsn 3
  • lateinit property entryMap has not been initialized

    lateinit property entryMap has not been initialized

    java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to create application br.X.X.App: kotlin.UninitializedPropertyAccessException: lateinit property entryMap has not been initialized [...] Caused by: kotlin.UninitializedPropertyAccessException: lateinit property entryMap has not been initialized

    My modules:

    • app_x_app: contains application class annotated with @FlowNavMain and started with FlowNavApp.start(getEntryMap()) in onCreate method. Use kapt processor and implementation of annotation.

    • app_x_login: contains login activity annotated with @EntryFlowNav(NavigationKeys.FEATURE_LOGIN). Use kapt processor and implementation of annotation.

    • router: contains a extension function to open login activity. Use kapt processor, implementation of annotation and router implementation (as 'api') .

    fun BaseActivity.openLoginWithoutHistory() {

    The big vision is:

    • app_x_app
      • app_x_login
      • router



    What am I missing?

    opened by pedrofsn 2
  • Add multi-app support

    Add multi-app support

    This PR add support to multiples application module in some project #14.

    Add to gradle.peoperties yours application modules using ,.


    New application module was added on sample.

    opened by jeziellago 0
  • Add support to application module with name different `app`

    Add support to application module with name different `app`

    If other module is used as application module (instead of theapp module), now is supported by FlowNav with the property flownav.main.module on file.

    opened by jeziellago 0
  • Add navigation support to native fragment

    Add navigation support to native fragment

    This PR include changes for add native support to Fragment (before only with the Navigation Component). Also, some improvements was added:

    • Better FlowNav setup
    • Add flags to navigation using Intents
    • Remove EntryFragmentFlowNav extension and add actionId to EntryFlowNav
    opened by jeziellago 0
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