A multi back stack android navigation
MIT License - Copyright (c) 2020 Abanoub Milad Nassief Hanna
Screen shots
How to add
Add to project level build.gradle
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url "" }
Add to app level build.gradle
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.abanoubmilad:labyrinth:0.4'
How to use
class ExampleMultiNavActivity : AppCompatActivity(), INavHolder {
lateinit var labyrinth: Labyrinth
override fun getINav() = labyrinth
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
labyrinth = Builder(
viewModelStoreOwner = this,
lifecycleOwner = this,
fragmentManager = supportFragmentManager,
* @ResId of FragmentContainerView that exists in your layout
* type:
fragmentContainerId =,
* BottomNavigationView that exists in your layout
* type:
bottomNavigationView = bottom_nav,
* list of lazy fragment initializer where each initializer
* represents the back stack root fragment
rootTabFragmentsInitializer = listOf(
{ Welcome() },
{ Leaderboard() },
{ Register() }
* map of each menu item id to it's corresponding stack index
* if a menu item should not map to a stack do not pass it
* if a menu ResId maps to a stack index, once clicked by user
* the module will navigate to the corresponding stack and display it
* onNavTabSelected callback will be fired
* if a menu ResId does not map to a stack index, once clicked by user
* onNonNavTabSelected callback will be fired
menuItemIdToRootTabFragmentIndexMap = hashMapOf( to 0, to 1, to 2
)).apply {
* initial selected tab
defaultSelectedTabIndex = 0
* if enabled, clicking same tab wil reset the current stack to its root fragment
* else, clicking same tab will behave as clicking back i.e pop current stack
resetOnSameTabClickEnabled = true
* if enabled, the fragments will survive any configuration change
* i.e fragments will be maintained even if activity is recreated
* this functionality is achieve using a view model
saveStateEnabled = false
* fragments pushed into current tab
* will be retained as long as their current tab is the selected one (active tab)
* when tab is switched you can choose to keep the non active stack fragments in memory
* so that when you switch back you will get the same instances
* OR destroy the non active stack fragments and recreate them (with same bundle) when their tab is selected again
* if enabled, non active tab (any tab that is not selected) fragments will be retained in memory
* if disabled, non active tab fragments will be destroyed and recreated
* with their previous bundle when the tab is selected again
* For better performance it's suggested to keep this disabled (false)
* so fragments of other tab can be destroyed and release memory resources
retainNonActiveTabFragmentsEnabled = false
* if enabled, tabs history will be maintained
tabHistoryEnabled = true
* onNavTabSelected: ((menItemId: Int) -> Unit)?
* a callback fired when a bottom menu tab is clicked (nav tab)
* i.e when a bottom menu tab that corresponds to a back stack is clicked
* a bottom menu tab corresponds to a stack if
* its exists in the menuItemIdToRootTabFragmentIndexMap
onNavTabSelected = null
* onNonNavTabSelected: ((menItemId: Int) -> Unit)?
* a callback fired when a bottom menu tab is clicked (non nav tab)
* i.e when a bottom menu tab that does not correspond to a back stack is clicked
* a bottom menu tab does not correspond to a stack if
* its id does exist in the menuItemIdToRootTabFragmentIndexMap
onNonNavTabSelected = null
override fun onDestroy() {
* labyrinth should release it's resources
override fun onBackPressed() {
* if shouldCallSuperOnBackPressed is true it means that labyrinth
* can not move any more back i.e both back stack and tabs history are empty
if (labyrinth.shouldCallSuperOnBackPressed())
* Note: using a fragment that does not extend NavFragment will also work
* but then you wont have the onVisible() callback since the fragment view wont be retained
* i.e it will behave same as setting shouldSaveState = false
* where the view will be created each time
* (but of course you will still have the multi stack behaviour as expected)
class About1 : NavFragment() {
* open val shouldSaveState = false
* if set to true:
* the fragment will retain its view
* (leak canary will complain about this as a leak, but it's a false positive one)
* i.e the view will survive back stack operations unless the fragment itself is dismissed
* in this case:
* buildRootView() is guaranteed to be called once only
* onCreated() is guaranteed to be called once only
* this callback is suitable for doing your view initializations
* onVisible() called is guaranteed to be called at least once
* as it will be called each time the fragment becomes visible again on ui
* if you use view model, you need to observe the view model inside the
* the onVisible() not the onCreated()
* example:
* fragment A is added to backs tack -> A.buildRootView() -> A.onCreated()-> A.onVisible() -> fragment B
* is added on top of A -> .... fragment B is dismissed -> A.onVisible() -> .......
* if set to false:
* the fragment will not retain its view
* i.e the view will be destroyed during the back stack operations
* in this case:
* buildRootView(), onCreated() and onVisible()
* will be called in order, each time the fragment becomes visible on ui
* whether it's the first time for this fragment or it's already restored from the back stack
* buildRootView() should be used to inflate the view as usual
* onCreated() should be used for view initializations
* onVisible() becomes useless in this case since it's always called with onCreated()
* but it can be used for view model observations this is helpful for
* better code separations and in case you decide to switch shouldSaveState to true
* as shouldSaveState = true requires view model observation to be done in onVisible()
* example:
* fragment A is added to backs tack -> A.buildRootView() -> A.onCreated()-> A.onVisible() -> fragment B
* is added on top of A -> .... fragment B is dismissed -> A.buildRootView() -> A.onCreated()-> A.onVisible() .......
override val shouldSaveState = true
* must override to specify how to build the fragment view
* this is really useful if you gonna have custom view initializations
* like data binding for example.
* example:
* override fun buildRootView(inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?): View {
* val binding: ProfileFragmentBinding =
* DataBindingUtil.inflate(inflater, layoutId, container, false)
* binding.viewModel = viewModel
* binding.lifecycleOwner = this
* return binding.root
* }
override fun buildRootView(
inflater: LayoutInflater,
container: ViewGroup?
): View {
return inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_about1, container, false)
override fun onCreated() {
override fun onVisible() {
class ExampleSingleNavActivity : AppCompatActivity(), INavHolder {
lateinit var labyrinth: LabyrinthSingle
override fun getINav() = labyrinth
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
labyrinth = BuilderSingle(
viewModelStoreOwner = this,
lifecycleOwner = this,
fragmentManager = supportFragmentManager,
fragmentContainerId =
).apply {
saveStateEnabled = true
* if enabled, bottom stack fragments will be retained in memory
* if disabled, bottom stack fragments will be destroyed and recreated
* with their previous bundle when they become at top of stack again
* For better performance it's suggested to keep this disabled (false)
* so fragments of bottom stack can be destroyed and release memory resources
retainNonActiveFragmentsEnabled = false
override fun onBackPressed() {
if (labyrinth.shouldCallSuperOnBackPressed())