17 Repositories
Android mockito Libraries
Android Kotlin+ MVVM + Retrofit2 + Room +Dagger2 + Coroutines + Junit4 + Espresso + Mockito + MockWebServer
Movies-TMDB Android Kotlin+ MVVM + Retrofit2 + Room +Dagger2 + Coroutines + Junit4 + + Espresso + Mockito + MockWebServer Movies-TMDB Android Movies-T
Android Application that let users select 2 currencies with the amount to convert
Currency Converter Android Application that let users select 2 currencies with the amount to convert and have Historical data for 2 currencies of thei
Futurama Quotes demonstrates modern Android development implements MVVM architecture
This application allows you to see futurama quotes. You can search quotes according to the character that said it as well. Futurama Quotes demonstrates modern Android development implements MVVM architecture.
Affirmations-App - Your Daily Affirmations Android Application
Affirmations-App Your Daily Affirmations Android Application Concepts Used Mater
Kotlin cli maven spring failsafe findbugs cucumber mockito junit car data
Kotlin cli maven spring failsafe findbugs cucumber mockito junit car data
The app demonstrates principles of usecases with RxJava2 , Dagger2 , Room , MVP , Mockito and Clean Architecture in Android. 📚
Mediateka About The app demonstrates principles of Clean Architecture in Android. Based on data from https://www.themoviedb.org/ Screenshots Simple il
Using Mockito with Kotlin
Mockito-Kotlin A small library that provides helper functions to work with Mockito in Kotlin. Install Mockito-Kotlin is available on Maven Central. Fo
Android Sample Kotlin+ MVVM + Coroutines + Retrofit +Hilt+ Junit + Mockito
NTimes AppSample NY Times Most Popular Articles simple app to hit the NY Times Most Popular Articles API and show a list of articles, that shows detai
Generate unit testing boilerplate from kotlin files.
TestIt While TDD is a better approach for development, many projects don't practice it and end up with low test coverage. This project is here to help
Proyecto de Kotlin y JPA sobre Hibernate, con algunos test usando JUnit 5 y Mockito.
Contactos Kotlin JPA Ejemplos de una aplicación de manejo de contactos con Kotlin y JPA. Usando para testear la aplicación JUnit 5 y Mockito. Almacena
A small library that provides helper functions to work with Mockito in Kotlin.
Mockito-Kotlin A small library that provides helper functions to work with Mockito in Kotlin. Install Mockito-Kotlin is available on Maven Central. Fo
A sample photo browsing app in Kotlin, Android using Picsum image API.
Picsum Photo App Functionality The app's functionality includes: Fetch a list of images from picsum photos api (https://picsum.photos/) and show them
This project is to create a system that uses DeFi technology to enforce contracts.
This project is to create a system that uses DeFi technology to enforce contracts. Users will be able to set up contracts between each other, this includes an escrow service for payments. If users disagree over whether a contract was fulfilled, a jury appointed by the system will make the final decision.
MVVM News Application with clean code architecture & android jetpack components.
Android - Clean Architecture - Kotlin The purpose of this repo is to follow up Clean Architecture principles by bringing them to Android. The repo con
Most popular Mocking framework for unit tests written in Java
Most popular mocking framework for Java Current version is 3.x Still on Mockito 1.x? See what's new in Mockito 2! Mockito 3 does not introduce any bre
A multi back stack android navigation
Labyrinth A multi back stack android navigation MIT License - Copyright (c) 2020 Abanoub Milad Nassief Hanna abanoubcs@gmail.com @Linkedin @Github Scr
Kotlin Unit Testing Examples
Kotlin Unit Testing Examples Table of Contents Application Gradle, Kotlin & Groovy Junit4 Junit5 KotlinTest Spek Mockito Mockito-Kotlin Mockk Strikt T