A jetpack compose form builder implementation.


Jetpack Compose FormBuilder

A highly android library used to provide an abstraction layer over form elements as well as provide a DRY code implementation of a form.


The library aims to provide a dynamic way to build a Form using Jetpack compose input fields. There are common actions that are performed with forms such as validation and management of data.

With the current version of Jetpack compose, we don't have a Form composable which leads to a lot of redundant code that can get messy really quick. Assume you have 10 text fields, you have to manage the state and validation of each field individually. This will lead to a lot of variables and if/when expressions in that single composable.


The library approaches the problem as follows:

1. Form composable

We have a Form composable that is in charge of drawing all the input fields on the screen. It has its own state used to validate the fields it contains and returns the data from the form. The data returned from the form is in the form of Map where the fields' names are the keys in the map.

2. Validators

This is a group of methods that perform an actual check on the field's data. They are used to check if the data in the field matches the specified criteria. Available validators are:

  • Required: this requires that a field should not be empty
  • Email: this requires the field value to match the Email regex
  • Min: this receives an argument which the value should be greater than
  • Max: this receives an argument which the value should not exceed or should be less than

3. Input fields

There should be a field composable that accepts the following attributes:

  • name: this will be used as the key in the form's result/data
  • validators: this is a list containing all possible validators to be performed on that field
  • styles: theses are a couple of attributes available on the normal Material TextField

Once you call validate from the Form's state, all the form fields must be validated and the method should return a boolean to denote whether all the validators have passed or any has failed. The form state should also have a method to access all the data from each of the fields in the Form.


A simple form element should have one state. It should receive a list of fields each with their own attributes.

fun MyForm(){
    val formState by remember { FormBuilderState() }
        state = state,
        fields = [
                name = "email",
                validators = [Required, Email]
                name = "age",
                validators = [Required, Min(18)]
    // to validate
    if (state.validate()){
        val data = state.values() // {email=test@mail.com, age=13}

MIT Licence

  • How do I prepopulate with existing  data

    How do I prepopulate with existing data

    If I have an update form that I wish to prepopulate with data which method should be called. Or is there a need to create the setData equivalent of getData on FormState?

    opened by andre-artus 6
  • Validators


    Just as the README states, we will need various functions specified in the library for validations.

    You can start by creating an open class to define your validators:

    sealed interface Validators
    open class Email(var message: String): Validators
    open class Required(var message: String): Validators
    open class Min(var message: String, var limit: Double): Validators
    open class Max(var message: String, var limit: Double): Validators
    open class Regex(var message: String, var regex: String): Validators

    Then in the state class, you can add the actual implementation of the validator:

    private fun required(): Boolean = text.isNotEmpty()

    In case of any question, you can reach out to me or check this repo for further guidance.

    opened by LinusMuema 3
  • Add validation for dropdown menu

    Add validation for dropdown menu

    This library is awesome, can we validate dropdown menu (spinner) with form_builder? If it is possible than show us how to implement it or if it is not possible than please add this validation too. thnx.

    opened by salauddin23shumon 2
  • More validations

    More validations

    Here's a list of more validations that we can add to our already existing validations list.

    1. Phone: this can be used to verify phone numbers. From the android util patterns, we can verify this data just like we do with emails.
    2. Web URL: this can be used to verify links. Simply that. Same case as the phone, we have android utils.
    3. Cards: We can use this to verify credit card numbers.
    opened by LinusMuema 0
  • Feature nav buttons

    Feature nav buttons

    Added a new navigation composable that has a button. It receives two arguments:

    • screen: this is the current page in the survey flow
    • navigate: the lambda function to be executed once the user clicks the button.

    In the SurveyViewmodel we will be calling navigate function to change the screen once the user clicks the button in this composable. We will also need to check if the Validate on each screen option is set to true. If so, we will validate the current screen before changing the page.

    This fixes #32

    opened by LinusMuema 0
  • Feature tab layout

    Feature tab layout

    Implemented the tab layout composables. Since there is no Material composable for such a behaviour, I implemented a custom tab using the Canvas API.

    Using Modifier.onGloballyPositioned I am able to get the center of each text header in the Tab. I use this as the offset on the X-axis to draw the indicators below the Text using the Canvas.drawCircle function. I also use the same to draw the line that connects the indicators.

    Animations use the simple AnimatedVisibility composable.

    This solves #31

    opened by LinusMuema 0
  • Navigation


    This involves the buttons on each of the survey pages.


    • [x] Add the buttons composable
    • [x] Implement navigation between the survey pages
    • [x] Start validations if needed
    • [x] Navigate to ExitActivity if needed
    opened by LinusMuema 0
  • Tab layout

    Tab layout

    This includes the indicator at the top of the screen.


    • [x] Create the TabLayout composable
    • [x] Implement the state changes and update the UI on navigation

    Nice to have's

    • [x] Animate the visibility on navigation
    • [x] Animate the transition on navigation
    opened by LinusMuema 0
  • Survey validation

    Survey validation


    • [x] Implement the validate on each screen flow
    • [x] Add the individual form validations
    • [x] Implement the whole survey validation
    • [x] Navigate to the error screens if needed

    Nice to have's

    • [ ] Animate the navigation to the error screens
    opened by LinusMuema 0
  • Survey state management

    Survey state management

    In the SurveyViewmodel class, create a the form states to hold the states of all the fields of a single page the survey. All fields must have the Validators.Required validator.


    • [x] Create the different form states
    • [x] Add field states to the specific form states
    • [x] Add the respective validators in each of the field states
    opened by LinusMuema 0
  • 1.0.5(Oct 20, 2022)

    What's Changed

    Feature/additional validators by @SergeiMikhailovskii in https://github.com/jkuatdsc/form-builder/pull/47. Three validators added to the TextFieldState

    • Phone: this can be used to verify phone numbers.
    • Web URL: this can be used to verify links.
    • Cards: this can be used to verify credit card numbers.

    New Contributors

    • @SergeiMikhailovskii made their first contribution in https://github.com/jkuatdsc/form-builder/pull/47

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/jkuatdsc/form-builder/compare/1.0.4...1.0.5

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.0.3(Sep 8, 2022)

  • v1.0.2(Jul 17, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Added initial: <T> argument in BaseState class
    • Changed the access modifier for value and fun validate() in BaseState class to internal
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.0.1(Apr 3, 2022)

  • 1.0.0(Feb 17, 2022)

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