Gradle Autocomplete for Powershell


Gradle Autocomplete for Powershell

The autocompletion works by creating a .tasks file in the project folder at the first time it is executed.
Following executions will use this file to determine the matching task.
If you need to refresh the task list simply delete the .tasks file


  1. Download the gradleAutoComplete.jar and gradleAutoComplete.bat
  2. Add the containing folder to the PATH Environment variable
  3. Set ExecutionPolicy in Powershell to RemoteSigned:
    1. Run Powershell as Administrator
    2. Run Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
  4. Add the following snippet to your $PROFILE in the Powershell (notepad.exe $PROFILE)
# The code that will perform the auto-completion
$scriptBlock = {
    # The parameters passed into the script block by the
    #  Register-ArgumentCompleter command
            $commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete,
            $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameters

    # The list of values that the typed text is compared to
    $values = ''
    if (Test-Path './gradlew.bat' -PathType leaf){
        if(Test-Path './.tasks' -PathType leaf){
            $values = Get-Content -Path './.tasks'
            $pwd= pwd
                $values = gradleAutoComplete $pwd
                Write-Host "An error occurred:"
                Write-Host $_
            Out-File -FilePath './.tasks' -InputObject $values -Encoding ASCII

    foreach ($val in $values) {
        # What has been typed matches the value from the list
        if ($val -like "$wordToComplete*") {
            # Print the value

# Register our function and auto-completion code with the command
Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName gradlew -ParameterName Param -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock
  1. Run . $PROFILE to reload your configuration
  2. Now you can navigate into your gradle folder and type gradlew taskNa to trigger the autocompletion (if you have a lot of tasks it could take some time at the first trigger)
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