Google Play demo app for the Mapbox Maps SDK for Android


Mapbox Android Demo app


This is a public demo of the Mapbox Maps SDK for Android. The demo app is available now in the Google Play Store and it shows off many of the examples found on:

There are also examples that only live in the app. The app's "labs" section has examples which often combine various Mapbox tools to create more complex examples.

Visit the overview page to get started using the Mapbox Maps SDK for Android in your Android project.

Steps to adding a new example

Feedback and contribution are encouraged in this repo. If you'd like to see a new example added into the app, either open an issue or create it yourself and open a pull request following these steps:

  • Create a new java file and place in the acceptable folder (examples or labs) giving it a descriptive name and ending the title with *Activity. It's important that all activities extend AppCompat.
  • If the activity needs a layout, add one with the naming convention activity_*.
  • Add the activity to the AndroidManifest.xml file.
  • Open the file and scroll down to the listItems method. You'll notice a switch statement, pick one of the cases (categories) and add the new example so it matches the others.
  • Code your example and test to make sure it works properly.
  • Open a pull request with the new example.

Note: This repo uses checkstyle to make sure code contributed follows the Mapbox Style standards. When a pull request is opened, Bitrise will check that no style issues occur in the code. Read this wiki entry to set up checkstyle in Android Studio.

Running locally

Setting the Mapbox access token

This demo app uses Mapbox vector tiles, which require a Mapbox account and a Mapbox access token. Obtain a free access token on the Mapbox account page.

With the first Gradle invocation, Gradle will take the value of the MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable and save it to SharedCode/src/main/res/values/developer-config.xml. If the environment variable wasn't set, you can create/edit the developer-config.xml file. Create an access_token String resource and paste your access token into it:

<string name="access_token">PASTE_YOUR_TOKEN_HERE</string>
Product flavors

The app has a two product flavors; global and china. The global flavor has the full list of standard examples, whereas the china flavor has China-specific examples, which use the Mapbox China Plugin for Android. The plugin requires a special China Mapbox access token. Contact our sales team to start the process of receiving this special access token.

You might see China-related examples when you locally run the app on your device. This is because Android Studio is set on the china flavor. Find and click on the "Build Variants" tab in the lower left hand corner of the Android Studio window. Then choose globalDebug to change the flavor to the global flavor. Re-run the app on your device to see the "regular" demo app examples.

screen shot 2019-03-06 at 9 09 13 am

If you're still having issues, please open an issue ticket in this repo.

Inside the app

  • Begin work on next release examples

    Begin work on next release examples

    The next release of the MAS and Mapbox Android SDK will include new features we will need to demonstrate in this app. Using this ticket to track what examples should be added:

    Style examples:

    User location:

    Map Features



    Marker view

    MAS example:


    Let me know if I'm missing something, you'd like to see an example not listed here, or something listed here isn't possible.

    cc: @ivovandongen @zugaldia @bleege @tobrun @danswick @lyzidiamond

    opened by cammace 20
  • couldn't find DSO to load:

    couldn't find DSO to load:

    E/SoLoader: couldn't find DSO to load: caused by: dlopen failed: "/data/data/im.aa.messager/lib-main/" has unexpected e_machine: 40 (EM_ARM)
    E/Mbgl-LibraryLoader: Failed to load native shared library.
        com.facebook.soloader.SoLoader$WrongAbiError: APK was built for a different platform
            at com.facebook.soloader.SoLoader.loadLibraryBySoName(
            at com.facebook.soloader.SoLoader.loadLibrary(
            at com.facebook.soloader.SoLoader.loadLibrary(
            at com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.module.loader.LibraryLoaderProviderImpl$SoLibraryLoader.load(
            at com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.LibraryLoader.load(
            at com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.Mapbox.getInstance(
            at im.yai.message.mvp.ui.fragment.MapBoxFragment.onCreate(
            at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
            at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
            at android.os.Looper.loop(
            at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
         Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: couldn't find DSO to load: caused by: dlopen failed: "/data/data/im.aa.messager/lib-main/" has unexpected e_machine: 40 (EM_ARM)
            at com.facebook.soloader.SoLoader.doLoadLibraryBySoName(
            at com.facebook.soloader.SoLoader.loadLibraryBySoName(
            at com.facebook.soloader.SoLoader.loadLibrary( com.facebook.soloader.SoLoader.loadLibrary( com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.module.loader.LibraryLoaderProviderImpl$SoLibraryLoader.load( com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.LibraryLoader.load(<clinit>( com.mapbox.mapboxsdk.Mapbox.getInstance( im.yai.message.mvp.ui.fragment.MapBoxFragment.onCreate($ android.os.Handler.handleCallback( android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( android.os.Looper.loop( java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 
    opened by pglve 18
  • Add localizations

    Add localizations

    When the upstream integration of multi language support in, we should update this codebase to support the same languages as added there. Additionally we can also update the store listing to reflect support of these languages.

    opened by tobrun 16
  • Symbol Layer Icons become hidden with textfield

    Symbol Layer Icons become hidden with textfield


    We are using SymbolLayer Infow Window code from the following url:

    We have noticed that if we placed the symbols/ markers without TextField then the mapbox display more icons on the screen. For example if have we total 10 icons then on a specific zoom level without textfield, we can see 5 to 6 six icons. But with a textField the mapbox show only 2 to 3 icons, means it shows less icons. While we zoom in the map, then rest of the icons also displayed. Why the icons become hidden at the same zoom level? As we zoom out the map, the icons going to disappear, and shown again as we zoom in.

    Any idea. Please see the following code.

    if (isMarkerNameShowing) {
                        style.addLayer(new SymbolLayer(MARKER_LAYER_ID, GEOJSON_SOURCE_ID)
                                        PropertyFactory.textOffset(new Float[]{0f, 1f}),
                                        iconOffset(new Float[]{0f, -8f})
                    } else {
                        style.addLayer(new SymbolLayer(MARKER_LAYER_ID, GEOJSON_SOURCE_ID)
                                        iconOffset(new Float[]{0f, -8f})

    Thank you.

    opened by asifjavaid 14
  • Setup & Structure

    Setup & Structure

    This repo has 3 gradle files: build.gradle, settings.gradle, and MapBoxAndroidDemo/build.gradle

    Which of these should I import? What's the story on this directory structure - why isn't MapBoxAndroidDemo the root path?

    question :question: 
    opened by tmcw 14
  • Mapbox crashing after some interval of time

    Mapbox crashing after some interval of time

    My application is using com.mapbox.mapboxsdk:mapbox-android-navigation-ui:0.37.0 for displaying map and markers (it will also have routes and navigation but still not implemented).

    Application is also using com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:3.14.1 and com.squareup.okhttp3:logging-interceptor:3.14.1

    Application is displaying the markers using SymbolManager as described in

    If application is kept open for certain number of time (30 secs - 150 secs), it crashes automatically without doing anything on it. Please see the attached logs with this issue.

    Your help is appreciated.

    Thanking you in advance, TankJK


    opened by TankJK 13
  • Question :: How to change marker icon with ClusterManagerPlugin

    Question :: How to change marker icon with ClusterManagerPlugin

    Hi all ,

    Can anyone please tell me how can I add my custom icon with ClusterManagerPlugin.

    NOTE :: I am very much familiar with adding custom icon and info window but without clustering.

    opened by AndroidDeveloperMCT 11
  • Adding ignore sign in button

    Adding ignore sign in button

    Because the pitchforks are being sharpened over the LandingActivity account login/creation page (😉), this pr adds a Don't ask again button. This saves a boolean into SharedPreferences, which helps control whether LandingActivity is shown upon app launch. This pr also adds an account login/creation button to the app's settings dialog. Clicking the button brings the user to the LandingActivity.

    Resolves #494

    ezgif com-resize (2)

    ezgif com-resize (3)

    enhancement :heavy_plus_sign: refactor :recycle: 
    opened by langsmith 10
  • Adding sanity test

    Adding sanity test

    Resolves #675 by adding sanity tests to make sure that each example can be opened and that a Mapbox map appears. Will be immensely helpful in testing the demo app to catch errors and crashes as the Mapbox Maps SDK for Android continues to be developed.

    The work in this pr is largely based off of the sanity test setup in

    cc @tobrun @zugaldia

    ✓ ready for review :+1: test :mag: 
    opened by langsmith 10
  • The partially gray map in mapview

    The partially gray map in mapview

    Hi guys,

    I just find an issue when I load a mapview and GLSurfaceView in the same activity, the mapview just shows gray without tiles if I did zoom in, zoom out or moving the map. Any ideas about what could be a potential issue?


    The left side is mapview and the right side is a GLSurfaceView.

    question :question: 
    opened by liute62 9
  • Update demo app version on China app stores?

    Update demo app version on China app stores?

    It seems that we have pretty outdated versions of the demo app on Chinese app stores.

    Once we/I finish multi-language support for the demo app, maybe we can think about updating the Chinese app stores?

    I would think that a beautiful up-to-date app with lots of examples in Simplified/Traditional, would be really great for @KarenZZhang 's marketing and dev relations work.

    cc @cammace @LornTao @zugaldia

    opened by langsmith 9
  • i am trying to get  a route but the request fails each time  . using mapbox

    i am trying to get a route but the request fails each time . using mapbox

                .build(), routerCallback
    opened by binarysmith1719 0
  • Can upgrade this to 31 for V9

    Can upgrade this to 31 for V9

    Meet Google Play's target API level requirement

    When you upload an APK, it must meet Google Play’s target API level requirements.

    New apps must target Android 12 (API level 31) or higher; except for Wear OS apps, which must target Android 11 (API level 30) or higher.

    Starting in November 2022, app updates must target API level 31 or above and adjust for behavioral changes in Android 12; except for Wear OS apps, which must target API level 30 or higher.

    Note: Starting in 2022, some out-of-date apps will be unavailable to new users of devices that run newer versions of Android.

    opened by luoyexk 0
  • Android: How to show country wise data in choropleth map?

    Android: How to show country wise data in choropleth map? this link shows the implementation with state wise data in US. But i need to show country wise data in world map with local json.

    How to implement this?

    opened by dprasath 0
  • Not able to follow guide for running code in android studio [not able to add mapbox access token]

    Not able to follow guide for running code in android studio [not able to add mapbox access token]

    i have an problem with following this guide( ) here it is mentioned that i will get like { SharedCode/src/main/res/values/developer-config.xml } this folder . but i am not getting res and values folder inside the SharedCode . and gradle for the project is also not build in android studio.

    plz guide me in more detail to run this in android studio.

    thanking you in advanced

    regards suryanshu Screenshot (95)

    opened by skjaiswal20 0
  • 9.5.0(Sep 25, 2020)

    • Removed v7 style usage and upgraded to v8 styles (#1369)
    • Added single 3D building extrusion highlight example (#1368)
    • Adding extrusion coloring match expression Kotlin example (#1370)
    • Java SDK bump to 5.5.0 (#1373)
    • Bump target SDK, compile SDK, and buildtools to 29 (#1375)
    • Update map sdk to 9.5.0-beta.1 (#1376)
    • Update version to 9.5.0 (#1378)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 9.3.1(Aug 18, 2020)

    • Bumped annotation plugin to 0.9.0 #1362
    • Java SDK bump to 5.4.1 #1359
    • Java SDK bump to 5.3.0 #1354
    • Use default marker icon #1353
    • Added feature list size check in PolygonSelectToggleActivity #1352
    • Light cleanup of FeatureCollection and Source initialization #1310
    • Adding example of removing feature visibility with layer filter #1308
    • Fixed source and layer name for ImageSourceActivity #1298
    • Added mapbox token init to PlaceSelectionPluginActivity #1351
    • Fixed location of MixedChinaAndGlobalStyleActivity token toast message #1350
    • Updated gradle options in circle.yml file #1349
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 9.2.1(May 13, 2020)

  • 9.2.0(May 13, 2020)

    • Java SDK bump to 5.2.1 #1346
    • Added pulsing LocationComponent examples #1344
    • Java SDK bump to 5.2.0 #1345
    • Added vibrate on pin drop example #1330
    • Bump maps sdk to 9.2.0 #1342
    • Added 3d extrusions zoom-based opacity example #1341
    • Added two person isochrone poi within filter example #1339
    • Added within poi circle polygon filter example #1340
    • Added within expression filter example #1334
    • Bumped places plugin to 0.12.0 #1331
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 9.1.0(Apr 8, 2020)

  • 9.0.0(Mar 3, 2020)

    • Bumped the Maps SDK to 9.0.0 #1305
    • Adding circle icon toggling OnClick example #1304
    • Adding baseball spray chart example #1302
    • Adding directions profile toggle example #1303
    • Adding example of zooming to cluster children #1301
    • Adding Tilequery API + Static Images API notification example #1297
    • Bumped Maps SDK to 8.6.2 #1291
    • Adding straight line Turf distance measurement ("as the crow flies") example #1289
    • Added example of SymbolLayer icon being set based on property #1290
    • Fix typo in SpaceStationLocationActivity comment #1288
    • Bumped Java SDK to 5.0.0 #1287
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 8.6.0(Jan 8, 2020)

    • Bumped maps sdk to 8.6.0 #1282
    • Adds a worldview switch example #1278
    • Refactoring satellite streets opacity zoom fade example #1274
    • Adding bordered circle Kotlin example #1275
    • Added fingerprint biometric authentication example #1272
    • Disabling collision transition for clustering examples #1270
    • Adding example of loading cn or global style based on device location #1267
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 8.5.0(Nov 13, 2019)

    • Bumped maps sdk to 8.5.0 #1246
    • Updated WMS source example to fix missing 3rd party satellite imagery #1260
    • Commented out PlaceSelectionPluginActivity place picker example #1258
    • Fixed black x icons showing in circle clustering example #1257
    • Adjusted SharedPreferences example title and description #1256
    • Adding china bounds checker example #1252
    • Added example of circle-to-icon smooth transition #1248
    • Adjusted listener for example card onClick #1228
    • Fixed ischrone seekbar title typo #1245
    • Bumped china plugin dependency to 2.3.0 #1242
    • Switched fromUrl to fromUri in SimpleChinaMapViewActivity #1243
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 8.4.3(Oct 8, 2019)

  • 8.4.2(Oct 8, 2019)

  • 8.4.1(Oct 2, 2019)

  • 8.4.0(Oct 1, 2019)

    • Added bounding box linelayer toggle of large map to inset map #1230
    • Maps SDK to v8.4.0 update #1217
    • Removed unused resources #1224
    • Fixed turf physical circle units image url duplication #1225
    • Bumped Java SDK Turf and Services to 4.9.0 #1221
    • Tweaks to attribution color change example #1218
    • Removed class where needed in proguard rules #1214
    • Fixed Turf physical circle units image url #1215
    • Adding CameraPosition to snapshotter share example #1216
    • Proguard tweak to remove { *; } where needed #1213
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 8.3.3(Sep 18, 2019)

    • Tweaks to attribution color change example #1218
    • Removed class where needed in proguard rules #1214
    • Fixed Turf physical circle units image url #1215
    • Adding CameraPosition to snapshotter share example #1216
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 8.3.2(Sep 17, 2019)

  • 8.3.1(Sep 17, 2019)

    • Adding example of saving and retrieving coordinates in shared preferences#1210
    • Updated proguard-rule files to cut down on proguard messages #1174
    • Adding elevation query example #1170
    • Adding attribution color change example #1208
    • Adding example of multiple geometries based on Directions route #1158
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 8.3.0-1(Sep 6, 2019)

  • 8.3.0(Sep 3, 2019)

    • Gradle Play Publisher plugin adjustments #1198
    • Refactoring to replace style.isFullyLoaded() with onStyleLoaded() callback #1192
    • Refactoring RelativeLayout to FrameLayout #1181
    • Bumping maps sdk version to stable 8.3.0 #1161
    • Adding Kotlin example of adding a map fragment to container #1188
    • Adding null checks in OptimizationActivity response #1184
    • Refactored TilequeryActivity with appropriate null checks #1185
    • Added try/catch for getting getISO3Country for analytics #1182
    • Fixes to Localization Plugin XML so that language switch buttons appear #1186
    • Added try/catch when TileLoadingInterceptor tries to get country code #1183
    • Refactoring changes to switch loadGeoJsonFromAsset() usage to URI #1179
    • Adding spinning SymbolLayer icons example #1177
    • Added TurfMeasurement distance example #1193
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 8.2.1-3(Aug 13, 2019)

  • 8.2.1-2(Aug 13, 2019)

  • 8.2.1-1(Aug 9, 2019)

  • 8.2.1(Aug 9, 2019)

    • Added example of cache management methods usage #1139
    • Bumped maps sdk to 8.2.1 #1155
    • Scalebar plugin bump to 0.2.0 #1154
    • Bumped Maps SDK to stable 8.2.0 #1129
    • Refactoring GeoJsonSource creation with URL to URI #1150
    • Refactor QueryFeatureActivity to use SymbolLayer instead of MarkerViewOptions #1148
    • Adjusted manifest to fix SimpleMapView kotlin example #1149
    • Add file to fix compile error. #1147
    • Define a Circle's Radius with Physical Units #1047
    • Polygon hole layer below null check #1145
    • Adding kotlin lint plugin and needed tweaks #1140
    • Fix NPE #1130
    • Adding Firebase crashlytics and AndroidX support #1104
    • Add tutorial demos #1127)
    • Added RecyclerView + Directions route example #1123
    • Refactoring fromUrl() to fromUri() #1120
    • Adding interactive isochrone + seekbar slider example #1121
    • Removing a duplicate globalImplementation dependenciesList.firebaseCrash line #1115
    • Adjusted strings for trailing line example and dashed directions example #111
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 8.1.0(Jun 21, 2019)

    • Adding LocationComponent camera mode example #1038
    • Drawn line behind moving SymbolLayer icon #998
    • Fix index out of bound exception #1108
    • Bumped maps sdk to 8.1.0 #1088
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 8.0.1(Jun 13, 2019)

    • Variable label placement example #1066
    • Adding example of "revealed" polygon hole with outline #1050
    • Adding draw on map for search example #983
    • Refactoring Isochrone example to add time label toggle #1087
    • Adding Scale Bar Plugin example #1103
    • China plugin bump to 2.2.0 #1081
    • Making needed iconTranslate -> iconOffset refactoring changes #1084
    • Added geometry check to building outline example #1086
    • Moving Firebase crash configuration to CI #1089
    • Fixes to various small issues found during QA #1099
    • Bumped plugins as part of giant plugin release following Maps SDK 8.0.0 release #1102
    • Bumped Maps SDK to 8.0.1 #1105
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 8.0.0(May 22, 2019)

    • bump Maps SDK to v7.4.0 (#1061)
    • get only fully loaded style when returning from async tasks (#1019)
    • Fixed description for collision detection example (#1075)
    • Adding example of onStyleImageMissing listener usage (#1070)
    • Adding ignore sign in button (#1033)
    • Adjusted HomeScreenWidgetActivity class' location and its javadocs (#1031)
    • Fix StringIndexOutOfBounds for urls that do not have ? (#1073)
    • Tile loading performance measurement (#1012)
    • Adjusted GeojsonLayerInStackActivity example card image (#1067)
    • Camera adjustment to GeojsonLayerInStackActivity (#1064)
    • Adding coordinate check in IsochroneActivity (#1065)
    • Adding example of ignorePlacement/allowOverlap for text and icons (#1063)
    • Switching to greater than or equals for circle clustering example (#1049)
    • Refactoring and splitting basic SymbolLayer icon examples (#1030)
    • Adding example of using TurfTransformation#circle to create visual ring (#1039)
    • bumped turf and services to 4.8.0 (#1062)
    • Updated Mapbox SF office coordinates for PlacesPluginActivity (#1041)
    • Adding multiple color formatting to TextFieldMultipleFormatsActivity (#1054)
    • Isochrone API refactor to use Java SDK wrapper (#1029)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 7.4.0-beta.2(Apr 26, 2019)

    • Adding SKU generation (via Maps SDK bump to 7.4.0-beta.2) (#1043)
    • Refactoring #setGeoJson() to pass in Point object directly as a parameter (#1040)
    • Adding note about product flavors to README (#987)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 7.3.3(Apr 19, 2019)

    Release corresponds to v7.3.2 release of maps sdk

    • Refactoring LocationComponent examples to use LocationComponentActivationOptions#1010
    • Bumped dependencies for new plugin releases #1014
    • Bumped china plugin to 2.1.1 #1026
    • Fixes waving bear's image decoding on Android Pie #1025
    • Using dependencies.gradle file for Gradle plugin script version setup #1017
    • Removed duplicate snaking directions line example #1027
    • Bumped turf and services to 4.6.0 #1028
    • Tweaks to SymbolLayer icon offset spacing #1016
    • Bumped maps sdk to 7.3.2 #1035
    • Fix to geocoding example XML#1006, #1007
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 7.3.2(Apr 1, 2019)

  • 7.3.1(Apr 1, 2019)

    This release is a follow up to

    The release to the Play Store was blocked by a lint error. The error was fixed in

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 7.3.0(Apr 1, 2019)

    • Multiple text field format #988
    • Symbol listener #1000
    • Click to add image #923
    • Symbol switch based on zoom level #929
    • Rotating map camera #933
    • Animated SymbolLayer icon #934
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 7.2.0(Mar 7, 2019)

    • Added manifest declaration to use CleartextTraffic #980
    • Removing GIF library #979
    • Maps SDK bump to v7.2.0 #978
    • Fix disappearing camera restriction bbox #972
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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