This is a challenge assigned by Wit, which aimed to build an Android App to visualize the temperature in my current location, in this case (Maputo - MOZ) and in some suggested European cities (Lisbon, Madrid, Paris, Berlin, Copenhagen , Rome, London, Dublin, Prague and Vienna).
For the sake of distraction, I will have initially created the App in Flutter (Dart Language) and then migrated to Native Android (with Kotlin), as soon as I realized the request.
I was assigned the link (http://openweathermap.org/api), so that I could consume the data brought by the same API -> OPEN WEATHER MAP.
Below I present the built interface:
Getting Started
This project is a starting point for a Flutter application.
I present now, the packages I used during the construction of my code
A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project:
- HEXCOLOR- To get colors Using HEX Number
- Http - To get Response from API Request
- Cookbook: Useful Flutter samples
Unsolved Bugs
During my developement process i stack on the following bugs:
- Time Zone Coversion
- Sunrise & SunSet time conversion