The ownCloud Android App


ownCloud Android app

Join development!

Build status:

master (Unit tests and data instrumented tests)
master (UI tests)

Start contributing: Make sure you read when you start working on this project. Basically: Fork this repository and contribute back using pull requests to the master branch. Easy starting points are also reviewing pull requests and working on junior jobs.

IRC channel: #owncloud-android on freenode IRC

License: GPLv2

Join testing!

If you are interested in testing the new features before being released and give us your feedback, please try out our beta channels:

Play Store

  1. Download ownCloud app from Play Store.
  2. Go to ownCloud tab in Play Store and scroll down to the end of the view.
  3. Press the I'M IN button to join the beta program and your final app will be replaced with the beta one.

Note: If you want to use the ownCloud production version you have to leave the beta program, uninstall the app, and reinstall the production version.


  1. Go to ownCloud tab in F-Droid.
  2. Open versions section.
  3. Download the latest version that contains beta in the name.
  • #1556 - Toolbar, new Drawer and new Account Manager

    #1556 - Toolbar, new Drawer and new Account Manager

    This is the PR for #1556 - see todos and comments

    At the moment my implementation is stable and available in the beta.

    At the moment I also added the uploads menu item here as a dummy since this PR will be merged after the reliable uploads has been released so you all can already see how it will look like.

    Material Design spec for side nav drawer:

    What has been done already:

    • [x] integrate with toolbar and get navigation right
    • [x] integrate new drawer implementation where menu items do have a checked state
    • [x] FIXES #1210
    • [x] FIXES #1383
    • [x] Successor of #1537
    • [x] integrate material style account switcher
    • [x] implement colored circle/letter user icon with the right diameter in alignment to the oC server's implementation (this has already been implemented by @tobiasKaminsky an the account switcher branch)
    • [x] remove old drawer implementation.
    • [x] propagate account manager changes to the drawer including active account swapping
    • [x] check for necessary fix for #1572 after #1493 has been merged to master
    • [x] modify header design with larger user icon and menu item aligned switcher text and smaller overall drawer header height
    • [x] implement account switching in header via avatar icons (always remember and show the last 3 accounts)
    • [x] test what happens for really, really, really long account names with the menu items
    • [X] heavy testing for all Activities to make sure they all call the toolbar setup methods after they set the view content <<<< I did a lot of this during the code review; @jesmrec , not sure if you have more to do here. <<<< Present in test plan


    • [X] Crash with no account: [FIXED]
    • [X] Duplicated account in navigation drawer: [FIXED]
    • [X] Inconsistent actions in options menu: [OUT OF SCOPE]
    • [X] Long names in manage accounts view [FIXED]
    • [x] Duplicated avatars in drawer [FIXED]
    • [X] Avatars are not updated [FIXED]
    • [X] Drawer under the toolbar in multiselection [FIXED]
    • [X] App closed if tap on back in login view [FIXED]


    • [X] Confirmation dialog to remove accounts: [FIXED]
    • [X] Displaying account info in the list using the same way as the current account [WONT FIX]
    • [X] In drawer and manage accounts, either username or displayname, but both the same set up [FIXED]
    • [X] Deleted accounts "block" login account [OUT OF SCOPE]
    • [X] Current account is not needed in the account switcher [FIXED]
    • [X] Switch account by clicking on an account in "Manage Accounts" [FIXED]
    Enhancement Design Accounts Approved by qa 
    opened by AndyScherzinger 159
  • Material Design

    Material Design

    Hi everybody,

    as per discussion, I created a separate branch and I also reimplemented the material changes from scratch not using the toolbar just the actionbar.

    Things done:

    • material design action bar with drawer
    • blue login screen (reverted, for CI compliance)
    • preference activity via delegation
    • material icons (from the google material icon repo)
    • Custom Progress Indication for action bar has been added since AppCompat doesn't provide this anymore
    • travis build fixed with new exploded aar AppCompat version and modified setup_env files to utilize Android-22 for compilation of the AppCompat instead of Android-16
    • Fix for #710

    Open Issue:

    • spinner coloring for the pull to refresh is light grey (okay for the moment due to new progress indicator), can imho be ignored for now du to the Custom Progress Indicator --> DONE

    @davivel @tobiasKaminsky @jancborchardt @Stoyicker

    Enhancement Design Approved by qa 
    opened by AndyScherzinger 155
  • Avoid duplicating files

    Avoid duplicating files

    Based on #346, this summarizes all ideas to get a clean idea how to implement this long awaiting feature. I will update the description when there is a new idea or something is unclear, so that this is up to date. First the way to do is shown, then all possible problems or scenarios are described...

    Desired behaviour: When uploading a file through owncloud app the file get uploaded to the owncloud server and remains on the place on the device. In the database of the app an entry is created which stores the local path. When opening/downloading a file the app first tries to open and verify the file in the local path that is stored in the database. If the file is there and up-to-date it will be shown. If it is not there, the file will be downloaded and be stored in the local owncloud folder structure.

    TODO The user needs to be informed that the file is shared with owncloud. This means that the original file keeps untouched, even if the remote file changes.

    File gets deleted on server: The file also get deleted from the database and from the local owncloud folder.

    File gets deleted only on device (via ownCloud App): This option deletes the file from local owncloud folder.

    File gets changed on server: When opening the file with owncloud app it is determined if the file is up to date. Otherwise it will be downloaded and be added to local owncloud folder.

    File gets changed on device: As now the file needs to be selected in owncloud app and choose "refresh file". This will upload the file change to the server --> nothing special here.

    File is "kept-to-sync" on one account: File is kept in local owncloud path on device, but gets updated as soon as the server file has been changed.

    File is "kept-to-sync" on multiple accounts: If there is a change on the server the local owncloud file will be updated. But none of the other files will be modified. Example: There are three distinct files to work with: $account1/test.txt, $account2/test.txt, and /data/test.txt. So if $account1/test.txt is updated on the server, then the update should be downloaded and displayed if the user opens $acount1/test.txt. However, if the user locally modifies /data/test.txt, neither the account1 nor account2 copy should be updated.

    I hope I have summarized this correctly. If not, or something is unclear, please feel free to comment. Please also comment if this should be done this way.

    Enhancement Uploads 
    opened by tobiasKaminsky 119
  • Intro Help guide, new wizard to guide the user through the app features

    Intro Help guide, new wizard to guide the user through the app features

    With the Material Design almost in place, we should really have an intro screen which introduces the features of our OwnCloud App something what dropbox or box or even Google Drive does..

    @AndyScherzinger what are your thoughts??


    • [X] [GIT] Rebase legacy PR
    • [x] [DEV] Choose features to include and the order in which they should appear.
    • [x] [DESIGN] Design some mockups.
    • [x] [DEV] Create new resources for the steps.
    • [x] [DEV] Check old code and apply the changes needed.
    • [x] [DEV] Include flag to enable or disable it.
    • [x] [DEV] Code review
    • [X] [QA] Design test plan @jesmrec
    • [X] [QA] Execute test plan @jesmrec
    • [x] [GIT] Merge branch
    Enhancement Design 
    opened by supportreq 105
  • Multi select

    Multi select

    As discussed in #899


    • [x] Code review @jabarros
    • [x] Changes after CR @jabarros
    • [X] [QA] Create 'multiSelect' branch in QA Repo @jesmrec
    • [X] [QA] Merge 'multiSelect' branch in QA Repo @jesmrec
    • [X] [QA] Create test plan @jesmrec
    • [X] [QA] Validate test plan @jesmrec @mcastroSG


    • [x] Check updated icons

    Open bugs/improvements:

    • [X] [FIXED]
    • [X] [FIXED] ~~#1714~~ #1715
    • [X] [FIXED]
    • [X] [FIXED]
    • [X] CRASH: [FIXED]
    • [X] CRASH: [FIXED]
    • [x] "Move" option incorrect in multiselection [FIXED]
    • [X] Multiselection of av. offline --- moved to new issue #1726 [FIXED] @jabarros
    • [X] Select all option --- moved to new issue #1727
    • [X] Folder moved into itself @davivel @jabarros [FIXED]
    • [X] download file icon is the same as available offline @davivel [FIXED]
    • [X] av. offline icon @davivel [FIXED]
    • [X] copy/move target folders multiselection @davivel [FIXED]
    • [X] Lack of 'three-dots' menu in tablets: [WONT] @davivel --> see #1738
    • [X] 'Wait a moment' dialog has been removed without protecting files/folder being updated - should be recovered @davivel [FIXED]
    File list Approved by qa 
    opened by tobiasKaminsky 99
  • Feature Request: flickr style thumbnail view of images

    Feature Request: flickr style thumbnail view of images

    It would be great if there could be a choice of various "views" for images/image folders.

    A flickr style view for example, showing thumbnails of images.

    Enhancement Image 
    opened by PartisanEntity 99
  • Reliable uploads -  UPLOADS VIEW

    Reliable uploads - UPLOADS VIEW


    Time has come.

    From my POV, this is finally ready to be tested by QA (cc @jesmrec).

    Many hands contributed here, starting with the awesome effort of @LukeOwncloud. Sounds wise summoning many eyes to review it. So, any comment about the code will be welcome.

    Though many things have been rewritten and considerably cleaned-up, sure you will still find many points that could (and should) be refactored. I can't promise that all of them may be attended in this PR, since we really, really, need to release this with next version 1.9.2, that should be very near in time to the release of OC 9. Evolution of testing is the leading criteria right now.

    This means: if we think we can refactor something in a safe manner without introducing an important risk for QA, we will do. If bugs appear and the code to fix is also subject of comments in the code review, we will apply the comments.

    But if change requests are big enough to require QA starts the testing all over again, we will have to wait for a better chance.

    This one should not be too far in time. This PR lets aside an important topic that was originally addressed by @LukeOwncloud , the improvement of automatic retries. Right now instant uploads are retried when Wifi connection is established, in a similar way to the operation of the currently released version 1.9.1 [1]. But other convenient improvements will be addressed specifically in the short term [2], not in this PR. And that should be a good moment to improve the code of uploads further.

    Come on Barbie, let's go party!

    [1] You may notice some light improvements, but that's a side effect of the many changes done; was easier let it that way that adding artificial limits. Have fun finding them :)

    [2] If you don't want to wait and prefer to implement them, go for it. Just mention me to let me know, and I'll try to help.


    • [x] Failed uploads can not be retried in another account #1497
    • [x] Failed uploads are not retried by the button #1498
    • [x] Deleting an account does not clear the current uploads #1499
    • [x] Killing the app leaves uploads in an inconsistent state #1500
    • [x] Wording issues in uploads view #1501
    • [x] Manual retries are "delayed #1502
    • [x] Uploads in SAML requests authentication twice #1503
    • [x] Current upload should be in the top of the uploads view #1511
    • [x] Only current upload in progress naming as "Uploading" #1520
    • [x] Retry failed uploads start uploading by the bottom #1521
    • [x] Credentials requested on each failed upload #1522
    • [x] Uploaded files are possible to uploaded it again #1523
    • [x] Title on top bar in upload view is shown sometimes owncloud instead of Uploads #1524
    • [x] Failed Uploads set as wrong status "Waiting for wifi connectivity" #1525
    • [x] Show account info also while the file is uploading or waiting to upload #1526
    • [x] Title on top bar in upload view is shown the name of the failed upload #1530
    • [x] Some Instant uploads naming as "Unknown error" #1531
    • [x] Uploads with status "Waiting wifi connectivity" are not retried #1532
    • [x] Clear all uplodas does not cancel all the current uploads #1533
    • [x] Current upload can't be cancelled (Android 4.1.2) #1535
    • [x] Progress bar not updated in uploads view when the upload is retried manually (Android 4.1.2) #1536
    • [x] Upload the same file to different folder fails #1549
    • [x] Deleting a file while uploading results in "Connection error" message instead of "file deleted locally" #1528
    • [x] Background color should be white everywhere #1426
    • [x] Thumbnails not shown in UPLOADED section #1517
    • [x] If the same file is uploaded twice, both uploads are removed from list #1553
    • [x] Yellow arrow when the file has a duplicated name #1554 [OUT OF SCOPE]
    • [x] If wifi is lost, only one upload is move to failed #1569
    • [x] Username in drawer not refreshed when account is removed from uploads view #1572
    • [x] When a lot of files is sent to uploads view, progress bar is not correctly managed #1573
    • [x] Upload path does not appear in "Uploaded" #1576
    Enhancement Uploads Approved by qa 
    opened by davivel 94
  • Material FAB with speed dial implementation

    Material FAB with speed dial implementation

    This PR is for discussion and experimentally test driving a FAB implementation.

    Nothing to see yet but I wanted to open a PR in order to check for build compliance and discuss the progress and changes/adaption of any feedback. Incorporating the discussion on #983

    The branch is based on latest master as in release 1.9.1

    Enhancement Design Approved by qa 
    opened by AndyScherzinger 84
  • Instant Uploads never started - ANDROID 7

    Instant Uploads never started - ANDROID 7

    Actual behaviour

    With Instant Upload turned on, no pictures or videos are automatically uploaded, with or without the "wifi only" toggle on. After reading the related issues, it seems like generally Instant Upload works on Android 7, but some specific phones are having issues.

    Expected behaviour

    Pictures and videos should automatically upload.

    Steps to reproduce

    1. Enable instant upload in the settings. Set the appropriate folder for pictures (tried both internal and external SD card).
    2. Take a picture.
    3. The picture is not uploaded - and does not show in the Uploads section.

    Can this problem be reproduced with the official owncloud server? (url:, user: test, password: test) Yes

    Environment data

    Android version: 7

    Device model: LG v20

    Stock or customized system: Stock

    ownCloud app version: 2.1.2 (built from master branch on Oct 22).

    ownCloud server version: 8.1


    Web server error log

    No relevant logs found.

    ownCloud log (data/owncloud.log)

    No logs found.

    Bug Camera Uploads blue-ticket 
    opened by kigero 79
  • Video files to be stream instead of downloading and than playing

    Video files to be stream instead of downloading and than playing


    Is it possible for the video files [mp4 h264] which are stored on owncloud, to be streamed directly, instead of them being downloaded and than played.

    Using Android 4.4.4 Nexus 5 android app 1.5.8


    • [X] [GIT] Create branch in Android repo
    • [X] Use ExoPlayer library instead of VideoView because it was not possible to set headers for the authentication in < Lollipop devices.
    • [X] Create custom http data source for setting authentication headers (ExoPlayer doesn't implement it).
    • [X] Add full screen mode manually (ExoPlayer doesn't implement it).
    • Important: This full screen mode is different to the one we previously had in the app. To go into full screen mode there is a new button in the playback controls and to exit the full screen mode, there is other button in the same place when full screen mode is enabled.
    • [X] Handle full screen modes. Two full screen modes to implement depending on the Android versions:
    • < 4.4 KitKat: Full screen with a limitation, the least user interaction will cause navigation controls to reappear immediately. Once the navigation controls have reappeared, they are not hidden again, even if the user clicks in the view.
    • >= 4.4 KitKat: App goes truly full screen using immersive mode, system bars are automatically hidden. User swipes to display the system bars.
    • [X] Options in menu. Remove options not necessary to stream
    • [X] If the file is being downloaded you can not stream it, and if the user taps over the file a progress bar will be shown
    • [X] If new version is available it should works as always. Update the current file while play it.
    • [X] Detect SSL certificate to choose between download/stream. In this case, when the certificate is untrusted, an specific error message is shown to the user and after that, the streaming view is closed and the download starts automatically.
    • [X] Improve full screen button behaviour, avoiding show it till the player is ready to reproduce the video
    • [X] Hide unnecessary options to stream in tablets [FIXED] @davigonz , @jesmrec
    • [X] Video playback state and autoplay are missed while rotating the screen in preview mode, not in full screen mode [FIXED] @davigonz @jesmrec
    • [X] Video playback state and autoplay are missed while changing from preview mode to full screen mode and vice versa [FIXED] @davigonz @jesmrec
    • [X] [QA] Design test plan @jesmrec
    • [x] [QA] Validate test plan [WIP] @jesmrec
    • [x] [GIT] Merge branch in Android repo


    • [X] Crash when session expires [FIXED] @davigonz , @jesmrec
    • [X] Root folder when video can not be streamed [FIXED] @davigonz , @jesmrec
    • [X] Error message with no connection Remains in black screen ¿regression?. Check [FIXED] @davigonz , @jesmrec
    • [X] Resume video after sharing @davigonz , @jesmrec [FIXED]
    • [X] Download and Streaming at the same time [FIXED] @davigonz , @jesmrec
    • [X] Options missed [FIXED] @davigonz , @jesmrec
    • [X] Unsupported video files make the app crash [FIXED] @davigonz , @jesmrec
    • [X] Error message in slow connection [FIXED] @davigonz , @jesmrec
    • [X] Removed video makes crash [FIXED] @davigonz , @jesmrec
    • [X] Videos in flv shows a different error message [FIXED] @davigonz , @jesmrec
    • [X] Error when session expires in full screen [FIXED] @davigonz , @jesmrec
    • [X] Error message after remove a video in server and switch to full screen mode [FIXED] @davigonz , @jesmrec
    • [X] Crash in devices with 4.0.0 and 4.0.3 Ice Cream Sandwich versions while starting the video previewing or streaming [FIXED] @davigonz , @jesmrec
    • [X] [FIXED]
    • [X] Different error messages for unsupported video files [WON'T FIX]
    • [X] Expiration message is "not supported format" [WON`T FIX]
    • [X] Should not-playable videos be downloaded always? [FIXED] @davigonz @jesmrec
    • [X] Cancel button does not work [FIXED] @davigonz @jesmrec
    • [X] Crash after downloading in 4.0.3 [FIXED] @davigonz @jesmrec
    • [X] Crash in 4.0.3 while if orientation changes during download [FIXED] @davigonz @jesmrec
    • [X] Video is streamed in av. offline[FIXED] @davigonz @jesmrec
    • [X] Error message in 302 redirections untrusted certificate [FIXED]
    • [X] New version is downloaded and streamed [WONT_FIX]
    • [X] Bad error message when forwarding video in expirated SAML session [READY_TO_TEST]
    • [X] Download error in notification bar when session expires
    Enhancement Approved by qa 
    opened by supportreq 79
  • Sync Contacts, Calendar (and Notes)

    Sync Contacts, Calendar (and Notes)

    Is it possible to include a function to sync the calendar, contacts and possibly the Notes? Else i have to use (paid) apps like CardDAV-Sync free beta and CalDAV-Sync beta.

    opened by 8h2a 76
  • Bump ioInsertKoin from 3.2.0 to 3.3.2

    Bump ioInsertKoin from 3.2.0 to 3.3.2

    Bumps ioInsertKoin from 3.2.0 to 3.3.2. Updates koin-core from 3.2.0 to 3.3.2


    Sourced from koin-core's changelog.

    android-3.3.2 - 2022-12-28

    • [UPDATED] - koin-core 3.3.2

    core-3.3.2 - 2022-12-28

    • [UPDATED] - technical update version to 3.3.2

    android-3.3.1 - 2022-12-14


    • [FIXED] - SavedStateHandle injection is now fixed to allow R8/Proguard obfuscation
    • [FIXED] - #1406 - better use verify() fucntion Module to verify all Koin configuration
    • [UPDATED] - Use of KoinDsl marker to protect the Koin DSL

    core-3.3.0 - 2022-12-14


    • [UPDATED] - lib update - Kotlin 1.7.21
    • [FIXED] - #1306 #1016 - Add native Module extensions to allow add defintions without inlined type
    • [FIXED] - #834 - ensure onClose is called when unloading module or closing Koin
    • [FIXED] - #1353 - parameters stack is now secured with call synchronization
    • [UPDATED] - #1359 - constructor DSL udpate to take until 22 parameters into account
    • [FIXED] - #1463 - Fix to allow binding of same type in the current module
    • [UPDATED] - Documentation update - #1469 #1438
    • [UPDATED] - Logger API inlined and cleand out - #1271
    • [FIXED] - Engine resolution race condition #1465
    • [UPDATED] - Use of KoinDsl marker to protect the Koin DSL


    • [NEW] - verify() on a Module to verify all constructors injection with current Koin configuration (static verification). This comes as a replacement proposal for checkModules, as a more convenient way to verify a configuration with static verification, more than sandbox running with mocks

    android-3.3.0 - 2022-10-19


    • [UPDATED] - lib update - androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.5.1
    • [UPDATED] - lib update - androidx.activity:activity-ktx:1.5.1
    • [UPDATED] - lib update - androidx.fragment:fragment-ktx:1.5.3
    • [UPDATED] - lib update - androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-viewmodel-ktx:2.5.1
    • [UPDATED] - lib update - androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-common-java8:2.5.1
    • [UPDATED] - All Koin ViewModel API to use latest ViewModelProvider extras API ViewModel 2.5.1 . API Signature have been changed to keep the existing API. Such API propagates all extras directly to SavedStateHandle. Added ownerProducer: () -> ViewModelStoreOwner, and extrasProducer: (() -> CreationExtras)? parameters to main function.
    • [FIXED] - Fix SavedStateHandle injection and lifecycle follow up with new KoinViewModelFactory
    • [UPDATED] - Sandbox app updated to check new API
    • [DEPRECATED] - all stateViewModel() API functions + all related internals
    • [DEPRECATED] - any use of state: BundleDefinition property in favor of extrasProducer: (() -> CreationExtras). Functions still works, but a conversion from bundle to extras is needed
    • [NEW] - activityViewModel() and getActivityViewModel() added to replace the sharedViewModel functions
    • [DEPRECATED] - all sharedViewModel() fucntions in favor of activityViewModel() functions
    • [UPDATED] - Compile SDK level to 32
    • [UPDATED] - Updated generic API viewModelForClass functions to allow usage of key. state parameters kept, but need conversi onto extras


    • [UPDATED] - Updated with new ViewModel API internals

    ... (truncated)


    Updates koin-androidx-workmanager from 3.2.0 to 3.3.2


    Sourced from koin-androidx-workmanager's changelog.

    android-3.3.2 - 2022-12-28

    • [UPDATED] - koin-core 3.3.2

    core-3.3.2 - 2022-12-28

    • [UPDATED] - technical update version to 3.3.2

    android-3.3.1 - 2022-12-14


    • [FIXED] - SavedStateHandle injection is now fixed to allow R8/Proguard obfuscation
    • [FIXED] - #1406 - better use verify() fucntion Module to verify all Koin configuration
    • [UPDATED] - Use of KoinDsl marker to protect the Koin DSL

    core-3.3.0 - 2022-12-14


    • [UPDATED] - lib update - Kotlin 1.7.21
    • [FIXED] - #1306 #1016 - Add native Module extensions to allow add defintions without inlined type
    • [FIXED] - #834 - ensure onClose is called when unloading module or closing Koin
    • [FIXED] - #1353 - parameters stack is now secured with call synchronization
    • [UPDATED] - #1359 - constructor DSL udpate to take until 22 parameters into account
    • [FIXED] - #1463 - Fix to allow binding of same type in the current module
    • [UPDATED] - Documentation update - #1469 #1438
    • [UPDATED] - Logger API inlined and cleand out - #1271
    • [FIXED] - Engine resolution race condition #1465
    • [UPDATED] - Use of KoinDsl marker to protect the Koin DSL


    • [NEW] - verify() on a Module to verify all constructors injection with current Koin configuration (static verification). This comes as a replacement proposal for checkModules, as a more convenient way to verify a configuration with static verification, more than sandbox running with mocks

    android-3.3.0 - 2022-10-19


    • [UPDATED] - lib update - androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.5.1
    • [UPDATED] - lib update - androidx.activity:activity-ktx:1.5.1
    • [UPDATED] - lib update - androidx.fragment:fragment-ktx:1.5.3
    • [UPDATED] - lib update - androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-viewmodel-ktx:2.5.1
    • [UPDATED] - lib update - androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-common-java8:2.5.1
    • [UPDATED] - All Koin ViewModel API to use latest ViewModelProvider extras API ViewModel 2.5.1 . API Signature have been changed to keep the existing API. Such API propagates all extras directly to SavedStateHandle. Added ownerProducer: () -> ViewModelStoreOwner, and extrasProducer: (() -> CreationExtras)? parameters to main function.
    • [FIXED] - Fix SavedStateHandle injection and lifecycle follow up with new KoinViewModelFactory
    • [UPDATED] - Sandbox app updated to check new API
    • [DEPRECATED] - all stateViewModel() API functions + all related internals
    • [DEPRECATED] - any use of state: BundleDefinition property in favor of extrasProducer: (() -> CreationExtras). Functions still works, but a conversion from bundle to extras is needed
    • [NEW] - activityViewModel() and getActivityViewModel() added to replace the sharedViewModel functions
    • [DEPRECATED] - all sharedViewModel() fucntions in favor of activityViewModel() functions
    • [UPDATED] - Compile SDK level to 32
    • [UPDATED] - Updated generic API viewModelForClass functions to allow usage of key. state parameters kept, but need conversi onto extras


    • [UPDATED] - Updated with new ViewModel API internals

    ... (truncated)


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    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
    • @dependabot recreate will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
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    • @dependabot squash and merge will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it
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    • @dependabot close will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually
    • @dependabot ignore this major version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this minor version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this dependency will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    opened by dependabot[bot] 0
  • Bump orgJetbrainsKotlin from 1.7.20 to 1.8.0

    Bump orgJetbrainsKotlin from 1.7.20 to 1.8.0

    Bumps orgJetbrainsKotlin from 1.7.20 to 1.8.0. Updates kotlin-gradle-plugin from 1.7.20 to 1.8.0

    Release notes

    Sourced from kotlin-gradle-plugin's releases.

    Kotlin 1.8.0


    Analysis API

    • KT-50255 Analysis API: Implement standalone mode for the Analysis API

    Analysis API. FIR

    • KT-54292 Symbol Light classes: implement PsiVariable.computeConstantValue for light field
    • KT-54293 Analysis API: fix constructor symbol creation when its accessed via type alias


    • KT-53342 TCS: New AndroidSourceSet layout for multiplatform
    • KT-53013 Increase AGP compile version in KGP to 4.1.3
    • KT-54013 Report error when using deprecated Kotlin Android Extensions compiler plugin
    • KT-53709 MPP, Android SSL2: Conflicting warnings for androidTest/kotlin source set folder

    Backend. Native. Debug

    • KT-53561 Invalid LLVM module: "inlinable function call in a function with debug info must have a !dbg location"


    New Features

    • KT-52817 Add @JvmSerializableLambda annotation to keep old behavior of non-invokedynamic lambdas
    • KT-54460 Implementation of non-local break and continue
    • KT-53916 Support Xcode 14 and new Objective-C frameworks in Kotlin/Native compiler
    • KT-32208 Generate method annotations into bytecode for suspend lambdas (on invokeSuspend)
    • KT-53438 Introduce a way to get SourceDebugExtension attribute value via JVMTI for profiler and coverage

    Performance Improvements

    • KT-53347 Get rid of excess allocations in parser
    • KT-53689 JVM: Optimize equality on class literals
    • KT-53119 Improve String Concatenation Lowering


    • KT-53465 Unnecessary checkcast to array of reified type is not optimized since Kotlin 1.6.20
    • KT-49658 NI: False negative TYPE_MISMATCH on nullable type with when
    • KT-48162 NON_VARARG_SPREAD isn't reported on *toTypedArray() call
    • KT-43493 NI: False negative: no compilation error "Operator '==' cannot be applied to 'Long' and 'Int'" is reported in builder inference lambdas
    • KT-54393 Change in behavior from 1.7.10 to 1.7.20 for java field override.
    • KT-55357 IllegalStateException when reading a class that delegates to a Java class with a definitely-not-null type with a flexible upper bound
    • KT-55068 Kotlin Gradle DSL: No mapping for symbol: VALUE_PARAMETER SCRIPT_IMPLICIT_RECEIVER on JVM IR backend
    • KT-51284 SAM conversion doesn't work if method has context receivers
    • KT-48532 Remove old JVM backend

    ... (truncated)


    Sourced from kotlin-gradle-plugin's changelog.


    Analysis API

    • KT-50255 Analysis API: Implement standalone mode for the Analysis API

    Analysis API. FIR

    • KT-54292 Symbol Light classes: implement PsiVariable.computeConstantValue for light field
    • KT-54293 Analysis API: fix constructor symbol creation when its accessed via type alias


    • KT-53342 TCS: New AndroidSourceSet layout for multiplatform
    • KT-53013 Increase AGP compile version in KGP to 4.1.3
    • KT-54013 Report error when using deprecated Kotlin Android Extensions compiler plugin
    • KT-53709 MPP, Android SSL2: Conflicting warnings for androidTest/kotlin source set folder

    Backend. Native. Debug

    • KT-53561 Invalid LLVM module: "inlinable function call in a function with debug info must have a !dbg location"


    New Features

    • KT-52817 Add @JvmSerializableLambda annotation to keep old behavior of non-invokedynamic lambdas
    • KT-54460 Implementation of non-local break and continue
    • KT-53916 Support Xcode 14 and new Objective-C frameworks in Kotlin/Native compiler
    • KT-32208 Generate method annotations into bytecode for suspend lambdas (on invokeSuspend)
    • KT-53438 Introduce a way to get SourceDebugExtension attribute value via JVMTI for profiler and coverage

    Performance Improvements

    • KT-53347 Get rid of excess allocations in parser
    • KT-53689 JVM: Optimize equality on class literals
    • KT-53119 Improve String Concatenation Lowering


    • KT-53465 Unnecessary checkcast to array of reified type is not optimized since Kotlin 1.6.20
    • KT-49658 NI: False negative TYPE_MISMATCH on nullable type with when
    • KT-48162 NON_VARARG_SPREAD isn't reported on *toTypedArray() call
    • KT-43493 NI: False negative: no compilation error "Operator '==' cannot be applied to 'Long' and 'Int'" is reported in builder inference lambdas
    • KT-54393 Change in behavior from 1.7.10 to 1.7.20 for java field override.
    • KT-55357 IllegalStateException when reading a class that delegates to a Java class with a definitely-not-null type with a flexible upper bound
    • KT-55068 Kotlin Gradle DSL: No mapping for symbol: VALUE_PARAMETER SCRIPT_IMPLICIT_RECEIVER on JVM IR backend
    • KT-51284 SAM conversion doesn't work if method has context receivers
    • KT-48532 Remove old JVM backend
    • KT-55065 Kotlin Gradle DSL: Reflection cannot find class data for lambda, produced by JVM IR backend

    ... (truncated)

    • da1a843 Add ChangeLog for 1.8.0-RC2
    • d325cf8 Call additional publishToMavenLocal in maven build scripts and enable info
    • 0403d70 Don't leave Gradle daemons after build scripts
    • 52b225d Fix task module-name is not propagated to compiler arguments
    • d40ebc3 Specify versions-maven-plugin version explicitly
    • 2e829ed Fix version parsing crash on Gradle rich version string
    • f603c0e Scripting, IR: fix capturing of implicit receiver
    • 06cbf8f Scripting, tests: enable custom script tests with IR
    • d61cef0 Fix deserialization exception for DNN types from Java
    • ea33e72 JVM IR: script is a valid container for local delegated properties
    • Additional commits viewable in compare view

    Updates kotlin-stdlib-jdk8 from 1.7.20 to 1.8.0

    Release notes

    Sourced from kotlin-stdlib-jdk8's releases.

    Kotlin 1.8.0


    Analysis API

    • KT-50255 Analysis API: Implement standalone mode for the Analysis API

    Analysis API. FIR

    • KT-54292 Symbol Light classes: implement PsiVariable.computeConstantValue for light field
    • KT-54293 Analysis API: fix constructor symbol creation when its accessed via type alias


    • KT-53342 TCS: New AndroidSourceSet layout for multiplatform
    • KT-53013 Increase AGP compile version in KGP to 4.1.3
    • KT-54013 Report error when using deprecated Kotlin Android Extensions compiler plugin
    • KT-53709 MPP, Android SSL2: Conflicting warnings for androidTest/kotlin source set folder

    Backend. Native. Debug

    • KT-53561 Invalid LLVM module: "inlinable function call in a function with debug info must have a !dbg location"


    New Features

    • KT-52817 Add @JvmSerializableLambda annotation to keep old behavior of non-invokedynamic lambdas
    • KT-54460 Implementation of non-local break and continue
    • KT-53916 Support Xcode 14 and new Objective-C frameworks in Kotlin/Native compiler
    • KT-32208 Generate method annotations into bytecode for suspend lambdas (on invokeSuspend)
    • KT-53438 Introduce a way to get SourceDebugExtension attribute value via JVMTI for profiler and coverage

    Performance Improvements

    • KT-53347 Get rid of excess allocations in parser
    • KT-53689 JVM: Optimize equality on class literals
    • KT-53119 Improve String Concatenation Lowering


    • KT-53465 Unnecessary checkcast to array of reified type is not optimized since Kotlin 1.6.20
    • KT-49658 NI: False negative TYPE_MISMATCH on nullable type with when
    • KT-48162 NON_VARARG_SPREAD isn't reported on *toTypedArray() call
    • KT-43493 NI: False negative: no compilation error "Operator '==' cannot be applied to 'Long' and 'Int'" is reported in builder inference lambdas
    • KT-54393 Change in behavior from 1.7.10 to 1.7.20 for java field override.
    • KT-55357 IllegalStateException when reading a class that delegates to a Java class with a definitely-not-null type with a flexible upper bound
    • KT-55068 Kotlin Gradle DSL: No mapping for symbol: VALUE_PARAMETER SCRIPT_IMPLICIT_RECEIVER on JVM IR backend
    • KT-51284 SAM conversion doesn't work if method has context receivers
    • KT-48532 Remove old JVM backend

    ... (truncated)


    Sourced from kotlin-stdlib-jdk8's changelog.


    Analysis API

    • KT-50255 Analysis API: Implement standalone mode for the Analysis API

    Analysis API. FIR

    • KT-54292 Symbol Light classes: implement PsiVariable.computeConstantValue for light field
    • KT-54293 Analysis API: fix constructor symbol creation when its accessed via type alias


    • KT-53342 TCS: New AndroidSourceSet layout for multiplatform
    • KT-53013 Increase AGP compile version in KGP to 4.1.3
    • KT-54013 Report error when using deprecated Kotlin Android Extensions compiler plugin
    • KT-53709 MPP, Android SSL2: Conflicting warnings for androidTest/kotlin source set folder

    Backend. Native. Debug

    • KT-53561 Invalid LLVM module: "inlinable function call in a function with debug info must have a !dbg location"


    New Features

    • KT-52817 Add @JvmSerializableLambda annotation to keep old behavior of non-invokedynamic lambdas
    • KT-54460 Implementation of non-local break and continue
    • KT-53916 Support Xcode 14 and new Objective-C frameworks in Kotlin/Native compiler
    • KT-32208 Generate method annotations into bytecode for suspend lambdas (on invokeSuspend)
    • KT-53438 Introduce a way to get SourceDebugExtension attribute value via JVMTI for profiler and coverage

    Performance Improvements

    • KT-53347 Get rid of excess allocations in parser
    • KT-53689 JVM: Optimize equality on class literals
    • KT-53119 Improve String Concatenation Lowering


    • KT-53465 Unnecessary checkcast to array of reified type is not optimized since Kotlin 1.6.20
    • KT-49658 NI: False negative TYPE_MISMATCH on nullable type with when
    • KT-48162 NON_VARARG_SPREAD isn't reported on *toTypedArray() call
    • KT-43493 NI: False negative: no compilation error "Operator '==' cannot be applied to 'Long' and 'Int'" is reported in builder inference lambdas
    • KT-54393 Change in behavior from 1.7.10 to 1.7.20 for java field override.
    • KT-55357 IllegalStateException when reading a class that delegates to a Java class with a definitely-not-null type with a flexible upper bound
    • KT-55068 Kotlin Gradle DSL: No mapping for symbol: VALUE_PARAMETER SCRIPT_IMPLICIT_RECEIVER on JVM IR backend
    • KT-51284 SAM conversion doesn't work if method has context receivers
    • KT-48532 Remove old JVM backend
    • KT-55065 Kotlin Gradle DSL: Reflection cannot find class data for lambda, produced by JVM IR backend

    ... (truncated)

    • da1a843 Add ChangeLog for 1.8.0-RC2
    • d325cf8 Call additional publishToMavenLocal in maven build scripts and enable info
    • 0403d70 Don't leave Gradle daemons after build scripts
    • 52b225d Fix task module-name is not propagated to compiler arguments
    • d40ebc3 Specify versions-maven-plugin version explicitly
    • 2e829ed Fix version parsing crash on Gradle rich version string
    • f603c0e Scripting, IR: fix capturing of implicit receiver
    • 06cbf8f Scripting, tests: enable custom script tests with IR
    • d61cef0 Fix deserialization exception for DNN types from Java
    • ea33e72 JVM IR: script is a valid container for local delegated properties
    • Additional commits viewable in compare view

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
    • @dependabot recreate will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
    • @dependabot merge will merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot squash and merge will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot cancel merge will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging
    • @dependabot reopen will reopen this PR if it is closed
    • @dependabot close will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually
    • @dependabot ignore this major version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this minor version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this dependency will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    opened by dependabot[bot] 0
  • [BUG] Duplicate Photo/Video Uploads

    [BUG] Duplicate Photo/Video Uploads

    Actual behaviour

    • i have activated the Automatic Upload of my Photos and Videos. I choosed the Directory on my Android Phone and Destination Directory. It works, but i have always duplicates in my owncloud folder.

    Expected behaviour

    • Skipped existing and successfully pics and videos.

    Can this problem be reproduced with the official owncloud server? No

    Environment data

    Android version: OxygenOS 13.0|Android 13

    Device model: Oneplus 8 Pro

    Stock or customized system: Stock

    ownCloud app version: 3.0.1

    ownCloud server version: running on Qnap


    Web server error log

    Insert your webserver log here

    ownCloud log (data/owncloud.log)

    Insert your ownCloud log here




    opened by itsmehenning 1
  • [RELEASE] 3.0_oem

    [RELEASE] 3.0_oem


    • [ ] Approve and merge changes in ownBrander
      • [ ] Version number
      • [ ] Webfinger
    • [ ] [OPS] Block oB button
    • [ ] Merge changes in building scripts (if needed)
    • [ ] [GIT] Create and sign tag oc-android-3.x_oem in HEAD commit of release_3.0_oem branch or 3.0 commit
    • [ ] [OPS] Deploy oB
    • [ ] [QA] Generate final APKs files from signed commit in builder machine and perform some basic operations
    • [ ] [QA] Check that bundle is correctly generated and apk family could be installed in device from bundle (depending on if there's new changes or not), in owncloud/android
    • [ ] [OPS] Enable button


    opened by jesmrec 0
  • [BUG] Remove publicUpload from update shares request

    [BUG] Remove publicUpload from update shares request


    Steps to reproduce

    1. in oCIS, create a public link over a folder with default permissions
    2. Edit the link, setting permissions to Upload only (file drop)
    3. Save it
    4. Open the link again

    Actual behaviour

    Permission is Download/View/Upload . This is because sending together publicUpload and permissions in the request leads to some confusion. PUT returns 15 instead of 4

    Expected behaviour

    Correct level of permissions. By removing publicUploads parameter from the request payload, should be enough (tests will confirm)

    Samsung A51, Android12

    opened by jesmrec 0
  • oc-android-3.0.1(Dec 21, 2022)

  • oc-android-3.0(Dec 12, 2022)

  • oc-android-3.0-beta.3(Dec 2, 2022)

  • oc-android-3.0-beta.2(Nov 3, 2022)

  • oc-android-3.0-beta.1(Oct 5, 2022)

  • oc-android-2.21.2(Sep 7, 2022)


    • Enhancement - Shares from propfind: #3711
    • Enhancement - Open in web: #3672
    • Enhancement - Private link capability: #3732

    Install from Play Store



    • Enhancement - Shares from propfind: #3711

      Added a new property to the propfind, so that, we can get if the files in a folder are shared directly with just one request. Previously, a propfind and another additional request were needed to the shares api to retrieve the shares of the folder.

    • Enhancement - Open in web: #3672

      OCIS feature, to open files with mime types supported by the server in the web browser using collaborative or specific tools

    • Enhancement - Private link capability: #3732

      Private link capability is now respected. Option is shown/hidden depending on its value

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    owncloud_2.21.2-original-release.apk(11.58 MB)
  • oc-android-2.21.1(Jun 15, 2022)

  • oc-android-2.21(Jun 7, 2022)


    • Improvements in the passcode screen UI #3516
    • Improvements in the pattern screen UI #3580
    • Release Notes screen #3442
    • New option to show or not hidden files #2578
    • Full name is shown in shares #1106
    • Send for file multi-select #3491
    • Support for SVG files added #3491
    • Improvements in the copy/move dialog #1414
    • Thumbnail click action in file details view #3653
    • Share a folder from within the folder #1441

    Bug fixes

    • Crash when changing orientation in Details view #3571
    • Prevented signed in user in the list of users to be shared #1419
    • Corrupt picture errors #3441
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • oc-android-2.21-beta.1(May 12, 2022)


    • Release Notes: #3442
    • First steps in Android Enterprise integration: #3415
    • Provide app feedback to MDM admins: #3420
    • Extended security enforced: #3543
    • Improvements for the UI in the passcode screen: #3516
    • Improvements for the UI in the pattern screen: #3580
    • Prevent taking screenshots: #3596
    • What´s new option: #3352
    • New option to show or not hidden files: #2578
    • Option to allow screenshots or not in Android Enterprise: #3625
    • Full name is shown in shares: #1106
    • Send for file multiselect: #3491
    • Support for SVG files added: #1033
    • Improved copy/move dialog: #1414
    • Thumbnail click action in file detail: #3653

    Bug fixes

    • Security flags for recording screen: #3468
    • Crash when changing orientation in Details view: #3571
    • Lock displays shown again: #3591
    • Prevented signed in user in the list of users to be shared: #1419
    • Corrupt picture error controlled: #3441
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • oc-android-2.20(Feb 16, 2022)


    • Permission dialog removal: #2524
    • Lock delay for app: #3344
    • Security enforced: #3434
    • Respect capability for Avatar support: #3438
    • Brute force protection: #3320
    • "Open with" action now allows editing: #3475
    • Enable logs by default in debug mode: #3526
    • Allow access from document provider preference: #3379
    • Suggest the user to enable enhanced security: #3539

    Bug fixes

    • Small glitch when side menu is full of accounts: #3437
    • Small bug when privacy policy disabled: #3542
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • oc-android-2.19(Nov 15, 2021)


    • Scoped Storage: #2877
    • New Logs Screen 2.0: #3333
    • Delete old user directories in order to free memory: #3336
    • Delete old logs every week: #3328
    • Instant upload only when charging: #465

    Bug fixes

    • Lack of back button in Logs view: #3357
    • Passcode input misbehaving: #3342
    • ANR after removing account with too many downloaded files: #3362
    • Account removed is not removed from the drawer: #3340
    • Crash in FileDataStorageManager: #2896
    • Camera Upload manual retry: #3418
    • Device rotation moves to root in folder picker: #3431
    • Logging does not stop when the user deactivates it: #3436
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • oc-android-2.19-beta.1(Nov 4, 2021)

    • Bugfix - Lack of back button in Logs view: #3357
    • Bugfix - Passcode input misbehaving: #3342
    • Bugfix - ANR after removing account with too many downloaded files: #3362
    • Bugfix - Account removed is not removed from the drawer: #3340
    • Bugfix - Crash in FileDataStorageManager: #2896
    • Bugfix - Camera Upload manual retry: #3418
    • Enhancement - Delete old user directories in order to free memory: #3336
    • Enhancement - Delete old logs every week: #3328
    • Enhancement - Instant upload only when charging: #465
    • Enhancement - New Logging Screen 2.0: #3333
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • oc-android-2.18.3(Oct 27, 2021)

  • oc-android-2.18.2(Oct 4, 2021)

  • oc-android-2.18.1(Jul 20, 2021)


    • Add PKCE support: #3310
    • Replace picker to select camera folder with native one: #2899

    Bug fixes

    • Hide "More" section if all options are disabled: #3271
    • Note icon in music player to be branded: #3272
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • oc-android-2.18(May 24, 2021)


    • Replace blank view in music player with cover art: #3121
    • Move to AndroidX Preference and new structure for settings: #2867
    • Support for apk files: #2691
    • Align previews actions: #3155
    • Settings accessible even when no account is attached: #2638
    • Fixed account for camera uploads: #3166
    • Error handling for pattern lock: #3215
    • Hide biometrical if device does not support it: #3217

    Bug fixes

    • Fix navbar is visible in file preview screen after rotation: #3184
    • Fix a bug when some fields where not retrieved from OIDC Discovery: #3202
    • Snackbar in passcode view is not displayed: #2722
    • Fixed problem when a file is edited externally: #2752
    • Fix permissions were displayed in share creation view after rotation: #3204
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • oc-android-2.17(Mar 22, 2021)


    • Toolbar redesign
    • Show thumbnails for every supported file type
    • Log authentication requests
    • Support OIDC Dynamic Client Registration

    Bug fixes

    • Fix a crash when migrating from OAuth2 to OIDC
    • Fix a crash when disabling OAuth2
    • Fix a bug where the token was not refreshed properly
    • Fix 301 redirections
    • Fix a crash related to pictures preview
    • Fix a bug when sharing files with ownCloud
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • oc-android-2.17-beta.1(Mar 9, 2021)


    • Toolbar redesign
    • Show thumbnails for every supported file type
    • Log authentication requests
    • Support OIDC Dynamic Client Registration

    Bug fixes

    • Fix a crash when migrating from OAuth2 to OIDC
    • Fix a crash when disabling OAuth2
    • Fix a bug where token was not refreshed properly
    • Fix 301 redirections
    • Fix a crash related to pictures preview
    • Fix a bug when sharing files with ownCloud
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • oc-android-2.16(Jan 26, 2021)


    • Native Android ShareSheet
    • Option to log HTTP requests and responses
    • Move sort menu from toolbar to files view
    • Update background images
    • Search when sharing with ownCloud

    Bug fixes

    • Fix a crash while accessing a WebDAV folder
    • Fix some crashes when rotating the device
    • Fix a glitch where some images were not refreshed properly
    • Fix some issues when using OCIS
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • oc-android-2.15.3(Oct 1, 2020)

    Bug fixes

    • Fix a crash related to downloads notifications
    • Potential fix for ANR when retrying camera uploads
    • Removal of legacy header http.protocol.single-cookie-header
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • oc-android-2.15.2(Sep 15, 2020)


    • Update logcat library

    Bug fixes

    • Fixed a crash when browsing up
    • Fixed a crash when logging camera upload request
    • Fixed a crash related with available offline files
    • Fixed a crash related with database migration
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • oc-android-2.15.1(Aug 12, 2020)


    • Android 10: TLS 1.3 supported
    • Update network libraries to more recent versions, OkHttp + dav4jvm (old dav4Android)
    • Rearchitecture of avatar and quota features

    Bug fixes

    • Fixed some authentication problems regarding password edition
    • Fixed available offline bad behaviour when the amount of files is huge
    • Fixed a crash related with FileDataStorageManager
    • Fixed problem related with server setting version.hide to allow users login if such setting is enabled.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • oc-android-2.15(Jun 3, 2020)

    End of support

    • End of support for Android KitKat OS.
    • End of support for older than oc10 servers.

    New Features

    • Login rearquitecture.
    • Support for OpenId Connect.
    • Support for usernames with '+' (Available since oC 10.4.1)
    • Native biometrical lock.
    • New bottom navigation bar.

    Fixes and improvements

    • Fix OAuth token renewal after being revoked.
    • Fix crashes related with move and copy operations.
    • Fix an ANR related with documents provider.
    • Chunking adaption to oCIS
    • Fix ocasional crash when opening share by link
    • Fix navigation loop in shared by link and Av. Offline options
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • oc-android-2.15-beta.2(May 20, 2020)

    End of support

    • End of support for Android KitKat OS.
    • End of support for older than oc10 servers.

    New Features

    • Login rearquitecture.
    • Support for OpenId Connect.
    • Support for usernames with '+'.
    • Biometrical lock.
    • New bottom navigation bar.

    Fixes and improvements

    • Fix OAuth token renewal after being revoked.
    • Fix crashes related with move and copy operations.
    • Fix an ANR related with documents provider.
    • Check capabilities before sending chunks to server.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • oc-android-2.15-beta.1(May 6, 2020)

    End of support

    • End of support for Android KitKat OS.
    • End of support for older than oc10 servers.

    New Features

    • Login rearquitecture.
    • Support for OpenId Connect.
    • Support for usernames with '+'.
    • Biometrical lock.
    • New bottom navigation bar.

    Fixes and improvements

    • Fix OAuth token renewal after being revoked.
    • Fix crashes related with move and copy operations.
    • Fix an ANR related with documents provider.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • oc-android-2.14.2(Jan 27, 2020)

  • oc-android-2.14.1(Dec 19, 2019)

  • oc-android-2.14(Dec 17, 2019)

    New features

    • Splash screen
    • Shortcut to shared by link files from side menu (contribution)
    • Use new server parameter to set a minimum number of characters for searching users, groups or federated shares
    • End of support for SAML authentication.

    UI improvements

    • Mix files and folders when sorting them by date (contribution) or size
    • Redesign logs view with new tabs, filters and share options (contribution)
    • Resize cloud image in side menu to not overlap the new side menu options

    Bug fixes

    • Avoid overwritten files with the same name during copy or move operations
    • Retry camera uploads when recovering wifi connectivity and "Upload with wifi only" option is enabled
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • oc-android-2.13.1(Oct 10, 2019)

  • oc-android-2.13(Sep 26, 2019)

    New Features

    • Copy and move files from other third-party apps or internal storage to an ownCloud account through Downloads or Files app
    • Save files in an ownCloud account from third-party apps
    • Copy and move files within the same ownCloud account through Downloads or Files app
    • Add more logs coverage to gather information about known but difficult to reproduce issues

    Fixes & improvements

    • Show date and size for every file in Available Offline option from side menu
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
A safe home for all your data
Tictactoe-android-app - Simple TicTacToe Android app written in Kotlin

TicTacToe Android App This is a simple example of TicTacToe game as Android app

Blaž Čerpnjak 1 Jul 9, 2022
To help to promote your android app by prompting users to rate your app in a bottom Sheet.

RateBottomSheet This an Android library to help to promote your Android App by prompting users to rate your app in the Google Play Store with a materi

Farham Hosseini 5 Jul 8, 2022
These files are included in an Android Studio Project for a Magic the Gathering Life Counter app. The app was written in Kotlin.

Magic-Life-Counter These files were created in Android Studio using Kotlin. Usage This app was made to keep track of life totals while playing the tra

null 0 Dec 24, 2021
Relationship-app-android - An app with features aimed towards me and my girlfriend

RelationshipApp Android An Android app with features aimed towards me and my gir

Rostislav Osvald 0 Jan 3, 2022
Android Note app that uses the "ktor-note-app" backend

KtorNoteApp Android Notes app that uses Ktor back end server Technologies employed: Kotlin MVVM Coroutines Custom REST API build with Ktor Responds to

Chris Athanas 2 Jul 25, 2022
This is a practice app. An app that you can find random recipes and choose the ones you like.

A food suggestion app like Tinder This is a practice app. In this app, you can find random recipes and choose the ones you like. This is main menu. Yo

Yunus Emre OCAK 4 May 25, 2022
New style for app design Online Sunglasses Shop App UI made in Jetpack Compose.😉😎

JetSunglassUI-Android New style for app design Online Sunglasses Shop App UI made in Jetpack Compose. ?? ?? (Navigation Components, Dagger-Hilt, Mater

Arvind Meshram 18 Dec 12, 2022
A sample skeleton backend app built using Spring Boot kotlin, Expedia Kotlin Graphql, Reactive Web that can be deployed to Google App Engine Flexible environmennt

spring-kotlin-gql-gae This is a sample skeleton of a backend app that was built using: Spring Boot(Kotlin) Reactive Web Sprinng Data R2DBC with MYSQL

Dario Mungoi 7 Sep 17, 2022
Explore-KiiT-App - An app to simplify the complicated website navigation and keep track of Attendance

KiiT Explore App "An app to simplify the complicated website navigation and keep

Ajay Khatri 17 Oct 12, 2022
App with plant list 🌱 , the app reminds you when to water 💦 your best plant at a certain time.

Plant Life App with plant list ?? , the app reminds you when to water ?? your best plant at a certain time.. Table of Contents Introduction Features U

Haya Saud Alrawdhan 0 Jan 6, 2022
Swarup 2 Feb 6, 2022
Checks for app updates and automatically updates the current app if the new one in local storage have a different version

Silent Android App Update Sample This sample shows how to update Android app silently without user confirmation with a device owner app. It works on A

Hamdi Guerbej 1 May 14, 2022
Candroid does things different. The Candroid app store is a library of APK client wrappers (F-Droid, APKPure, etc.) For the main Candroid app store, try visiting the Candroid Market.

Candroid App Store Candroid does things different. The Candroid app store is a library of APK client wrappers (F-Droid, APKPure, etc.) For the main Ca

Sean P. Myrick V19.1.7.2 4 Dec 22, 2022
🔥The Android Startup library provides a straightforward, performant way to initialize components at the application startup. Both library developers and app developers can use Android Startup to streamline startup sequences and explicitly set the order of initialization.

??The Android Startup library provides a straightforward, performant way to initialize components at the application startup. Both library developers and app developers can use Android Startup to streamline startup sequences and explicitly set the order of initialization.

Rouse 1.3k Dec 30, 2022
DogglersApp - Criação de um App para estudo de RecyclerView no Android Studio. Parte do curso Android Basics in Kotlin

Dogglers - Starter Code Starter code for the second independent project for Android Basics in Kotlin. Introduction This is the starter code for the Do

Gustavo Zanardi dos Reis 0 Jan 20, 2022
Movie Android App written in Kotlin, MVVM, Clean Architechture, Modularized, Coroutines, Android Architecture Components and Hilt

Movie Android App written in Kotlin, MVVM, Clean Architechture, Modularized, Coroutines, Android Architecture Components and Hilt.

Klejvi Kapaj 16 Dec 27, 2022
Use Android Jetpack libraries, Android Architecture Components, ViewModel and LiveData to build this app.

Unscramble App Starter code for Android Basics codelab - Store the data in a ViewModel Unscramble is a single player game app that displays scrambled

Shaima Alghamdi 2 Aug 18, 2022
Android app that shows what happened today in the history.

Today History Android app Master: Develop: Code Coverage: App that shows what happened today in history. Details Written in Kotlin. Android Studio 2.1

MakinGIANTS 29 Oct 3, 2022