Kotlin matrix class which supports determinant, inverse matrix, matmul, etc.

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Utility Kotrix

Matrix class for Kotlin


Kotrix is a set of classes that helps people dealing with linear algebra in Kotlin.

There are three classes in this repository. Tensor class represents multidimensional tensors that can be added, subtracted, multiplied each other.
Matrix class, which inherits Tensor, represents matrices(i.e., 2-dimensional tensors).
Finally, ColumnVector and RowVector classes, which inherits Matrix, represent vectors.

As Kotrix also supports complex tensors, all these classes have their own variations for Complex number(represented by ComplexDouble class): ComplexTensor, ComplexMatrix, ComplexRowVector and ComplexColumnVector.

Class Initialization


Supports initialization with DoubleArray FloatArray, LongArray, or IntArray.

val tensor = Tensor(
  shape = intArrayOf(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2),
  data = IntArray(64){ it }
[                                                                                      ]
[  [                                      ]  [                                      ]  ]
[  [  [  0.00  1.00  ]  [  4.00  5.00  ]  ]  [  [  16.0  17.0  ]  [  20.0  21.0  ]  ]  ]
[  [  [  2.00  3.00  ]  [  6.00  7.00  ]  ]  [  [  18.0  19.0  ]  [  22.0  23.0  ]  ]  ]
[  [                                      ]  [                                      ]  ]
[  [  [  8.00  9.00  ]  [  12.0  13.0  ]  ]  [  [  24.0  25.0  ]  [  28.0  29.0  ]  ]  ]
[  [  [  10.0  11.0  ]  [  14.0  15.0  ]  ]  [  [  26.0  27.0  ]  [  30.0  31.0  ]  ]  ]
[  [                                      ]  [                                      ]  ]
[                                                                                      ]
[  [                                      ]  [                                      ]  ]
[  [  [  32.0  33.0  ]  [  36.0  37.0  ]  ]  [  [  48.0  49.0  ]  [  52.0  53.0  ]  ]  ]
[  [  [  34.0  35.0  ]  [  38.0  39.0  ]  ]  [  [  50.0  51.0  ]  [  54.0  55.0  ]  ]  ]
[  [                                      ]  [                                      ]  ]
[  [  [  40.0  41.0  ]  [  44.0  45.0  ]  ]  [  [  56.0  57.0  ]  [  60.0  61.0  ]  ]  ]
[  [  [  42.0  43.0  ]  [  46.0  47.0  ]  ]  [  [  58.0  59.0  ]  [  62.0  63.0  ]  ]  ]
[  [                                      ]  [                                      ]  ]
[                                                                                      ]


val mat = Matrix(4, 3)
[  0.00  0.00  0.00  ]
[  0.00  0.00  0.00  ]
[  0.00  0.00  0.00  ]
[  0.00  0.00  0.00  ]

Supports initialization with DoubleArray FloatArray, LongArray, or IntArray.

val mat = Matrix(4, 4, doubleArrayOf(
        1.0, 3.0, 5.0, 9.0,
        1.0, 3.0, 1.0, 7.0,
        4.0, 3.0, 9.0, 7.0,
        5.0, 2.0, 0.0, 9.0
[  1.00  3.00  5.00  9.00  ]
[  1.00  3.00  1.00  7.00  ]
[  4.00  3.00  9.00  7.00  ]
[  5.00  2.00  0.00  9.00  ]

Supports initialization with a lambda function

val mat = Matrix(3, 3) { i, j -> i + j }
[  0.00  1.00  2.00  ]
[  1.00  2.00  3.00  ]
[  2.00  3.00  4.00  ]


Supports both column vector and row vector.

val colVec = ColumnVector(3)
val rowVec = RowVector(3, doubleArrayOf(1.0, 2.0, 3.0))
[  0.00  ]
[  0.00  ]
[  0.00  ]

[  1.00  2.00  3.00  ]

Supports initialization with a lambda function

val vec = ColumnVector(3) { i -> i * i }
[  0.00  ]
[  1.00  ]
[  4.00  ]


Supports initialization with Double, Float, Long and Int.

var z = ComplexDouble(1, 1)
1.00 + 1.00 i 

It also can be generated from Double, Float, Long and Int.

val z = 1.R - 2.I
1.00 - 2.00 i

ComplexTensor, ComplexMatrix, ComplexVectors

Using ComplexDouble, their initialization is similar to normal tensors.

val complexTensor = ComplexTensor(intArrayOf(2,2,2), Array(8) { it.R - it.I })
[                                                                              ]
[  [   0.00 + 0.00 i   1.00 - 1.00 i  ]  [   4.00 - 4.00 i   5.00 - 5.00 i  ]  ]
[  [   2.00 - 2.00 i   3.00 - 3.00 i  ]  [   6.00 - 6.00 i   7.00 - 7.00 i  ]  ]
[                                                                              ]

Supported operations


  • Basic operations

    • +Tensor, -Tensor
    • Tensor + Tensor
    • Tensor - Tensor
    • Tensor * Tensor (Tensor product with axis = 1)
    • Tensor * Matrix
    • Tensor * Vector
    • Tensor * (Double, Long, Int, Float)
    • (Double, Long, Int, Float) * Tensor
    • Tensor / (Double, Long, Int, Float)
    • Tensor += Tensor
    • Tensor -= Tensor
    • Tensor *= (Double, Long, Int, Float)
    • Tensor /= (Double, Long, Int, Float)
    • Get the i-th tensor of the outermost dimension val newTensor = tensor[i: Long]
    • Get an element with a specific indices val e = tensor[arrayOfIndices]
    • Set an element tensor[arrayOfIndices] = value
  • Additional operations

    • Downcast to Matrix class
    • Reshape val newTen = ten.reshape(newShape)
    • Flatten val rowVec = ten.flatten()
    • Concat val newTen = ten1.concat(ten2, concatDim)
    • Stack tensors to make a new tensor with one bigger dimension.val stackTen = Ten.stack(tensors)
    • Make a mapped tensor val sinTen = ten.map {elem -> sin(elem)}
    • Convert to ComplexTensor class val cplxTen = ten.toComplex


  • Basic operations

    • +Matrix, -Matrix
    • Matrix + Matrix
    • Matrix - Matrix
    • Matrix * Tensor
    • Matrix * Matrix (Matrix multiplication)
    • Matrix * Vector
    • Matrix * (Double, Long, Int, Float)
    • (Double, Long, Int, Float) * Matrix
    • Matrix / (Double, Long, Int, Float)
    • Matrix += Matrix
    • Matrix -= Matrix
    • Matrix *= (Double, Long, Int, Float)
    • Matrix /= (Double, Long, Int, Float)
    • Get an element val e = mat[i, j]
    • Set an element mat[i, j] = e
  • Matrix creations

    • Identity matrix val eye = Matrix.identityMatrix(size)
    • Zero matrix val zeros = Matrix.zeros(m, n)
    • Matrix of Ones val ones = Matrix.ones(m, n)
    • 2d rotation matrix val rotMat2d = Matrix.rotationMatrix2d(theta)
    • 3d rotation matrix along x/y/z axis val rotMat3d = Matrix.rotationMatrix3dX/Y/Z(theta)
    • Euler rotation matrix (z-x'-z'' sequence) val rotMatEuler = Matrix.eulerRotationMatrix(alpha, beta, gamma)
  • Additional operations

    • Transpose a matrix val matT = mat.transpose()
    • Get a squared Frobenius norm val squaredNorm = mat.frobeniusNormSquared()
    • Calculate a determinant( O(n3) ) val det = mat.determinant()
    • Get an adjoint matrix val adjMat = mat.adjointMatrix()
    • Get an inverse matrix val invMat = mat.inverseMatrix()
    • Get a submatrix val subMat = mat.getSubmatrix(rowIndexStart, rowIndexEnd, colIndexStart, colIndexEnd)
    • Set a submatrix mat.setSubmatrix(rowIndexStart, rowIndexEnd, colIndexStart, colIndexEnd, newMat)
    • Get a cofactor matrix val cofactorMat = mat.cofactorMatrix()
    • Do a row switching operation val newMat = mat.switchRow(rowIndex1, rowIndex2)
    • Concat to another matrix val concatMat = mat.concat(otherMat, dim)
    • Get a col/row vector-wise norm2 vector val normVec = mat.colVecNormSq()
    • Sum up all elements val sum = mat.sum()
    • Get an element-wise product val newMat = mat1.eltwiseMul(mat2)
    • Get a column-wise mean val colWiseMeanVec = mat.columnWiseMean()
    • Get a row-wise mean val rowWiseMeanVec = mat.rowWiseMean()
    • Make a mapped matrix val sinMat = mat.map {elem -> sin(elem)}
    • Reshape val newMat = mat.reshape(3, -1)
    • Downcast to RowVector class
    • Downcast to ColumnVector class
    • Convert to ComplexMatrix class val cplxMat = mat.toComplex


  • Basic operations

    • +Vector, -Vector
    • Vector + Vector
    • Vector - Vector
    • Vector * Matrix
    • Vector * (Double, Long, Int, Float)
    • (Double, Long, Int, Float) * Vector
    • Vector / (Double, Long, Int, Float)
    • Vector += Vector
    • Vector -= Vector
    • Vector *= (Double, Long, Int, Float)
    • Vector /= (Double, Long, Int, Float)
    • Get an element val e = vec[i]
    • Set an element vec[i] = e
  • Additional operations

    • Transpose a vector val vecT = vec.transpose()
    • Get a squared Frobenius norm val squaredNorm = vec.frobeniusNormSquared()
    • Get a subvector val subVec = mat.getSubvector(IndexStart, IndexEnd)
    • Set a subvector vec.setSubvector(IndexStart, IndexEnd, newVec)
    • Concat to another matrix or vector val concatMat = vec.concat(otherMat, dim)
    • Sum up all elements val sum = vec.sum()
    • Get an element-wise product val newVec = vec1.eltwiseMul(vec2)
    • Outer product val mat = colVec * rowVec
    • Dot product val dotProd = vec1.dotProduct(vec2)
    • Cross product val crossProdVec = vec1.crossProduct(vec2)
    • Replicate a vector to make a matrix val mat = vec.replicate(length)
    • Make a mapped vector val sinVec = vec.map {elem -> sin(elem)}
    • Reshape val newMat = vec.reshape(3, 2)
    • Convert to ComplexVector class val cplxVec = vec.toComplex()


  • Basic operations
    • +ComplexDouble, -ComplexDouble
    • ComplexDouble (+, -, *, /) ComplexDouble
    • ComplexDouble * ComplexTensor
    • ComplexDouble * ComplexMatrix
    • ComplexDouble * ComplexVector
    • ComplexDouble * (Double, Long, Int, Float)
    • (Double, Long, Int, Float) * ComplexDouble
    • ComplexDouble (+=, -=, *=, /=) ComplexDouble
  • Additional operations
    • Get an absolute value val absVal = z.abs()
    • Get an argument of a complex number val arg = z.arg()
    • Get a complex conjugate val zBar = z.conj()


Supports every operation in Tensor class

  • Additional operations
    • Will be added


Supports every operation in Matrix class

  • Additional operations
    • Will be added


Supports every operation in RowVector or ColumnVector class

  • Additional operations
    • Will be added
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