Dagger Hilt, MVP Moxy, Retrofit, Kotlin coroutine, Sealed class

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Dagger Hilt, MVP Moxy, Retrofit, Kotlin coroutine, Sealed class

//Presenterda ma'lumotlarni handler qilish

    override fun loadPost() {
    presenterScope.launch {
        try {
            repository.loadPost().onData {
            }.onResource {
            }.onMessage {
            }.onFailure {
        } catch (e: Exception) {
        } finally {

//Api module(Dagger Hilt)

class ApiModule {

fun getPostApi(retrofit: Retrofit): PostApi = retrofit.create(PostApi::class.java)

//Retrofit module(Dagger Hilt)

class RetrofitModule {
fun getRetrofit(): Retrofit = Retrofit.Builder()


class PostRepository @Inject constructor(private val api: PostApi) : IPostContract.Model {
override suspend fun loadPost(): ResultData
     > {
    val response = api.loadPost()

    when (response.code()) {
        200 -> {
            return ResultData.data(response.body()!!)
        404 -> {
            return ResultData.resource(R.string.not_found)
        in 500..600 -> {
            return ResultData.resource(R.string.internal_server_error)
        else -> return if (response.body() == null) {
        } else {

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