kotlin mvvm+dataBinding+retrofit2+Arouter等BaseActivity、BaseFragment、BaseDialogFragment基类封装

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kotlin mvvm+dataBinding+retrofit2+ARouter等BaseActivity、BaseFragment、BaseDialogFragment基类封装





apiService(hostUrl: String = ZjConfig.base_url): T = RetrofitManager.instance.apiService(T::class.java, hostUrl) /** * 公用的网络请求发起的操作 * @param observable 发起请求的被观察着 * @param observer 观察着回调 */ fun doNetRequest(observable: Observable >, observer: BaseObserver ) { val subscribeWith = observable .compose(ResponseTransformer.instance.handleResult()) .compose(SchedulerProvider.instance.applySchedulers()) .subscribeWith(observer) subscribeWith.getDisposable()?.let { addSubscribe(it) } } ">
open class BaseViewModel : ViewModel() {

    var pageIndex = 1
    var pageSize = 10
    private var isAddDisposable = false
    private val mCompositeDisposable = CompositeDisposable()

    private fun addSubscribe(disposable: Disposable) {
        mCompositeDisposable.also {
            Log.e("--okhttp--", "disposable is add")
            isAddDisposable = true

    override fun onCleared() {
        mCompositeDisposable.also {
            if (isAddDisposable) {
                Log.e("--okhttp--", "disposable is clear")
                isAddDisposable = false

     * 实例化网络请求
     * hostUrl 域名, 默认ZjConfig.base_url,需要修改传入新的域名(新的每次都传)
    inline fun 
        apiService(hostUrl: String = ZjConfig.base_url): T =
        RetrofitManager.instance.apiService(T::class.java, hostUrl)

     * 公用的网络请求发起的操作
     * @param observable 发起请求的被观察着
     * @param observer 观察着回调
         doNetRequest(observable: Observable
         >, observer: BaseObserver
          ) {
        val subscribeWith = observable
        subscribeWith.getDisposable()?.let { addSubscribe(it) }




fun login(@Body body: RequestBody): Observable



    ().login(BaseMapToBody.convertMapToBody(map)), object : BaseObserver
     (true) {

                override fun onISuccess(message: String, response: LoginBean) {

                override fun onIError(e: ApiException) {


RelativeItemView 一个item,左右文字图片一个控件完美使用




riv_leftImg 左边图片
riv_leftImgWidth 左边图片宽度 
riv_leftImgHeight 左边图片高度 
riv_leftText 左边文字 
riv_leftTextColor 左边文字颜色
riv_leftTextSize 左边文字_字体大小 
riv_leftTextPaddingLeft 左边文字_据左边距离
riv_leftTextDrawable 左边文字_drawableLeft图片 
riv_leftTextDrawableRight 左边文字_drawableLeft图片是否在右边 
riv_leftTextDrawablePadding 左边文字_drawablePadding
riv_leftTextDrawableTint 左边文字_drawableTint
riv_leftTextStyle 左边文字_加粗属性 
riv_editText Edit文字 
riv_editTextColor Edit文字颜色 
riv_editTextHint Edit的hint文字 
riv_editTextHintColor Edit的hint文字颜色
riv_editTextSize Edit文字_字体大小 
riv_editTextEnabled Edit是否可以编辑 
riv_editTextBackground Edit背景 
riv_editTextGravity Edit的gravity位置 
riv_editTextMarginLeft Edit文字_MarginLeft
riv_editTextMarginRight Edit文字_MarginRight 
riv_editTextPaddingLeft Edit文字_PaddingLeft 
riv_editTextPaddingRight Edit文字_PaddingRight 
riv_editTextStyle Edit文字_加粗属性
riv_rightText 右边文字
riv_rightTextHint 右边文字hint
riv_rightTextHintColor 右边文字hint颜色
riv_rightTextColor 右边文字颜色
riv_rightTextSize 右边文字_字体大小
riv_rightTextPaddingRight 右边文字_据左边距离 
riv_rightTextDrawable 右边文字_drawableRight图片 
riv_rightTextDrawablePadding 右边文字_drawablePadding
riv_rightTextDrawableTint 右边文字_drawableTint 
riv_rightTextStyle 右边文字_加粗属性 
riv_driverShow 下划线是否显示
riv_driverColor 下划线颜色 
riv_driverHeight 下划线高度
riv_driverMarginLeft 下划线距离左边距离 
riv_driverMarginRight 下划线距离右边距离
riv_driverMarginHorizontal 下划线距离左右边距离 

TitleBarView 通用标题栏封装




tb_centerText 中间标题
tb_centerTextColor 中间标题文字颜色 
tb_centerTextSize 中间标题文字_字体大小
tb_rightText 右边文字 
tb_rightTextColor 右边文字颜色 
tb_rightTextSize 右边文字_字体大小
tb_leftText 左边文字
tb_leftTextColor 左边文字颜色 
tb_leftTextSize 左边文字_字体大小 
tb_leftImageDrawable 左边图片
tb_rightImageDrawable 右边图片 
tb_rightImageDrawable2 右边图片2
tb_rightImage2_marginRight 右边图片2_距离右边距离 
tb_divider 底部分割线 
tb_titleBarHeight TitleBar高度
tb_titleBarBackground TitleBar背景色 

普通类继承 BaseActivity(BaseFragment、BaseDialogFragment 同理)

class PictureActivity(override val layoutRes: Int = R.layout.activity_picture) : BaseActivity
    () {

    override val viewModel: BaseViewModel = MyViewModel()
    override fun initView(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {



, type: Int) { if (DoubleUtils.isFastDoubleClick()) return startActivityForResult(Intent(this, classActivity), type) } /** * 携带数据的页面跳转 * * @param url 对应组建的名称 (“/mine/setting”) * navigation的第一个参数***必须是Activity***,第二个参数则是RequestCode */ fun startActivityForResult(url: String, bundle: Bundle, type: Int) { if (DoubleUtils.isFastDoubleClick()) return ARouter.getInstance().build(url).with(bundle).navigation(this, type) } //不使用路由跳转 fun startActivityForResult(classActivity: Class<*>, bundle: Bundle, type: Int) { if (DoubleUtils.isFastDoubleClick()) return startActivityForResult(Intent(this, classActivity).putExtras(bundle), type) } /** * 语言适配 */ override fun attachBaseContext(newBase: Context?) { super.attachBaseContext(newBase?.let { LanguageUtil().attachBaseContext(it) }) } /** * 点击edittext以外区域隐藏软键盘 */ override fun dispatchTouchEvent(ev: MotionEvent): Boolean { if (ev.action == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) { val v = currentFocus if (isShouldHideInput(v, ev)) { val imm = getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE) as InputMethodManager imm?.hideSoftInputFromWindow(v!!.windowToken, 0) } return super.dispatchTouchEvent(ev) } // 必不可少,否则所有的组件都不会有TouchEvent了 try { if (window.superDispatchTouchEvent(ev)) { return true } } catch (e: Exception) { } return onTouchEvent(ev) } private fun isShouldHideInput(v: View?, event: MotionEvent): Boolean { if (v != null && v is EditText) { val leftTop = intArrayOf(0, 0) // 获取输入框当前的location位置 v.getLocationInWindow(leftTop) val left = leftTop[0] val top = leftTop[1] val bottom = top + v.getHeight() val right = left + v.getWidth() return !(event.x > left && event.x < right && event.y > top && event.y < bottom) } return false } private fun getLoadingDialog() { loadingDialog ?: also { loadingDialog = LoadingDialog(this) } } /** * 显示加载dialog */ fun showLoading() { try { getLoadingDialog() loadingDialog?.show() } catch (e: Exception) { e.printStackTrace() } } /** * 结束dialog */ fun dismissLoading() { try { loadingDialog?.let { if (it.isShowing) it.dismiss() } } catch (e: Exception) { e.printStackTrace() } } ">
abstract class BaseActivity
     : RxAppCompatActivity(), JumpActivity {

    lateinit var binding: BINDING
    private val isNotAddActivityList = "is_add_activity_list" //是否加入到activity的list,管理
    private var mApplication: BaseApplication? = null
    private var loadingDialog: LoadingDialog? = null

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        mApplication = application as BaseApplication
        val isNotAdd = intent.getBooleanExtra(isNotAddActivityList, false)
        synchronized(BaseActivity::class.java) {
            if (!isNotAdd) mApplication?.getActivityList()?.add(this)

    private fun initViewDataBinding() {
        if (layoutRes != 0) binding = DataBindingUtil.setContentView(this, layoutRes)
        val mViewModel = ViewModelProvider(this, ViewModelFactory(viewModel))[viewModel::class.java]
        binding?.setVariable(viewModelId, mViewModel)
        binding?.lifecycleOwner = this

    abstract val layoutRes: Int
    open val viewModel: BaseViewModel = NormalViewModel()
    open val viewModelId = 0
    abstract fun initView(savedInstanceState: Bundle?)

    override fun onDestroy() {
        synchronized(BaseActivity::class.java) { mApplication?.getActivityList()?.remove(this) }

     * 页面跳转
     * @param url 对应组建的名称 (“/mine/setting”)
     * navigation的第一个参数***必须是Activity***,第二个参数则是RequestCode
    fun startActivityForResult(url: String, type: Int) {
        if (DoubleUtils.isFastDoubleClick()) return
        ARouter.getInstance().build(url).navigation(this, type)

    fun startActivityForResult(classActivity: Class<*>, type: Int) {
        if (DoubleUtils.isFastDoubleClick()) return
        startActivityForResult(Intent(this, classActivity), type)

     * 携带数据的页面跳转
     * @param url 对应组建的名称  (“/mine/setting”)
     * navigation的第一个参数***必须是Activity***,第二个参数则是RequestCode
    fun startActivityForResult(url: String, bundle: Bundle, type: Int) {
        if (DoubleUtils.isFastDoubleClick()) return
        ARouter.getInstance().build(url).with(bundle).navigation(this, type)

    fun startActivityForResult(classActivity: Class<*>, bundle: Bundle, type: Int) {
        if (DoubleUtils.isFastDoubleClick()) return
        startActivityForResult(Intent(this, classActivity).putExtras(bundle), type)

     * 语言适配
    override fun attachBaseContext(newBase: Context?) {
        super.attachBaseContext(newBase?.let { LanguageUtil().attachBaseContext(it) })

     * 点击edittext以外区域隐藏软键盘
    override fun dispatchTouchEvent(ev: MotionEvent): Boolean {
        if (ev.action == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
            val v = currentFocus
            if (isShouldHideInput(v, ev)) {
                val imm = getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE) as InputMethodManager
                imm?.hideSoftInputFromWindow(v!!.windowToken, 0)
            return super.dispatchTouchEvent(ev)
        // 必不可少,否则所有的组件都不会有TouchEvent了
        try {
            if (window.superDispatchTouchEvent(ev)) {
                return true
        } catch (e: Exception) {
        return onTouchEvent(ev)

    private fun isShouldHideInput(v: View?, event: MotionEvent): Boolean {
        if (v != null && v is EditText) {
            val leftTop = intArrayOf(0, 0)
            // 获取输入框当前的location位置
            val left = leftTop[0]
            val top = leftTop[1]
            val bottom = top + v.getHeight()
            val right = left + v.getWidth()
            return !(event.x > left && event.x < right && event.y > top && event.y < bottom)
        return false

    private fun getLoadingDialog() {
        loadingDialog ?: also { loadingDialog = LoadingDialog(this) }

     * 显示加载dialog
    fun showLoading() {
        try {
        } catch (e: Exception) {

     * 结束dialog
    fun dismissLoading() {
        try {
            loadingDialog?.let { if (it.isShowing) it.dismiss() }
        } catch (e: Exception) {



abstract class BaseFragment
     : RxFragment(), JumpActivity, ImmersionOwner {

    lateinit var binding: BINDING
    private var rootView: View? = null
    private lateinit var mContext: Context
    private var loadingDialog: LoadingDialog? = null

    private val mImmersionProxy = ImmersionProxy(this)

    override fun initImmersionBar() {

    override fun setUserVisibleHint(isVisibleToUser: Boolean) {
        mImmersionProxy.isUserVisibleHint = isVisibleToUser

    override fun onAttach(context: Context) {
        mContext = context

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

    override fun onCreateView(
        inflater: LayoutInflater,
        container: ViewGroup?,
        savedInstanceState: Bundle?
    ): View? {
        if (null == rootView) { //如果缓存中有rootView则直接使用
            initViewDataBinding(inflater, container)
            this.rootView = binding.root;
        } else {
            rootView?.let {
                it.parent?.let { it2 -> (it2 as ViewGroup).removeView(it) }
        return rootView

    override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)

    override fun onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

    private fun initViewDataBinding(inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?) {
        if (layoutRes != 0) binding =
            DataBindingUtil.inflate(inflater, layoutRes, container, false)
        val mViewModel = ViewModelProvider(this, ViewModelFactory(viewModel))[viewModel::class.java]
        binding?.setVariable(viewModelId, mViewModel)
        binding?.lifecycleOwner = this

    abstract val layoutRes: Int
    open val viewModel: BaseViewModel = NormalViewModel()
    open val viewModelId = 0
    abstract fun initView(savedInstanceState: Bundle?)

    open fun getRootView(): View? = rootView

    override fun onResume() {

    override fun onPause() {

    override fun onDestroyView() {
        rootView?.let {
            it.parent?.let { it2 -> (it2 as ViewGroup).removeView(it) }

    override fun onDestroy() {

     * 页面跳转
     * @param url 对应组建的名称 (“/mine/setting”)
     * navigation的第一个参数***必须是Activity***,第二个参数则是RequestCode
    fun startActivityForResult(url: String, type: Int) {
        if (DoubleUtils.isFastDoubleClick()) return
        val intent = Intent(context, getDestination(url))
        startActivityForResult(intent, type)

    fun startActivityForResult(classActivity: Class<*>, type: Int) {
        if (DoubleUtils.isFastDoubleClick()) return
        startActivityForResult(Intent(activity, classActivity), type)

     * 携带数据的页面跳转
     * @param url 对应组建的名称  (“/mine/setting”)
     * navigation的第一个参数***必须是Activity***,第二个参数则是RequestCode
    fun startActivityForResult(url: String, bundle: Bundle, type: Int) {
        if (DoubleUtils.isFastDoubleClick()) return
        val intent = Intent(context, getDestination(url))
        startActivityForResult(intent, type)

    fun startActivityForResult(classActivity: Class<*>, bundle: Bundle, type: Int) {
        if (DoubleUtils.isFastDoubleClick()) return
        startActivityForResult(Intent(activity, classActivity).putExtras(bundle), type)

     * 由于ARouter不支持Fragment startActivityForResult(),需要获取跳转的Class
     * 根据路径获取具体要跳转的class
    private fun getDestination(url: String): Class<*> {
        val postcard = ARouter.getInstance().build(url)
        return postcard.destination

    override fun onHiddenChanged(hidden: Boolean) {

    override fun onConfigurationChanged(newConfig: Configuration) {

     * 懒加载,在view初始化完成之前执行
     * On lazy after view.
    override fun onLazyBeforeView() {}

     * 懒加载,在view初始化完成之后执行
     * On lazy before view.
    override fun onLazyAfterView() {}

     * Fragment用户可见时候调用
     * On visible.
    override fun onVisible() {}

     * Fragment用户不可见时候调用
     * On invisible.
    override fun onInvisible() {}

     * 是否可以实现沉浸式,当为true的时候才可以执行initImmersionBar方法
     * Immersion bar enabled boolean.
     * @return the boolean
    override fun immersionBarEnabled(): Boolean = true

    private fun getLoadingDialog() {
        loadingDialog ?: also { loadingDialog = LoadingDialog(context!!) }

     * 显示加载dialog
    fun showLoading() {
        try {
        } catch (e: Exception) {

     * 结束dialog
    fun dismissLoading() {
        try {
            loadingDialog?.let { if (it.isShowing) it.dismiss() }
        } catch (e: Exception) {

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