--------- beginning of crash
07-18 17:54:24.726 F/libc (24035): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x67694874 in tid 25301 (EventThread), pid 24035 (m.bankcomm.demo)
07-18 17:54:24.729 I/SS_3A ( 719): INFO: AEC: TsAec_process_get_aec_info: 650: [Id=261] algo_out g=6.219 e_time=0.030 IsLLS=0x0 Ev=5.359 Bv=0.344 ProEv=5.344 Cvgd=1 lux=308, lls=0x0
07-18 17:54:24.749 E/AF_DEBUG( 719): [CMG_AF_NOTI] UpdateReferenceDataFront (line 1842) : Sensor/Crop size is invalid!! sensor_w(2640) crop_w(0)
07-18 17:54:24.761 I/SS_3A ( 719): INFO: AEC: TsAec_process_get_aec_info: 650: [Id=262] algo_out g=6.219 e_time=0.030 IsLLS=0x0 Ev=5.359 Bv=0.352 ProEv=5.352 Cvgd=1 lux=308, lls=0x0
07-18 17:54:24.782 E/AF_DEBUG( 719): [CMG_AF_NOTI] UpdateReferenceDataFront (line 1842) : Sensor/Crop size is invalid!! sensor_w(2640) crop_w(0)
07-18 17:54:24.793 I/SS_3A ( 719): INFO: AEC: TsAec_process_get_aec_info: 650: [Id=263] algo_out g=6.219 e_time=0.030 IsLLS=0x0 Ev=5.359 Bv=0.348 ProEv=5.348 Cvgd=1 lux=308, lls=0x0
07-18 17:54:24.815 E/AF_DEBUG( 719): [CMG_AF_NOTI] UpdateReferenceDataFront (line 1842) : Sensor/Crop size is invalid!! sensor_w(2640) crop_w(0)
07-18 17:54:24.821 I/EDMNativeHelperService( 1411): isCameraEnabled
07-18 17:54:24.832 I/SS_3A ( 719): INFO: AEC: TsAec_process_get_aec_info: 650: [Id=264] algo_out g=6.219 e_time=0.030 IsLLS=0x0 Ev=5.359 Bv=0.367 ProEv=5.367 Cvgd=1 lux=308, lls=0x0
07-18 17:54:24.848 E/AF_DEBUG( 719): [CMG_AF_NOTI] UpdateReferenceDataFront (line 1842) : Sensor/Crop size is invalid!! sensor_w(2640) crop_w(0)
07-18 17:54:24.883 I/crash_dump32(25304): obtaining output fd from tombstoned, type: kDebuggerdTombstone
07-18 17:54:24.884 I//system/bin/tombstoned( 1063): received crash request for pid 25301
07-18 17:54:24.886 I/crash_dump32(25304): performing dump of process 24035 (target tid = 25301)
07-18 17:54:24.893 E/AF_DEBUG( 719): [CMG_AF_NOTI] UpdateReferenceDataFront (line 1842) : Sensor/Crop size is invalid!! sensor_w(2640) crop_w(0)
07-18 17:54:24.896 I/SS_3A ( 719): INFO: AEC: TsAec_process_get_aec_info: 650: [Id=265] algo_out g=6.219 e_time=0.030 IsLLS=0x0 Ev=5.359 Bv=0.367 ProEv=5.367 Cvgd=1 lux=308, lls=0x0
07-18 17:54:24.911 I/SS_3A ( 719): INFO: AEC: TsAec_process_get_aec_info: 650: [Id=266] algo_out g=6.219 e_time=0.030 IsLLS=0x0 Ev=5.359 Bv=0.379 ProEv=5.379 Cvgd=1 lux=308, lls=0x0
07-18 17:54:24.920 E/AF_DEBUG( 719): [CMG_AF_NOTI] UpdateReferenceDataFront (line 1842) : Sensor/Crop size is invalid!! sensor_w(2640) crop_w(0)
07-18 17:54:24.923 F/DEBUG (25304): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
07-18 17:54:24.923 F/DEBUG (25304): Build fingerprint: 'samsung/star2qltezc/star2qltechn:9/PPR1.180610.011/G9650ZCU4CSE5:user/release-keys'
07-18 17:54:24.923 F/DEBUG (25304): Revision: '14'
07-18 17:54:24.923 F/DEBUG (25304): ABI: 'arm'
07-18 17:54:24.923 F/DEBUG (25304): pid: 24035, tid: 25301, name: EventThread >>> com.bankcomm.demo <<<
07-18 17:54:24.923 F/DEBUG (25304): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x67694874
07-18 17:54:24.923 F/DEBUG (25304): r0 c69f8550 r1 c69f8550 r2 c9fe3020 r3 67694874
07-18 17:54:24.923 F/DEBUG (25304): r4 c12fb0ac r5 e8176de4 r6 c12fb1d0 r7 c12fb4e8
07-18 17:54:24.923 F/DEBUG (25304): r8 dd96ceb0 r9 c19fea00 r10 c12fb1e0 r11 c19fea00
07-18 17:54:24.923 F/DEBUG (25304): ip c28c58f9 sp c12fb080 lr c28c0c5b pc 67694874
07-18 17:54:24.925 I/SS_3A ( 719): INFO: AEC: TsAec_process_get_aec_info: 650: [Id=267] algo_out g=6.219 e_time=0.030 IsLLS=0x0 Ev=5.359 Bv=0.379 ProEv=5.379 Cvgd=1 lux=308, lls=0x0
07-18 17:54:24.948 E/AF_DEBUG( 719): [CMG_AF_NOTI] UpdateReferenceDataFront (line 1842) : Sensor/Crop size is invalid!! sensor_w(2640) crop_w(0)
07-18 17:54:24.960 I/SS_3A ( 719): INFO: AEC: TsAec_process_get_aec_info: 650: [Id=268] algo_out g=6.219 e_time=0.030 IsLLS=0x0 Ev=5.359 Bv=0.387 ProEv=5.387 Cvgd=1 lux=307, lls=0x0
07-18 17:54:24.981 E/AF_DEBUG( 719): [CMG_AF_NOTI] UpdateReferenceDataFront (line 1842) : Sensor/Crop size is invalid!! sensor_w(2640) crop_w(0)
07-18 17:54:24.994 I/SS_3A ( 719): INFO: AEC: TsAec_process_get_aec_info: 650: [Id=269] algo_out g=6.219 e_time=0.030 IsLLS=0x0 Ev=5.359 Bv=0.379 ProEv=5.379 Cvgd=1 lux=308, lls=0x0
07-18 17:54:24.995 F/DEBUG (25304):
07-18 17:54:24.995 F/DEBUG (25304): backtrace:
07-18 17:54:24.995 F/DEBUG (25304): #00 pc 67694874
07-18 17:54:24.995 F/DEBUG (25304): #01 pc 0002fc59 /data/app/com.bankcomm.demo-iLuILfafcJbQseJ6Ob0yLA==/lib/arm/libjingle_peerconnection_so.so
07-18 17:54:24.995 F/DEBUG (25304): #02 pc 0003491d /data/app/com.bankcomm.demo-iLuILfafcJbQseJ6Ob0yLA==/lib/arm/libjingle_peerconnection_so.so (Java_org_webrtc_PeerConnectionFactory_nativeCreatePeerConnection+36)
07-18 17:54:24.995 F/DEBUG (25304): #03 pc 00413c79 /system/lib/libart.so (art_quick_generic_jni_trampoline+40)
07-18 17:54:24.995 F/DEBUG (25304): #04 pc 0040f775 /system/lib/libart.so (art_quick_invoke_stub_internal+68)
07-18 17:54:24.995 F/DEBUG (25304): #05 pc 003e88a3 /system/lib/libart.so (art_quick_invoke_static_stub+222)
07-18 17:54:24.995 F/DEBUG (25304): #06 pc 000a1227 /system/lib/libart.so (art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)+154)
07-18 17:54:24.995 F/DEBUG (25304): #07 pc 001e65d9 /system/lib/libart.so (art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridge(art::Thread*, art::ArtMethod*, art::ShadowFrame*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+236)
07-18 17:54:24.995 F/DEBUG (25304): #08 pc 001e1f05 /system/lib/libart.so (bool art::interpreter::DoCall<true, false>(art::ArtMethod*, art::Thread*, art::ShadowFrame&, art::Instruction const*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+608)
07-18 17:54:24.995 F/DEBUG (25304): #09 pc 003e55f9 /system/lib/libart.so (MterpInvokeStaticRange+100)
07-18 17:54:24.995 F/DEBUG (25304): #10 pc 00402894 /system/lib/libart.so (ExecuteMterpImpl+15380)
07-18 17:54:24.995 F/DEBUG (25304): #11 pc 00022db6 /dev/ashmem/dalvik-classes2.dex extracted in memory from /data/app/com.bankcomm.demo-iLuILfafcJbQseJ6Ob0yLA==/split_lib_dependencies_apk.apk!classes2.dex_24035_24035 (deleted) (org.webrtc.PeerConnectionFactory.createPeerConnection+34)
07-18 17:54:24.995 F/DEBUG (25304): #12 pc 001c5843 /system/lib/libart.so (_ZN3art11interpreterL7ExecuteEPNS_6ThreadERKNS_20CodeItemDataAccessorERNS_11ShadowFrameENS_6JValueEb.llvm.2142189451+378)
07-18 17:54:24.995 F/DEBUG (25304): #13 pc 001c9f29 /system/lib/libart.so (art::interpreter::ArtInterpreterToInterpreterBridge(art::Thread*, art::CodeItemDataAccessor const&, art::ShadowFrame*, art::JValue*)+152)
07-18 17:54:24.995 F/DEBUG (25304): #14 pc 001e10af /system/lib/libart.so (bool art::interpreter::DoCall<false, false>(art::ArtMethod*, art::Thread*, art::ShadowFrame&, art::Instruction const*, unsigned short, art::JValue*)+790)
07-18 17:54:24.995 F/DEBUG (25304): #15 pc 003e33fb /system/lib/libart.so (MterpInvokeVirtual+442)
07-18 17:54:24.995 F/DEBUG (25304): #16 pc 00402414 /system/lib/libart.so (ExecuteMterpImpl+14228)