Android cryptography library with SecureRandom patches.


CircleCI Bintray License GitHub issues


Secure and efficient cryptography library for Android. (Auto fix SecureRandom bugs in API 18 and below.)

Note: EasyCrypt uses only secure implementations and all the known Crypto bugs are already dealt with properly. More information here.


  • AES-256 encryption algorithm
  • CBC/CTR mode of operations
  • Block padding with PKCS7 (only with CBC)
  • Computationally secure random salt (of cipher block size)
  • Password stretching with PBKDF2
  • Random IV generated on each encryption (16 bytes)
  • Supports MD5, SHA1, and SHA2 hash functions
  • Generate secure keys with SecureRandom or
  • Asymmetric encryption with RSA
  • Auto handle large data by using hybrid asymmetric encryption
  • Asymmetric RSA signing and verification
  • Supported RSA key sizes are 2048 bits and 4096 bits
  • Password analysis for strength, crack times, weakness, etc using nulab's zxcvbn4j library

Sample app

Download the sample app from play store.


Add in your app's build.gradle

dependencies {
    implementation "com.pvryan.easycrypt:easycrypt:1.3.3"


val eCryptSymmetric = ECSymmetric()
val eCryptAsymmetric = ECAsymmetric()
val eCryptHash = ECHash()
val eCryptPass = ECPasswords()

Symmetric key encryption

Encrypt data

eCryptSymmetric.encrypt (input, password,
    object : ECResultListener {

        // Optional
        override fun onProgress(newBytes: Int, bytesProcessed: Long, totalBytes: Long) {


        override fun <T> onSuccess(result: T) {


        override fun onFailure(message: String, e: Exception) {

    outputFile // Optional

Decrypt data

eCryptSymmetric.decrypt(input, password,
        object : ECResultListener {

            // Optional
            override fun onProgress(newBytes: Int, bytesProcessed: Long, totalBytes: Long) {


            override fun <T> onSuccess(result: T) {


            override fun onFailure(message: String, e: Exception) {

        outputFile // Optional

Asymmetric key encryption

Encrypt data

eCryptAsymmetric.generateKeyPair(object : ECRSAKeyPairListener {

     override fun onSuccess(keyPair: KeyPair) {
         privateKey = keyPair.private as RSAPrivateKey // Save private key
         eCryptAsymmetric.encrypt(input, keyPair.public as RSAPublicKey,
                 object : ECResultListener {

                     // Optional
                     override fun onProgress(newBytes: Int, bytesProcessed: Long, totalBytes: Long) {


                     override fun <T> onSuccess(result: T) {


                     override fun onFailure(message: String, e: Exception) {

                 outputFile // Optional

     override fun onFailure(message: String, e: Exception) {

 }, keySize = eCryptAsymmetric.KeySizes._4096)

Decrypt data

eCryptAsymmetric.decrypt(input, privateKey,
        object : ECResultListener {

            // Optional
            override fun onProgress(newBytes: Int, bytesProcessed: Long, totalBytes: Long) {


            override fun <T> onSuccess(result: T) {


            override fun onFailure(message: String, e: Exception) {

        outputFile // Optional

Sign data

eCryptKeys.genRSAKeyPair(object : ECRSAKeyPairListener {

    override fun onGenerated(keyPair: KeyPair) {

        publicKey = keyPair.public as RSAPublicKey

                keyPair.private as RSAPrivateKey,
                object : ECResultListener {

                    // Optional
                    override fun onProgress(newBytes: Int, bytesProcessed: Long, totalBytes: Long) {


                    override fun <T> onSuccess(result: T) {


                    override fun onFailure(message: String, e: Exception) {


    override fun onFailure(message: String, e: Exception) {


Verify data

eCryptAsymmetric.verify(input, publicKey, signatureFile,
        object : ECVerifiedListener {
            override fun onSuccess(verified: Boolean) {


            override fun onFailure(message: String, e: Exception) {


Hash data

eCryptHash.calculate(input, hashAlgorithm, // from ECHashAlgorithms
        object : ECResultListener {

            // Optional
            override fun onProgress(newBytes: Int, bytesProcessed: Long, totalBytes: Long) {


            override fun <T> onSuccess(result: T) {


            override fun onFailure(message: String, e: Exception) {

        outputFile // Optional

Analyze password

val analysis: ECPasswordAnalysis = ECPasswordAnalyzer.analyze("thisismypassword")

Input Output
File outputFile
FileInputStream outputFile
ByteArray String or outputFile (if provided)
ByteArrayInputStream String or outputFile (if provided)
String String or outputFile (if provided)
CharSequence String or outputFile (if provided)
Anything else InvalidParameterException

Generate key with SecureRandom (pseudo-random)

val password = eCryptPass.genSecureRandomPassword(length, charArrayOf(/*symbols to be used in password*/))

Generate key with (true random)

For sample to work enter your API key in FragmentPasswords

        "random-org-api-key", //TODO: Replace with your api key
        new ECPasswordListener() {

            public void onFailure(@NonNull String message, @NonNull Exception e) {


            public void onSuccess(@NonNull String password) {



Copyright 2018 Priyank Vasa
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
  • Decryption breaks on newer Android versions

    Decryption breaks on newer Android versions

    EDIT: to clarify the problem - encryption and decryption on the same platform works! The problem is when you encrypt information on some platforms and then afterwards, decryption of this data is attempted on others. I've seem compatibility problems between these ranges of API versions:

    • 22 or before,
    • 23 through 25,
    • 26 and after,

    meaning, encryption-decryption between devices in each range works, but between devices in different ranges doesn't.

    ORIGINAL post:

    W/System.err: javax.crypto.BadPaddingException: error:1e000065:Cipher functions:OPENSSL_internal:BAD_DECRYPT
    W/System.err:     at Method)
    W/System.err:     at$EVP_CIPHER.doFinalInternal(
    W/System.err:     at
    W/System.err:     at javax.crypto.Cipher.doFinal(
    W/System.err:     at com.pvryan.easycrypt.symmetric.performDecrypt.invoke$easycrypt_release(performDecrypt.kt:70)
    W/System.err:     at com.pvryan.easycrypt.symmetric.ECSymmetric$decrypt$1.invoke(ECSymmetric.kt:209)
    W/System.err:     at com.pvryan.easycrypt.symmetric.ECSymmetric$decrypt$1.invoke(ECSymmetric.kt:44)
    W/System.err:     at org.jetbrains.anko.AsyncKt$doAsync$1.invoke(Async.kt:140)
    W/System.err:     at org.jetbrains.anko.AsyncKt$doAsync$1.invoke(Unknown Source:0)
    W/System.err:     at org.jetbrains.anko.AsyncKt$sam$Callable$ Source:2)
    W/System.err:     at
    W/System.err:     at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$
    W/System.err:     at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
    W/System.err:     at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
    W/System.err:     at

    It seems that this library is experiencing the same issue found in this other library below (in an older version, they fixed it by enforcing usage of Bouncy Castle instead of the new default provider on Android 6.0 onwards).

    Please also make this library enforce usage of Bouncy Castle as well as a workaround at least until a fix is found using the new provider on API 23 onwards. EDIT: As I mention below, apparently just doing this workaround won't be enough :(

    I tested on an emulator with API 26.

    Thank you!

    opened by guilhermesgb 12
  • ECResultListener is not working

    ECResultListener is not working

    I am trying to run a method once the encryption is done with the help of the ECResultListener like below:

    String fileKey = "123456";
                            ECSymmetric ecSymmetric = new ECSymmetric();
                            ecSymmetric.encrypt(orginaFile, fileKey, new ECResultListener() {
                                public void onProgress(int newBytes, long processedBytes, long totalBytes) {
                                public <T> void onSuccess(T t) {
                                        Toasty.success(singleChatActivity.this, "ENCRYPTED").show(); // DOESN'T display although there is an encrypted file as an result
                                public void onFailure(String s, Exception e) {
                            }, encryptedFile);

    Any help?

    opened by JagarYousef 7
  • E/Cannot write to file.: Error while finalizing cipher when decrypting on another device

    E/Cannot write to file.: Error while finalizing cipher when decrypting on another device

    I am trying to send encrypted files through Firebase storage, when the same encryption/decryption works pretty fine on the same device where I encrypt the data, it gives the following error after 99% of the decryption on another device:

    E/Cannot write to file.: Error while finalizing cipher

    Please note that the encryption string key is the same and also the same function to decrypt the file in both devices. Is there something I am missing here?

    opened by cergo1991 5
  • Question: What data type does verify() expect for the Signature file?

    Question: What data type does verify() expect for the Signature file?

    Thank you for this project. I have a hex signature string, what do I need to convert it to in order to use the eCryptAsymmetric.verify() function? Thank you

    opened by danshev 4
  • Cannot write to Error while finalizing cipher

    Cannot write to Error while finalizing cipher

    I am trying to decrypt an image after the downloading from Firebase storage directly (in OnSuccessListener) and the log of the progress of decryption works till it reaches 99% and gives the following error: Cannot write to Error while finalizing cipher Please note:

    • The premissions are granted.
    • The decryption works in other locations.

    Any recommendations for this?

    opened by JagarYousef 3
  • Jcenter shutdown will make this package unavailable

    Jcenter shutdown will make this package unavailable

    Early 2022 Jcenter will become unavailable. This is currently the only source to obtain this package. Migration to Jitpack or MavenCentral could solve the problem.

    opened by JarmoKukkola 0
  • 1.3.5 Package broken

    1.3.5 Package broken

    Describe the bug Release 1.3.5 build is broken.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: See log:

    Expected behavior Library should install correctly when installed using Gradle. Currently only the randomorg package is built inside the library.

    Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

    Smartphone (please complete the following information):

    • Device: [e.g. iPhone6]
    • OS: [e.g. iOS8.1]
    • Version [e.g. 22]

    Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

    opened by luyzdeleon 0
  • Help with this library please !

    Help with this library please !

    Hi there, please i need help with this question in stackoverflow:

    The android developer used this library inside one application but when i try to decrypt data from iOS (with CryptoSwift), i don't get the excepted results. Some help please ??

    opened by wonder2011 0
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