QKSMS is an open source replacement to the stock messaging app on Android




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QKSMS is an open source replacement to the stock messaging app on Android. It is currently available on the Google Play Store and on F-Droid

Download on Google PlayGet it on F-Droid

Reporting bugs

A great bug report contains a description of the problem and steps to reproduce the problem. We need to know what we're looking for and where to look for it.

When reporting a bug, please make sure to provide the following information:

  • Steps to reproduce the issue
  • QKSMS version
  • Device / OS information


If you'd like to add translations to QKSMS, please join the project on Crowdin. Translations that are committed directly to source files will not be accepted.

Thank you

A special thank you to Jake (@klinker41) and Luke Klinker (@klinker24) for their work on android-smsmms, which has been an unspeakably large help in implementing MMS into QKSMS.


QKSMS is developed and maintained by Moez Bhatti. Feel free to reach out to [email protected]


QKSMS is released under the The GNU General Public License v3.0 (GPLv3), which can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of this project.

  • 3.9.0 slow when performing certain actions

    3.9.0 slow when performing certain actions


    Some actions cause the app to temporarily lock up after upgrading to version 3.9.0 from 3.8.1.


    1. Open an existing conversation
    2. Draft a reply
    3. Return to top level
    4. Wait for draft to appear
    5. Enter another conversation


    Steps 4 and 5 should occur without significant delay.


    Step 4: the text does not update to reflect the draft until about seven seconds have passed. Step 5: the app is unresponsive for about five seconds, and then the screen goes black for a second or two before the conversation loads.

    Similar freezes occur when opening the app from the new-message notification.

    Timings on Essential PH-1 running Lineage 14.1 without Google apps.

    opened by d5xtgr 74
  • F-Droid AntiFeatures

    F-Droid AntiFeatures

    An update of QKSMS brought in several non-free dependencies, including tracking. So as a quick action, we needed to mark your app with NonFreeDep (PlayStore/Market), NonFreeNet (Billing, Install Referrer) and Tracking (Install Referrer opening a connection right at update, without the user's permission):

    Offending libs:
    * BillingClient (/com/android/billingclient): NonFreeNet
    * Play Install Referrer Library (/com/android/installreferrer): NonFreeNet,Tracking
    * Google Play (/com/android/vending): NonFreeNet
    * Android Market (/com/google/android/finsky): NonFreeNet

    For reference:

    • https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata/-/issues/2260
    • https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroiddata/-/merge_requests/8052

    We assume this was an "oversight" at your end, and those dependencies should not go into the noAnalytics flavor. So once you've fixed it at your end (excluding them from that flavor) and that update reached the F-Droid repo, we can (and will) remove those AntiFeatures again.

    Thanks for taking care!

    opened by IzzySoft 52
  • new version drains battery very quickly

    new version drains battery very quickly

    version 2.1.0 has started eating up my battery life. It has used 25% of my overall battery in the last few hours.

    LG G3 (Verizon) VS985 - Android 5.0.1

    opened by agodlydeciple 41
  • Can't receive MMS

    Can't receive MMS

    Hello :) ,

    I'm using a samsung galaxy s5 with lineageos (7.1.2) with the beta 7 version, and i can't receive any mms. I tried with with different sizes, with no changes (100KB-1000KB)

    STEPS : (after resetting app and reinstalling it) -> I send a MMS to myself (wait and nothing come back) https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/15857585/37869847-e938ac76-2fbf-11e8-9dd0-fdbea18af394.jpg

    Here's some catlog (i don't understand any of this :) )



    And everything works fine with the stock sms app :/ (when i send something to myself, it comes back ~5s later) Thanks, for your work !

    opened by DavidLapous 34
  • Message From new phone number will now show in sms list

    Message From new phone number will now show in sms list


    I noticed that sometimes QKSMS will not show new message in sms list and also there in no notification in status bar. Only if I chose Settings->Sync messages then these messages will show in QKSMS. I tried several different situations and finally know it only happens when you haven't have a conversion with the sender. device: Huawei P9 Plus, running Android 8.0


    1. Delete previous conversion with the sender if exist
    2. Send a message to your phone using the number


    The phone should produce a sound ringtone, and the new message should show in both notification bar and the QKSMS app.


    1. there is no ringtone, no notification , and you cannot find the message in QKSMS. But if you open another Messaging app, the message is displayed in that app.
    2. return to QKSMS app, click ’Settings->Sync messages‘
    3. finally the message will show in QKSMS

    I will attach two logs, the first one is captured in this situation: Screen is locked. I send three messages in this consequence :1. phone number A(new number) 2. phone number B(I have had conversion with this number privously)3.phone number C(another new number). Message 1 & 3 are now shown in QKSMS, but message 2 did. the second log is captured when phone is Waked up and QKSMS is in foreground. I Send a message using phone number A. This time the message is also now shown in QKSMS. qksms_log1.txt qksms_log2.txt

    this gif shows that when I finished send there 4 messages, I can only manual re-sync message. gif5

    opened by KruziikG 30
  • Android System WebView has stopped

    Android System WebView has stopped

    App Version: 3.0.4 (Issue present on FDroid & Google Play variant) Device: OnePlus 3 running LineageOS 15.1 (8.1.0 Oreo)

    When opening a message thread the Android error dialog is displayed which states "Android System WebView has stopped". It gives you the option of opening the app again or muting until the device restarts. If you dismiss the dialog everything works fine with no more error dialogues until the app is closed and reopened, where the dialog shows itself again.

    Issue wasn't present in 2.7.3 and is present from 3.0.3+ (FDroid)

    opened by aidengilmartin 27
  • QKSMS became awfully slow after latest update

    QKSMS became awfully slow after latest update

    Everything was smooth & fast until the latest update (2.6.2) Usually QKSMS window open instantly after I touch QKSMS icon, but now it took few seconds to loads, and that's just open QKSMS, all other QKSMS task like open a conversation, open settings... is slower as well and make QKSMS unusable.

    I restart device, re-install QKSMS but no luck, I'm testing other message app like Textra, ChompSMS... and they all smooth & fast but I still like QKSMS most. Please tell me you can fix this problem.

    opened by RedDragonx 26
  • SMS occasionally fails to send

    SMS occasionally fails to send

    I'm having this issue where sometimes, seemingly random, text messages wont get sent. They're stuck at "sending". Even if I send another one right after, which gets sent and delivered, the previous on does not go anywhere. All is good when I use the stock messaging app (xperia lollipop 5.1.1) and if I switch back to that, the messages that QKSMS failed to sent off will eventually be sent by the stock app.

    What on earth can it be? Kind of seems to me like these third party texting apps functioned better back in the day where they were dependent on the stock app...

    opened by kocane 24
  • App hangs while

    App hangs while "synchronizing messages"

    Hard to debug: Using Signal as primary SMS/MMS messenger, I installed QKSMS a while ago (QKSMS+ from Play Store even). Worked fine. Re-flashed my ROM, re-installed all apps, re-installed QKSMS. Made it default SMS/MMS app. Granted all permissions it requested. However, starting the app I always end up with "synchronizing messages" not coming to an end until I either kill the app or restart the phone. Any way to provide more meaningful information on what happens here? Thanks, Kristian

    opened by kr428 18
  • Automatic theme for conversations

    Automatic theme for conversations

    Hi peeps,

    Could be good, I think, to have a "random colors theme". Currently you can pick a color for theming. It could be good to be able to select "random" and "multiple random".

    The first will let application chooses a color every time applicaiton is opened, or every day, etc. It's at developper discretion, or even can be a user choice (adding list where he can select to change color at "every opening", "every day", "every week", etc.), then color changes on trigger user has defined (or as I said, dev choice can be a first version).

    The second is kinda like AOSP and Google messenger are designed : application (or system? I don't know how it is done because it is shared accross applications : Phone, Messenger, Email, etc.) determines a color for each contact. (see here for example http://www.guidingtech.com/assets/postimages/2014/11/2014-11-14-18.06.04.jpg, even Telegram can be an example : https://lh6.ggpht.com/U9a4KPjZCt7_fyNCOvNjcmL8rNCxdeW6GZ0INzu5hDl8-12phJenRj5dzK-Kdk6IHO23=h900). We can even go further by letting the user select a color for a specific contact.

    Anyways it's just some ideas.

    Best regards.

    opened by xavihernandez 18
  • Delete old messages automatically

    Delete old messages automatically

    Is there any way to implement a "conversation length limit" so old messages are deleted automatically?

    An option to immediatly "trim all threads" when selected would also be a nice addition.

    opened by ToNIX- 18
  • Contrast issues on sent messages in night mode

    Contrast issues on sent messages in night mode


    In night mode, the color on sent messages is extremely dark, to the point that the message bubbles blend in with the background. It seems as though I can only change the color of incoming message bubbles, not the sent ones. This presents a contrast issue as folks with visual impairments have difficulties distinguishing individual texts from each other. Attaching a screenshot example: InkedScreenshot_20221208-125248


    1. Enable Night Mode in the Theme Settings
    2. Send an sms to someone
    3. Observe the low contrast between the message and the background


    Ideally, the user would be able to customize the color of sent messages in the settings to find a color scheme that worked for them, but otherwise increasing the brightness of the current sent messages in night mode to a lighter grey would help a great deal (though not to bright or there would also be contrast issues with the white text)


    Instead, the sent message bubbles are a very dark grey which blends into the also dark grey background. This makes it very difficult to pick out the text message bubble from the background

    opened by Stampeder525 0
  • [Feature Request] Add a

    [Feature Request] Add a "report spam" feature


    In France when you receive a spam message you can report it to a specific number. I wish I could do it one click.


    1. Receive spam
    2. Forward text to 33700
    3. Copy spam sender number
    4. Send it to 33700
    5. Reporting done.


    1. Receive spam
    2. Click on "Report spam" which automates the 2 reporting steps
    3. Done


    No idea if there are equivalents in other countries

    opened by YannBrrd 1
  • Replies Sent As A Different Thread

    Replies Sent As A Different Thread

    I am noticing a lot lately that when I get a text message reply from someone, even in group texts, some of them randomly are returning in a totally separate thread. Why is this and how do I stop this behavior from happening again? Is this a bug?

    opened by HonestAbe7 0
  • SMS reply sending to wrong number

    SMS reply sending to wrong number

    This has happened twice so far, once when replying to a text from my dad and it's on going with texts from my mom.

    I'll receive a text from my mom, the notification displays her number. When I do the quick reply within the notification and send it, it sends to her number but with a different area code that is one digit off from the right area code. When I open qksms and view my messages, her messages come in under the wrong area code number. Any idea why this is? I can post some screenshots if needed to better describe my issue.

    opened by thepoma 1
  • Messages sporadically dropped

    Messages sporadically dropped


    I have learned from friends and family that they sent me messages which I never received. Some were MMS group messages; some were regular SMS (I think).

    I get most messages though, it seems. Just a few don't get through. But that's enough to cause major problems.

    Using a Galaxy S10 with Android 12.

    Possibly a duplicate of #1882


    I don't know that I can reliably reproduce the issue. As I said, it's a sporadic failure. Probably the sort of thing that would only be caught be a really rigorous program of testing. Since it's a non-event when the failure happens, it's hard to investigate it. By the time two weeks or a month later that I learn I missed a text, it's too late.


    Receive all messages---or at least have the usual rate of failures.


    Of course, it is possible that it's a problem with my OS or my mobile service---only time using a different app will tell. But for now, it seems that QKSMS is the likely source of the problem. I will update / close this issue if I find other apps dropping messages in a similar manner.

    As noted in #1881, it seems from the commit history that this project is not being actively developed anymore. I think the loss of messages like this will be my reason for switching to the much-hated Google Messages. It's a shame, but I want to put the notice out there that QKSMS may not be a safe custodian of your text messages these days. Unless it gets refreshed and better tested, I will have to look elsewhere.

    That said... this was otherwise a really awesome app. No nonsense. Google Messages is like selling your soul by comparison. Thank you very much to @moezbhatti for producing it!

    opened by joshhansen 1
  • v3.9.4(Feb 24, 2021)

  • v3.9.3(Feb 24, 2021)


    • Faster message sync (ca1e7b7c7a5514cb1e9e824584a8088cfc47eaba, 84923d1deabd956561e90ac22574e43bc863bfbc)
    • Upgrade billing client (3d84ccceea09825a4a3e912f4e7439fac99f1a21)
    • Use official Material pin icon (bc6c19e0800b17a28105276ccb9eabb1a82cea68)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    QKSMS-v3.9.3.apk(11.29 MB)
  • v3.9.2(Feb 7, 2021)

  • v3.9.1(Feb 4, 2021)

  • v3.9.0(Jan 2, 2021)


    • Block/archive messages from notification (e2f4b92609d4c507b0c7f1dd58d837f1b3e7e05f)
    • Swipe to block conversation (e2f4b92609d4c507b0c7f1dd58d837f1b3e7e05f)
    • Share vCard from other apps (b56111ab0843d542eb10e7d9fd07df0640e40edd)
    • Auto-delete old messages (c7efb9c537755316abe5b089651012967b17a472)


    • Remember send-as-group preference (0ba3ab5839d799551fe4bf2de5585026a157842a)
    • Shorten "mark read" string for notification actions (0ff582ddd05050e4b3b67bd9fa355aa15ca07d37)
    • Clarify delayed message durations (f13fb350e1cf028837bd13106b58411b05eeabd6)
    • Line count limit for contact groups in compose screen (ad48977c1aaae78170a3030ab0818d6d179807d3)
    • Buzz and show warning when SIM is changed (582a8238762caa2ef9f1453eb3d3483cebb914ca)
    • Better visibility for conversations with drafts (7fd7b2ce13a3cbeb1bc0bb5ec9f10070cf86449d...35ccd053749d471b4e9aec52dfd3f7d6207ab7bf)
    • Removed Mixpanel (a7b0c1f0938daaa80787ed79cd3788bec659e6b4)
    • Trim whitespace when searching (fa6b06580606ee287c9a145bef4d9397e300200e)


    • Incorrect selection state when picking contact phone number (88accdb7a1924447d8148fb4c7c7bae5cf5bed47)
    • Max height for QK dialog (bf808a84b69173da4aeadc333413b0f8d252f537)
    • Duplicate phone numbers when multiple contacts apps are installed (e47bfb54ee6afd0da38eb248eaae101e4e38c9e5)
    • Swipe state gets stuck when marking read conversation as read again (86f764a288b9e91affc45381330542fc13bbc319)
    • Titles and special characters included in contact's initials (70f078fa9bfdd715fede2e05ed80c77d13ed975a, 605f32041d1440b259c5c05a75f2116039e92d19)
    • Subject text not included when sharing (5939e4540ce85b877532cc8f78f67e61f74ff467)
    • Message history not appearing (853acaa42c6dc4f780017726969255cd354db584, 057806e98a8c079e525225b183185716b2299c70)
    • Dismiss notification for failed message not working (5512b344d67b1fd9e5921e7ba6d99b94e702a629)
    • Incorrect padding for SIM selector (70275b230142b68c6618501cfc2d8709f584bd24)
    • Incorrect padding for contact search (0f36c2c5ff348bf4a7f63ce6e88395a60bf444d5)
    • Incorrect empty state for messasge search (02bf2823e711fa76a9849eefa5ed2909529e06e0)
    • Pressing enter creates line break when searching (408af960197a2bee25a2799a4036dc76ce45eb32)
    • Crash when composing message (edbc99a0a388fe972736900d756bbe0f4e67ece2)
    • Scheduled message date picker can be blocked by keyboard (e4f16b4d59d9e0afc59b5d3234ab00595fa5cdc7)
    • Cursor set to wrong position when cancelling message (0472535025fa0e4934aec3f70daf055770bb1227)
    • Can't share to group via Simple Contacts (272ae27cc959e25236b594655009276285017af5)
    • "View more conversations" button on widget broken (455de368e6c14bbe235f212f0f8eb5805aa405e2)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    QKSMS-v3.9.0.apk(13.84 MB)
  • v3.8.1(Jan 28, 2020)


    • MMS not sending (c0b2f619617105cb61c5a90c651a9db9445f7a1b)
    • Crash when deleting conversation (118da536b79dec91ff86dbc52bf5b672633fe96f)
    • Crash when upgrading from old version (33b239d3b7d3e13defea35e61023b393dca55fbe)
    • Contact groups not showing up in some cases (af62b064844b5d6fe55469a300c81e1f1a06ff4a)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    QKSMS-v3.8.1.apk(11.91 MB)
  • v3.8.0(Jan 18, 2020)

  • v3.8.0-beta2(Jan 14, 2020)

  • v3.8.0-beta1(Jan 13, 2020)


    • Support for Contact Groups and Starred Contacts (8f67de736a582c8f1134ba471377618affee5bf7...a91643e882d9743ff70921db13edb52f78187786)
    • Wake screen setting (5d6291250827d54a8a90598c6f4daa47715eb268)
    • Per-contact colours (76e0f775d61c0b97b6549c04e04e27960aea1608)
    • Automatic colours (684237425472fe8cee23e8cef8e138c748f60b39)
    • Option to send long messages as MMS (d1bbe2c3cdf773a47ecfa7b8b255a030a4c093fc)
    • Long-press recipient to copy phone number (c3c7b495c922036b7b94e176ff221411027cc07a)
    • Copy text from multiple messages (889d298f96d6e3102998fb38733c4cf0757825d3)
    • Share photos externally (c2db9b66ad8c5a477502ac5236af62c9d8ff64a7)


    • Redesigned compose message screen (13a418be4585eaf25c11f78fe996cd4caa74a2fb...1e5f8485f28f4418301cea27e0afa74a53d8272c)
    • Redesigned avatars (9d08be9a5644200b2a6881ea1e04e8a702901ae8, 4da154e3faeeec6951eb9689f73950015d4a2f88)
    • More reliable contact photo loading (573b01ff6509e7dc8724fc0ece1dc6ac6ec4923c)
    • Custom colours for contacts will appear everywhere, not just inside the conversation (d6dcc55a36c8257d6f0f62c1899d5b32db4fdf5e)
    • More intuitive unicode stripping (2aa2f2ccc00a05728f8e22478d6e9eaaf8bb9a41)
    • Make drafts easier to find (eb9cd59218b21d9236d053fc148e555c7dc4493f)
    • Faster scrolling performance everywhere (1080e540edccf2e88d5d01c8d9186bb09a616c98)
    • Increased max signature length (11e733bf593853a924fe3ecbc944e57da5a5fbe7)


    • Sent attachments are always low quality (0f21fc80c22c4ac22f575018b78512a0bd21f42c)
    • Not receiving all MMS (72a61f5b44a5aa9ddb4c5e8285924abe4cca73c0)
    • Contact name/photo might be out of sync with contacts app (13c8ba3e7813d266316cd1f026b947c208a78b6f)
    • MMS might appear in the wrong thread (0dadcfb3dca556605b26292857ec9c75d85c9f83)
    • Duplicate phone numbers appear when Whatsapp is installed (414a5775bcdd3bac2bb1f0a0cb852fa0bcdd85f6)
    • Can't share to multiple people via another app (13a418be4585eaf25c11f78fe996cd4caa74a2fb)
    • Body not parsed correctly in SMS Uri (65fd1cacdba72aad929c852b016dff1e361dfeb3)
    • Notification sounds not working on Android 7 (f9ef47fcb87f2cad58d583f1ae7e587c1d62532d)
    • Sometimes can't add number to contacts (2d1de6068f1642b604464b8771caa93ab891703f)
    • Default SMS "CHANGE" button sometimes doesn't work (df898994d48cdfda9800d4275e862c7451875aa9)
    • 24h timestamps don't work correctly when language set to Japanese (0e77d99fc6f219a82943ec84e8b3ffdeacaddb03)
    • Conversation details page slow when there are lots of attachments (ea2edbb8fecc381100d1ed88adb7790bb5dfcc19)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    QKSMS-v3.8.0-beta1-withAnalytics-release.aab(11.94 MB)
    QKSMS-v3.8.0-beta1.apk(11.90 MB)
  • v3.7.10(Dec 4, 2019)


    • Include archived conversations in search results (6bd8480e4ec5c0e946cbd48ed525d13c042132f1)
    • Allow manually blocking non-numeric addresses (a83901a73153cc750afc6b466583e1c8b66d8572)


    • MMS appear to have sent, but they haven't (5dac7404d3210f8b4d639dca2f4df8570461ba42)
    • New conversations sometimes don't appear (4794167b6ba884be31c53d89304a58b01942a70b)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    QKSMS-v3.7.10.apk(11.83 MB)
  • v3.7.9(Nov 22, 2019)

  • v3.7.8(Nov 19, 2019)


    • Contact not always linked to conversation (5927138a29c09cf054ab85ac3dce4f96b91c37ec)
    • Wrong colour for disabled preference icons (77b14e6557065954a3952768ebb3ecb9f08acc5e)
    • Multiple crashes (9ea613bf39219298d437792c43cfabe0101716b4, 8fd888744ac375afcbb8c05256d153d985d09d17)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    QKSMS-v3.7.8.apk(11.84 MB)
  • v3.7.7(Nov 16, 2019)

  • v3.7.6(Nov 14, 2019)

  • v3.7.5(Nov 13, 2019)


    • Added ability to retry sending failed MMS (b8836affad3c104fa7da37cc7e38ecd15ce1c2e6)


    • Show hint for signature setting (c1e2ef0ff7e6e7857aa1edbd44ef260c16cfad34)
    • Keep widget more up-to-date (e720ee9560f7957fa0b7df1d6c3d3106059f4a25, 5d2b59e57a479ba3f5882ec1c9ed736fe75f3d07)
    • Improved MMS support for Dual-SIM phones (77789f73bf9a69e42be2d97b303547a5c50407fd)
    • Display sent time for incoming MMS (d1baad6b79754851108f08cdd1e146e06c26304c)
    • Improve MMS sending reliability (2d26a76b297c14a49c86ed0eb05cb009b761a7b4)


    • Contacts sometimes not linked to conversation correctly (76c89dfed6894dc6e8bd61ac38a84679c957a608)
    • Sometimes can't save multiple attachments to phone (7b9aa89d17f4257b0efd652ee661cb810f286f62)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    QKSMS-v3.7.5.apk(11.84 MB)
  • v3.7.4(Oct 28, 2019)


    • Support for Android Q Roles (d1d99f5283942c391fa814827ce0413d0bca6fa6)


    • Use theme color for text cursor (2526fde606ce42a83648a80b0336d74598d9c25f)
    • Better matching between phone number and conversation (54089df3161a06a7371f9ba431da978af52ffdd4)


    • Messages often stuck "Sending..." (19052d4f932f1da1a30940b0ef09ee02173e2059)
    • Short codes won't show up as valid number when composing new message (42d693a08f29c9f137e38c407b10219ae99d119e)
    • Multiple crash fixes (b573755b2008f4dbd6539a86febd25d74db27ee2, 7939e9ee0403e4d742b4a83b208f3a0554712b2b, 916cf65716e147bbb7ff833b38917f49c50d11fc)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    QKSMS-v3.7.4.apk(11.82 MB)
  • v3.7.3(Oct 23, 2019)


    • You can now view attachments of any filetype (629e7a2d72e30aa3ae797c5132729380b0227899)


    • Improve search for contacts with accents in their names (748fc05cc0361b7adcb93090a765ffb9aaa7ea74)
    • Custom labels for phone numbers will show the custom text (f64d1befb1f7cbf481e3ad395b2a7571304e2ed2)
    • Include MMS in search results (2e512fcc1f579c5e63c3e16575e8f6a603bcbe19)
    • Made it easier to access blocked numbers list (d6beabfb10ff93192cbc285c125f5b314ce5dfb1)
    • Added option to add number to contacts from main conversation list (8b8da9c58de9d43df71e3e82ee0ce200b7012fd6)
    • Conversations with drafts will be indicated appropriately in conversation list (e4225373450f7db15ff38ac17fa47839fb5e0648)
    • You can now copy text from a scheduled message (c2bcf56925fa77d7411ec32bc7bb703986aafa36)
    • Show blocking reason for numbers blocked via Call Control (d46193abbad30490b21094fc0380436286e366e1)


    • Can't open vCard attachments (3215436f324dbaa69a485bbfe8e70e53f9b72f5b)
    • Phone number gets blocked when it shouldn't (56d13dfe3e577095b3a1b3d8c6fdb39306d0914a)
    • Icon gets stretched when swiping conversation (7eda44187c47fd04e2b6455cf1a005e411c2f7bb)
    • Can't forward text in MMS message (2b510e7bd76097fff67b4d1e43878e5074dbd52c)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    QKSMS-v3.7.3.apk(11.80 MB)
  • v3.7.2(Sep 11, 2019)

  • v3.7.1(Sep 10, 2019)

  • v3.7.0(Sep 10, 2019)


    • Integration with Call Control! Automatically block spam numbers (3bc4b86feae145f77ce5e77c226711ec44cd054f...4c9130e11aefaf1cb6fefddfa99bcd6314ebb477)
    • View contents of blocked messages (a3824825f644758a841780e17edb697d11b8a35b)
    • Decide whether you want blocked messages to be hidden or dropped (25aff4d7ca60d8267d134487087ac910d4f29133)


    • Emoji-only messages will be bigger and have no bubble! (96bd39fe3aed56f87906f46fb4768e167ae1dd9f)
    • Changelog will show all changes since previous install, in case you skipped an update (3200956f4f9d53870b81cab42545941565d6d748)


    • Widget isn't always up to date (51ca3a5c332a8e0a3546e42ae37e27035a65c2e5)
    • Incorrect badge count (f92afde64501873e3fc61d690d439fa1b126698f, 021fab57ca6eddd76d76c6da90a5d5c04c6bf431)
    • Starred contact notifications don't work with DND (3585c3fcf059e3a36be1d14ab3854b52e908501d)
    • Conversation swipe icon glitch in dark theme (3d6a5eed1ae3062b0dd25659dd4445866ed18970)
    • Incorrect theme for gallery view (b2708a3654a85b0f3211b94ad2752e4d8d66758d)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    QKSMS-v3.7.0.apk(11.45 MB)
  • v3.6.8(Aug 28, 2019)


    • Light navigation bar for Android 8.0 devices broken (0f96209eca81a07289cf06c16dce7be232b08de1)
    • Wrong colour for snackbar message (0f96209eca81a07289cf06c16dce7be232b08de1)
    • Can't send/receive messages on devices that don't support SUBSCRIPTION_ID (11ecf65642c4d090df6eae9d5d09d3b27bb7500b)
    • Norwegian translations not working (a80737905c869857039b19c106975868ab95bd54)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    QKSMS-v3.6.8.apk(10.57 MB)
  • v3.6.7(Aug 19, 2019)


    • Signature support (3915b9322b2642210d153e2e6fee8b84d2ddc91c)
    • System dark mode support for Android Q (be20f19c828a19377d5f0c566161b0286b47f4f9)


    • You'll be asked for storage permission before trying to save a photo if necessary (d57d644f902abb207379a5f1d3138b0fa7bd61c8)
    • Smaller download size (4681b0389571fc0f691fa7577ce263e310e98ab4)
    • Load high resolution contact photos (55132886306119186e2711320b81d3ee830b2a00)


    • Contact photos never update (5daf01503084890f9dcf7dfb4b3a2dc45bc1dd56)
    • Can't create new conversation on Huawei devices (da28edc7829f0a27581cdb0ba7ff667b3001b43e)
    • Can't receive MMS on Xiaomi devices (b8fb429ddaac2fd40c3e2e8aa91ace7bede6c9f6)
    • Visual glitch on compose bar in night mode (88dc7840dde4d746a282e3273b426b103cab3b80)
    • Theme doesn't update in preview after going back to settings (c80985e59c05cfd60f20ea17068ebc038869d84e)
    • Search hint gets cut off after rotating screen (2ffcbb6e5e0f23d508beaecd20ca8e08d1e194f1)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    QKSMS-v3.6.7.apk(10.57 MB)
  • v3.6.6(Jun 18, 2019)

  • v3.6.5(Jun 17, 2019)


    • Support for latest version of Should I Answer (86102e9d16d50b8bb8d36527256fc1724abdc661)
    • New swipe action to mark a conversation unread (aa3791bc50aa2d9ce50e12519b99f0e42715315d)
    • Updates will now show a changelog! (274b217a56098b88d3bc96ef0427b0e29a2f88ec)


    • Added unread indicator to make those conversations easier to spot (c4a49a73d5c00658c84ee532befd6cd4df2f2eff)
    • Better support for sharing text from other apps (a86229db524c5cecf8f3f733e472e7e0e15ee661)
    • Should I Answer integration will respect numbers that you have manually blocked (1215770898049133dd930f0c22680ccf2e47caed)
    • Status bar for dark theme will match toolbar (ec14f7a37e6d8b4526629a06641f96ccbb337955)
    • QKSMS will ask to be default SMS app instead if trying to perform actions that it doesn't have permission to do (17f71e9aba8820371f1689b205e04b9cddf89ac4)
    • Features on QKSMS+ page will now link to their respective parts of the app (ec89c97b45158f04fe605a9d0f2bf4963e223928)
    • Long list of names for group chat will be shortened (97f447dfd3d0f06943a23c5f40cf40abfb9814f0)


    • Messages sometimes get stuck "Sending..." (4c8e1a113843239365e537408abec85c68150c23)
    • QK Reply window glitches when it's too big (a08f21de931bed635e117d048a59be492b164dab)
    • Crash in compose screen when a contact has no numbers (ebf6014e703fb3f170a1de1c482a7fb030bc8b25)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    QKSMS-v3.6.5.apk(10.55 MB)
  • v3.6.4(Apr 16, 2019)


    • When adding number to contacts, there should now be an option to add the number to an existing contact (408eca5b2b478b1b3c511bc5cdda8126f1888ed2)


    • Delay when typing multiple lines (34224a06e3028ba9b90060497d656adc9090ed32)
    • QKSMS+ upgrade isn't automatically restored upon installing the app on a new phone (b7f5cd2fa271efe7c419cd9dc78df57ac6e1f33c)
    • Messages bubbles containing RTL text ends up getting clipped (45b3e18cba40db736751c50e2049e92e316f5fce)
    • Incorrect date format based on Locale (1e6b041d05da843cbff27f47a2e606c27c764f4e)
    • QK Reply window doesn't show messages (20426e39fb8cfec2ac5eb7e9a2c49f4a2ff05bb2)
    • Various crashes when clicking item in list at bad time (0f7714138ee3a0d61668c86770a8730ac6282962)
    • Update translations (5e58deb0957683c6c73a8e41609d020f413c40cf)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    QKSMS-v3.6.4.apk(9.82 MB)
  • v3.6.3(Mar 5, 2019)


    • Faster scrolling performance (b4ac3fc0f048fe7e1a4dd7aab3465a3033c3f157)
    • Updated translations (cc39cbf0a2c8079208f5393b672fee46b0dc1533)


    • A badly formatted message can get the restore process stuck (16409db6898a0e2f55307b9e568647ba8476b7e8)
    • Contacts that share a phone number might have their avatars mixed up (d707cb30b50977caede5eb43d3764316b01f52c3)
    • Crash when viewing attachments (16b949d89be66b6ac1e7bbef8b41dc20465f604d)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    QKSMS-v3.6.3.apk(9.81 MB)
  • v3.6.1(Dec 30, 2018)

  • v3.6.0(Dec 26, 2018)


    • Share contact cards (f6e07d9bc32e901b57dd38d2549d7097dafc9e5f...5a12b4c1334786c22367cae7cf3d042b473bcf89)
    • Share multiple images directly from other apps (ef857af34dae031b897be0632fa72e92e2e46d50)


    • Updated search bar style (1fee32e3ed8f4e8c65a83f72766122973c71f47d)
    • Faster startup performance (3d90dd28654c0465cda4d5f9bacfcafc6eb69418...67cf4521a6a67c3fa732084fe35b78187d6e3b37)
    • Ask to be default SMS app before asking for SMS permissions (a1dfba2e4b3ad2a5ab07ae476de0a0ad3852fe1f)
    • More detailed message summary for MMS (8e46c45df6de35305d5c997d20eeacd60282ac78)
    • Show contact photo in notification (b5848f85de7cc6f3dd13a7dae905efaa9b57eb4a)
    • Updated translations (0b6eb1720fb627a5b7d5fb4080568dc0f27c9fae)


    • New conversations aren't stored on Huawei devices (e610a373ca5416bc5ed5a648122a20b6e56e3727)
    • Wrong timestamp for delivered messages (6bbe8a0260a01e8f7c7dbd44ec0ec76acde1edcb)
    • App crashes when an alien file is in backup directory (41933cef4a3518942df3040498c570a5336a4d63)
    • UI glitches with widget (7bc0b2181b384725fa31a32f7f37128f6c32503c)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    QKSMS-v3.6.0.apk(9.75 MB)
  • v3.5.4(Sep 20, 2018)


    • Swipe between shared media (f5ddca8c6a7eea6ee14135158bdc6fb9a26d8b81)
    • Delete message option in QK Reply (abff121931263e1ef4913cc3139b669c18d1d312)


    • Update translations (1b6d65f42bdf13b8028ea85a17e04ce4f69196e1)


    • Scheduled messages failing to send on Android Oreo (116f9824e9ec3369fd5f0f1eabd6d720a52a58e7)
    • Fix crash when returning to scheduled message screen after scheduling message (76a5c9e3ecefad436ca5b7f4d9e677b0c8afc97f)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    QKSMS-v3.5.4.apk(9.49 MB)
  • v3.5.3(Sep 8, 2018)


    • Certain recipients are unable to view SMS sent from QKSMS (3ccd22aef9e0151ccb0ba413ca4e42c966becfad)
    • Emojis aren’t displayed in MMS subject (8ba008ef48d014dca43f3fb38791307c04e7fc68)
    • Backup progress bar doesn’t use theme color (9cd19c49e054dea2cb5db9ec869f9805d3d56e07)
    • Search not clickable on certain devices (aa0c983b4c74117f567912f20b442d919c0192d0)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    QKSMS-v3.5.3.apk(9.48 MB)
Moez Bhatti
Developer of QKSMS
Moez Bhatti
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