A periodic text updating library



platform API License: MIT By-MDG

Rotating text is an Android library that can be used to make text switching painless and beautiful, with the use of interpolators, typefaces and more customisations.


Just add the following dependency in your app's build.gradle

dependencies {
      compile 'com.sdsmdg.harjot:rotatingtext:1.0.2'

Example Usage 1 (Simple)


        android:layout_height="wrap_content" />


RotatingTextWrapper rotatingTextWrapper = (RotatingTextWrapper) findViewById(R.id.custom_switcher);

Rotatable rotatable = new Rotatable(Color.parseColor("#FFA036"), 1000, "Word", "Word01", "Word02");

rotatingTextWrapper.setContent("This is ?", rotatable);


Example Usage 2 (Typeface + Interpolator)


        android:layout_height="wrap_content" />


Typeface typeface = Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(), "fonts/Raleway-Light.ttf");
Typeface typeface2 = Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(), "fonts/Reckoner_Bold.ttf");

RotatingTextWrapper rotatingTextWrapper = (RotatingTextWrapper) findViewById(R.id.custom_switcher);

Rotatable rotatable = new Rotatable(Color.parseColor("#FFA036"), 1000, "Word", "Word01", "Word02");
rotatable.setInterpolator(new BounceInterpolator());

rotatingTextWrapper.setContent("This is ?", rotatable);


Example Usage 3 (Multiple Rotatables)


        android:layout_height="wrap_content" />


Typeface typeface = Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(), "fonts/Raleway-Light.ttf");
Typeface typeface2 = Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(), "fonts/Reckoner_Bold.ttf");

RotatingTextWrapper rotatingTextWrapper = (RotatingTextWrapper) findViewById(R.id.custom_switcher);

Rotatable rotatable = new Rotatable(Color.parseColor("#FFA036"), 1000, "Word", "Word01", "Word02");
rotatable.setInterpolator(new AccelerateInterpolator());

Rotatable rotatable2 = new Rotatable(Color.parseColor("#123456"), 1000, "Word03", "Word04", "Word05");
rotatable2.setInterpolator(new DecelerateInterpolator());

rotatingTextWrapper.setContent("This is ? and ?", rotatable, rotatable2);



Rotating text is made of two parts : RotatingTextWrapper and Rotatable.
Each rotatable encapsulates the collection of words that are two be periodically switched and also defines various properties related to these words, like, size, color, animation interpolator etc.
Each Rotatable must be a part of a RotatingTextWrapper. This defines the actual layout of the text and the positions of the rotating text.

For eg : rotatingTextWrapper.setContent("This is ?", rotatble);. Here the ? denotes the postion of the rotatable.


Property Function Description
Content setContent(...) Set the actual content. Composed of a String and array of Rotatables.
Typeface setTypeface(...) Set the typeface of the non-rotating text
Size setSize(...) Set the size of the non-rotating text
Pause pause(x) Method to pause the 'x'th rotatable
Resume resume(x) Method to resume the 'x'th rotatable


Property Function Description
Color setColor(...) Set the color of the rotating text associated with this rotatable
Size setSize(...) Set the size of the rotating text associated with this rotatable
Typeface setTypeface(...) Set the typeface of the rotating text associated with this rotatable
Interpolator setInterpolator(...) Set the animation interpolator used while switching text
Update Duration setUpdateDuration(...) Set the interval between switching the words
Animation Duration setAnimationDuration(...) Set the duration of the switching animation
Center Align setCenter(...) Align the rotating text to center of the textview if set to true


RotatingText is licensed under MIT license. View license.

  • Adding horizontal rotation of texts #27

    Adding horizontal rotation of texts #27

    Changes are made in RotatingTextSwitcher to enable horoizontal rotation of texts. Please review my code @CoderMayhem and suggest any changes that i need to make ,thanks!

    opened by Anu-123-gif 5
  • Option for changing color of the Rotating texts #9

    Option for changing color of the Rotating texts #9

    An array of integers representing colors chosen by the user is added to a rotatable and the words are displayed accordingly.

    Please review my code @CoderMayhem

    opened by Anu-123-gif 4
  • Fixed #7 -- Stop rotation after one cycle

    Fixed #7 -- Stop rotation after one cycle

    Fixes #7 - Rotations can be stopped after the no. of cycles user has specified.

    I have added code mainly in RotatingTextSwitcher.java to access the current word (I have considered the word at index 0 initially to be the first word of a cycle)and accordingly keep count of the no. of cycles .As soon as the specified no. of cycles are over the counter variables are reset to 0 and animation is paused.

    opened by Anu-123-gif 4
  • Add option to stop rotation after one cycle.

    Add option to stop rotation after one cycle.

    how do i disable auto slide feature from it??

    i would like to slide only one cycle and the effect to be ended.

    am i missing? or there is no fuctionality for that. or i should implement this by some stupid way (eg. disable the view) ??

    good first issue 
    opened by softmarshmallow 3
  • Support for API 16

    Support for API 16

    Hello, thanks for this great library but don't you think minimum Api level 19 is too high. If its possible can you please bring it down to Api 16. Thank you

    opened by sajorahasan 3
  • For every one second a new timer thread is being created.

    For every one second a new timer thread is being created.

    For every one second a new timer thread is being created. which is making more CPU usage every second. Can you solve the problem.

    Typeface custom_font = Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(), "fonts/Reckoner_Bold.ttf"); RotatingTextWrapper rotatingTextWrapper = (RotatingTextWrapper) findViewById(R.id.custom_switcher); rotatingTextWrapper.setSize(35); Rotatable rotatable = new Rotatable(Color.parseColor("#FFA036"), 1000, " Why ?", "What ?", " How ?"); rotatable.setSize(35); rotatable.setAnimationDuration(500); rotatable.setTypeface(custom_font); rotatable.setInterpolator(new BounceInterpolator()); rotatingTextWrapper.setContent("?",rotatable );

    screenshot 8

    opened by Durgaprasad1541996 2
  • Layout inflates on first start

    Layout inflates on first start

    solves issue #16 originally Double taxation helped to inflate layout for lower APIs, but it didn't seemed that way in 24+ API. Here a single call to onMeasure() does so.

    opened by dev-ritik 0
  • Nothing happen Getting error

    Nothing happen Getting error

    Process: com.ekincare.development, PID: 1407 java.lang.ClassCastException: dagger.hilt.android.internal.managers.ViewComponentManager$FragmentContextWrapper cannot be cast to android.app.Activity at com.sdsmdg.harjot.rotatingtext.RotatingTextSwitcher$9.run(RotatingTextSwitcher.java:287) at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(Timer.java:562) at java.util.TimerThread.run(Timer.java:512) 2022-06-02 19:06:35.944 1407-2875/com.ekincare.development E/Apxor: Observed Application crash

    opened by PhalugunaRao 0
  • Let's go for v1.1-alpha

    Let's go for v1.1-alpha

    • Compile the changelog since the last version (1.0.2).
    • Update the README to reflect on how to use the updated library.
    • Push the changes to repositories to get the updated alpha dependency.
    • Test and release v1.1

    Create a separate branch for these changes.

    opened by dev-ritik 0
  • Last letters overlap on each other when a rotating text is too long

    Last letters overlap on each other when a rotating text is too long

    Last letters overlap on each other when a rotating text is too long. That's because you don't make use of a dynamiclayout. But if you use it, then you can't animate it.

    Could you please find a solution or help me find one? Thank you! Best regards,

    opened by Jars-of-jam-Scheduler 1
  • How to rotate a DynamicLayout newly implemented in your API?

    How to rotate a DynamicLayout newly implemented in your API?


    I'm using your API "RotatingText" on my Android app (https://github.com/mdg-iitr/RotatingText). I've seen a bug: when the text is too long, the last letters overlap on top of each other. That's because you don't use any layout (dynamiclayout e.g.) in your widget-class RotatingTextSwitcher.

    So I use a dynamiclayout. A new problem occurs: it's not animated (in other words: its texts are not rotated). Indeed, I must use layout.draw(canvas); and I can't use canvas.drawTextOnPath(). That explains why there isn't any animation.

    Please, can you tell me how to make my dynamiclayout and/or it's text rotate in these conditions?

    I have created a well-received Stackoverflow question. A bounty of 300 is available ;-) : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60028812/android-rotating-text-i-use-dynamiclayout-drawcanvas-but-it-doesnt-animate-a

    I hope you will answer me as soon as possible, Thank you in advance, Best regards,

    opened by Jars-of-jam-Scheduler 0
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