Square Cycler API allows you to easily configure an Android RecyclerView declaratively in a succinct way.

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RecyclerView cycler

Square Cycler – a RecyclerView API

The Square Cycler API allows you to easily configure an Android RecyclerView declaratively in a succinct way.

Design principles

  • It should be declarative. You tell us what you want, not what to do.
  • It should have all the code regarding one type of row together. The less switch statements the better (some existing libraries and Android recycler itself group all creation together, and all binder together elsewhere; that's close to the metal but far from developer needs).
  • It should be able to cover common needs, specially making adapter access unnecessary. Access to the RecyclerView for ad-hoc configuration is allowed.
  • It should be strongly typed.
  • It should include common features: edge decoration, sticky headers, etc.
  • It should make it easy to inflate rows or to create them programmatically.
  • It should make it easy to create common custom items.

How to use it

  • Configure the recycler view when you create your view.
  • Provide data each time it changes.

Configuring block

The configuring block is the essence of the recycler view. It contains all the row definitions and how to bind data.

You can ask the API to create the RecyclerView object for you – using the create method – or configure an existing instance – through the adopt method. The latter is useful if you already have a layout which the recycler view is part of.


val recycler = Recycler.create<ItemType>(context, id = R.id.myrecycler) {
val recycler = Recycler.adopt(findViewById(R.id.my_recycler)) {

In both cases you will receive a Recycler object which represents the RecyclerView and allows you to set data afterwards.

The configuring block will have some general configurations, for instance an item comparator, and a row definition for every type of row you need.


The generics used along this documentation are as follow:

  • I: ItemType. General type for all the data items of the rows.
  • S: ItemSubType. Data item type for the particular row being defined.
  • V: ViewType. View type for the particular row being defined.

Row definitions

Using a layout:

row<I, S, V> {
  forItemsWhere { subitem -> ...boolean... }
  create(R.layout.my_layout) {
    // you can get references to sub-elements inside view
    val subView = view.findViewById(...)
    bind { subItem ->
      // assign values from subItem to view or sub-elements
  ...more row options...

The subtype S will automatically make the row definitions only be used for that type of item I.

forItemsWhere clause is optional. In case you need to filter by an arbitrary predicate on S (notice you don't need to cast).

create will inflate the layout and assign it to a var view: V. You can get references to sub-components using findViewById.

bind receives the subItem (again, already cast to S). You can use view and your own captured references from the create block to assign values. Notice that you don't need to cast view as V. It's already of that type.

General approach:

row<I, S, V> {
  forItemsWhere { subitem -> ...boolean... }
  create { context ->
    view = MyView(context)
    // you can get references to sub-elements inside view
    val subView = view.findViewById(...)
    bind { subItem ->
      // assign values from subItem to view or sub-elements
  ...more row options...

This is the general case. Instead of inflating a layout, create provides a context for you to create a view of type V and assign it to view. As usual, you can use that view reference or any other reference you've obtained inside the bind block.

Extra item definitions

Recycler views allow for the inclusion of one extra (but optional) item. This is useful when you want to show your state. For example: "no results" or "loading more...". The extraItem is independent from the main data list and doesn't need to be of type I.

Definitions for extraItems are analogous to normal rows and follow the same convention. However, the definitions are only applied to the extra item you provide along with the data (if any).

extraItem<I, S, V> {
  forItemsWhere { subitem -> ...boolean... }
  create { context ->
    bind { subItem -> ... }
  ...more row options...

Notice that you can define several different extraItem blocks, with the same or different sub-types S and optional forItemWhere.

bind is also provided in case your extra item has data. Imagine you are filtering by fruit. If you've selected "apples" you want to show "No more apples" instead of "No more fruits". That can be achieved with an extra item of type NoMore(val fruitName: String).

More row options

Recycler API offers an extension mechanism. Extensions are useful for cross-cutting concerns like edges or headers which will be discussed separately.

These extensions will be configured in the same way, through a definition block.

Extensions might offer special configuration for certain types of rows. For example, edges can define a default edge configuration, but use different values for the rows of type Banana. In that case the row definition will include its special configuration.

See extensions section for more details.

General configuration

The RecyclerView uses certain general definitions that can be configured here as well.

stableIds { item -> ...long... }

If you provide a function that returns an id of type Long for every item in the data, the recycler view will be able to identify unchanged items when data is updated, and animate them accordingly.

itemComparator = ...

When data is updated the RecyclerView compares both datasets to find which item moved where, and check if they changed any data at all.

Android's RecyclerView's can do that calculation but it needs to compare the items. The developer must provide the comparison. You can provide an ItemComparator implementation which is simpler than the required DiffUtil.Callback one.

An ItemComparator provides two methods:

  • areSameIdentity returns true if they represent the same thing (even if data changed).
  • areSameContent tells if any data changed, requiring re-binding.

If your items are Comparable or you have a Comparator you can create an automatic ItemComparator. Just use:

  • fun itemComparatorFor(Comparator): ItemComparator
  • fun naturalItemComparator(): ItemComparator if T is Comparable

It will implement both: identity and content-comparison based on Comparator or Comparable. That means that items will either be different or identical, therefore never updated. But for immutable (or practically immutable) items it works pretty well.

Data providing

Once you configured your recycler view you just need to give it data.

The Recycler object returned by the configuring block represents your recycler view. It has three properties:

  • view: the RecyclerView. You can add it to your layout if it was created by the API.
  • data: the list of items to show.
  • extraItem: the extra item to add to the end (or null).

Notice that data is of type DataSource.

DataSource is a simplified List interface:

interface DataSource<out T> {
  operator fun get(i: Int): T
  val size: Int

You can convert an Array or a List to a DataSource using the extension method toDataSource(): arrayOf(1, 2, 3).toDataSource().

The advantage over requiring a Kotlin List is that you can implement your arbitrary DataSource without having to implement the whole List interface, which is bigger.


Extensions are a mechanism to add simple-to-configure features to Recyclers without adding dependencies to this library.

Row type extensions

You can create extensions for common custom views in your project:

myCustomItem<I, S> {
  forItemsWhere { ... }
  bind { item, view ->
    view.title  = ...
    view.message = ...

The extension method just needs to use a different row definition method that lets you define how to create the view by separate.

For instance:

 * Extension method for a custom item, allowing full control.
 * ```
 * myCustomItem { // this: BinderRowSpec<...>
 *    // you can configure extra stuff:
 *   forItemsWhere { ... }
 *   // and then define your bind lambda:
 *   bind { item, view ->
 *     view.title  = ...
 *     view.message = ...
 *     ...
 *   }
 * }
 * ```
inline fun <I : Any, reified S : I> Recycler.Config.myCustomItem(
  crossinline specBlock: BinderRowSpec<I, S, CustomView>.() -> Unit
) {
      creatorBlock = { creatorContext ->
        .apply { ... }
      specBlock = specBlock

 * Extension method for passing just a bind lambda.
 * ```
 * myCustomItem { item, view ->
 *   view.title  = ...
 *   view.message = ...
 *   ...
 * }
 * ```
 inline fun <I : Any, reified S : I> Recycler.Config.myCustomItem(
   noinline bindBlock: (S, CustomView) -> Unit
 ) {
       creatorBlock = { creatorContext ->
        .apply { ... }
       bindBlock = bindBlock


  • You don't need to declare extension methods for each row. It's just a shorthand for those things your project uses repeatedly.
  • You can also use analogous methods that provide the index of the item in binding.

Decoration extensions

TODO: code and documentation need to be added.


Copyright 2019 Square Inc.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

  • ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException thrown when subtype has an undefined RowSpec

    ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException thrown when subtype has an undefined RowSpec

    This can be reproduced easily by creating another subclass of BaseItem and adding it to the sample list in SimplePage without changing the config.


      data class NewType(
        val id: Int,
        override val amount: Float
      ): BaseItem()


     private fun sampleList() =
            NewType(6, 7f),
            Discount(5, -5f, isStarred = true)

    Stack Trace

    java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: length=10; index=-1
        at java.util.ArrayList.get(ArrayList.java:439)
        at com.squareup.cycler.Recycler$Adapter.getItemViewType(Recycler.kt:443)

    Can we get another exception thrown here make the issue more obvious?

    Fantastic work on this library! I refuse to work with RecyclerView any other way 🙂

    opened by luis-cortes 3
  • Please publish sources alongside binaries to the maven

    Please publish sources alongside binaries to the maven

    At the moment maven artifact only includes compiled aar without sources. This makes it much less convenient to develop in IDE since I do not get access to documentation or implementation information.

    opened by matejdro 3
  • Deprecating DataSource in favor of List

    Deprecating DataSource in favor of List


    @helios175 and I are working on various improvements to Cycler this week as a part of hack week.


    Datasource was introduced to make it easy to implement a list without forcing users to implement the full List interface. However:

    • DataSource and AbstractList have the exact same abstract methods
    • Having a DataSource wrapper has some implications in our code. It forces users to unnecessarily create a new wrapper on every invocation of toDataSource() (even when the passed in list is the same).
    • This is anecdotal, but any time I've used cycler I was always working with a List (or some data structure that could easily be converted to List via std lib extensions). Removing DataSource eliminates an extra step when trying to update Cycler's data.
    opened by luis-cortes 2
  • Add UpdateMode for specifying synchronous or asynchronous behavior when populating and updating lists

    Add UpdateMode for specifying synchronous or asynchronous behavior when populating and updating lists

    • Adds populateMode: UpdateMode and replaceMode: UpdateMode to Update so that we can specify whether to calculate and dispatch updates to the adapter on the UI thread or in the background via Coroutines.
    • populateMode controls which strategy is used when adding items to the adapter for the first time, this is analogous to allowSynchronousUpdates (which is removed by this PR). UpdateMode.Sync should generally be used for populateMode but some things depend on the behavior we had before Cycler 0.1.11 so we need the ability to specify UpdateMode.Async.
    • replaceMode controls which strategy is used when replacing the adapter's dataset. Today we always diff the data in the background and then dispatch the updates on the UI thread, incurring a 1-frame penalty even for trivial diffs. This has the advantage of avoiding dropped frames when handling large datasets but for smaller datasets and certain use cases it's not worth paying this 1-frame penalty.
    opened by ijwhelan 1
  • Notify changes synchronously if possible

    Notify changes synchronously if possible

    We don't want to use the mainScope.launch { calculateNotifications ; then update } path if the updates are synchronous (for instance, when only extra item is updated, or when going from empty to not-empty).

    This PR changes:

    • Update.generateDataChangesLambdas is not suspend anymore. It won't just produce a list of notifications for the UI thread, but an UpdateWork comprising async work and notifications.
    • Recycler.update will receive that and decide to do the sync path (no async work) or the coroutine path (async work).
    • As both paths need to assign the new recycler data, notify onReady and assign the adapter that is encapsulated in applyNotifications and called from both places.
    • The async path still checks that currentUpdate is not changed, and call onCancelled if it changed (some other call to update invalidated us).
    opened by helios175 1
  • Sample App throws IllegalArgumentException from SimplePage's config (on Recycler.adopt)

    Sample App throws IllegalArgumentException from SimplePage's config (on Recycler.adopt)

    I tried launching the Sample App as-is from a fresh clone, unfortunately, I keep getting IllegalArgumentException at inline fun <I : Any> adopt( at the very bottom of Recycler.kt. I am not sure what is happening. From my debugging it seems that the layout is lost (I have no idea how), between passing the recycler view to adopt and actually using the recycler view in the function. I've cloned the repository twice to make sure but it could be an error on my end but I am not sure what causes it. I've added the val v =view for debbuging purposes

    This is before getting into adopt from SimplePage config l1

    This is right after going into adopt l2

    E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
        Process: com.squareup.cycler.sampleapp, PID: 11779
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: RecyclerView needs a layoutManager assigned. Assign one to the view, or pass a layoutProvider argument.
            at com.squareup.cycler.sampleapp.SimplePage.config(SimplePage.kt:117)
            at com.squareup.cycler.sampleapp.RecyclerActivity.onItemSelected(RecyclerActivity.kt:37)
            at android.widget.AdapterView.fireOnSelected(AdapterView.java:957)
            at android.widget.AdapterView.dispatchOnItemSelected(AdapterView.java:946)
            at android.widget.AdapterView.access$300(AdapterView.java:55)
            at android.widget.AdapterView$SelectionNotifier.run(AdapterView.java:910)
            at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:883)
            at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:100)
            at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:214)
            at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:7356)
            at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
            at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:492)
            at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:930)
    opened by Nikola-Milovic 1
  • Recycler.Update.allowSynchronousUpdate


    This flag tells if an update can be done synchronously, by sending notifications to the adapter directly inside the update call. Defaults to false.

    This way a user can opt-in into this behavior which, in certain usages, might cause issues (Recycler does not like notifications when there's a pending relayout, or the recycler is scrolling).

    opened by helios175 0
  • Re-introduce DataSource

    Re-introduce DataSource

    • DataSource has a smaller API surface than List/AbstractList.
    • It doesn't come with comparison-by-value (deep equals).
    • It prevents users that handle these DataSources to force a comparison-by-value when comparing their structures.

    This is mostly a revert of:

    • https://github.com/square/cycler/commit/72c834ef302d0df2c263297bfb1ee6d5a1ce59e6

    • https://github.com/square/cycler/commit/3206a2866cfd618d7d2d3a7acdddeddd13e86126

    • [ ] Test with a T2 and the 25k items account.

    opened by helios175 0
  • Miscellaneous Maintenance

    Miscellaneous Maintenance


    This is part of an ongoing hack week effort between @helios175 and I to make various improvements to Cycler.


    • Bumping versions for kotlin, coroutines, and AGP
    • Removing JCenter from repos block.
    • Making package names consistent between test and production.
    opened by luis-cortes 0
  • Fix optional layout manager parameter

    Fix optional layout manager parameter

    • When no layout manager lambda was provided the layout manager was nulled.
    • That prevented pre-configured recyclers to be adopted.
    • Added a smoke instrumentation test that covers this case and now pass.
    opened by helios175 0
  • Add a Config.extension(block)

    Add a Config.extension(block)

    Allows for extension code to optionally add an extension if not present. This might be needed in some cases where a feature (like a DSL that help define row types) need to access a common-shared object associated to the recycler.

    opened by helios175 0
  • Enable drag and drop in grid layout

    Enable drag and drop in grid layout

    Cycler doesn't fully support drag and drop in grid mode (i.e. using GridLayoutManager). Dragging is limited to up/down, not left right. This should fix that.

    Most of this PR is about adding to the sample app to both show how to use Grid layout and test left/right/up/down drag and drop in grid mode.

    2021-12-03 17 39 19

    opened by tir38 1
  • Cycler doesn't permit use of StateRestorationPolicy

    Cycler doesn't permit use of StateRestorationPolicy

    The library hides the implementation details of the RecyclerView.Adapter usage, making it impossible to assign the RecyclerView.Adapter.StateRestorationPolicy to the adapter. This means we can't resolve state restoration issues the policy is intended to address.

    Part of the problem is the adapter is assigned "just-in-time" in com.squareup.cycler.Recycler.update, and there doesn't appear to be any way to hook into this mechanism to modify the adapter prior to assignment.

    Is there anything that can be done about this? Can this hack be removed, now that StateRestorationPolicy is available?

    opened by BenTilbrook 0
  • Documentation about sticky headers and swipe

    Documentation about sticky headers and swipe


    The documentation states Cycler should have common features including sticky headers but I don't see it anywhere in the documentation. Am I missing something?

    opened by christophehenry 1
  • Add a default layout manager when using adopt()?

    Add a default layout manager when using adopt()?

    When I started experimenting with this library I initially went with Recycler.create() which also created a layout manager for me. Then I decided that I don't want to manually call .addView() to put RV into my parent layout, so I placed RV in xml and called .adopt(findViewById()). Suddenly it crashed, because .adopt() doesn't create a layout manager, and RV throws an exception.

    This feels a bit asymmetric and not intuitive. Would it be possible to add a layoutProvider argument to .adopt? I guess it could default to RV existing layoutManager...

    My point is that it shouldn't matter if I created RV programmatically or inflated it from xml it should behave the same. Most other View work this way, e.g. FrameLayout doesn't apply some additional styling or whatever based on if I'm inflating or creating it from code.

    opened by dimsuz 2
  • Recycler should defer update calls that are received while binding views

    Recycler should defer update calls that are received while binding views

    I am getting an IllegalStateException during the adapter notifications in the launched coroutine in the update block because I had injected the Dispatchers.main.immediate CoroutineDispatcher instead of the Dispatchers.main CoroutineDispatcher so this coroutine for layout wasn't posted back to the main thread but run synchronously leading to the exception during layout.

    Now, using the immediate dispatcher may be 'user error' but we could protect against it with a yield() in update()'s launch.

    opened by steve-the-edwards 3
  • v0.1.7(Jun 8, 2021)


    • Add detectMoves: Boolean flag to Recycler.update block. For large list updates it can be set to false so diffing is done faster (specially when there's a lot of changes).


    • Fixed: when no layout manager lambda was provided the layout manager was nulled. That prevented pre-configured recyclers to be adopted


    • Adds a Config.extension(block): extensions can now be added only if not present.
    • Upgrade coroutines to 1.4.2.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.1.4(Apr 9, 2020)


    Swipe various improvements and one fix

    • Allows for direction selection: absolute and relative to text-direction.
    • Notifies of direction swiped.
    • An "under-view" can be provided to show below the item being swiped
    • Swiped data item is correctly notified now.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.1.3(Mar 31, 2020)

  • v0.1.2(Feb 18, 2020)

    • Add sources as a Maven artifact.
    • Dependencies upgraded: AGP 3.5.3, kotlin 1.3.61, coroutines 1.3.3, Gradle to 6.1.
    • View.adoptRecyclerById convenience method.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.1.1(Jan 14, 2020)

    • Recycler.create accepts an optional id for the RecyclerView but it can be omitted.
    • No resources are included in the .aar which might help other bigger libraries using this one: cycler can be included internally without forcing a dependency version on the client app.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.1.0(Jan 11, 2020)

    Gradle: com.squareup.cycler:cycler:0.1.0


    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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