StarkNet SDK for JVM languages (java, kotlin, scala)


starknet jvm

StarkNet SDK for JVM languages:

  • Java
  • Kotlin
  • Scala
  • Clojure
  • Groovy

Table of contents


Documentation is provided in two formats:

Example usages

Making synchronous requests

import com.swmansion.starknet.account.Account;
import com.swmansion.starknet.account.StandardAccount;
import com.swmansion.starknet.provider.Provider;
import com.swmansion.starknet.provider.Request;
import com.swmansion.starknet.provider.gateway.GatewayProvider;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create a provider for interacting with StarkNet
        Provider provider = GatewayProvider.makeTestnetClient();

        // Create an account interface
        Felt accountAddress = Felt.fromHex("0x13241455");
        Felt privateKey = Felt.fromHex("0x425125");
        Account account = new StandardAccount(provider, accountAddress, privateKey);

        // Make a request
        Felt contractAddress = Felt.fromHex("0x42362362436");
        Felt storageKey = Felt.fromHex("0x13241253414");
        Request<Felt> request = account.getStorageAt(contractAddress, storageKey, BlockTag.LATEST);
        Felt response = request.send();


Making asynchronous requests

import com.swmansion.starknet.account.Account;
import com.swmansion.starknet.account.StandardAccount;
import com.swmansion.starknet.provider.Provider;
import com.swmansion.starknet.provider.Request;
import com.swmansion.starknet.provider.gateway.GatewayProvider;

import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create a provider for interacting with StarkNet
        Provider provider = GatewayProvider.makeTestnetClient();

        // Create an account interface
        Felt accountAddress = Felt.fromHex("0x13241455");
        Felt privateKey = Felt.fromHex("0x425125");
        Account account = new StandardAccount(provider, accountAddress, privateKey);

        // Make a request
        Felt contractAddress = Felt.fromHex("0x42362362436");
        Felt storageKey = Felt.fromHex("0x13241253414");
        Request<Felt> request = account.getStorageAt(contractAddress, storageKey, BlockTag.LATEST);
        CompletableFuture<Felt> response = request.sendAsync();





./gradlew addKtlintFormatGitPreCommitHook
./gradlew addKtlintCheckGitPreCommitHook

Ensuring idiomatic Java code

We want this library to be used by both kotlin & java users. In order to ensure a nice API for java always follow those rules:

  1. When using file level functions use @file:JvmName(NAME) to ensure a nice name without Kt suffix.
  2. When using a companion object mark every property/function with @JvmStatic. This way they are accessible as static from the class. Without it Class.INSTANCE would have to be used.
  3. When defining an immutable constant use @field:JvmField. This makes them static properties without getters/setters in java.
  4. If you are not sure how something would work in java just create a new java class, import your code and check yourself.

Building documentation

Documentation is written in Kdoc format and markdown and is generated using Dokka. Execute following commands from /lib to build docs.

  • ./gradlew dokkaHtml to build kotlin format docs
  • ./gradlew dokkaHtmlJava to build java format docs

Generated documentation can be found in their respective folders inside /build/dokka.

  • Add missing transaction properties.

    Add missing transaction properties.

    Make sure that all transaction properties that are present in starknet-spec are also present in our transaction data classes.

    My proposal for working with both gateway and rpc:

    • fields present in gateway, but not in rpc => Ignore them
    • fields present in rpc but not in gateway => Make them non-optional (if they are so in the spec) and use some dummy value for them (like 0 for felts)
    opened by bartekryba 5
  • Support signed declare transaction

    Support signed declare transaction

    Describe your changes

    This PR adds support for signing declare transactions and sending them.

    Linked issues

    Closes #145

    Breaking changes

    • [ ] This issue contains breaking changes
    opened by cptartur 3
  • Feat/account methods

    Feat/account methods

    Draft of the new account methods #56.

    Main problem to consider here: Provider returns Requests, that can be called both synchronously, or asynchronously as futures. Provider's methods however make only one call. Both estimateFee and execute in Account make multiple calls. I was wondering if we would like to align account methods interface with the provider methods interface, i.e. also use Request. But this would require rethinking our Request model a bit and modifying it.

    opened by bartekryba 3
  • Add ConvertibleToTransactionPayload interface

    Add ConvertibleToTransactionPayload interface

    Describe your changes

    This PR attempts to standardize the behavior of toPayload method in Transactions by adding ConvertibleToTransactionPayload (subject to change) interface that indicates if Transaction (or any object for that matter) is convertible to TransactionPayload object.

    This PR is a suggestion, if the used approach is not preferred by other developers, it can be closed.

    Linked issues


    Breaking changes

    • [ ] This issue contains breaking changes
    opened by cptartur 2
  • Support deploy account tx

    Support deploy account tx

    Describe your changes

    • Added deploy_account support to GatewayProvider and Account (signing txs).
    • Unfortunately cairo 10.1 changed a lot (required for deploy_account) in CLI and had to change DevnetClient.
    • Bumped devnet to version supporting cairo 10.1
    • Moved hash calculations to a separate utility class

    Linked issues


    Breaking changes

    • [x] This issue contains breaking changes

    Adds one more transaction type

    opened by Solpatium 2
  • starknet-jvm doesn't work on Amazon Linux 2 ARM

    starknet-jvm doesn't work on Amazon Linux 2 ARM

    Versions of GLIBCXX supported by Amazon Linux 2: image

    Our native component uses symbol

    0000000000000000      DF *UND*	0000000000000000 (GLIBCXX_3.4.26) _ZNSt7__cxx1119basic_ostringstreamIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEC1Ev

    which requires version 3.4.26, two minor versions above supported by AL2. We have to use older libstdc++ version during build to support Amazon Linux 2. Using GCC 7 should fix the issue.

    opened by Solpatium 2
  • Consider exposing more details as public

    Consider exposing more details as public

    I did a quick check through the SDK and I think those functions / classes could be public instead of internal:

    • HttpRequest` & HttpResponseDeserializer
    • Request, Felt`, Json extensions
    • Transaction#toPayload
    • GatewayProvider` - all constructor params could be public, it's useful if u want to make the request on your own
    enhancement question 
    opened by Solpatium 2
  • Network errors when trying to estimate fees

    Network errors when trying to estimate fees


    When trying to estimate fees I have come across a few issues with incorrect request

    Incorrect parameter blockTag

    InvokeStandardAccount#estimateFee Error returned: {"code": "StarkErrorCode.MALFORMED_REQUEST", "message": "Query fields should be a subset of {'blockHash', 'blockNumber'}; got: {'blockTag'}."} RCA: blockNumber should be used instead of blockTag

    Missing type

    Invoke:GatewayProvider#getEstimateFee(request: InvokeTransaction, blockNumber: Int) Error returned: {"code": "StarkErrorCode.MALFORMED_REQUEST", "message": "Transaction of version 1 is expected to contain the `type` field."} RCA: missing type in the request body

    opened by kamilargent 2
  • Extend javademo

    Extend javademo

    Describe your changes

    This PR extends the javademo adding some more "real life like" usages of the starknet-jvm library.

    Linked issues

    Closes #117

    Breaking changes

    • [ ] This issue contains breaking changes
    opened by cptartur 2
  • Add starknet-jvm to lists of Starknet tools

    Add starknet-jvm to lists of Starknet tools

    We need to add PRs to:


    There might be more lists like that.

    opened by Solpatium 2
  • Add `@Throws(...)` annotation to all interfaces

    Add `@Throws(...)` annotation to all interfaces

    Feature Request

    Everywhere we define our custom exceptions, we should add @Throw(MyException) annotation so they are translated to checked exceptions in java. Currently, it's not possible to try catch our custom exceptions from java.

    opened by cptartur 1
  • Refactor transaction serialization in gateway

    Refactor transaction serialization in gateway

    Feature Request

    The input is being encoded, decoded and then encoded egain to achieve two serialization techniques (transform -> polymorphic). We should try and do it somehow better if possible.

    opened by THenry14 0
  • Unify get transaction receipt behavior across providers

    Unify get transaction receipt behavior across providers

    Describe your changes

    RPC provider raises an exception when querying for transactions that was never received. Gateway provider however returns an empty GatewayTransactionReceipt with status NOT_RECEIVED.

    This PR changes GatewayProvider#getTransactionReceipt so it throws an RequestFailedException on unknown transactions.

    This PR simplifies transaction status mapping test.

    Linked issues

    Closes #211

    Breaking changes

    • [x] This issue contains breaking changes
    • GatewayProvider#getTransactionReceipt throws an exception on unknown transaction
    • Changed TransactionStatus serialization logic
    opened by cptartur 1
  • Update docs and GatewayProvider factories

    Update docs and GatewayProvider factories

    Describe your changes

    This PR extends the documentation.

    It also renames GatewayProvider.Factory methods to make_Provider from make_Client.

    Linked issues

    Closes #98

    Breaking changes

    • [x] This issue contains breaking changes
    • Renamed GatewayProvider.Factory methods to make_Provider from make_Client.
    opened by cptartur 1
  • Support RPC 0.2.1 + drop deploy transaction

    Support RPC 0.2.1 + drop deploy transaction

    Describe your changes

    This PR introduces support for RPC 0.2.1 spec and drops support for deploy transaction (gateway + rpc).

    Linked issues

    Closes Closes Closes Closes Closes

    Breaking changes

    • [X] This issue contains breaking changes

    • RPC 0.1.0 support is dropped

    • provider.deployContract is dropped

    opened by THenry14 1
  • Unify the RPC and Gateway provider getTransactionReceipt behavior

    Unify the RPC and Gateway provider getTransactionReceipt behavior

    RPC provider throws and error when trying to access receipt of transaction with unknown class hash.

    Gateway returns

        "status": "NOT_RECEIVED"

    instead. That works with our current data class and doesn't raise an error. Perhaps this should be unified.

    Originally posted by @Solpatium in

    opened by cptartur 2
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