Stingle Photos is a secure, open-source photo, video cloud storage and backup application


Stingle Photos

Stingle Photos is a secure, open-source photo, video cloud storage and backup application that is safe, ad-free and easy to use. It provides strong encryption and privacy to keep you safe from data breaches and leaks. Easily sync and backup and share your photos and videos on our secure cloud storage.

Get it on F-Droid Get it on Google Play

Why use Stingle Photos safe cloud storage app?

Successor of wildly popular SafeCamera application, Stingle Photos is an open-source, secure, end-to-end encrypted media backup application with the state-of-the-art security technologies that ensure your privacy.

  • We put our users first by prioritizing your privacy
  • All your photos & videos are secured with end-to-end encryption
  • Unlike other companies, we only store the bare minimum of metadata on our servers: your email, registration date, payment plan, number of active devices, number and size of encrypted files
  • We don’t collect big data or track our users in any way
  • No need to fear for your data privacy - ONLY you can have access to your photos & videos

Key features

  • Full on the fly encryption of video support: recording and playback
  • Fingerprint and face id support for fast unlocking
  • Ability to take photos & videos without entering a password or providing a fingerprint.
  • Backup and sync functionality. All your photos & videos are backed up in the background to the cloud and synced to other devices using the same account
  • Albums for better library organization
  • Secure sharing. You can share photos and videos with friends and family with strong end-to-end encryption.
  • As anonymous as possible. Registration just takes an email and password to start using the app
  • Stingle Photos is 100% free and open-source. It includes 1GB free cloud storage space. You only pay if you need more cloud storage. No ads or third-party libraries like that can track you.
  • We as a provider can’t see anything in your account. If the servers ever get hacked or law enforcement agencies request access to your data, they won’t get anything valuable.

If you have any questions or suggestions, drop us a message at

  • per-release changelogs

    per-release changelogs

    Looks like you forgot to put the <versionCode>.txt files into Fastlane's changelogs/ folder for a while. If it's an oversight, count this as "friendly heads-up" :smile: Else just let me know, so I don't bother you again with this :rofl: Thanks!

    opened by IzzySoft 4
  • Cant open app with fingerprint disabled

    Cant open app with fingerprint disabled

    Hey guys. Ive been having issues on my phone with the fingerprint reader so I have disabled it and now Stingle closes immediately which I assume is because I set it up to unlock that way. Is there any way I can change it without losing my photos and no cloud sync?

    opened by Kreuger 2
  • option to sync to cloud

    option to sync to cloud

    please add an option to connect your account and sync there. it would be great. mega has opensource all of its apps, even android ones and has sdks that can be used. please take a look. thank you.

    opened by KraXen72 2
  • Fix integer overflows with large files.

    Fix integer overflows with large files.

    This change allows files larger than 2 GB to be uploaded and played back correctly (if they're videos).

    HttpsClient.multipartUpload() relied on FileInputStream.available() to calculate the amount of data to read. Unfortunately, available() can return a negative value when files are larger than 2 GB. The fix is to simply not use it. had an integer overflow in the calculation for chunkOffset. Added an explicit cast to long.

    opened by rthellend 2
  • Open-source server code?

    Open-source server code? claims that

    Source code transparency is an absolute requirement for security and privacy oriented software solutions like Stingle Photos.

    Open-sourcing the client's code is very good, but that's only half of the system. Do you plan to publish the server's code as well?

    opened by edysli 2
  • No file

    No file

    I recommend adding a file for both this repo and the iOS repo to clarify how to report vulnerabilities. This could then be linked on the Security page of the website.

    Also, since you're currently hiring, does that mean you could afford to have a bug bounty program? If so, then that's a good way of encouraging people to look at the code.

    opened by samuel-lucas6 1
  • app crashes while uploading photos

    app crashes while uploading photos

    On my girlfriends Samsung, Stingle crashes frequently during the upload. Uninstall an reinstall the app didnt help.

    On my Huawei p20 light everything goes just fine.

    opened by marcorito 1
  • stingle makes files broken: the most of my photos and videos are cut off to 1MB size and part of images are grey

    stingle makes files broken: the most of my photos and videos are cut off to 1MB size and part of images are grey

    The most of my photos are now exactly 1 MB at size and look cut off partially.

    Photos are broken. Part of each photo now just grey. All broken photos has exactly 1 MB size.

    Broken photo example (not broken part of a photo is blurred due to privacy reasons):



    My videos are cut off to 1 MB size too.

    opened by AIGeneratedUsername 1
  • Spellingfix


    Fixed the spelling mistake highlighted in #82 and reworded the alert message to add clarity. It now reads: "If you lose your password your backup phrase will allow you to recover your account. We strongly advise you to write it down and keep it somewhere safe."

    opened by CellEight 1
  • [Bug] Uploading the same photo two times and not stopping the upload after already uploade

    [Bug] Uploading the same photo two times and not stopping the upload after already uploade

    I upload the same photo on the cloud twice and it gets uploaded twice. I would like for you to implement a system where a photo cannot be uploaded twice.

    opened by Thewisem 1
  • Fastlane adjustments

    Fastlane adjustments

    Looks like your changelog(s) are not named properly: name of the per-release changelog must be <versionCode>.txt – i.e. currently 30.txt. The file currently there won't be recognised by anything AFAIK, so you might wish to correct that.

    full_description.txt could need some formatting, too (should that be a bullet-point list in the middle?). Note that, to my knowledge, basic HTML is allowed in this file (like emphasis and links).

    Further it would be nice to have the screenshots there, too :wink:


    opened by IzzySoft 1
  • Zooming out causes different actions

    Zooming out causes different actions

    When zooming out of a photo on the Android app, it sometimes closes the photo (likely recognized as swiping down with one finger?) or even causes the app restart. This happens when the photo is already zoomed out and try to zoom it out further.

    opened by kou-kee 1
  • Notifications on shared album

    Notifications on shared album

    Just a feature request to add notification options when new items are added to a shared album. Could be tied to that other feature request of indicating better who added which items to shared albums.

    Loving the app, thanks for all the hard work!

    opened by tysoncecka 0
  • Sorting options on album view

    Sorting options on album view

    Sometimes when I add an image into Stingle I'll lose it because it has an older creation date. I don't want to turn off the 'preserve dates' option as that is helpful to know, I'd just rather be able to sort within an album by: Date Recently added Uploader (in shared albums) Tag (when added) Custom

    Loving the app, thanks for all the hard work!

    opened by tysoncecka 0
  • Bug app starts in camera

    Bug app starts in camera

    Using Android 12 PIxel 5a 5g -- after awhile the stingle photos option starts opening the camera instead of the gallery. Clicking on the gallery icon in lower left only shows them one at a time and have to swipe to see. Cannot return to gallery. Only way to fix is to clear cache/local storage and sign back in then it works for a little while and returns to the problem.

    opened by alexamiryan 0
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