An app to manage posts such as create, update, show the post list and detail also delete the post.



An app to manage posts such as create, update, show the post list and detail also delete the post.

Minimum Requirements


  • Android Studio v4.1.1


  • Kotlin v1.4.32
  • Gradle v4.1.1

Versioning Guidelines

This project use Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 rules. In build.gradle (Module: app):

  • Increase the versionCode
  • Change the versionName


defaultConfig {  
  versionCode 1  
  versionName "1.0.0"  


defaultConfig {  
  versionCode 2  
  versionName "1.1.0"  

Production Guidelines

Create Keystore

The keystore is only need to create once and we will use it as long as its not expired. So, don't lose it. Keystore is used to build apps for google play store release

Follow this guide to create keystore.

Build APK/AAB for Production

For production you can use Android Studio IDE by going to Build > Generate Signed Bundle/APK... (then follow the instructions).
But here is for someone who love terminal:
For using terminal you need to define sign in config in your, like this:  

then go ahead:

  • Flavor Production (.apk)
 ./gradlew assembleProductionRelease
  • Flavor Production (.aab)
 ./gradlew bundleProductionRelease

Development Guidelines

This project apply Clean Architecture, MVVM and Repository Pattern (but in here we use Fuel Kotlin instead of Retrofit), and also SOLID Principle.


Flavors and Build Type

There are three flavors in this project, those are development, staging, and production. Each flavor has debug and release build type. Use debug type to debug the apps, release type will disable the apps from writing logs, apply proguard, and shrink resource.

Build APK for Testing

Actually you can also do this using Android Studio IDE by going to Build -> Generate Signed Bundle/APK... (then follow the instructions and don't forget you need keystore for this).
But here is also for terminal lover:

  • Flavor Development
 ./gradlew assembleDevelopment
  • Flavor Staging
 ./gradlew assembleStaging

Directory structure

Directory Tree

+-- app
|   +-- presentation
|   +-- util
+-- common
|   +-- constant
|   +-- extension
|   +-- mapper
|   +-- result
+-- core
|   +-- 
|   |    +-- model
|   |    +-- repo
|   |    +-- source
|   +-- 
|   |    +-- model
|   |    +-- repo
|   |    +-- source
+-- framework
|    +-- core
|    |   +-- 
|    |   |    +-- mapper
|    |   |    +-- model
|    |   |    +-- repo
|    |   |    +-- source
|    |   +-- 
|    |   |    +-- mapper
|    |   |    +-- model
|    |   |    +-- repo
|    |   |    +-- source
|    +-- http
|    +-- database



There are four main modules those are app, common, core, and framework

  • app: Contains app UI, the app face it self, and also where user interact with the app, can't be implement to another module.
  • app.presentation: Contains activity, fragment, adapter, and viewmodel.
  • app.util: Contains util that help the UI, only define this util if it cannot be used for another main modules, or its for UI specific.
  • common : Like its name, common module means this module can be implement by all modules.
  • common.constant: contains constant such as date format, codes, etc.
  • common.extension: contains your kotlin extension.
  • common.mapper: contains mapper interface such as map response to model, model to entiry, etc.
  • common.result: contains function's return value wrapper and error model.
  • core: this is the shape of the app, contains app business process, and it is just interface.
  • core. : define your module name, example:
  • core. .model : contains the data layer of clean arch
  • core. .repo : contains the repository interface
  • core. .source : contains interfaces of the datasource, such as api, database, or preferences.
  • framework: this module contains the implementation of core module and another library integration such as database, http client, etc.
  • framework.core: contains implementation of core module
  • framework.core. .mapper : contains implementation of mapper used by this module, implement mapper interface from common module.
  • framework.core. .model : contains response model, request model, and entity model of your_module.
  • framework.core. .repo : contains the repository implementation of core module.
  • framework.core. .source : contains the datasource implementation of core module.
  • framework.http: contains http client interface and its implementation
  • framework.database contains database instance

Environment variables

All environment variable, base url, sensitive data, keystore credential, or something that has limited access need to define in Environment variable used in this project as below:  
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