An utility app for monitoring in-game status on Genshin Impact like resin status, realm currency, expedition, daily commission status, etc.
This project is primarily for learning purposes, to try Jetpack Compose and learn how to do things in compose-way. More at disclaimer.md.
Tech stack - Kotlin - First class programming language for Android development.
- Coroutines - Handling async operations
- Flow - Going reactive
- Android Architecture Components
- Retrofit
- Moshi - For parsing API and de/serialization for DataStore
- Jetpack Compose - Android’s recommended toolkit for building native UI.
- Navigation Component
- Dependency Injection
- Accompanist - Various experimental components for Jetpack Compose.
- And many more...
Thanks to danggai as this app is based on Genshin Resin Widget app.
Yumetsuki code is licensed under MIT License.