Riot is an Android Matrix client. It is now deprecated and has been replaced by Element Android
Important announcement
Element Android. Element Android is now published on the PlayStore as a replacement of Riot-Android. So the code from this project is not published by the core team to the PlayStore, and not published anymore on F-Droid store as well.
The core team is now only working onContributing
Please contribute to Element Android now!
Build instructions
This client is a standard Android Studio project.
If you want to compile it in command line with gradle, go to the project directory:
Debug mode:
./gradlew assembleDebug
Release mode:
./gradlew assembleRelease
And it should build the project (you need to have the right Android SDKs)
Recompile the provided aar files until we have Gradle
generate olm-sdk.aar
generate matrix-sdk.aar
generate the other aar files
compile the Matrix SDK with the riot-android project
Make your own flavour
Let says your application is named MyRiot : You have to create your own flavour.
Modify riot-android/vector/build.gradle
In "productFlavors" section, duplicate "app" group if you plan to use FCM or "appfdroid" if don't.
for example, with FCM, it would give
appmyriot {
applicationId "im.myriot"
// use the version name
versionCode rootProject.ext.versionCodeProp
versionName rootProject.ext.versionNameProp
buildConfigField "boolean", "ALLOW_FCM_USE", "true"
buildConfigField "String", "SHORT_FLAVOR_DESCRIPTION", "\"F\""
buildConfigField "String", "FLAVOR_DESCRIPTION", "\"FDroid\""
- if you use FCM, duplicate appImplementation at the end of this file and replace appImplementation by appmyriotImplementation.
- if you don't, update the "if (!getGradle().getStartParameter().getTaskRequests().toString().contains("fdroid"))" to include your flavor.
Create your flavour directory
- Copy riot-android/vector/src/app or appfroid if you use FCM or you don’t.
- Rename it to appmyriot.
- If you use FCM, you will need to generate your own google-services.json.
Customise your flavour
- Open riot-android/vector/src/appmyriot/AndroidManifest.xml
- Change the application name to myRiot with "android:label="myRiot"" and "tools:replace="label"" in the application tag.
- Any other field can be customised by adding the resources in this directory classpath.
- Open Android Studio, select your flavour.
- Build and run the app : you made your first Riot app.
You will need to manage your own provider because "im.vector" is already used (look at VectorContentProvider to manage it).
Customise your application settings with a custom Google Play link
It is possible to set some default values to Riot with some extra parameters to the Google Play link.
- Use the URL generator (at the bottom)
- Set "Campaign Content" with the extra parameters (e.g. is= Please notice the usage of %26 to escape the &
- Supported extra parameters:
- is : identity server URL
- hs : home server URL
- Generate the customised link
- The application may have to be installed from the Play store website (and not from the Play store application) for this feature to work properly.
What is the minimum Android version supported?
the mininum SDK is 16 (Android 4.1)
Where the apk is generated?