Hi! I tried this app on ProtonAOSP, based on Android 12 (https://protonaosp.org) with no luck.
Tiles - there are no extra tiles after app installation. I see Podcast Addict tile, Cryptocam, but not Wasted one:

Shortcut - there are no shortcuts in app's context menu either. Once again, Protonmail has one for a some reason, Wasted - no:

Notifications - Wasted should be able to read all notifications, but still nothing happens when I send auth code in Telegram.

Broadcast - not sure, can't really check if it works. I installed Duress app, configured it as decribed here https://github.com/x13a/Duress/issues/1#issuecomment-1049458803 ... but I don't want to wipe my device ATM, and there's no extra ways to see if it really works. Like I'm entering duress code on lock screen, and the only action sould be device lock, but I'm already on the lock screen, so it's unclear if Wasted worked in this case.
(And I see no way to copy auth code to clipboard, but It was mentioned in https://github.com/x13a/Wasted/issues/15. Long press to refresh code, short - to configure triggers, so again I'm not sure if there's a problem with my OS, or it copying was not implemented)
Please tell me if I can help to debug this. Thanks :)
Feature request: it would be nice to have some kind of armed/disarmed switch, "dry-run" mode to ensure if Wasted is configured properly and ready to nuke everything, you haven't mistyped the auth code, notifications and all stuff are working properly etc. Wasted in "disarmed" state should still listen for triggers, but instead of wiping everything it should say "I hear you, BOOM!" :)