544 Repositories
Android course-project-trackr Libraries
Civihelper-project - This is our first android project .
Civihelper-project Problem-- Time taking and cumbersome conventional way to submit your civil problems. Proposed soln--- A platform to provide the sub
FragmentContainerViewIdBugDemo - minimal repro project demonstrating a bug in FragmentContainerView's id check logic in the context of a dynamic feature module
FragmentContainerViewIdBugDemo minimal reproduce project demonstrating an apparent bug in FragmentContainerView's id check logic in the context of a d
Map-vs-list-comparator - The project compares the time needed to find a given element in a map vs the time needed to find a given element in a list.
Map vs List Comparator The project compares the time needed to find a given element in a map vs the time needed to find a given element in a list. To
MaterialPickers-in-android - A simple android project that shows how to create material pickers for date and time
MaterialPickers-in-android A simple android project that shows how to create mat
ToDoAPP - The project is a task application that works on the basis of creating, editing, reading and deleting from the local database.
ToDoAPP - The project is a task application that works on the basis of creating, editing, reading and deleting from the local database. The project has the educational purpose of learning the latest technologies in Android, which I know so far at a basic level.
Forage-project - This is a project given by Google Android Developers team. It's specifically created for data persistance.
Forage - Starter Code Starter code for the fifth independent project for Android Basics in Kotlin. This project pairs with Unit 5 of Android Basics in
Pin-view - A Kotlin library that integrates a customized Pin code View to your project
PinView - Kotlin library A customizable Pin Code entry view that can be used as a user login authentication method in your project. Installation in pr
Skeleton-dagger-app - Skeleton app made with Dagger, Retrofit and Room. Fork it, play with it and create your own project with the base setup already :)
skeleton-dagger-app Pre Requisite : Must be familier with Dagger architecture. You can have a look at this writeup https://medium.com/@nsaveek/create-
ConstraintSetChangesTest - Simple project showing Changes of ConstraintSet value as part of mutable state in JetpackCompose.
ConstraintSetChangesTest Simple project showing Changes of ConstraintSet value as part of mutable state in JetpackCompose. Version: implementation
Final Project Kelompok 3 Studi independen Kampus Merdeka
Final Project Kelompok 3 Studi independen Kampus Merdeka Introduction My Calculator Build variant 'debug':\app\build\outputs\apk\debug Build variant '
Android-Multi-Module-Coverage - Demo project to showcase how to get a single test coverage report in a multi-module Android project
Android Multi-Module Coverage This is a demo project to showcase how to create a
Kotlin-dsl-sample - Preferences project on android
kotlin-dsl-example Sample preferences project on android. How to use val
This is a Kotlin multiplatform template project used to generate and deploy a natively compiled AWS lambda function using the custom runtime.
Overview This is a Kotlin multiplatform template project used to generate and deploy a natively compiled AWS Lambda function using a custom runtime. U
Prework for CodePath Android Development Course
Project 1 - Simple ToDo Simple ToDo is an android app that allows building a tod
A compose desktop project template with MVVM, Dagger, Decompose and more
compose-desktop-template A compose desktop project template with MVVM, Dagger, D
Starter code for the third independent project for Android Basics in Kotlin
Lunch Tray - Starter Code Starter code for the third independent project for And
Library App - Using Android studio / Final project
Library-App Library App - Using Android studio / Final project Screens SplashScreen: it’s launcher activity will be moved to MainActivity auto after 2
DBMS Project Using Firebase
Booklets-DBMS-Android-Project User view A one-in-all tool that finds you what you're looking for. The app features a home screen that displays books o
Skip the process of setting up a new android project!
Android-Project-Template Skip the process of setting up an android app by using this template. Prerequisites Have an idea about: Clean Architecture De
Project for academic course "Telemedicine systems" held on Warsaw University of Technology.
Electronic-Fever-Cards Project for academic course "Telemedicine systems" held on Warsaw University of Technology. This application has two user profi
Buggy buggy kotlin MVVM starter project
贪吃蛇 - MVVM - Kotlin Introduciton project was inspired and initialized by youtube
The Sleep tracker app for lesson 6 of the Udacity: Developing Android Apps with Kotlin Course
App Architecture-Presistence This is the Sleep tracker app for lesson 6 of the U
MVVM Android Studio Kotlin Project Dog Images
MVVM Android Studio Kotlin Project Dog Images This project implement: MVVM Retro
Spring boot cloud tool usage trail and learning project
Spring boot cloud tool usage trail and learning project Todo Maven based multi-p
Starter project for Kotlin
kotlin Starter project for Kotlin. quick preview This project contains: A simple hello world application with an optional name parameter Integration t
Android Clone Coding Project #11 알람
Android Clone Coding Project #11 알람 지정된 시간에 알람이 울리게 할 수 있음 지정된 시간 이후에는 매일 같은 시간에 반복되게 알람이 울리게 할 수 있음 결과화면 Screenshot1 Screenshot2 배운 내용 정리 AlarmManage
This is a sample Android project that presents a modern approach to Android application development.
Movies It is a sample app that shows information about movies and series. The goal is build a scalable, maintainable and testable app, implementing go
Project with AIDL, LifecycleService, CustomView
Digital Speedometer Project, where speed values are generated in background in the Service (SpeedValuesService). Then values are sent to Activity (Mai
These files are included in an Android Studio Project for a Magic the Gathering Life Counter app. The app was written in Kotlin.
Magic-Life-Counter These files were created in Android Studio using Kotlin. Usage This app was made to keep track of life totals while playing the tra
A sample project to debunk common misbeliefs regarding the impact the Log4j vulnerabilities on Java Applications
Introduction This project intends to debunk two common misbeliefs regarding the
A Kotlin/JVM Project Template with Gradle
kotlin-project-template A Kotlin/JVM Project Template with Gradle. Clone or npx
This project uses Quarkus, the Supersonic Subatomic Java Framework
api Project This project uses Quarkus, the Supersonic Subatomic Java Framework.
This project shows trending github repositories using MVI (Model View Intent) using kotlin flows and multi module clean architecture
GithubTrendingMVIFlow Build Architecture: This project shows trending github repositories using MVI (Model View Intent) using kotlin flows and multi m
SJTU CS175 2021 Fall: Final Project
CS175 Final Project CS175 Final Project: Canvas Mobile App Homework Submission Simulator Author: Siyuan HUANG (519030910095) Overview: Long disgusted
An application I am following in a Udemy course to get experience developing an e-commerce using PayPal and Mercado Libre Pago
🏪 E-Commerce 🗂 Table of Contents General Infomation Technologies Used Features
Course project of CS175, Practice on Android Application Development, Autumn 2021.
NaiveGator Qi Liu, Yunfan Qing, Yazhou Tang, and Yuncheng Yang. (Arranged alphabetically by last name initials.) Course project of CS175, Practice on
This project has ended, but ChatSecure iOS continues. For Android, please use Conversations or Zom instead
This Repository is Retired ChatSecure for Android has been renamed and is continuing under the name Zom. Learn more about Zom here: https://zom.im Hea
A project generator using Compose by JetBrains with a GUI
GradleProjectGenerator A project generator using Compose by JetBrains with a GUI
To build it, it is needed to clone the Tint Browser Addon Framework Library project.
Tint Browser This project is licensed under the GPL v3 license. To build it, it is needed to clone the Tint Browser Addon Framework Library project. W
This project is deprecated! Feel free to DM me or open an issue if you want to try and revive it
Hubble Gallery (DEPRECATED) Discover and read about the Hubble Telescope's best images. Google Play listing → Maintained by derekcsm Contributions by:
Simple project where it is possible to calculate the average fuel when refueling
Aplicativo simples onde é calculado qual combustível é mais vantajoso ao abastec
App for lesson 8 of the Android App Development in Kotlin course on Udacity
Connect to the Internet - Mars Real Estate This is the toy app for Lesson 8 of t
SwiftUI, Jetpack Compose, and Compose for Desktop based Kotlin Multiplatform project
BikeShare Jetpack Compose and SwiftUI based Kotlin Multiplatform sample project (based on CityBikes API). Running on iOS (SwiftUI) macOS (SwiftUI) And
Money Manager is an open source project.
Money Manager Money Manager is an open source project. Current milestone is to refactor the code to use Clean Architecture + Kotlin and that will be d
Playground project for the Jetpack Compose APIs
Compose Academy Playground is a free resource that provides snippets and practical samples on how to use Jetpack Compose for the Android platform. The
Minimal Kotlin Multiplatform project with SwiftUI, Jetpack Compose, Wear Compose, Compose for Desktop, Compose for Web and Kotlin/JS + React clients along with Ktor backend.
PeopleInSpace Minimal Kotlin Multiplatform project with SwiftUI, Jetpack Compose, Compose for Wear OS, Compose for Desktop, Compose for Web, and Kotli
This is a project built using Jetpack Compose on UI, Clean architecture, Dagger Hilt, Kotlin Flow, Navigation Components etc.
Compose Pictures - Learn Clean Arch and Jetpack Compose together This project is built using, Multi-Module Architecture(This is the structure where we
This project is an Android Studio plugin version of BlackObfuscator
This project is an Android Studio plugin version of BlackObfuscator, it supports obfuscating code automatically. More information about this project are in BlackObfuscator.
An example project to demonstrate how to build WhatsApp using Jetpack Compose.
Jetpack-Compose-WhatsApp-Clone - Learn Jetpack Compose by building WhatsApp Clone About this project (Jetpack Compose WhatsApp Clone): If you want to
A simple demo project to showcase the possibilities of Jetpack Compose
Compose PhotoApp A simple demo project to showcase the posibilities of Jetpack Compose License Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project License
This simple project will consist of an endless cat fact generator
MVVM is a structural design pattern and its based on the separation of the project structure into 3 main components: The Model, which is responsible f
Kotlin Based Project using MVVM Architecture
Cinema Operator Demo App Simple Cinema Operator Demo App for Android platform Code Design Architecture Code Design follows the following Design View T
GitHot is an Android App that will help you to find the world most popular project and person
GitHot GitHot is an Android App that will help you find world most popular project and person . Official website http://githot.cn ,and the web version
Android MVVM experiment project using the official Data Binding library
MVVM using Data Binding I wanted to experiment creating an MVVM structured project using the official Data Binding library, so I stripped back an old
Fast and simple application that allows you to generate and compare hashes from files and text
Hash Checker About application Fast and simple application that allows you to generate and compare hashes from files and text. Supporting algorithms N
Fast and simple application for generating and comparing hashes from files or text.
The app is in the Archive. You can still download it from sources below. You also can download Original Hash Checker (it is not in the Archive and sti
🚧 A fully open-source project for creating and maintaining a Kotlin-based Minecraft: Java Edition server.
Hexalite: Java Edition ⚠️ WARNING: The Hexalite Network is a work in progress. It is not yet ready for production. You may encounter bugs and other is
The tasks provided in the perspective of Google's android training project
Dogglers - Starter Code Starter code for the second independent project for Android Basics in Kotlin. Introduction This is the starter code for the Do
A student attendance check-in app for Attendance monitoring system
StudentAttendanceCheck A student attendance check-in app for Attendance monitoring system This project is part of my "Phone app for attendance monitor
An class attendance monitoring app for Attendance monitoring system
TeacherAttendanceMonitoring An class attendance monitoring app for Attendance monitoring system This project is part of my "Phone app for attendance m
Opaler app project page.
Opaler Open source android app for NSW Opal Card. Credit Credit License Copyright 2014-2015 Tim Green Licensed under the General Public License, Versi
This little project provides Kotlin bindings for the popular tree-sitter library
kotlintree This little project provides Kotlin bindings for the popular tree-sitter library. Currently it only supports the Kotlin JVM target, but Kot
Fantastic Apps and How to Test Them Sample Project
Book Testing Showcase This is a sample project for workshop Fantastic Apps and How to Test Them Sample Project. This app is about book searching and b
Project developed for monitoring hard braking zones as a scientific initiation at Facens in the period 2021/2022
@hard-braking-zones/location Project developed for monitoring hard braking zones as a scientific initiation at Facens in the period 2021/2022. Install
A single screen app learn in google basic Android Development course.
Project: Lemonade App - Starter Code Starter code for the first independent project for Android Basics in Kotlin Introduction This is the starter code
This is a sample API project for Rest Assured with Maven Kotlin DSL & JUnit 5
Kotlin-RestAssured Test Automation This is a sample API project for Rest Assured with Maven Kotlin DSL & JUnit 5 Introduction All the Test Cases kept
It is a fun project(android app), that contains everything about hip-hop.
Hip Hop School This is a fun project (android app). This app contains information about Hip Hop, like its history, beefs, etc. App Architecture An att
Gradle plugin to help use create project
Infra-Gradle-Plugin 该插件旨在简化 Gradle 项目配置,几行代码就可以迅速开始一个项目, 仅支持 Kotlin DSL, Groovy 未测试! 引入插件 plugins { id("com.labijie.infra") version "your version"
A project that takes advantage of docker and makes the load test easier
Performance Test It's a project that takes advantage of docker and makes the load test easier. Also, it collects metrics from each running container.
Main goal of this project is to find the best route from one country to another
Route-service Main goal of this project is to find the best route from one country to another. Data is presented as json format. I've implemented A* p
Practice Project with Clean architecture(offline +online)
Dictionary-App Basically this project will save what you search once in dictionary and then if you will search the same word again in search when ther
Minimal example of how to safely share a file produced by a task in one project, with a task in another project.
How to share files across Gradle subprojects: A minimal example This is the Gradle project: . ├── producer │ └── build.gradle.kts ├── consumer │ └
Advent of Code1 Kotlin project
Advent_Of_Code_2021 Welcome to the Advent of Code1 Kotlin project created by ecogamer18 using the Advent of Code Kotlin Template delivered by JetBrain
PetCare_Android / Capstone Project
📌 2020-1 Capstone-Design 🛠 Stack 🛠 ⚙ Organization & Used Technique Development Area Element Role Officer Android Studio News, Board 🐧 김은진 ( ⚙ Back
Advent of Code project 2021!
aoc-2021 Welcome to the Advent of Code1 Kotlin project created by goddabuzz using the Advent of Code Kotlin Template delivered by JetBrains. In this r
BITS MART Our CSF13 Project is an Android Native Application called "BITS Mart". The app has been made with Object Oriented Concepts using the Kotlin
Android app with a simple NFC payment system to manage visitor consumption at short-duration events and festivals. (Research project)
Clevent Também disponível em Português Clevent is an Android application developed for a Undergraduate Research that uses NFC technology to create a p
Bible Study App, by And Bible Open Source Project
Bible Study App by And Bible Open Source Project Powerful offline Bible Study tool for Android Promovideo See promovideo in Youtube Users Please see t
A rewrite of the popular project GitUp that works in Linux, Mac, and Windows.
GitDown This is a rewrite from the ground up of the popular GitUp library available on Mac. It is built using Kotlin and Compose Desktop from Jetbrain
This project demonstrates the usage of Android Activity Recognition Transition API
User Activity Detection This project demonstrates the usage of Android Activity Recognition Transition API. Detect when users start or end an activity
Android Clean Architecture Kick Start project with MVVM, Coroutine, DI, Caching, Networking.
Android Clean Architecture Kick Start project with MVVM, Coroutine, DI, Caching, Networking Stacks: Clean Architecture MVVVM Local Caching (StoreX) Ne
A command line tool that helps bulk manage resources in an Android project
Resource Mover ResourceMover is a command line tool that helps bulk manage resources in an Android project. Installation Clone project Build CLI jar u
Android multimodule project based on Kotlin, MVVM, SOLID, flow, coroutines and paging3.
TVMaze David Ferrándiz Features Retrieve TVMaze shows in a grid. See more information about the show in a new screen Tech Kotlin Retrofit Modularizati
⚡️First Semester's Final Project ⚡️
HalalSpotify HalalSpotify is an app to listen quran recites, islamic study, etc . . . . Description Featuring all of the famous qari around the world
This Andoird project is about classifying garbage pictures using a CNN-based Tensorflowlite model and fetching location using GPS to mark its area on the map.
Grbage_Detector_And_Locator Description As per some of the recent reports published, in India, the pollution levels are increasing at a colossal pace
Plannr is an organizational platform, in the form of an Android app, that helps university students coordinate their everyday routine, from schoolwork and expenses to their personal life.
Plannr Plannr is an organizational platform, in the form of an Android app, that helps university students coordinate their everyday routine, from sch
Sandbox project for practice: Media Streaming with Exoplayer (via Android Development tutorial)
Media streaming with ExoPlayer The code in this repository accompanies the Media streaming with ExoPlayer codelab. If you are looking to get started w
A simple hello word Android Studio project for Haxe/Heaps
Heaps Android - Hello World An Android Studio project for a simple Heaps.io Hello World. I'm probably not maintaining this, but it may work and if not
For mobile app program project
For mobile app program project
Sandbox project for modeling concepts
Sandbox project for modeling concepts. UX purchased: https://ui8.net/royalz-store/products/deleted-611ca51f04f024004251da7b Reference to Figma: https:
A project to learn about Reactive Microservices experimenting with architectures and patterns
reactive-microservices-workshop Copyright © 2021 Aleix Morgadas - Licenced under CC BY-SA 4.0 A project to learn about Reactive Microservices experime
An Android template you can use to build your project with gradle kotlin dsl
Android Gradle KTS An Android template you can use to build your project with gradle kotlin dsl Build.gradle.kts You can use your project's build.grad
The official repository of the opensource project MyHome
🏠 MyHome For the developers The Android "front-end" application The Springboot-Java "back-end" application Description MyHome is a management app for
A pet project created to practise Android Development skills in Kotlin after finishing multiple courses online.
A pet project created to practise Android Development skills in Kotlin after finishing multiple courses online. The app displays a list of hundreds of characters provided by The Rick and Morty API https://rickandmortyapi.com/. In other screens user can access detailed information about a particular character, such as status, location and episodes. Libraries used in a project: - Kotlin - Jetpack libraries (Navigation, Room, Hilt, Palette) - other: Glide, Retrofit
Shoe Store project first Attempt
Shoe Store project first Attempt User Info: email: mostafa.n3ma@gmail.com password:12345 I had problem to select the home Screen for the navigation gr
Copy of privat enterprice repo of project made by team 37 in course in2000 spring 2021, University of Oslo
Njord - leeway simulation app in2000-team37-njord Copy of private enterprise repo of project made by team 37 in course in2000 spring 2021, University
A simple karaoke app. My first Android project.
Chorus This is my first Android project ever. I'm very happy that I managed to start it. Thanks a lot to the devs, who made all of the software I'm us
For Kotlin with SpringBoot project that have multi-module-structure template
Goals kotlin + spring-boot + gradle + multi-module building Module-Structure ---root |--- src.main.kotlin.KotlinSpringbootMultiModuleTemplateAppl
Simple bluetooth flutter project
bluetooth_simple Simple bluetooth implementation. Getting Started This project is a starting point for a Flutter application. A few resources to get y
Hackathon Project
Notify Playstore Link Events Problem Statement : Whenever we try to attend events like interviews, exams, marriage, trips, catching a flight, train. T