4 Repositories
Android double Libraries
Kotlin/JVM compensated summation of Double sequences to calculate sum, mean, standard deviation
precise Implements compensated summation for sequences of Double. Reduces rounding errors associated with limited precision of floating-point numbers.
Tutorial Double Tap Pinch to Zoom with kotlin
Double-Tap-Pinch-Zoom Tutorial Double Tap Pinch to Zoom Tutorial Build with Andr
Double Open license classification for OSS Review Toolkit (ORT) and other uses.
Double Open Policy Configuration This repository is used to maintain the license classification (license-classifications.yml) created by Double Open.
A set of extension properties on Int, Long, Double, and Duration, that makes it easier to work with Kotlin Duration
Kotlin Duration Extensions Gradle Groovy repositories { mavenCentral() } implementation 'com.eygraber:kotlin-duration-extensions:1.0.1' Kotlin rep