10 Repositories
Android gdsc Libraries
Topic : App Architecture
Unscramble app Single player game app that displays scrambled words. To play the game, player has to make a word using all the letters in the displaye
Simple ToDo app designed for GDSC [Delhi Technical Campus]
Simple ToDo Simple ToDp app will help manage your daily tasks and don't forget about important things! ⏰ This app is developed by (Inzemamul Haq) me o
Remindi is a simple lecture reminder app made for GDSC ASJ'21
Remindi - Lecture Reminder App Images Problem Statement Being in college one thing we all can agree on is that we miss our lectures. The idea is to cr
This application was built as a part of the Android 📱 Study Jam 2021
This application is build by Prince And Team as a part of Andriod Study Jams Facilitator : princekhg@gmail.com Problem Statement: As there’s a rise in
A simple android app written in Kotlin to get defination of word entered from Free Dictionary API.
FlashCard A simple android app written in Kotlin to get defination of word entered from Free Dictionary API. Problem Statement Many of students don't
Olx-workshop-gdsc - Build Classified Ads Application With Kotlin
Build Classified Ads Application Architecture Database : [Firebase Realtime Data
GBooks - A simple android app written in Kotlin to read books from the Google Book Api
G-Books A simple android app written in Kotlin to read books from the Google Boo
An attendance recorder app for teachers. Its a part of Android Study Jams 2021 @ GDSC-NITA
Attendance-Pad An attendance recorder app for teachers, build for Android using Kotlin. This project is a part of Andoird Study Jams 2021 @ GDSC-NITA.
Custom Toast Library by Google Developer Student Club University of Brawijaya
GDSCToast Custom Toast Library by Google Developer Student Club University of Brawijaya Prerequisites For old version of gradle (before arctic fox upd
A Tip Calculator app written in Kotlin that takes Total cost as an input and calculate tip according to the feedbacks.
Create a Tip Calculator App Code for the Android Basics in Kotlin: Create a Tip Calculator app codelab. In this codelab, you will be writing code for