252 Repositories
Android github-template Libraries
Android Github service with paging, hilt and retrofit
github-paging-hilt-retrofit This repository contains a simple app that implements Dagger-Hilt in MVVM architecture, Retrofit using Kotlin. The app has
Android app to fetch closed pull request of any public repo
Pullr Android app to fetch closed pull request of any public repo 🌟 Features Co
Android app to fetch closed pull request of any public repo
Pullr Android app to fetch closed pull request of any public repo 🌟 Features Co
A syntax highlighting template for the Kotlin language in LaTeX listings.
Kotlin for LaTeX Listings Currently, I am writing my bachelor thesis with Kotlin and need to document some code in LaTeX. The lstpackage does not supp
A kotlin library for refactoring code. Port of GitHub's scientist.
Scientist A kotlin library for carefully refactoring critical paths in your application. This library is inspired by the ruby gem scientist. How do I
Github users app with kotlin
github-users-app Screenshoot Please click the image below to enlarge.
Html templating library for kotlin
h Html templating library for kotlin. Get started Download Download the latest release. (View releases) Clone the repo for the source code git clone h
A Kotlin/JVM Project Template with Gradle
kotlin-project-template A Kotlin/JVM Project Template with Gradle. Clone or npx
Tkhwang advent of code kotlin template
tkhwang-advent-of-code-kotlin-template Welcome to the Advent of Code1 Kotlin pro
This project shows trending github repositories using MVI (Model View Intent) using kotlin flows and multi module clean architecture
GithubTrendingMVIFlow Build Architecture: This project shows trending github repositories using MVI (Model View Intent) using kotlin flows and multi m
Be notified of new AndroidX (Jetpack) library versions and their changelog by GitHub notifications
Image credits: Android Developers This repository publishes release notes of And
GitReposCompose is an Android application 📱 for showcasing Jetpack Compose for building declarative UI in Android. This demo app uses Github public API for fetching public repositories.
GitReposCompose Demo GitReposCompose is an Android application 📱 for showcasing Jetpack Compose for building declarative UI in Android. This demo app
An app which displays conferences from http://androidstudygroup.github.io/conferences/
android-conferences An app which displays list of conferences happening all over the world sourced from this website. Install Get latest apk from Acti
:guardsman: Open source English-language-learning application for Android :guardsman:
💂♂️ English Is Fun 💂♂️ Project description English Is Fun is an Open source English-language-learning application for Android. The aim of this pro
Reusable login template to learn Kotlin & Android additional features
LogIn_Application reusable login template I started this project to learn Kotlin & Android additional features. This is LogIn Template App as part of
Images grid JSON | Сетка изображений JSON
Images grid JSON | Сетка изображений JSON Задача Разработать приложение: Приложение должно получать JSON-список ссылок на изображения с сервера по адр
Godot's AdMob Plugin for Android (3.2.2+) using GitHub Actions for CI/CD. Working on Standard and Mono Godot versions.
Godot AdMob Android A Godot's plugin for Android of AdMob. About • Installation • Docs • Downloads About This repository is for a Godot Engine Plugin
GitHot is an Android App that will help you to find the world most popular project and person
GitHot GitHot is an Android App that will help you find world most popular project and person . Official website http://githot.cn ,and the web version
Bitocle is a simple android app which allows you to view your source code in GitHub.
Bitocle是什么? Bitocle是一款简单的用来查看自己托管在GitHub上的代码的安卓应用。 版本号:2.2 Release 下载链接:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.github.mthli.Bitocle 支持安卓4.0及
Simple app to connect to Github's status API
DEPRECATED GitHub Status is now Hubbub! Check it out – https://github.com/cdeange/hubbub github-status Simple app to connect to the GitHub Status API.
Copy of https://github.com/joreilly/MortyComposeKMM to support Android & JVM with Jetpack Compose Multiplatform
Rick&Morty with Compose Multiplatform (Android/Desktop) A copycat of https://github.com/joreilly/MortyComposeKMM to support Android & JVM with Jetpack
Minecraft Server Software specially designed for Thicc SMP. Here on GitHub without the private patches, just a normal hybrid JettPack-Pufferfish-Empirecraft fork
AlynaaMC A private, custom server software for Thicc SMP and a fork of Pufferfish. Here on GitHub with patches from JettPack, Airplane and Pufferfish
Kotlin multiplatform library template
template-kmp-library Kotlin multiplatform library template. Has a baseline setup for a multiplatform library supporting all kotlin targets except depr
Um aplicativo Android desenvolvido para fazer downloads de branches de repositórios do Github.
Branch Downloader Branch Downloader é um aplicativo Android desenvolvido para que o usuário possa baixar branches de repositórios do Github. Índice Fu
A Template for a Github Actions Pipeline for building and publishing Gradle-JVM Applications
github-actions-cd-template-jvm A Template for a Github Actions Pipeline for building and publishing Gradle-JVM Applications It build a executable shad
Advent of Code 2021 in Kotlin, solved by myself. Focus on code readability. With GitHub Actions all puzzles are executed and their solutions printed
Advent of Code 2021 in Kotlin Focus on Code Readability. With CI Solution Printing. Welcome to the Advent of Code1 Kotlin project created by michaeltr
Jet-CoinList is a simple app based on Jetpack Compose, modern tech-stack and Clean Architecture.
Jet-CoinList is a simple app based on Jetpack Compose, modern tech-stack and Clean Architecture. The project is quite simple which shows the list of crypto currencies and their general info details gets from API.
Ini adalah aplikasi pencari biodata paengguna Github, aplikasi ini dibagun dengan bahasa Kotlin
GithubberM Ini adalah aplikasi pencari biodata paengguna Github, aplikasi ini dibagun dengan bahasa Kotlin Fitur Cari user dengan nama / id dengan API
A Simple Task Template With Kotlin
Tarefas - Kotlin Download do aplicativo Tecnologia MVVM Retrofit SQLite Navigation Fingerprint - Autenticação biométrica Tela de Login Tela de cadastr
A template for Advent of Code challenge with input downloading and prepared test classes
Advent of Code Kotlin Template A template which will help you concentrate on the puzzle solutions. It brings Downloading and caching of the puzzle inp
An app for catching up on things.
CatchUp An app for catching up on things. https://www.zacsweers.dev/catching-up-on-catchup-introduction/ Motivations There's a lot of services I like
A template that utilizes both Scala and Kotlin because why not (And also because I endorse programming hell)
Fabric-Scala-Kotlin-template A template that utilizes both Scala and Kotlin because why not (And also because I endorse programming hell) I don't care
Display scrollable list of repositories of square organization in GitHub
Display scrollable list of repositories of “square” organization in GitHub. The app should consist of only one screen (Repositories Screen). Each list
Kotlin async server template with coroutines and zero deps
kotlin-server At attempt to very light-weight non-blocking http app template with support for Kotlin coroutines. Zero dependencies - Java built-in jdk
Minecraft Forge Kotlin Template
Minecraft Forge Kotlin Template Minecraft 1.12.2 で Forge と Kotlin を用いた Mod のテンプレートです。 Minecraft 1.12.2 Mod template using Forge and Kotlin. Getting St
An Android template you can use to build your project with gradle kotlin dsl
Android Gradle KTS An Android template you can use to build your project with gradle kotlin dsl Build.gradle.kts You can use your project's build.grad
Launch Spring projects by github url
Ktor application made for quickly demonstrating Spring projects on our Java lessons. Spring launcher: Starts a fresh Postgres container Builds the pro
For Kotlin with SpringBoot project that have multi-module-structure template
Goals kotlin + spring-boot + gradle + multi-module building Module-Structure ---root |--- src.main.kotlin.KotlinSpringbootMultiModuleTemplateAppl
Contrast Scan GitHub action
Use Contrast Scan to analyze your code This github action will enable you to use Contrast Scan to detect vulnerabilities in your code. This action can
🔨 Template for easy hosting of your Java/Kotlin libraries on GitHub
🔨 kotlin-jvm-library-template Another template for easy hosting your Java/Kotlin libraries on GitHub. Features boilerplate for Kotlin/Java projects w
GitHub IntelliJ IDEs theme pack
GitHub-theme-pack Template ToDo list Create a new IntelliJ Platform Plugin Template project. Get familiar with the template documentation. Verify the
The App shows PR of Github Open Projects
GithubPull This App shows PR of Github Open Projects - Developed using :- Kotlin Programming Language MVVM Design Pattern Data Binding Pagination for
Advent of Code template project for Kotlin
Advent of Code Kotlin Template Advent of Code – an annual event in December since 2015. Every year since then, with the first day of December, a progr
An application to manage SSH and GPG keys on GitHub written in Kotlin.
KeyManager An application to manage SSH and GPG keys on GitHub written in Kotlin. Thanks to FreePik for the app icon. Screenshots Building You will ne
A search in the GitHub api and lists the most starred repositories in Kotlin
Description: This simple app provides a search in the GitHub api and lists the most starred repositories in the Kotlin language, it has infinite listi
Template for a modern spring web service.
Spring Service Scaffold A scaffold for a web service operating with a Spring Framework backend, reactjs as frontend and a continuous testing and build
Team management service is a production ready and fully tested service that can be used as a template for a microservices development.
team-mgmt-service Description Team management service is a production ready and fully tested service that can be used as a template for a microservice
A Kotlin Multiplatform and Compose template that allows you to easily set up your project targeting: Android, Desktop, and Web
A Kotlin Multiplatform and Compose template that allows you to easily set up your project targeting: Android, Desktop, and Web
Zakadabar Application Template
Zakadabar Application Template This repository contains an application template which you may use to start a new application project based on Zakadaba
Spring-Boot Kotlin template for new microservices
kotlin-ms-template Spring-Boot Kotlin template for new microservices REST and GRPC ready Kafka producer/consumer ready Logs in JSON Format Base ready
Project build to understand the concepts of Git and GitHub
Project build to understand the concepts of Git and GitHub. Summarizing the concepts learnt. Created a project in Android Studio Before installing And
🍣✨ Simple Ktor server to handle GitHub - YouTrack, usually for YouTrack Standalone.
🍣 sushi Simple Ktor server to handle GitHub Issues to YouTrack, usually for YouTrack Standalone. Why? There is not really a definite way to handle Gi
A basic template ecommerce application with payment integration made using Android Architechture componets
ShopIt ShopIt is a basic template ecommerce application with payment integration(RazorPay), made using Android Architechture componets and Material Co
A template project that builds a SDL application programmed in Zig to Android from scratch
A template project that builds a SDL application programmed in Zig to Android from scratch
io.github.jakob.AgonesClient - Kotlin client library for sdk.proto
io.github.jakob.AgonesClient - Kotlin client library for sdk.proto Requires Kotlin 1.3.41 Gradle 4.9 Build First, create the gradle wrapper script: gr
IntelliJ Platform Plugin Template
IntelliJ Platform Plugin Template is a repository that provides a pure template to make it easier to create a new plugin project (check the Creating a repository from a template article).
A crypto currency wallet UI/UX template created using Android's jetpack compose.
CryptoWalletTemplate A crypto currency wallet UI/UX template created using Android's jetpack compose. High definition demo on youtube Youtube video de
Improved project template for Android Studio
Improved project template for Android Studio Unfortunately the default Android Studio template has a lot of unnecessary stuff that has to be removed e
PhpStorm Plugin to create clickable links to github repository
composer-links Template ToDo list Create a new IntelliJ Platform Plugin Template project. Get known with the template documentation. Verify the plugin
android project themplate including network(retrofit), utils(image, permission, etc), etc
Template-Android When starting a new Android project, it is boring to write some codes such as permission verification, network interface creation, wh
Criando um App para Apresentar seu Portfólio do GitHub
LAB - Criando um App para Apresentar seu Portfólio do GitHub O curso pode ser acessado na plataforma da Digital Innovation One. Sobre o Autor Sou um d
Zakadabar Application Template
Zakadabar Application Template This repository contains an application template which you may use to start a new application project based on Zakadaba
Used to generate the template code of GetX framework
Language: English | 中文简体 statement some fast code snippet prompt come from getx-snippets-intelliJ Description install Plugin effect Take a look at the
An Android project template with MVVM, Hilt, Navigation and Compose
compose-android-template An Android project template with MVVM, Hilt, Navigation and Compose 🔴 Status UNDER ACTIVE DEVELOPMENT 📄 Terminologies Termi
android-engineer-assignment-2021-miguelaboliveira created by GitHub Classroom
Memory Android Engineer Interview Assignment Hello and welcome to the Memory Android Engineer interview assignment! There can be no demo app that does
Github search repository api를 사용합니다.
GithubSearch ✔️ Description Github API 중 search repository api를 사용하였으며, 레포지토리를 검색할 수 있습니다. star 개수를 기준으로 내림차순하여 인기있는 레포지토리부터 볼 수 있습니다. 📱 GIF 🛠 Used
Create libraries for all types of Kotlin projects: android, JVM, Multiplatform, Gradle plugins, and so on.
JavierSC Kotlin template Create libraries for all types of Kotlin projects: android, JVM, Multiplatform, Gradle plugins, and so on. Features Easy to p
Template for using Clean Architecture Concepts in Android
AndroidCleanArchitecture Template for using Clean Architecture Concepts in Android We have separated the layers into three main group Presentation/App
This repo demonstrates how to work on CI/CD for Mobile Apps 📱 using Github Actions 💊 + Firebase Distribution 🎉
Android-CICD This repo demonstrates how to work on CI/CD for Mobile Apps 📱 using Github Actions 💊 + Firebase Distribution 🎉 Getting Started We are
Generate a JSON bookmarks document from a GitHub user
Github to bookmarks This little webapp will generate a JSON bookmarks document from a GitHub user. This is intended to be used with bbt. An instance i
Here is a ready to use JAICF bot template that utilises
JAICF Spring Bot template Here is a ready to use JAICF bot template that utilises Spring MongoDB Docker Prometheus Grafana Graylog How to use Please r
A template of a client application architecture
Model-View-ViewModel (ie MVVM) Model-View-ViewModel (ie MVVM) is a template of a client application architecture, proposed by John Gossman as an alter
Sample android setup for deploying libraries on maven central
Perfect-android-library-template This is how I prefer my android setup. This setup has a sample app and a deployable library that deploys to maven cen
My personal template for a Spring Boot REST reactive webapp
My personal spring boot kotlin reactive template Features Spring Security implementation with JWT access and refresh token MongoDB database Project Co
Git history is an android application that simply tracks GitHub repository's issues.
Git History About Git history is an android application that simply tracks GitHub repository's issues. You can search for user and get all public repo
This is a template repository intended to get a quick up and running project for demonstration purposes.
Android App Template This is a GitHub template repository intended to kickstart development on an Android application. This project comes set with a h
Micro Template 📃 A very tiny and simple text templating library for Kotlin.
Micro Template 📃 A very tiny and simple text templating library for Kotlin. It has very limited features, so it's intended to be used for short templ
Hexagonal Architecture Kotlin Template
The purpose of this template is to avoid repeating, over and over again, the same basic packages structure, gradle and configurations.
RecyclerView Template With Kotlin
RecyclerViewTemplate-Kotlin How To Create Recycler Adapter Template In Android Studio . RecyclerView makes it easy to efficiently display large sets
Android Modern Architecture Sample
AndroidModernArchitectureSample TODO: write readme Download (playstore release - under review) https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.github
An efficient GitHub profile app, written in Kotlin!
GitPositive An efficient GitHub profile app, written in Kotlin! GitPositive aims to be a simple and efficient GitHub profile app, following the princi
An Android Template with MVVM and Clean Architecture
MVVMTemplate 🧞 A simple Android template that lets you create an Android project quickly. How to use 👣 Just click on button to create a new repo st
Playground Android project to test jacoco-report github action
jacoco-android-playground Playground Android project to test jacoco-report github action Running Code Coverage at Module level The app module has mult
An Android app built with Kotlin, consuming StarWars API to display characters of the popular StarWars Movie. It is built with the MVVM pattern and the latest Jetpack components.
StarWars An Android app built with Kotlin, consuming StarWars API to display characters of the popular StarWars Movie. It is built with the MVVM patte
Gradle Plugin to automatically upgrade your gradle project dependencies and send a GitHub pull request with the changes
Gradle Plugin to automatically upgrade your gradle project dependencies and send a GitHub pull request with the changes
A composite Github Action to execute the Kotlin Script with compiler plugin and dependency caching!
Kotlin Script Github Action Kotlin can also be used as a scripting language, which is more safer, concise, and fun to write than bash or python. Githu
🎮 A basic game template for Compose for Desktop
compose-desktop-game-template Game Template - Compose for Desktop ✨ Demo ✍️ Author 👤 theapache64 Twitter: @theapache64 Email: theapache64@gmail.com F
A simple app that consumes The GitHub APIs to display github users. The aim was to learn about different jetpack libraries, built with MVVM pattern.
A simple app that consumes The GitHub APIs to display github users. The aim was to learn about different jetpack libraries, built with MVVM pattern.
New style for app design Online Flora Go Go App UI made in Jetpack Compose. 😉 😎
JetComposeLoginUI New style for app design Online Flora Go Go App UI made in Jetpack Compose. 😉 😎 (Navigation Components, Dagger-Hilt, Material Comp
Android Template to accelerate the creation of new projects.
Stack What How User Interface Compose Dependency Injection Hilt State Management Mavericks Caching Room Networking Retrofit Information This project i
A small application for working with the Github API, made as a practical task. GeekBrains, course of study: Popular libraries: RxJava 2, Dagger 2, Moxie.
GeekBrains_Course_AndroidOnKotlin_HW_My_Movie Домашнее задание к занятию №2-6 Студента GeekBrains Веремеенко Дмитрия Факультет: Android-разработки Кур
Online Furniture Shop App UI made in Jetpack Compose.
JetComposeFurnitureShopUI-Android Online Furniture Shop App UI made in Jetpack Compose with clean architecture... 😉 😎 (Navigation Components, Dagger
Template for building CLI tool in Kotlin and producing native binary
Kotlin command-line native tool template This template allows you to quickly build command-line tool using Kotlin , Clikt and build a native binary fo
KMMT : Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile Template
Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile App Template
✈️ IDE plugin for the IntelliJ platform which adds GitHub Copilot support. (VERY WIP)
JetBrains Copilot GitHub Copilot support for the IntellIJ Platform. Installation Download the latest release. Select the Install Plugin from Disk opti
Check out the new style for App Design aims for the Online Plant Shop Service...😉😀😁😎
PlantShopUI-Android Check out the new style for App Design aims for Online Plant Shop Service... 😉 😀 😁 😎 Screenshots Please click the image below
Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile App Template
KMMT : Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile Template Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile Development Simplified KMMT is a KMM based project template designed to simpli
Unidirectional Data Flow in Kotlin - Port of https://github.com/ReSwift/ReSwift to Kotlin
ReKotlin Port of ReSwift to Kotlin, which corresponds to ReSwift/4.0.0 Introduction ReKotlin is a Redux-like implementation of the unidirectional data
A feed for GitHub, written in Kotlin using Jetpack Compose.
Gimmick A while back, I noticed that the official GitHub app doesn't have a feed similar to the one can find on the GitHub homepage. Naturally I had t
Fire TV Sample App Android - Touch and D-Pad
Fire TV Sample App Android - Touch and D-Pad This sample Android project demonstrates how to build the main UI of a Fire TV application in order to su