πŸ“ Another Android Explorer ( File Manager ) is an All-in-One Open source file manager.


AnExplorer All-in-One File Manager

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AnExplorer File Manager (File Explorer) is an all-in-one file management tools.

It is Simple, Small, Fast and Efficient File Explorer and One of the Best File Manager apps on Google Play Store. Only file manager to support RTL and show size of folders across the storages. File Manager is designed for all android devices including Phones, Phablets, Tablets and Android TV. It's a fully designed with Material guidelines by Google. It supports all Android versions from Jellybean, Kitkat, Marshmallow to Nougat. We dont take any unnecessary permissions. The free version of AnExplorer has ads. You can buy the pro version for an adfree version which is less than a beer!

Top Features

β˜… Full Featured File Manager (File Explorer) It is a Super File Manager which provides all features of file management including cut, copy, delete, rename, compress, extract. You can check the file file details, full integrated search within the file system. New file and New folders can be created in a second.

β˜… Smart Library File Explorer (File Manager) Categorize all files into Downloads from internet, Bluetooth from nearby devices, Images, Pictures, Camera Photos, Videos, Movies, Audio , Music, Documents (pdf, xls, ppt etc), Archives (zip, rar etc) and APK. Easily navigate the library with a single tap. You can also bookmark all your favourite folders so you can have quick access at any point of time

β˜… Storage File Manager (File Explorer) Access all files and folder from different types of storages like EMMC, MMC cars, SD Cards, Internal Storage, External Storage , Phone Memory, USB Storage, Flash Drive, Pen Drives, USB OTG (Nexus and Non nexus) with support for FAT file system

β˜… Root File Manager (File Explorer) for advanced users to explore, edit, copy, paste and delete files in the root partition of phone storage for development purposes. Explore root folders of the system like data, cache. You phone needs to be rooted to use this feature

β˜… App Manager and Process Manager Free memory by killing tasks and speed up your phone instantly. Quickly and easily uninstall multiple unwanted applications and free up phone storage space which is very valuable. App Manager helps you save your favorite apps on to memory and install them back again when needed

β˜… Network Manager Transfer files with FTP Server from phone to PC. All you have to do is open the IP address in browser and all your files on the phone are easily accessible. You can also share files from your phone using bluetooth, wifi direct other social networking apps etc

β˜… Document Editor you can easily edit files on the go. Support for every type of text files such as HTML, XHTML, TXT etc. You can also edit files when the phone is rooted. It is very simple and handy.

Other Features

  • One and only file manager to support RTL languages like Arabic, Hebrew etc natively
  • The only app to Show Folder sizes across storages
  • First File Manager for Android TV!
  • Smallest File Manager on play store with size of 3MB only!!
  • One of the rarest file manager to support accessibility for disabled people
  • Completely Open source project on github
  • Complete App is designed from scratch using material design principles
  • Fully customizable themes colors for the app and theme types to choose from. Dark theme is fully supported. Choose the color that suits you from a wide range of material colours
  • Acts as a Standalone File Picker from other applications such as attaching document files from gmail
  • Has high quality thumbnail support in list / gridview for all types of file like images, videos, album art for music files and applications

Feedback is greatly appreciated. Any issues please report through mail only to hakr@dworks.in


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App Links

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Developed By


Copyright 2014 - 2017 Hari Krishna Dulipudi

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
  • Why does the app connect to Amazon/Youtube?

    Why does the app connect to Amazon/Youtube?

    F-Droid build gradle=other,pro 3.8


    1. Start the app

    Results: anexpro

    And the Github APK (installed via @IzzySoft F-Droid repo) connects to accounts.youtube.com:443 instead

    opened by licaon-kter 18
  • Added some apk stuff

    Added some apk stuff

    Added this: applicationVariants.all { variant -> variant.outputs.each { output -> output.outputFile = new File(output.outputFile.parent, "${applicationId}-v${variant.versionName}.apk") } } for users to enjoy

    opened by Technologx 14
  • Transfer to PC Support Ethernet

    Transfer to PC Support Ethernet

    I have this installed on my Shield TV (2017) and it does not appear to work with the ethernet connection. Is this a bug or does the transfer only support wi-fi?

    opened by Zaf9670 5
  • [Bug] Display error

    [Bug] Display error

    1. Click into "Internal Storage"
    2. Click icon of some item for entering multi choice mode
    3. Click floating actions menu to create a folder (Then it will auto open into the new directory)
    4. Back, and you can see this little bug of action mode title
    opened by Cmdone 5
  • [Request] Add to F-Droid store

    [Request] Add to F-Droid store

    You can add your app to F-Droid repository, it would let some people not wanting google on their phones use it ;)

    Eg. Today I was looking for great file manager in F-Droid, and only one good enough was Amaze. Your's better.

    opened by JuniorJPDJ 4
  • File google-services.json is missing. The Google Services Plugin cannot function without it

    File google-services.json is missing. The Google Services Plugin cannot function without it


    I am facing an issue of google-services.json file should i have to generate my own file to execute it. Because the downloaded source doesn't contains this file. What should i do if i need to get configure your source ?

    I am using android studio 3.0.1.

    Here is the error log.

    Error:Execution failed for task ':app:processAmazonFreeDebugGoogleServices'.
    > File google-services.json is missing. The Google Services Plugin cannot function without it. 
       Searched Location: 

    Thanks in advance.

    opened by Jay268 4
  • Audio category opens music files in their albums and it can be sharing but no app supports the type of document.

    Audio category opens music files in their albums and it can be sharing but no app supports the type of document.

    The audio category view music files in their albums which can be shared but seems not to be compatible with any software. Sharing the file to phone saver and Amaze File Manager caused those apps to crash.

    opened by kodeblacc 3
  • Slow open a directory with 1000 files

    Slow open a directory with 1000 files

    I create a directory with 1000 files (small files of .txt) But when i open it, it's take like 10 seconds to open it i'm a new in Android developping, and I do not understand why. If someone can help me.

    Thanks you.

    opened by EarthSp4rk 3
  • Why the delay?

    Why the delay?

    I have noticed that this project isn't updated regularly, don't you think some new features should be added, anexplorer is too good to be abandoned like this. My suggestion is to add an inbuilt IMAGE VIEWER, AUDIO and VIDEO PLAYER and one more important feature that's missing is ENCRYPTION, I guess with that, we should really standout different from the rest of other file managers, I also think we need Anexplorer to popup as an option when a user clicks on a ZIP or RAR file from a different application on his/her (I think making an intent or something for this should do the work just fine). What do you think? @1hakr

    opened by enwokoma 3
  • OTG drops out / disconnects if 2 Partitions on USB - URGENT!!

    OTG drops out / disconnects if 2 Partitions on USB - URGENT!!

    This problem exists in AnExplorer but not Amaze Explorer, however AnExplorer is required due to its other capabilities.

    If an OTG / external USB drive thas just one partition it seems to function Ok. It attaches and stays attached when accessing it. However if an external USB has Two partitions AnExplorer disconnects from it. Thus that device cannot be used. This is an issue as we are unable to use this product for our many users/staff as the USB required for the project has two partitions.

    As mentioned Amaze does not kick the external USB drive however AnExplorer does.

    Would appreciate a fix on this please.

    screenshot_1 screenshot_2 screenshot_2a screenshot_3

    opened by Krammig 2
  • [Enhancement] change listviews and gridviews to recyclerviews

    [Enhancement] change listviews and gridviews to recyclerviews

    Hi, I know it will be kinda hard to change the code but it would be much more practical to change all listviews and gridviews to one simple recyclerview.

    Thanks :)

    opened by traabefi 2
  • (permission denied) error during compressing files on external stroage(SD card/ OTG)

    (permission denied) error during compressing files on external stroage(SD card/ OTG)

    Hi, Thank you very much for your great project. I tried to compress a file on SD card but got the following error despite giving write and read permissions on external storage in manifest: 2021-07-29 19:19:25.079 24521-24575/ D/>>error>>>>>>>>>: /storage/3072-A0C3/_CS_U.zip (Permission denied) 2021-07-29 19:19:25.082 24521-24575/r W/Documents: Failed to compress document java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to extract /storage/3072-A0C3 at .provider.ExternalStorageProvider.compressDocument(ExternalStorageProvider.java:785) at .provider.DocumentsProvider.callUnchecked(DocumentsProvider.java:881) at provider.DocumentsProvider.call(DocumentsProvider.java:730) at android.content.ContentProvider$Transport.call(ContentProvider.java:407) at android.content.ContentResolver.call(ContentResolver.java:1714) at .model.DocumentsContract.compressDocument(DocumentsContract.java:1361) at .fragment.DirectoryFragment.onCompressDocuments(DirectoryFragment.java:1073) at .fragment.DirectoryFragment$OperationTask.doInBackground(DirectoryFragment.java:952) at .fragment.DirectoryFragment$OperationTask.doInBackground(DirectoryFragment.java:882) at .misc.AsyncTask$2.call(AsyncTask.java:141) at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1162) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:636) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764) It works pretty well on Internal storage.

    Thank a lot!

    opened by AmirF194 0
  • Plugin with id 'io.fabric' not found.

    Plugin with id 'io.fabric' not found.

    if (getGradle().getStartParameter().getTaskRequests().toString().contains("Free")) {
        apply plugin: 'com.google.gms.google-services'
        apply plugin: 'io.fabric'
    opened by mgood7123 0
  • It will not show files in paths like

    It will not show files in paths like "Downloads 1"

    It will not show files in paths like "Downloads 1". It'll change the "docId" to "download: 1" when it should be "Downloads 1", and try to find the files in the path "/storage/emulated/0/Download/ 1" when it should be seeing the path "/storage/emulated/0/Downloads 1".

    This results in FileNotFoundException, full stack trace below:

    java.io.FileNotFoundException: Missing file for download: 1 at /storage/emulated/0/Download/ 1
            at dev.dworks.apps.anexplorer.provider.ExternalStorageProvider.buildFile(ExternalStorageProvider.java:604)
            at dev.dworks.apps.anexplorer.provider.ExternalStorageProvider.getFileForDocId(ExternalStorageProvider.java:566)
            at dev.dworks.apps.anexplorer.provider.ExternalStorageProvider.getFileForDocId(ExternalStorageProvider.java:560)
            at dev.dworks.apps.anexplorer.provider.ExternalStorageProvider.getFileForDocId(ExternalStorageProvider.java:556)
            at dev.dworks.apps.anexplorer.provider.ExternalStorageProvider.getDocumentType(ExternalStorageProvider.java:876)
            at dev.dworks.apps.anexplorer.provider.ExternalStorageProvider.queryChildDocuments(ExternalStorageProvider.java:840)
            at dev.dworks.apps.anexplorer.provider.DocumentsProvider.query(DocumentsProvider.java:596)
            at android.content.ContentProvider.query(ContentProvider.java:1235)
            at android.content.ContentProvider.query(ContentProvider.java:1328)
            at android.content.ContentProvider$Transport.query(ContentProvider.java:267)
            at android.content.ContentProviderClient.query(ContentProviderClient.java:195)
            at android.content.ContentProviderClient.query(ContentProviderClient.java:177)
            at android.content.ContentProviderClient.query(ContentProviderClient.java:167)
            at dev.dworks.apps.anexplorer.loader.DirectoryLoader.loadInBackground(DirectoryLoader.java:161)
            at dev.dworks.apps.anexplorer.loader.DirectoryLoader.loadInBackground(DirectoryLoader.java:59)
            at dev.dworks.apps.anexplorer.misc.AsyncTaskLoader.onLoadInBackground(AsyncTaskLoader.java:310)
            at dev.dworks.apps.anexplorer.misc.AsyncTaskLoader$LoadTask.doInBackground(AsyncTaskLoader.java:59)
            at dev.dworks.apps.anexplorer.misc.AsyncTaskLoader$LoadTask.doInBackground(AsyncTaskLoader.java:47)
            at dev.dworks.apps.anexplorer.misc.AsyncTask$2.call(AsyncTask.java:135)
            at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266)
            at dev.dworks.apps.anexplorer.misc.ProviderExecutor.run(ProviderExecutor.java:103)

    I'll try to find where the problem is, and will let you know.

    opened by vedprakashwagh 0
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