SocialAuth repository which contains socialauth android version and samples



SocialAuth Android is an Android version of popular SocialAuth Java library. Now you do not need to integrate multiple SDKs if you want to integrate your application with multiple social networks. You just need to add few lines of code after integrating the SocialAuth Android library in your app. The API enables user authentication and sharing updates through different various social networks and hides all the intricacies of generating signatures & token, doing security handshakes and provide an easy mechanism to build cool social apps. With this library, you can:

  • Quickly build share functionality for posting updates on facebook, twitter, linkedin and more
  • Easily create a Share button or a social bar containing various social networks
  • Access profile of logged in user for easy user registration
  • Import friend contacts of logged in user (Email, Profile URL and Name)
  • Do much more using our flexible API like extend it for more network

###Whats new in Version 3.2 ?

  • Bugs Solved : Facebook issue solved. Now we are using native web view login. please check the wiki to create Facebook app using native flow.
  • Bugs Solved : Foursquare issue fixed
  • Bugs Solved : Signout bug fixed
  • Bugs Solved : Custom -UI example upload image bug fixed
  • Documentation Guides for Facebook, Google Plus, Flickr , Share-Menu and more

###Whats new in Version 3.1 ?

  • Bugs Solved : Twitter Recent API changes fixed

###Whats new in Version 3.0 ?

  • New Providers Support : Instagram , Flickr
  • New Example : Share- Menu - Now use provides in Android ShareAction Provider. Check wiki and example for use.
  • Contacts : Support added for Google Plus, Flickr , Instagram
  • Feeds : Support added for Google Plus, Instagram
  • Albums : Support added for Google Plus. Download Picasa Albums
  • Generic OAuth2 Provider : Users can create own oAuth2 Providers from sdk.
  • Bugs Solved : Publish Story bug for Facebook Solved
  • Bugs Solved : Get Profile Images for FourSquare
  • Bugs Solved : UI issues for Yahoo , Yammer Solved

###Whats new in Version 2.6 ?

  • Linkedin Career Plugin Added to show information for job , education , recommendations.
  • Linkedin feed plugin added.
  • Now get profile images for your contacts on Facebook , Twitter and !Linkedin.
  • Now you can post message on all connected providers at once.
  • Examples updated.
  • Bug fixes

Check Getting Started to start.

###How does it Work?

Once SocialAuth Android is integrated into your application, following is the authentication process:

  • User opens the app and chooses the provider to request the authentication by using SocialAuth-android library.
  • User is redirected to Facebook, Twitter or other provider's login site by library where they enter their credentials.
  • Upon successful login, provider asks for user’s permission to share their basic data with your app.
  • Once user accepts it,On successful authentication the library redirects user to app.
  • Now user can call SocialAuth Android library to get information about user profile, gets contacts list or share status to friends.


SocialAuth Android is distrubuted under MIT License.

About this project

![3Pillar Global] (

SocialAuth Android is developed and maintained by 3Pillar Global.

  • OAuth2.0 consumer_key and consumer_secret

    OAuth2.0 consumer_key and consumer_secret

    I'm a bit thrown by this. Your "Guide Google" page (found here: is out dated in that it probably uses OAuth 1, which has been deprecated. It also has the heading of "Step by Step Guide to Get Twitter consumer key and secrets" while it's for Google :\

    Are you able to update this soon?

    I'm sifting through the Google API pages and documentation, but various terms are being used for the same things and I'm referred to pages or menu options that don't exist so I'm very confused and am hoping that this is monitored. :\

    Kind regards, E.

    opened by enkemari 11
  • Authentication Error: URL Authentication error with Linkedin

    Authentication Error: URL Authentication error with Linkedin

    When I try to share content on Linkedin I get org.brickred.socialauth.exception.SocialAuthConfigurationException: Application keys are not correct. The server running the application should be same that was registered to get the keys. Although keys are correct. These key are working some days back but now give error. These keys are working with other library.

    Full Logcat is

    Selected provider is linkedin Loading keys and secrets from configuration Loading application configuration Starting webview for authentication Loading plugins Loading plugin :: org.brickred.socialauth.plugin.linkedin.FeedPluginImpl Loading plugin :: org.brickred.socialauth.plugin.linkedin.CareerPluginImpl Determining URL for redirection org.brickred.socialauth.exception.SocialAuthConfigurationException: Application keys are not correct. The server running the application should be same that was registered to get the keys.

    opened by joginder89 10
  • Problem in facebook login while authenticate with facebook

    Problem in facebook login while authenticate with facebook

    Invalid Scopes: read_stream. This message is only shown to developers. Users of your app will ignore these permissions if present. Please read the documentation for valid permissions at:

    opened by ShriKush 6
  • Check if Facebook is logged in?

    Check if Facebook is logged in?

    I can't seem to find any way to check if the user has already logged into Facebook.

    Is there any method to check if the user has already logged in?

    Thank you for your time.

    opened by IamJackppot 5
  • Getting more than 25 pictures with Facebook

    Getting more than 25 pictures with Facebook

    I am using this library to retrieve albums from the user, and then fetching the album images, and I've realized that you can only fetch 25 images. Is there a way to fetch more? maybe pagination or something. How would I achieve that with this library? is this documented somewhere.

    Thanks in advance for your time.

    opened by IamJackppot 3
  • Authentication error

    Authentication error

    This error giving both your key, as my I registered on linkedin. Error:

    05-18 17:16:05.134 11594-11820/br.exemplosocialoauth D/SocialAuthError﹕ org.brickred.socialauth.exception.SocialAuthConfigurationException: Application keys are not correct. The server running the application should be same that was registered to get the keys.

    05-18 17:16:05.135 11594-11820/br.exemplosocialoauth I/Script﹕ URL Authentication error

    within the SocialAuthAdapter class has a static function called Provider and have it LINKEDIN ("linkedin", "", " oauth_problem "), in which an error occurs.

    opened by tarcisioreis 3
  • Status not updated. Return Status code :403

    Status not updated. Return Status code :403

    Hi I get this Error with Facebook Status update:

    org.brickred.socialauth.exception.SocialAuthException: Status not updated. Return Status code :403

    Linkedin and Twitter Status update working fine, but I have problem with Facebook and Google+ status update.

    Thank you.

    opened by joginder89 3
  • not found not found

    I am using SocialAuth library for auth user with Facebook, Twitter and Google. I have some Questions.

    I am getting below error in log cat

    D/SocialAuthAdapterSelected provider is facebook
    D/SocialAuthAdapterLoading keys and secrets from configuration
    D/ not found
    D/SocialAuthAdapterCould not load configuration
    D/SocialAuthAdapterStarting webview for authentication
    D/SocialAuthErrororg.brickred.socialauth.exception.SocialAuthConfigurationException: SocialAuth configuration is null.
    E/Login activityURL Authentication error

    Below is my folder structure

    enter image description here


    public class LoginActivity extends ActionBarActivity {
    private SocialAuthAdapter adapter;
    //Android Component
    private Button fb_button, tw_button, g_button;
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        //Social Adapter
        adapter = new SocialAuthAdapter(new DialogListener() {
            public void onComplete(Bundle bundle) {
                adapter.getUserProfileAsync(new SocialAuthListener<Profile>() {
                    public void onExecute(String s, Profile profile) {
                        Log.e("Custom UI", "Login Receiving Data");
                        Profile profileMap = profile;
                        Log.d("Custom-UI",  "Validate ID         = " + profileMap.getValidatedId());
                        Log.d("Custom-UI",  "First Name          = " + profileMap.getFirstName());
                        Log.d("Custom-UI",  "Last Name           = " + profileMap.getLastName());
                        Log.d("Custom-UI",  "Email               = " + profileMap.getEmail());
                        Log.d("Custom-UI",  "Gender              = " + profileMap.getGender());
                        Log.d("Custom-UI",  "Country             = " + profileMap.getCountry());
                        Log.d("Custom-UI",  "Language            = " + profileMap.getLanguage());
                        Log.d("Custom-UI",  "Location            = " + profileMap.getLocation());
                        Log.d("Custom-UI",  "Profile Image URL   = " + profileMap.getProfileImageURL());
                    public void onError(SocialAuthError socialAuthError) {
                        Log.e("Custom UI", "Profile Data Error");
            public void onError(SocialAuthError socialAuthError) {
                Log.e("Login activity", socialAuthError.getMessage());
            public void onCancel() {
            public void onBack() {
        //Wire up the Login Buttons
        fb_button = (Button) findViewById(;
        tw_button = (Button) findViewById(;
        g_button = (Button) findViewById(;
        //Event Listener for Click
        fb_button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View v) {
                adapter.authorize(LoginActivity.this, SocialAuthAdapter.Provider.FACEBOOK);
                Toast.makeText(LoginActivity.this, "I am Facebook", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
        tw_button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View v) {
                adapter.authorize(LoginActivity.this, SocialAuthAdapter.Provider.TWITTER);
                Toast.makeText(LoginActivity.this, "I am Twitter", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
        g_button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View v) {
                adapter.authorize(LoginActivity.this, SocialAuthAdapter.Provider.GOOGLE);
                Toast.makeText(LoginActivity.this, "I am Google", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

    Some more doubts

    What will be use of callback url in app. what will be posted at callback url?

    How can I show this login screen only first time ?

    One way will be SharedPreference to store the settings of user logged in, is there any way in SocialAuth library to do this.

    Thanks for this Library its great but documentation can be improved.

    I am getting below error in log cat, its saying not able to load the

    Here is full question on StackOverflow

    opened by saqueib 3
  • Can not run callback when can not tweet on Twitter

    Can not run callback when can not tweet on Twitter

    Custom UI -> MessageListener

    When I tweet on Twitter, it never run to Callback when Message not posted (When I post 1 message 2 or 3 times).

    // To get status of message after authentication
    private final class MessageListener implements SocialAuthListener<Integer> {
        public void onExecute(String provider, Integer t) {
            Integer status = t;
            if (status.intValue() == 200 || status.intValue() == 201 || status.intValue() == 204)
                Toast.makeText(CustomUI.this, "Message posted on" + provider, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
                Toast.makeText(CustomUI.this, "Message not posted" + provider, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
        public void onError(SocialAuthError e) {
    opened by FrankNT 3
  • Enable users to provide custom implementation for the Dialog.

    Enable users to provide custom implementation for the Dialog.

    This is a preliminary work to provide a Factory-based class which abstracts much of under-the-hood implementation in the library. A first implementation deals with Dialogs.

    opened by fineswap 3
  • Is this project active?

    Is this project active?

    This is not an issue per se but an inquiry:

    I'm in the process of making a lot of enhancement and additions to this library, and I'm wondering whether it's an active, maintained project?

    opened by fineswap 3
  • Login issue with SocialAuth for login Facebook and Google

    Login issue with SocialAuth for login Facebook and Google

    I am using SocialAuth for login Facebook and google.It was working and Facebook is also working.but google is stopped from just few daysit show me errorThat’s an error.Error: disallowed_useragentThis user-agent is not permitted to make an OAuth authorization request to Google as it is classified as an embedded user-agent (also known as a web-view). Per our policy, only browsers are permitted to make authorization requests to Google. We offer several libraries and samples for native apps to perform authorization requests in the browser.


    opened by pankajsharma304 0
  • Facebook Login Error

    Facebook Login Error I am trying to use this library to integrate Fb and Google login and as of now I could integrate the login but couldnt gather the profile from Fb.

    I was following the below links and I have attached the code that I was testing.

    Problem I was able to authenticate using facebook, i.e. onComplete method in ResponseListener is fired in the attached code. I was trying to retrieve the user profile and registered a ProfileDataListener and it is being fired too however the Profile object in the onExecute is always null.

    I have attached a screenshot of the error.

    Your timely help on this is sincerely appreciated,

    opened by amruta-pani 0
  • Fix broken headings in Markdown files

    Fix broken headings in Markdown files

    GitHub changed the way Markdown headings are parsed, so this change fixes it.

    See bryant1410/readmesfix for more information.

    Tackles bryant1410/readmesfix#1

    opened by bryant1410 0
  • Unable to get Google plus contact list

    Unable to get Google plus contact list

    ResponseListner goes to onCancel() when i press allow button after google signin process.

    private final class ResponseListener implements DialogListener { public void onComplete(Bundle values) { Log.e("Custom-UI", "Successful"); UtilitiesMethods.getInstance(GoogleContactsActivity.this).getProgressDialog("", 2); adapter.getContactListAsync(new ContactDataListener()); } @Override public void onError(SocialAuthError e) { Log.e("Custom-UI", "onError "); }

    public void onCancel() {
        Log.e("Custom-UI", "onCancel");
    public void onBack() {
        Log.e("Custom-UI", "onBack");


    opened by ArisChoice 0
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