A simple Android project using modern Android development tools and libraries.
A movies app where the user can browse movies based on different categories, discover a movie's ratings, plot, and many other attributes. The user also has the option to add the movie to a favorites tab.
This application is done with the model-view-viewmodel (MVVM) architecture.
Technologies and Libraries Used
- Livedata - Automatically updates the UI when data changes
- Recyclerview - Used for displaying items in a more efficient manner
- Fragments - Exposes the app's UI
- ViewModel - Holds the data
- View Binding - Binds the data to the layouts in the xml
- Navigation - Navigate through the app using bottom navigation view
- Retrofit - Fetches the data from the REST API
- Room - Holds the favorite movies data
- Coroutines - Used to access the API and the local database under the hood
- Dependency Injection using Dagger-Hilt - Inject dependencies in the classes
The API used in this application is The Movie Database(TMDB) API