Modern Android Development - The Freeletics way


Modern Android Development - The Freeletics Way

At Freeletics use many of the Jetpack/AndroidX libraries but we don't always use them in the way they are advertised in Google's tutorials. This project show cases our own flavored version of Modern Android Development as well as some of our own utilities.

This repository is a work in progress. More will be added over time.


The navigator library is a wrapper around AndroidX navigation that allows to separate navigation logic from the UI layer and provides a scalable approach to type safe navigation in a highly modularized code base.

For more information check out it's README.

implementation 'com.freeletics.mad:navigator:0.3.1'
// when using composables for navigation
implementation 'com.freeletics.mad:navigator-compose:0.3.1'
// when using fragments for navigation (even if these contain composables)
implementation 'com.freeletics.mad:navigator-fragment:0.3.1'


StateMachine is a very simple interface to implement a StateMachine with the concept of emitting state through a StateFlow and receiving input actions to mutate that state.

For an example on how to build such a state machine check out FlowRedux. To connect a StateMachine to a user interface you can look at Renderer for the Android View world. In compose the StateMachine can be observed using produceState() and actions can be dispatched to it by simply launching them from a CoroutineScope created with rememberCoroutineScope().

implementation 'com.freeletics.mad:state-machine:0.3.1'


TextResource is a domain specific model to represent text. Abstracts text whether it a localized String sent by the backend, a simple Android string resource (with or without formatting args) or an Android plurals resource. This way business logic with text can be easily tested without requiring Context and running on a device.

For more information about the motivation for this abstraction check out this blog post.

implementation 'com.freeletics.mad:text-resource:0.3.1'


Copyright 2021 Freeletics GmbH.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
  • implement result API based on NavBackStackEntry

    implement result API based on NavBackStackEntry

    This removes the fragment navigation result APIs and replaces them with new result APIs that work for both fragment and compose navigation.

    How the API works

    Inside your navigator you register for the results like before

    val imageResultRequest = registerForNavigationResult<FooRoute, ImageResult>()

    The new part here is that you need to specify FooRoute which is the route to the destination of the navigator.

    The returned NavigationResultRequest is a ResultOwner like before so the results can be collected through imagePickerResultRequest.results.

    What's new is that the request also holds a key. This key should be passed to the destination from which we want to retrieve a result:

    data class ImagePickerDirections(
        val key: NavigationResultRequest.Key<ImageResult>

    The image picker in this example can then call deliverNavigationResult with this key to return a result. To keep the API simple there is no automatic back navigation anymore like we had in navigateBackWithResult:

    navigator.deliverNavigationResult(imagePickerDirections.key, imageResult)


    • works for compose as well
    • no more extra FragmentNavEventNavigator class
    • the string key for the result doesn't need to be a shared constant anymore it's only used in registerForNavigationResult


    • internally going through the SavedStateHandle of a NavBackStackEntry isn't as nice as the very direct Fragment API
    opened by gabrielittner 3
  • Update dependency dev.zacsweers.kctfork:core to v0.2.0

    Update dependency dev.zacsweers.kctfork:core to v0.2.0

    Mend Renovate

    This PR contains the following updates:

    | Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | dev.zacsweers.kctfork:core | 0.1.0 -> 0.2.0 | age | adoption | passing | confidence |

    Release Notes



    Compare Source


    • Deprecate KotlinCompilation.singleModule option as it no longer exists in kotlinc.
    • Propagate @ExperimentalCompilerApi annotations
    • KotlinJsCompilation.irOnly and KotlinJsCompilation.irProduceJs now default to true and are the only supported options.
    • Expose new KotlinCompilation.compilerPluginRegistrars property for adding CompilerPluginRegistrar instances (the new entrypoint API for compiler plugins)
      KotlinCompilation().apply {
        compilerPluginRegistrars = listOf(MyCompilerPluginRegistrar())
    • Deprecate KotlinCompilation.compilerPlugins in favor of KotlinCompilation.componentRegistrars. The latter is also deprecated, but this is at least a clearer name.
      KotlinCompilation().apply {
      -  compilerPlugins = listOf(MyComponentRegistrar())
      +  componentRegistrars = listOf(MyComponentRegistrar())
    • Don't try to set removed kotlinc args. If they're removed, they're removed forever. This library will just track latest kotlin releases with its own.
    • Dependency updates: Kotlin (and its associated artifacts) 1.8.0 KSP 1.8.0 Classgraph: 4.8.153

    Special thanks to @​bnorm for contributing to this release.

    • [ ] If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box

    🔕 Ignore: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about these updates again.

    opened by renovate[bot] 2
  • make ActivityRoute Parcelable

    make ActivityRoute Parcelable

    Currently it is not Parcelable because putting it into the Intent would crash any third party app launched by it. So consumers can make it Parcelable for internal use and then we will add it to the extras. The issue is that this makes deep links a lot more complex because we can't pass through the route and then handle it. With this ActivityRoute becomes Parcelable and the default implementation of fillInIntent will add it to the extras. Other places like the activity navigator don't need to deal with it anymore. When implementing route for external destinations users can override fillInIntent to prevent the route from being added and therefor avoid the crash.

    opened by gabrielittner 2
  • remove destinationId and replace it with the class name of routes

    remove destinationId and replace it with the class name of routes

    Instead of having destinationId in the public API we will create ids internally based on the hashCode of the fully qualified class name of a route. Most APIs already had everything we need there were 2 changes other than removing the id from the destinations:

    • navigateTo with pop up to is now navigateToOnTopOf, a call would be navigatoToOnTopOf<FooDirections>(BarDirections()) not super happy with the name here because it could also be interpreted as go to foo and then to bar. Also if you pass inclusive = true then Foo would also be removed and bar would be on top of foo's parent
    • navigateBack with pop up to is now navigateBackTo, e.g. navigateBackTo<FooDirections>(), here it works better
    opened by gabrielittner 2
  • Update dependency com.vanniktech.maven.publish to v0.23.0

    Update dependency com.vanniktech.maven.publish to v0.23.0

    Mend Renovate

    This PR contains the following updates:

    | Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | com.vanniktech.maven.publish | 0.22.0 -> 0.23.0 | age | adoption | passing | confidence |

    Release Notes



    Compare Source

    Updated docs can be found on the new website.

    • NEW: It is now possible to set group id, artifact id directly through the DSL
      mavenPublishing {
        coordinates("com.example", "library", "1.0.3")
    • and project.version will still be used as default values for group and version if the GROUP/VERSION_NAME Gradle properties do not exist and coordinates was not called, however there are 2 behavior changes:
      • The GROUP and VERSION_NAME Gradle properties take precedence over and project.version instead of being overwritten by them. If you need to define the properties but replace them for some projects, please use the new coordinates method instead.
      • The GROUP and VERSION_NAME Gradle properties will not be explicitly set as and project.version anymore.
    • NEW: Added dropRepository task that will drop a Sonatype staging repository. It is possible to specify which repository to drop by adding a --repository parameter with the id of the staging repository that was printed during publish. If no repository is specified and there is only one staging repository, that one will be dropped.
    • Added workaround to also publish sources for the java-test-fixtures plugin
    • Fixed publishing Kotlin/JS projects with the base plugin.
    • Fixed that a POM configured through the DSL is incomplete when publishing Gradle plugins.
    • The minimum supported Gradle version has been increased to 7.3.

    • [ ] If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box

    🔕 Ignore: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about these updates again.

    opened by renovate[bot] 1
  • Update androidx-compose-runtime to v1.3.2

    Update androidx-compose-runtime to v1.3.2

    Mend Renovate

    This PR contains the following updates:

    | Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | androidx.compose.ui:ui (source) | 1.3.1 -> 1.3.2 | age | adoption | passing | confidence | | androidx.compose.runtime:runtime (source) | 1.3.1 -> 1.3.2 | age | adoption | passing | confidence |


    • [ ] If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box

    🔕 Ignore: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about these updates again.

    opened by renovate[bot] 1
  • Update kotlin monorepo to v1.7.22

    Update kotlin monorepo to v1.7.22

    Mend Renovate

    This PR contains the following updates:

    | Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | org.jetbrains.kotlin.plugin.parcelize (source) | 1.7.20 -> 1.7.22 | age | adoption | passing | confidence | | org.jetbrains.kotlin.kapt (source) | 1.7.20 -> 1.7.22 | age | adoption | passing | confidence | | org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm (source) | 1.7.20 -> 1.7.22 | age | adoption | passing | confidence | | (source) | 1.7.20 -> 1.7.22 | age | adoption | passing | confidence | | org.jetbrains.kotlin.multiplatform (source) | 1.7.20 -> 1.7.22 | age | adoption | passing | confidence | | org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-test-junit (source) | 1.7.20 -> 1.7.22 | age | adoption | passing | confidence | | org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-test-annotations-common (source) | 1.7.20 -> 1.7.22 | age | adoption | passing | confidence | | org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-test (source) | 1.7.20 -> 1.7.22 | age | adoption | passing | confidence | | org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-compiler-embeddable (source) | 1.7.20 -> 1.7.22 | age | adoption | passing | confidence | | org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-parcelize-runtime (source) | 1.7.20 -> 1.7.22 | age | adoption | passing | confidence |

    Release Notes


    v1.7.22: Kotlin 1.7.22

    This is a technical release. It doesn't contain any fixes that aren't included in Kotlin 1.7.21. Version 1.7.22 of the Kotlin plugin will not be available for downloading or installing in any IDEs.


    | File | Sha256 | | --- | --- | | | 9db4b467743c1aea8a21c08e1c286bc2aeb93f14c7ba2037dbd8f48adc357d83 | | kotlin-native-linux-x86_64-1.7.22.tar.gz | dd004d520056aba67f2955a3bec5af75f8f2d78b179d4b5f733a77e3eef57aff | | kotlin-native-macos-x86_64-1.7.22.tar.gz | 153fa411fa8c993ce2635e2504e9b102cb05362cc794b66ef9def26a78b427b5 | | kotlin-native-macos-aarch64-1.7.22.tar.gz | 4ffcd76c77cc824eff8addd5e2a73da4f3bbd3584fa9ef282b3f669c45426b1e | | | 3bccd23479848ec61c56ed5760010456d17acbe88a00a1f10fb38eae256f2e92 |


    • KT-54463 Delegating to a field with a platform type causes java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: value$delegate
    • KT-54509 Ir Interpreter: unable to evaluate string concatenation with "this" as argument
    • KT-54004 Builder type inference does not work correctly with variable assignment and breaks run-time
    • KT-54393 Change in behavior from 1.7.10 to 1.7.20 for java field override.
    • KT-54615 JVM: Internal error in file lowering: java.lang.AssertionError: Error occurred while optimizing an expression
    • KT-54581 JVM: "VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack" with generic inline function and when inside try-catch block
    • KT-53146 JVM IR: unnecessary checkcast of null leads to NoClassDefFoundError if the type isn't available at runtime
    • KT-54600 NPE on passing nullable Kotlin lambda as Java's generic SAM interface with super type bound
    • KT-54707 "VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack" in inline call chain on a nullable array value
    • KT-54650 Binary incompatible ABI change in Kotlin 1.7.20
    • KT-54802 "VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack" for inline functions on arrays
    Native. Runtime. Memory
    • KT-54498 Deprecation message of 'FreezingIsDeprecated' is not really helpful
    Tools. Gradle. Multiplatform
    • KT-54387 Remove MPP alpha stability warning
    • KT-48436 False positive "The Kotlin source set androidAndroidTestRelease was configured but not added to any Kotlin compilation"
    Tools. JPS
    • KT-45474 False positive NO_ELSE_IN_WHEN on sealed class with incremental compilation

    • [ ] If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box

    🔕 Ignore: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about these updates again.

    opened by renovate[bot] 1
  • Update kotlin monorepo to v1.7.21

    Update kotlin monorepo to v1.7.21

    Mend Renovate

    This PR contains the following updates:

    | Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | org.jetbrains.kotlin.plugin.parcelize (source) | 1.7.20 -> 1.7.21 | age | adoption | passing | confidence | | org.jetbrains.kotlin.kapt (source) | 1.7.20 -> 1.7.21 | age | adoption | passing | confidence | | org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm (source) | 1.7.20 -> 1.7.21 | age | adoption | passing | confidence | | (source) | 1.7.20 -> 1.7.21 | age | adoption | passing | confidence | | org.jetbrains.kotlin.multiplatform (source) | 1.7.20 -> 1.7.21 | age | adoption | passing | confidence | | org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-test-junit (source) | 1.7.20 -> 1.7.21 | age | adoption | passing | confidence | | org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-test-annotations-common (source) | 1.7.20 -> 1.7.21 | age | adoption | passing | confidence | | org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-test (source) | 1.7.20 -> 1.7.21 | age | adoption | passing | confidence | | org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-compiler-embeddable (source) | 1.7.20 -> 1.7.21 | age | adoption | passing | confidence | | org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-parcelize-runtime (source) | 1.7.20 -> 1.7.21 | age | adoption | passing | confidence |

    Release Notes



    • KT-54463 Delegating to a field with a platform type causes java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: value$delegate
    • KT-54509 Ir Interpreter: unable to evaluate string concatenation with "this" as argument
    • KT-54004 Builder type inference does not work correctly with variable assignment and breaks run-time
    • KT-54393 Change in behavior from 1.7.10 to 1.7.20 for java field override.
    • KT-54615 JVM: Internal error in file lowering: java.lang.AssertionError: Error occurred while optimizing an expression
    • KT-54581 JVM: "VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack" with generic inline function and when inside try-catch block
    • KT-53146 JVM IR: unnecessary checkcast of null leads to NoClassDefFoundError if the type isn't available at runtime
    • KT-54600 NPE on passing nullable Kotlin lambda as Java's generic SAM interface with super type bound
    • KT-54707 "VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack" in inline call chain on a nullable array value
    • KT-54650 Binary incompatible ABI change in Kotlin 1.7.20
    • KT-54802 "VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack" for inline functions on arrays
    Native. Runtime. Memory
    • KT-54498 Deprecation message of 'FreezingIsDeprecated' is not really helpful
    Tools. Gradle. Multiplatform
    • KT-54387 Remove MPP alpha stability warning
    • KT-48436 False positive "The Kotlin source set androidAndroidTestRelease was configured but not added to any Kotlin compilation"
    Tools. JPS
    • KT-45474 False positive NO_ELSE_IN_WHEN on sealed class with incremental compilation

    • [ ] If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box

    🔕 Ignore: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about these updates again.

    opened by renovate[bot] 1
  • Update dependency androidx.annotation:annotation to v1.5.0

    Update dependency androidx.annotation:annotation to v1.5.0

    Mend Renovate

    This PR contains the following updates:

    | Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | androidx.annotation:annotation (source) | 1.2.0 -> 1.5.0 | age | adoption | passing | confidence |


    • [ ] If you want to rebase/retry this PR, click this checkbox.

    🔕 Ignore: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about these updates again.

    opened by renovate[bot] 1
  • Update dependency org.jetbrains.dokka to v1.7.10

    Update dependency org.jetbrains.dokka to v1.7.10

    Mend Renovate

    This PR contains the following updates:

    | Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | org.jetbrains.dokka | 1.6.10 -> 1.7.10 | age | adoption | passing | confidence |

    Release Notes



    Bugfix release that addresses several blockers and regressions.

    • Support Kotlin 1.7.10
    Gradle plugin
    • Do not expose Kotlin stdlib in plugin dependencies, this should fix errors like Module was compiled with an incompatible version of Kotlin when using Dokka. Thanks to @​martinbonnin (#​2543)
    Java sources
    • Fixed build failure caused by having configured source links for Java code (#​2544)
    • Fixed several exotic problems that led to build failures, all related to using annotation in Java sources (#​2509, #​2551, #​2350)
    • Fixed IntelliJ platform WARN: Attempt to load key messages that appeared when analyzing Java sources (#​2559)



    HTML format
    Javadoc format
    GFM format
    Kotlin-as-Java plugin
    Gradle runner


    General bugfixes

    Plugin API


    Thanks to all the contributors!


    This is a bugfix release that mostly enables building documentation for multiplatform projects that utilize .klib libraries.



    • Support KLIB libraries for common platform, previously led to ERROR CLASS instead of references in documentation (#​2441)
    • Fixed a maven plugin build problem related to coroutines which only occurred in multi-module builds (#​2461)



    HTML format changes


    Plugin API Changes

    General Improvements

    Known issues

    • Kotlin Multiplatform projects that use .klib libraries may experience problems. There will be a separate 1.6.21 release that will address this issue shortly.

    • [ ] If you want to rebase/retry this PR, click this checkbox.

    🔕 Ignore: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about these updates again.

    opened by renovate[bot] 1
  • Update dependency androidx.annotation:annotation to v1.4.0

    Update dependency androidx.annotation:annotation to v1.4.0

    Mend Renovate

    This PR contains the following updates:

    | Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | androidx.annotation:annotation (source) | 1.2.0 -> 1.4.0 | age | adoption | passing | confidence |


    • [ ] If you want to rebase/retry this PR, click this checkbox.

    🔕 Ignore: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about these updates again.

    opened by renovate[bot] 1
  • automate more parts of the publishing process

    automate more parts of the publishing process

    With this it is not neccessary to push commits to main anymore to do a release and as much as possible is automated. The remaining steps are:

    1. update changelog (through a pr), we could probably also have some automation here but I personally don't like these auto generated changelogs
    2. create and push a tag for the new version

    To make this possible there are a few changes:

    • slightly updated the format
    • the release workflow will extract the section for the new release and automatically create a Github release with it
    • VERSION_NAME is not comitted anymore and instead always computed
    • for releases we tag the tag name as version
    • for snapshots we take the last tag increment the last number by 1 and then append SNAPSHOT
    • the readme contains <latest-version> pacehoders and one of those badges that shows the last version
    • for the website we automatically replace <latest-version> with the last tag and remove the badge
    • snapshot and website workflows run after the release so that there is a snapshot for the next release and the website contains the latest version

    The only part that I don't like that much is the <latest-version> placeholder in the README, I prefer when it just has the full declaration ready to copy, but at least it's like this on the website.

    Already tested this here

    opened by gabrielittner 0
  • Update kotlin monorepo to v1.8.0

    Update kotlin monorepo to v1.8.0

    Mend Renovate

    This PR contains the following updates:

    | Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | org.jetbrains.kotlin.plugin.parcelize (source) | 1.7.20 -> 1.8.0 | age | adoption | passing | confidence | | org.jetbrains.kotlin.kapt (source) | 1.7.20 -> 1.8.0 | age | adoption | passing | confidence | | org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm (source) | 1.7.20 -> 1.8.0 | age | adoption | passing | confidence | | (source) | 1.7.20 -> 1.8.0 | age | adoption | passing | confidence | | org.jetbrains.kotlin.multiplatform (source) | 1.7.20 -> 1.8.0 | age | adoption | passing | confidence | | org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-test-junit (source) | 1.7.20 -> 1.8.0 | age | adoption | passing | confidence | | org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-test-annotations-common (source) | 1.7.20 -> 1.8.0 | age | adoption | passing | confidence | | org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-test (source) | 1.7.20 -> 1.8.0 | age | adoption | passing | confidence | | org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-compiler-embeddable (source) | 1.7.20 -> 1.8.0 | age | adoption | passing | confidence | | org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-parcelize-runtime (source) | 1.7.20 -> 1.8.0 | age | adoption | passing | confidence |

    Release Notes



    Analysis API
    • KT-50255 Analysis API: Implement standalone mode for the Analysis API
    Analysis API. FIR
    • KT-54292 Symbol Light classes: implement PsiVariable.computeConstantValue for light field
    • KT-54293 Analysis API: fix constructor symbol creation when its accessed via type alias
    • KT-53342 TCS: New AndroidSourceSet layout for multiplatform
    • KT-53013 Increase AGP compile version in KGP to 4.1.3
    • KT-54013 Report error when using deprecated Kotlin Android Extensions compiler plugin
    • KT-53709 MPP, Android SSL2: Conflicting warnings for androidTest/kotlin source set folder
    Backend. Native. Debug
    • KT-53561 Invalid LLVM module: "inlinable function call in a function with debug info must have a !dbg location"
    New Features
    • KT-52817 Add @JvmSerializableLambda annotation to keep old behavior of non-invokedynamic lambdas
    • KT-54460 Implementation of non-local break and continue
    • KT-53916 Support Xcode 14 and new Objective-C frameworks in Kotlin/Native compiler
    • KT-32208 Generate method annotations into bytecode for suspend lambdas (on invokeSuspend)
    • KT-53438 Introduce a way to get SourceDebugExtension attribute value via JVMTI for profiler and coverage
    Performance Improvements
    • KT-53347 Get rid of excess allocations in parser
    • KT-53689 JVM: Optimize equality on class literals
    • KT-53119 Improve String Concatenation Lowering
    • KT-53465 Unnecessary checkcast to array of reified type is not optimized since Kotlin 1.6.20
    • KT-49658 NI: False negative TYPE_MISMATCH on nullable type with when
    • KT-48162 NON_VARARG_SPREAD isn't reported on *toTypedArray() call
    • KT-43493 NI: False negative: no compilation error "Operator '==' cannot be applied to 'Long' and 'Int'" is reported in builder inference lambdas
    • KT-54393 Change in behavior from 1.7.10 to 1.7.20 for java field override.
    • KT-55357 IllegalStateException when reading a class that delegates to a Java class with a definitely-not-null type with a flexible upper bound
    • KT-55068 Kotlin Gradle DSL: No mapping for symbol: VALUE_PARAMETER SCRIPT_IMPLICIT_RECEIVER on JVM IR backend
    • KT-51284 SAM conversion doesn't work if method has context receivers
    • KT-48532 Remove old JVM backend
    • KT-55065 Kotlin Gradle DSL: Reflection cannot find class data for lambda, produced by JVM IR backend
    • KT-53270 K1: implement synthetic Enum.entries property
    • KT-52823 Cannot access class Thread.State after upgrading to 1.7 from 1.6.1 using -Xjdk-release=1.8
    • KT-55108 IR interpreter: Error occurred while optimizing an expression: VARARG
    • KT-53547 Missing fun IrBuilderWithScope.irFunctionReference
    • KT-54884 "StackOverflowError: null" caused by Enum constant name in constructor of the same Enum constant
    • KT-47475 "IncompatibleClassChangeError: disagree on InnerClasses attribute": cross-module inlined WhenMappings has mismatched InnerClasses
    • KT-55013 State checker use-after-free with XCode 14.1
    • KT-54802 "VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack" for inline functions on arrays
    • KT-54707 "VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack" in inline call chain on a nullable array value
    • KT-48678 Coroutine debugger: disable "was optimised out" compiler feature
    • KT-54745 Restore KtToken constructors without tokenId parameter to preserve back compatibility
    • KT-54650 Binary incompatible ABI change in Kotlin 1.7.20
    • KT-52786 Frontend / K2: IndexOutOfBoundsException when opting in to K2
    • KT-54004 Builder type inference does not work correctly with variable assignment and breaks run-time
    • KT-54581 JVM: "VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack" with generic inline function and when inside try-catch block
    • KT-53794 IAE "Unknown visibility: protected/protected and package/" on callable reference to protected member of Java superclass
    • KT-54600 NPE on passing nullable Kotlin lambda as Java's generic SAM interface with super type bound
    • KT-54463 Delegating to a field with a platform type causes java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: value$delegate
    • KT-54509 Ir Interpreter: unable to evaluate string concatenation with "this" as argument
    • KT-54615 JVM: Internal error in file lowering: java.lang.AssertionError: Error occurred while optimizing an expression
    • KT-53146 JVM IR: unnecessary checkcast of null leads to NoClassDefFoundError if the type isn't available at runtime
    • KT-53712 Add mode to prevent generating JVM 1.8+ annotation targets (TYPE_USE, TYPE_PARAMETER)
    • KT-54366 K2: no JVM BE specific diagnostics (in particular CONFLICTING_JVM_DECLARATIONS) in 1.8
    • KT-35187 NullPointerException on compiling suspend inline fun with typealias to suspend function type
    • KT-54275 K2: "IllegalArgumentException: KtParameter is not a subtype of class KtAnnotationEntry for factory REPEATED_ANNOTATION"
    • KT-53656 "IllegalStateException: typeParameters == null for SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl" with recursive generic type parameters
    • KT-46727 Report warning on contravariant usages of star projected argument from Java
    • KT-53197 K2: 'init' hides member of supertype 'UIComponent' and needs 'override' modifier
    • KT-53867 K2: @JvmRecord does not compile to a java record
    • KT-53964 K2 is unable to work with Java records
    • KT-53349 K2: TYPE_MISMATCH caused by non-local return
    • KT-54100 "Type variable TypeVariable(P) should not be fixed" crash in code with errors
    • KT-54212 K2: cannot calculate implicit property type
    • KT-53699 K2: Exception during IR lowering in code with coroutines
    • KT-54192 Warn about unsupported feature on generic inline class parameters
    • KT-53723 Friend modules aren't getting passed to cache build during box tests
    • KT-53873 K2: Duplicated diagnostics reported from user type ref checkers
    • KT-50909 "VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack" caused by smartcasting for nullable inline class property in class
    • KT-54115 Restore Psi2IrTranslator constructor from 1.7.20
    • KT-53908 K2: Self-referencing generics in Java class causes New Inference Error (IE: class Foo<T extends Foo>)
    • KT-53193 K2: compile error on project that compiles fine with normal 1.7.10
    • KT-54062 K2 Invalid serialization for type-aliased suspend function type with extension receiver
    • KT-53953 Forbid usages of super or super if in fact it accesses an abstract member
    • KT-47473 NI: Missed UPPER_BOUND_VIOLATED diagnostics if use type aliases with type parameters
    • KT-54049 K2: false positive MANY_IMPL_MEMBER_NOT_IMPLEMENTED
    • KT-30054 Wrong approximation if nullable anonymous object with implemented interface is used
    • KT-53751 Postpone IgnoreNullabilityForErasedValueParameters feature
    • KT-53324 Implement Enum.entries lowering on K/N
    • KT-44441 K2: report redeclaration error if there is a Java class with the same name as the Kotlin class
    • KT-53807 No warning about declaringClass on an enum value
    • KT-53493 K2: val on function parameter counts as just warning
    • KT-53435 K2: "IllegalArgumentException: class KtValueArgument is not a subtype of class KtExpression for factory ANNOTATION_ARGUMENT_MUST_BE_CONST" if string in nested annotation is concatenated
    • KT-52927 AssertionError: LambdaKotlinCallArgumentImpl
    • KT-53922 Make Enum.entries unstable feature to poison binaries
    • KT-53783 Exception during psi2ir when declaring expect data object
    • KT-53622 [OVERLOAD_RESOLUTION_AMBIGUITY] when enum entry called 'entries' is present in K2
    • KT-41670 JVM IR: AbstractMethodError when using inheritance for fun interfaces
    • KT-53178 K2: implement diagnostics for serialization plugin
    • KT-53804 Restore old and incorrect logic of generating InnerClasses attributes for kotlin-stdlib
    • KT-52970 Default value constant in companion object works on JVM and JS, but fails on native
    • KT-51114 FIR: Support DNN checks
    • KT-27936 Write InnerClasses attribute for all class names used in a class file
    • KT-53719 Parsing regression on function call with type arguments and labeled lambda
    • KT-53261 Evaluate effect from inline for primitive types
    • KT-53706 K2: Context receivers are not resolved on properties during type resolution stage
    • KT-39492 Kotlin.Metadata's packageName field cannot be an empty string
    • KT-53664 Ir Interpreter: unable to evaluate name of function reference marked with JvmStatic from another module
    • KT-52478 [Native] Partial linkage: Building native binary from cached KLIBs fails if one library depends on removed nested callable member from another one
    • KT-48822 CompilationException: Back-end (JVM) Internal error: Failed to generate expression: KtProperty - ConcurrentModificationException
    • KT-50281 IllegalStateException: unsupported call of reified inlined function
    • KT-50083 Different error messages in android and JVM (Intrinsics.checkNotNullParameter).
    • KT-53236 Support Enum.entries codegen on JVM/IR BE
    • KT-41017 FIR: should we support smartcast after null check
    • KT-53202 "ISE: Descriptor can be left only if it is last" after direct invoke optimization on a capturing lambda
    • KT-46969 @BuilderInference with nested DSL scopes cause false-positive scope violation in Kotlin 1.5
    • KT-53257 FIR: Improper context receiver argument is chosen when there are two extension receiver candidates
    • KT-53090 Anonymous function and extension function literals are generated as classes even with -Xlambdas=indy
    • KT-53208 K2: Cannot get annotation for default interface method parameter when compiled with -Xuse-k2
    • KT-53184 K2: NoSuchMethodError on KProperty1.get() referenced via nullable typealias
    • KT-53198 K2: Return type mismatch: expected kotlin/Unit, actual kotlin/Unit?
    • KT-53100 Optimization needed: (CONSTANT_PRIMITIVE(x: T?)) => x
    • KT-49875 [FIR] Support infering PRIVATE_TO_THIS visibility
    • KT-53024 Refactor FIR renderer to composable architecture
    • KT-50995 [FIR] Support SAM with receiver plugin
    • KT-53148 K1: introduce warning for inline virtual member in enum
    • KT-49847 Devirtualization fails to eliminate boxing in function reference context
    • KT-52875 Extension function literal creation with -Xlambdas=indy fails with incorrect arguments
    • KT-53072 INVALID_IF_AS_EXPRESSION error isn't shown in the IDE (LV 1.8)
    • KT-52985 Native: a function with type T? returned a kotlin.Unit instead of null
    • KT-52020 FIR warning message includes internal rendering
    • KT-48778 -Xtype-enhancement-improvements-strict-mode not respecting @NonNull annotation for property accesses?
    • KTIJ-22357 CCE “class org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.types.impl.FirImplicitTypeRefImpl cannot be cast to class org.jetbrains.kotlin.fir.types.FirResolvedTypeRef” in K2
    • KT-55150 Argument for @NotNull parameter 'scope' of org/jetbrains/kotlin/resolve/AnnotationResolverImpl.resolveAnnotationType must not be null
    • KTIJ-22165 IDE notification to promote users to migrate to the new Kotlin/JS toolchain
    • KTIJ-22166 IDE notification (or something else) about JPS and Maven support for Kotlin/JS is deprecated
    • KT-53543 Rework light classes for file facade
    • KT-48773 Investigate the possibility of removing dependency on old JVM backend in light classes
    • KTIJ-19699 IDE: False positive type mismatch in Java code for Kotlin nested class non-direct inheritor from external library
    • KT-51101 FIR IDE: Exception on "Show Type Info" action
    • KTIJ-22295 MPP, IDE: False positive UPPER_BOUND_VIOLATED when JVM module implements the generic interface from MPP module and the type parameter is not equal to itself.
    • KT-51656 FIR IDE: ProgressCancelled exception is masked in the compiler during resolve
    • KT-51315 FIR IDE: move out base modules from fe10 plugin to reuse in k2 plugin
    • KTIJ-22323 K2: ISE during resolve of stdlib calls from the stdlib
    • KTIJ-21391 Generate -> Override methods : don't delegate to abstract methods
    • KT-53097 Extract common part of light classes to another module
    • KTIJ-22354 FIR LC: annotation owner is always null
    • KTIJ-22157 Kotlin call resolver leaks user code when reporting exception
    IDE. Completion
    • KTIJ-22552 Kotlin: 'for loop' postfix completion doesn't work - "Fe10SuggestVariableNameMacro must be not requested from main classloader"
    • KTIJ-22503 Support code completion for data objects
    IDE. Debugger
    • KT-51755 Compilation exception with scripting compilation during debug session
    • KTIJ-21963 Debugger / IR: Expression evaluation of the debugger doesn't work
    IDE. Decompiler, Indexing, Stubs
    • KTIJ-22750 Initialize Kotlin stub element types lazily
    • KTIJ-18094 IDE: "AssertionError: Stub count doesn't match stubbed node length" with minified Android AAR library
    • KTIJ-17632 IndexOutOfBoundsException: Cannot decompile a class located in minified AAR
    IDE. Gradle Integration
    • KT-48135 In the IDE import, reuse dependency granular source set KLIBs across multi-project build to avoid duplicate external libraries
    • KTIJ-22345 False positive unresolved reference for members of subclasses of expect classes.
    • KT-53514 HMPP: False positive for None of the following functions can be called with the arguments supplied. with Enum in common module
    • KT-51583 Gradle 7.4+ | SamplesVariantRule interference: Could not resolve all files for configuration ':kotlinKlibCommonizerClasspath'
    • KTIJ-21077 Dependency matrix does not work with Jetpack compose / multiplatform projects
    IDE. Inspections and Intentions
    • KTIJ-19531 Adapt changes about new rules for method implementation requirements
    • KTIJ-22087 Support IDE inspections for upcoming data objects
    • KTIJ-20510 Quick fix to implement and call correct super method in case of inheritance with defaults
    • KTIJ-20170 Provide quickfix for deprecated resolution to private constructor of sealed class
    • KTIJ-22630 FIR IDE: Lazy resolve exception after invocation of Override members action on value class
    • KT-49643 Intentions: "Implement members" fails when base type function declaration uses unresolved generic types
    IDE. JS
    • KTIJ-22167 Make JS IR default in projects created by wizard
    • KTIJ-22332 Wizard: Kotlin/JS projects: cssSupport DSL should be updated
    IDE. KDoc
    • KTIJ-22324 K2 IDE: implement reference resolve inside KDocs
    IDE. Multiplatform
    • KTIJ-19566 New Project Wizard: Update HMPP-related flags in multiplatform wizards
    IDE. Navigation
    • KT-51314 FIR IDE: show Kotlin declarations in search symbol
    • KTIJ-22755 Find usage for constructor from kotlin library doesn't work for secondary constructor usages
    IDE. Script
    • KTIJ-22598 Add warning for standalone scripts in source roots
    • KT-54325 .settings.gradle.kts and .init.gradle.kts are reported as standalone scripts
    IDE. Structural Search
    • KTIJ-21986 KSSR: "CodeFragment with non-kotlin context should have fakeContextForJavaFile set: originalContext = null" warning shows up when replacing
    IDE. Tests Support
    • KT-50269 FIR IDE: Allow running tests via gutter
    IDE. Wizards
    • KTIJ-23537 Wizard: projects with Android modules require higher sdkCompileVersion
    • KTIJ-23525 Wizard: Compose multiplatform: project won't build and require higher compileSdkVersion
    • KTIJ-22763 New Project Wizard: remove deprecated Android extensions plugin from Android target in the project constructor
    • KTIJ-22481 Wizard: Kotlin -> Browser application (gradle groove). Build error
    • KT-55097 KJS / IR + IC: Using an internal function from a friend module throws an unbound symbol exception
    • KT-54406 Kotlin/JS: build with dependencies fails with "Could not find "kotlin" in [~/.local/share/kotlin/daemon]"
    • KT-53074 Make JS IR BE default in toolchain (gradle & CLI)
    • KT-50589 UTF-8 Instability in
    • KT-54934 KJS / IR + IC: Suspend abstract function stubs are generated with unstable lowered ic signatures
    • KT-54895 KJS / IR + IC: broken cross module references for function default param wrappers
    • KT-54520 KJS / IR Allow IdSignature clashes
    • KT-54120 JS IR + IC: pointless invalidation of dependent code after modifying companions
    • KT-53986 KJS / IR + IC: compiler produces different JS file names with IC and without IC
    • KT-54010 JS IR + IC: Force IC cache invalidation after updating language version or features
    • KT-53931 KJS / Gradle: Regression with 1.7.20-RC: ReferenceError: println is not defined
    • KT-53968 Kotlin/JS: no UninitializedPropertyAccessException on access to non-initialized lateinit property defined in dependencies
    • KT-54686 KJS / IR: Incorrect generation of signatures when one of argument is nested class
    • KT-54479 KJS / IR + IC: Adding or removing companion fields leads java.lang.IllegalStateException in the compiler IC infrastructure
    • KT-54382 KJS / IR: Wrong type check for inheritors of suspend functions
    • KT-54323 KJS / IR + IC: Intrinsics from stdlib may lose their dependencies in incremental rebuild
    • KT-53361 KJS / IR: No debug info is generated for in-line js code
    • KT-53321 Implement Enum.entries lowering on JS/IR
    • KT-53112 KJS IR turn on IC infra by default
    • KT-50503 Kotlin/JS: IR + IC: compileTestDevelopmentExecutableKotlinJs fails with ISE: "Could not find library" after removing module dependency
    • KT-54011 JS IR + IC: EnumEntries don't work well when IC is enabled
    • KT-53672 KJS / IR: "IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 0 out of bounds for length 0" caused by function reference to extension function of reified type variable
    • KT-43455 KJS: IR. Incremental compilation problem with unbound symbols
    • KT-53539 KJS: Exported class inherited non-exported class shows warning
    • KT-53443 KJS/IR: NullPointerException caused by anonymous objects inside lambdas
    • KT-52795 K/JS and K/Native IR-validation/compilation errors for a valid kotlin code
    • KT-52805 KJS/IR: Invalid call of inline function in also block
    • KT-51151 KJS / IR: Wrong overloaded generic method with receiver is called
    • KT-52830 KJS/IR: Sourcemap disabling doesn't work
    • KT-52968 KJS / IR: Buggy generation of overridden methods
    • KT-53063 KJS / IR + IC: undefined cross module reference for implemented interface functions
    • KT-51099 KJS / IR + IC: Cache invalidation doesn't check generic class variance annotations (in, out)
    • KT-51090 KJS / IR + IC: Cache invalidation doesn't check suspend qualifier
    • KT-51088 KJS / IR + IC: Cache invalidation doesn't check class qualifiers (data, inline)
    • KT-51083 KJS / IR + IC: Cache invalidation doesn't check inline function which was non inline initially
    • KT-51896 KJS / IR + IC: Cache invalidation doesn't trigger rebuild for fake overridden inline functions
    Language Design
    • KT-48385 Deprecate confusing grammar in when-with-subject
    • KT-48516 Forbid @Synchronized annotation on suspend functions
    • KT-41886 Ability to require opt-in for interface implementation, but not for usage
    • KT-34943 OVERLOAD_RESOLUTION_AMBIGUITY inconsistent with the equivalent Java code
    • KT-51334 Implement type-bound label this@Type
    New Features
    • KT-21007 Provide Kotlin OSGI Bundle with extensions for JRE8 (and JRE7)
    • KT-54082 Comparable and subtractible TimeMarks
    • KT-52928 Provide copyToRecursively and deleteRecursively extension functions for java.nio.file.Path
    • KT-49425 Update OptIn documentation to reflect latest design changes
    • KT-54005 Allow calling declaringJavaClass on Enum
    • KT-52933 rangeUntil members in built-in types
    Performance Improvements
    • KT-53508 Cache typeOf-related KType instances when kotlin-reflect is used
    • KT-51907 Switch JVM target of the standard libraries to 1.8
    • KT-54835 Document that Iterable.all(emptyCollection) returns TRUE.
    • KT-54168 Expand on natural order in comparator docs
    • KT-53277 Stabilize experimental API for 1.8
    • KT-53864 Review deprecations in stdlib for 1.8
    • KT-47707 Remove the system property and the brittle contains optimization code itself
    • KT-52336 Different behavior on JVM and Native in stringBuilder.append(charArray, 0, 1)
    • KT-53927 Remove deprecation from ConcurrentModificationException constructors
    • KT-53152 Introduce EnumEntries to stdlib as backing implementation of Enum.entries
    • KT-53134 stdlib > object Charsets > not thread safe lazy initialization
    • KT-51063 Gradle project with JPS runner: "JUnitException: Failed to parse version" JUnit runner internal error with JUnit
    • KT-52908 Native: setUnhandledExceptionHook swallows exceptions
    • KT-51043 Kotlin Native: ObjC-Interop: kotlin.ClassCastException: null cannot be cast to kotlin.Function2
    • KT-50786 Native: prohibit suspend calls inside autoreleasepool {}
    • KT-52834 Implement test infrastructure for K2/Native
    Native. C Export
    • KT-36878 Reverse C Interop: incorrect headers generation for primitive unassigned type arrays
    • KT-53599 [Reverse C Interop] Provide box/unbox API for unsigned primitive types
    • KT-41904 Kotlin/Native : error: duplicate member for interface and function with the same name
    • KT-42830 [Reverse C Interop] Add API to get value of boxed primitives
    • KT-39496 K/N C: optional unsigned types as function parameters crash the compiler
    • KT-39015 Cannot compile native library with nullable inline class
    Native. C and ObjC Import
    • KT-54738 Cocoapods cinterop: linking platform.CoreGraphics package
    • KT-54001 Kotlin/Native: support header exclusion in cinterop def files
    • KT-53151 Native: Custom declarations in .def don't work with modules, only headers
    Native. ObjC Export
    • KT-53680 Obj-C refinement annotations
    • KT-54119 Native: runtime assertion failed due to missing thread state switch
    • KT-42641 Don't export generated component* methods from Kotlin data classes to Obj-C header
    Native. Platform Libraries
    • KT-54225 Native: update to Xcode 14.1
    • KT-54164 Native: commonizer fails on CoreFoundation types
    • KT-39747 Why is there no WinHttp API in Kotlin/Native's Windows API?
    Native. Runtime
    • KT-49228 Kotlin/Native: Allow to unset unhandled exception hook
    • KT-27305 Fix FILE macro inside RuntimeCheck and RuntimeAssert
    Native. Runtime. Memory
    • KT-54498 Deprecation message of 'FreezingIsDeprecated' is not really helpful
    • KT-53182 New memory manager: Unexpected memory usage on IOS
    Native. Stdlib
    • KT-52429 Small Usability Improvements for Worker API
    • KT-54629 Incorrectly cached class classifier
    • KT-54611 KTypeImpl does not take into account class loader from the classifier property
    • KT-48136 Make Reflection.getOrCreateKotlinPackage use cache when kotlin-reflect is used
    • KT-50705 Use ClassValue to cache KClass objects in kotlin-reflect
    • KT-53454 Properly cache the same class's KClass when it's loaded by multiple classloaders in getOrCreateKotlinClass
    • KT-54210 Update Kotlin specification to mention that since 1.8 generics in value classes are allowed
    Tools. CLI
    • KT-54116 Add JVM target bytecode version 19
    • KT-53278 Support values 6 and 8 for -Xjdk-release
    • KT-46312 CLI: Kotlin runner should use platform class loader to load JDK modules on Java 9+
    Tools. Commonizer
    • KT-54310 Commonizer fails on 1.8.0-dev K/N distributions
    • KT-48576 [Commonizer] platform.posix.pselect not commonized in Ktor
    Tools. Compiler Plugins
    • KT-46959 Kotlin Lombok: Support generated builders (@Builder)
    • KT-53683 Unresolved reference compilation error occurs if a file is annotated with @ Singular and has any guava collection type : ImmutableTable, ImmutableList or else
    • KT-53657 [K2] Unresolved reference compilation error occurs if a field is annotated with @ Singular and has type NavigableMap without explicit types specification
    • KT-53647 [K2] Unresolved reference compilation error occurs if a field is annotated with @ Singular and has type Iterable<>
    • KT-53724 Param of the @ Singular lombok annotation ignoreNullCollections=true is ignored by kotlin compiler
    • KT-53451 [K2] References to methods generated by @ With lombok annotation can't be resolved with enabled K2 compiler
    • KT-53721 [K2] There is no compilation error while trying to add null as a param of the field with non-null type
    • KT-53370 Kotlin Lombok compiler plugin can't resolve methods generated for java boolean fields annotated with @ With annotation
    Tools. Compiler plugins. Serialization
    • KT-54878 JVM/IR: java.lang.ClassCastException: class cannot be cast to class on serializer<Box<*>>()
    • KT-55340 Argument for kotlinx.serialization.UseSerializers does not implement KSerializer or does not provide serializer for concrete type
    • KT-55296 Improve exceptions in serialization plugin
    • KT-55180 KJS: regression in serialization for Kotlin 1.8.0-beta
    • KT-53157 Recursion detected in a lazy value under LockBasedStorageManager in kotlinx.serialization
    • KT-54297 Regression in serializable classes with star projections
    • KT-49660 kotlinx.serialization: IndexOutOfBoundsException for parameterized sealed class
    • KT-43910 JS IR: Serialization with base class: "IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 0 out of bounds for length 0"
    Tools. Daemon
    • KT-52622 Kotlin/JS, Kotlin/Common compilations start Kotlin daemon incompatible with Kotlin/JVM compilation on JDK 8
    Tools. Gradle
    New Features
    • KT-27301 Expose compiler flags via Gradle lazy properties
    • KT-53357 Change single build metrics property
    • KT-50673 Gradle: KotlinCompile task(s) should use @NormalizeLineEndings
    • KT-34464 Kotlin build report path not clickable in the IDE
    Performance Improvements
    • KT-51525 [Gradle] Optimize evaluating args for compile tasks
    • KT-52520 Remove usage of reflection from CompilerArgumentsGradleInput
    • KT-48843 Add ability to disable Kotlin daemon fallback strategy
    • KT-55334 kaptGenerateStubs passes wrong android variant module names to compiler
    • KT-55255 Gradle: stdlib version alignment fails build on dynamic stdlib version.
    • KT-55363 [K1.8.0-Beta] Command line parsing treats plugin parameters as source files
    • KT-54993 Raise check default level to error when build is running on Gradle 8+
    • KT-54136 Duplicated classes cause build failure if a dependency to kotlin-stdlib specified in an android project
    • KT-50115 Setting toolchain via Java extension does not configure 'kotlinOptions.jvmTarget' value when Kotlin compilation tasks are created eagerly
    • KT-55222 Migrate AndroidDependencyResolver to the new Gradle API
    • KT-55119 There is no validation for different jvmTarget and targetCompatibility values in multiplatform projects with jvm target and used java sources
    • KT-55102 Compile java task fails with different target version in pure kotlin project
    • KT-54995 [1.8.0-Beta] compileAppleMainKotlinMetadata fails on default parameters with No value passed for parameter 'mustExist'
    • KT-35003 Automatically set targetCompatibility for kotlin-jvm projects to work with gradle 6 metadata
    • KT-45335 kotlinOptions.jvmTarget conflicts with Gradle variants
    • KT-48798 Android: going from one to more than one productFlavor causes inputs of commonSourceSet$kotlin_gradle_plugin property of compileKotlin task to change
    • KT-55019 Gradle sync: UnknownConfigurationException when adding implementation dependencies to a Kotlin with Java compilation
    • KT-55004 jvmTarget value is ignored by depending modules if a task "UsesKotlinJavaToolchain" is configured for all project modules using allProjects {}
    • KT-54888 Add Gradle property to suppress kotlinOptions.freeCompilerArgs modification on execution phase
    • KT-54399 Undeprecate 'kotlinOptions' DSL
    • KT-54306 Change the naming of newly added Compiler*Options classes and interfaces
    • KT-54580 KotlinOptions in AbstractKotlinCompilation class are deprecated
    • KT-54653 java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: kotlin/jdk7/AutoCloseableKt exception if a dependency to the kotlin-stdlib is added
    • KT-52624 Compatibility with Gradle 7.3 release
    • KT-54703 Stdlib substitution does not work with JPMS modules
    • KT-54602 Prevent leaking Gradle Compile DSL types into compiler cli runtime
    • KT-54439 Project failed to sync Native LaguageSettings to compiler options in afterEvaluate
    • KT-53885 Bump minimal supported Gradle version to 6.8.3
    • KT-53773 Protect and system properties can contain sensitive data
    • KT-53732 Add custom values limits for build scan reports
    • KT-52623 Compatibility with Gradle 7.2. release
    • KT-51831 Gradle: remove kotlin.compiler.execution.strategy system property
    • KT-51679 Change deprecation level to error for KotlinCompile setClasspath/getClasspath methods
    • KT-54335 Kotlin build report configuration. There is no validation for SINGLE_FILE output if the required property is empty or absent
    • KT-54356 Kotlin build report configuration. Wrong path is used for the property
    • KT-53617 KotlinCompilerExecutionStrategy value is ignored by depending modules if configure once for all project modules using allProjects {}
    • KT-53823 Kotlin Gradle Plugin uses deprecated Gradle API: Provider.forUseAtConfigurationTime()
    • KT-54142 Increase Kotlin Gradle plugin Gradle target API to 7.5
    • KT-50161 Android variant filter breaks KotlinCompile cache compatibility
    • KT-54113 LanguageSettings to KotlinNativeLink.toolOptions sync are executed on the wrong context
    • KT-53830 Versions of kotlin-stdlib-jdk8 and kotlin-stdlib-jdk7 aren't overrided if added as transitive dependencies to kotlin-stdlib
    • KT-54112 Missing target input on KotlinNativeLink task
    • KT-45879 Documentation: Wrong kotlin languageVersion "1.6 (EXPERIMENTAL)"
    • KT-54103 Remove JvmTarget.JVM_1_6 from generated Gradle compiler type
    • KT-52959 KMP code is breaking Gradle project isolation
    • KT-50598 MULTIPLE_KOTLIN_PLUGINS_SPECIFIC_PROJECTS_WARNING is only shown on first build
    • KT-53246 Gradle: Special characters in paths of errors and warnings should be escaped
    • KT-47730 How to avoid stdlib coming from Kotlin gradle plugin
    • KT-52209 Corrupted cache and non-incremental build if produce caches "in process" and restore then compiling with kotlin daemon
    • KT-41642 "TaskDependencyResolveException: Could not determine the dependencies" when trying to apply stdlib
    • KT-53390 Drop usage of -Xjava-source-roots when passing java sources required for Kotlin compilation
    • KT-52984 Kotlin Gradle plugin is misbehaving by resolving DomainObjectCollection early
    • KT-38622 Non-incremental compilation because of R.jar with Android Gradle plugin 3.6
    • KT-38576 AnalysisResult.RetryWithAdditionalRoots crashes during incremental compilation with java classes in classpath
    Tools. Gradle. Cocoapods
    • KT-54314 Cocoapods: Signing pod dependency for Xcode 14
    • KT-54060 Xcode 14: disable bitcode embedding for Apple frameworks
    • KT-53340 Change default linking type for frameworks registered by cocoapods plugin
    • KT-53392 Deprecate and delete downloading pod dependencies by direct link
    • KT-53695 Build of macOS application fails if a framework is integrated via Cocoapods plugin
    Tools. Gradle. JS
    • KT-53367 KJS: Migrate cssSupport API
    • KT-45789 KJS / IR: Transitive NPM dependencies are not included in PublicPackageJsonTask output
    • KT-55099 K/JS: Second declaration of JS target without compiler type report warning incorrectly
    • KT-52951 [KGP/JS] Browser test target registration via properties
    • KT-52950 KJS: Report if yarn.lock was updated during built
    • KT-53374 KJS / Gradle: Implement IDEA sync detection logic via ValueSource to improve configuration cache support
    • KT-53381 Kotlin/JS: with erased kotlin-js-store/ and reportNewYarnLock = true the task kotlinUpgradeYarnLock always fails
    • KT-53788 KJS / Gradle: Disable Gradle build cache for KotlinJsDce when development mode is enabled
    • KT-53614 Kotlin/JS upgrade npm dependencies
    Tools. Gradle. Multiplatform
    New Features
    • KT-53396 Support 'implementation platform()' by gradle kotlin mpp plugin for JVM target
    • KT-40489 MPP / Gradle: support BOM (enforcedPlatform) artifacts in source set dependencies DSL
    Performance Improvements
    • KT-52726 [MPP] Optimize caching/performance/call-sites of 'compilationsBySourceSets'
    • KT-54634 MPP: Test Failure causes: KotlinJvmTest$Executor$execute$1 does not define failure
    • KT-35916 Gradle MPP plugin: Configurations for a main compilation and its default source set have different naming
    • KT-46960 Repeated kotlin/native external libraries in project
    • KT-27292 MPP: jvm { withJava() }: Gradle build: Java sour
    opened by renovate[bot] 2
  • Remove rendererFactory parameter from RendererFragment annotation

    Remove rendererFactory parameter from RendererFragment annotation

    We expect the factory to be a nested class anyways so we can just find it automatically inside the code generator. Either by name or (better) by type.

    opened by gabrielittner 0
  • Support generics for objects injected into composables

    Support generics for objects injected into composables

    This would be a follow up to #224 which generally supports adding more parameters to a @ComposeScreen or @ComposeFragment composable to get an instance of them injected. This initial support does not handle generics on the injected parameters, so it is for example not possible to inject a Set<Foo>

    opened by gabrielittner 0
  • Document NavEntryComponent

    Document NavEntryComponent

    Whetstone has a mechanism to generate a component that is tied to a back stack entry and can be used as shared component for screens of a flow but this is not documented.

    c:whetstone documentation 
    opened by gabrielittner 0
Freeletics is more than an app. It's a lifestyle powered by one of the most passionate and dedicated communities in the world.
Shreyas Patil 2.1k Dec 30, 2022
A Simple and Minimal Quotes Android Application to demonstrate the Modern Android Development tools

Quotee Android ?? A Simple and Minimal Quotes Android Application to demonstrate the Modern Android Development tools. Developed with ❤️ by Aminullah

null 12 Aug 24, 2022
🎥 A Simple and Minimal Movies Android Application to demonstrate the Modern Android Development and Jetpack Compose.

ComposeMovie Android ?? A Simple and Minimal Movies Android Application to demonstrate the Modern Android Development and Jetpack Compose. Built with

null 13 Oct 1, 2022
Modern Android Development with Android Jetpack libs.

GithubSquareRepos ?? In Progress ?? The GithubSquareRepos application is sample based on MVVM architecture. Fetching data from the network via reposit

Tolga Bolatcan 4 Mar 12, 2022
This is a sample Android project that presents a modern approach to Android application development.

Movies It is a sample app that shows information about movies and series. The goal is build a scalable, maintainable and testable app, implementing go

Matias 0 Dec 24, 2021
A simple Android project using modern Android development tools and libraries.

A simple Android project using modern Android development tools and libraries.

Ahmed Sumeiry 0 Feb 3, 2022
📒 NotyKT is a complete 💎Kotlin-stack (Backend + Android) 📱 application built to demonstrate the use of Modern development tools with best practices implementation🦸.

NotyKT ??️ NotyKT is the complete Kotlin-stack note taking ??️ application ?? built to demonstrate a use of Kotlin programming language in server-side

Shreyas Patil 1.4k Jan 8, 2023
Chat is a sample project that presents a modern, 2021 approach to Android application development.

Chat for Android Chat is a sample project that presents a modern, 2021 approach to Android application development. Screenshots ??

Cenk Gun 10 Nov 6, 2022
Taskify - An app to manage your daily tasks and boost your productivity. Taskify is built using kotlin and follows all modern android Development practices and hence is a good learning resource for beginners

Taskify Taskify is an app to manage your daily tasks and boost your productivity Video Introduction ?? This is a small introduction video about Taskif

Vaibhav Jaiswal 101 Jan 4, 2023
The JeTrivia is built on a modern Android Development tech stack with MVVM architecture. Kotlin, Coroutine, Flow, StateFlow, Jetpack Compose, Navigation, Room, Hilt, Retrofit2, OkHttp3, kotlinx.serialization, MockK, Truth

JeTrivia ?? In Progress ?? The JeTrivia application is sample based on MVVM architecture. Fetching data from the network via repository pattern and sa

Tolga Bolatcan 5 Mar 31, 2022
Vaibhav Jaiswal 57 Jan 3, 2023
An simple image gallery app utilizing Unsplash API to showcase modern Android development architecture (MVVM + Kotlin + Retrofit2 + Hilt + Coroutines + Kotlin Flow + mockK + Espresso + Junit)

Imagine App An simple image gallery app utilizing Unsplash API. Built with ❤︎ by Wajahat Karim and contributors Features Popular photos with paginatio

Wajahat Karim 313 Jan 4, 2023
Note-app - A sample project that presents a modern approach to Android application development

Note-app - A sample project that presents a modern approach to Android application development

null 3 Aug 19, 2022
Simple Notes app demonstrates modern Android development with Hilt, Material Motion, Coroutines, Flow, Jetpack (Room, ViewModel) based on MVVM architecture.

Simple Notes app demonstrates modern Android development with Hilt, Material Motion, Coroutines, Flow, Jetpack (Room, ViewModel) based on MVVM architecture.

Aravind Chowdary 2 Sep 3, 2022
NewsApp is a an android project based on modern Android application tech-stacks and MVVM architecture.

NewsApp NewsApp is a an android project based on modern Android application tech-stacks and MVVM architecture. This project is for focusing especially

null 1 Jan 14, 2022
A lightweight Android browser with modern navigation

Lightning Browser Speed, Simplicity, Security Download Master Branch Dev Branch Features Bookmarks History Multiple search engines (Google, Bing, Yaho

Anthony Restaino 1.9k Dec 28, 2022
🛒A Minimal Expense E-Commerce App built to demonstrate the use of modern android architecture components [Navigation, Room, MotionLayout, etc..] with MVVM Architecture. ✔

E-Store A Simple E-Commerce App ?? built to demonstrate the use of modern android architecture component with MVVM Architecture ?? . Made with love ❤️

Ameen Essa 14 Nov 3, 2022
The application is a PoC that helps in identifying modern bankers, potentially malicious and remote controlling applications abusing Android AccessibilityService.

Motivation Project aims to help in: identifying keyloggers and events hijacking malicious applications such as Anubis/TeaBot, identifying a "fake bank

Krzysztof Pranczk 33 Dec 9, 2022
A Simple Expense Tracker App 📱 built to demonstrate the use of modern android architecture component with MVVM Architecture

Expenso ?? A Simple Expense Tracker App ?? built to demonstrate the use of modern android architecture component with MVVM Architecture ?? . Made with

Michel Horacio 1 Dec 28, 2022