A customize multiple state layout for Android.



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🌀 A customize multiple state layout for Android. (中文文档)



Download the sample apk to see more: Sample APK.


Add the multistatelayout dependency to your library or app's build.gradle file:

dependencies {
  implementation 'com.airsaid:multistatelayout:$version'


  1. Implement the State and StateProvider interfaces to provide states:
import com.airsaid.multistatelayout.State

class EmptyState : State {

  companion object {
    const val ID = R.id.emptyLayout

  override fun getId() = ID

  override fun getLayoutId() = R.layout.multi_state_empty

  override fun onFinishInflate(stateView: View) {}
import com.airsaid.multistatelayout.StateProvider

class CommonStateProvider : StateProvider {
  override fun getStates(): MutableList<State> {
    return mutableListOf(EmptyState(), ErrorState(), LoadingState())
  1. Add MultiStateLayout to the XML layout:


            android:text="I'am content." />
  1. Call the init() method in the code to initialize MultiStateLayout:
  1. Switching between states:


You can set the transition animation when the state is switched via the setTransitionAnimator(@Nullable TransitionAnimator transitionAnimator) method.

Currently existing transition animations are:

  • AlphaTransitionAnimator (default)
  • TranslationTransitionAnimator
  • AlphaTranslationTransitionAnimator


You can add listeners for state switching through the addStateChangedListener(@NonNull OnStateChangedListener listener) method:

multiStateLayout.addStateChangedListener { state, isShow ->
  Log.d(TAG, "onStateChanged state: $state, isShow: $isShow")


  • Set the click event of a specific state
class ErrorState : State {
  companion object {
    const val ID = R.id.errorLayout

  private lateinit var callback: () -> Unit?

  override fun getId() = ID

  override fun getLayoutId() = R.layout.multi_state_error

  override fun onFinishInflate(stateView: View) {
    stateView.findViewById<Button>(R.id.reload).setOnClickListener {

  fun setOnReloadListener(callback: () -> Unit) {
    this.callback = callback
multiStateLayout.getState<ErrorState>(ErrorState.ID).setOnReloadListener {
  // do something...


Copyright 2021 Airsaid. https://github.com/airsaid

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
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