Date text field with on the fly validation built with Jetpack Compose.


DateTextField for Jetpack Compose

Date text field with on the fly validation built with Jetpack Compose.

Input is being validated while user is typing it, so it is impossible to enter a wrong value.

Made in LANARS.


repositories {
    maven { url '' }
dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.LanarsInc:compose-date-text-field:{latest version}'


User can only enter existing dates

User can only enter dates that are in the allowed range

Input is being validated even though some fields are not complete


Basic implementation

    onEditingComplete = {}

You can set the exact date boundaries or leave it by default, from 1/1/1900 to 12/31/2100. Date format by default will be MM/DD/YYYY

    // Detect focus changes
    modifier = Modifier.onFocusChanged { Log.d("DateInput", it.toString()) },
    // Set the desired date format
    format = Format.MMDDYYYY,
    // Set min and max date
    minDate = LocalDate.of(2009, 8, 27),
    maxDate = LocalDate.of(2020, 9, 17),
    // Detect value changes
    onValueChange = {
    // Get LocalDate object when date is entered
    onEditingComplete = { Log.d("DateInput", it.toString()) },
    // Preset date value
    value = LocalDate.of(2020, 12, 12)
    // Apply custom text style to content
    contentTextStyle = TextStyle(fontSize = 25.sp, color = Color.Black),
    // Apply custom text style to hint
    hintTextStyle = TextStyle(fontSize = 25.sp, color = Color.Gray),
    // Apply custom style to cursor
    cursorBrush = SolidColor(Color.Red),
    // Set custom delimiter
    delimiter = '.',
    // Set padding between digits
    padding = DateDigitsPadding(6.dp)
    // You can set field to be readonly
    readOnly = true
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