[DISCONTINUED] Rrich text editor for android platform. 安卓富文本编辑器,暂停维护



Maybe the best rich text editor on android platform. Base on Simditor



  • Alignment (left/center/right)
  • Bold
  • Blockquote
  • Code
  • Horizontal ruler
  • Italic
  • Image
  • Indent
  • Link
  • Outdent
  • Ordered List
  • Unordered List
  • Underline
  • Raw html (Insert anything to any selection range that you want via API)


Add this line to your build.gradle file under your module directory.

compile 'com.github.mr5:icarus:0.1.14'

Java codes:

import android.app.Activity;
import android.webkit.WebView;
import android.widget.TextView;

import com.github.mr5.icarus.entity.Options;
import com.github.mr5.icarus.button.TextViewButton;
class EditorActivity extends Activity {
	protected WebView webView;
    protected Icarus icarus;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        // Get WebView from your layout, or create it manually.
        webView = (WebView) findViewById(R.id.editor);
        // I offered a toolbar to manage editor buttons which implements TextView that with icon fonts. 
        // It's just a collection, not an Android View implementation. 
        // TextViewToolbar will listen click events on all buttons that added to it. 
        // You can implement your own `Toolbar`, to prevent these default behaviors.
        TextViewToolbar toolbar = new TextViewToolbar();
        Options options = new Options();
        icarus = new Icarus(toolbar, options, webView);
        TextView boldButton = new TextViewButton()


Button Names

see Button.java


placeholder: String

Placeholder of Editor. Use the placeholder attribute value of the textarea by default.

default: "Icarus editor."


options.setPlaceholder("Input something...");

defaultImage: String

Default image placeholder. Used when inserting pictures in Edtior.

default: "images/image.png"



cleanPaste: Boolean

Remove all styles in paste content automatically.

default: false



allowedTags: String[]

Tags that are allowed in Editor

default: {"br", "span", "a", "img", "b", "strong", "i", "strike", "u", "font", "p", "ul", "ol", "li", "blockquote", "pre", "code", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "hr"}


// option replacement.
options.setAllowedTags(Arrays.asList("a", "span", "img");
// add tag to current tag list.

allowedAttributes: Map<String, List<String>>

Whitelist of tag attributes. Note that custom whitelist will be merged into the default one.


img: {"src", "alt", "width", "height", "data-non-image"}
a: {"href", "target"}
font: {"color"}
code: {"class"}


// option replacement.
options.setAllowedAttributes(new HashMap<String, List<String>>());
// add new attribute to current tag list.
options.addAllowedAttributes("a", Arrays.asList("class", "src", "alt", "data-type"));

Load Javascript or Stylesheet files.



Some buttons depend user's actions, such as Button.NAME_LINK, Button.NAME_IMAGE. So you want to show a popover for user to do these actions. Icarus offered 3 Popover Implementations, HtmlPopoverImpl, ImagePopoverImpl, LinkPopoverImpl,



TextView imageButtonTextView = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.button_image);
TextViewButton imageButton = new TextViewButton(imageButtonTextView, icarus);
imageButton.setPopover(new ImagePopoverImpl(imageButtonTextView, icarus));


You can implement your own popover to handler user's actions.

Insert html to current selection

icarus.insertHtml("<iframe src=\\"xxx\\"></iframe>");

Contents getting and setting

// Get contents
icarus.getContent(new Callback() {
                public void run(String params) {
	                Gson gson = new Gson();
			        Html html = gson.fromJson(params, Html.class);
					Log.d("Content gotten", html.getContent());

// Set contents
icarus.setContent("new content");



Android Arsenal

  • 插入图片后关闭Activity报Activity has leaked window

    插入图片后关闭Activity报Activity has leaked window

     E/WindowManager: android.view.WindowLeaked: Activity com.olsplus.balancemall.app.merchant.goods.RichTextActivity has leaked window android.widget.PopupWindow$PopupDecorView{24829e V.E...... ......ID 0,0-53,63} that was originally added here
                                                                                at android.view.ViewRootImpl.<init>(ViewRootImpl.java:417)
                                                                                at android.view.WindowManagerGlobal.addView(WindowManagerGlobal.java:331)
                                                                                at android.view.WindowManagerImpl.addView(WindowManagerImpl.java:93)
                                                                                at android.widget.PopupWindow.invokePopup(PopupWindow.java:1380)
                                                                                at android.widget.PopupWindow.showAtLocation(PopupWindow.java:1156)
                                                                                at android.widget.PopupWindow.showAtLocation(PopupWindow.java:1119)
                                                                                at org.chromium.content.browser.input.PopupTouchHandleDrawable.show(PopupTouchHandleDrawable.java:455)
                                                                                at org.chromium.android_webview.AwContents.nativeOnDraw(Native Method)
                                                                                at org.chromium.android_webview.AwContents.access$4700(AwContents.java:100)
                                                                                at org.chromium.android_webview.AwContents$AwViewMethodsImpl.onDraw(AwContents.java:3000)
                                                                                at com.android.webview.chromium.WebViewChromium.onDraw(WebViewChromium.java:31329)
                                                                                at android.webkit.WebView.onDraw(WebView.java:2534)
                                                                                at android.view.View.draw(View.java:17070)
                                                                                at android.view.View.updateDisplayListIfDirty(View.java:16052)
                                                                                at android.view.View.draw(View.java:16836)
                                                                                at android.view.ViewGroup.drawChild(ViewGroup.java:3764)
                                                                                at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchDraw(ViewGroup.java:3550)
                                                                                at android.view.View.updateDisplayListIfDirty(View.java:16047)
                                                                                at android.view.View.draw(View.java:16836)
                                                                                at android.view.ViewGroup.drawChild(ViewGroup.java:3764)
                                                                                at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchDraw(ViewGroup.java:3550)
                                                                                at android.view.View.updateDisplayListIfDirty(View.java:16047)
                                                                                at android.view.View.draw(View.java:16836)
                                                                                at android.view.ViewGroup.drawChild(ViewGroup.java:3764)
                                                                                at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchDraw(ViewGroup.java:3550)
                                                                                at android.view.View.updateDisplayListIfDirty(View.java:16047)
                                                                                at android.view.View.draw(View.java:16836)
                                                                                at android.view.ViewGroup.drawChild(ViewGroup.java:3764)
                                                                                at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchDraw(ViewGroup.java:3550)
                                                                                at android.view.View.updateDisplayListIfDirty(View.java:16047)
                                                                                at android.view.View.draw(View.java:16836)
                                                                                at android.view.ViewGroup.drawChild(ViewGroup.java:3764)
                                                                                at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchDraw(ViewGroup.java:3550)
                                                                                at android.view.View.updateDisplayListIfDirty(View.java:16047)
                                                                                at android.view.View.draw(View.java:16836)
                                                                                at android.view.ViewGroup.drawChild(ViewGroup.java:3764)
                                                                                at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchDraw(ViewGroup.java:3550)
                                                                                at android.view.View.draw(View.java:17073)
                                                                                at com.android.internal.policy.DecorView.draw(DecorView.java:751)
                                                                                at android.view.View.updateDisplayListIfDirty(View.java:16052)
                                                                                at android.view.ThreadedRenderer.updateViewTreeDisplayList(ThreadedRenderer.java:656)
                                                                                at android.view.ThreadedRenderer.updateRootDisplayList(ThreadedRenderer.java:662)
                                                                                at android.view.ThreadedRenderer.draw(ThreadedRenderer.java:770)
                                                                                at android.view.ViewRootImpl.draw(ViewRootImpl.java:2796)
                                                                                at android.view.ViewRootImpl.performDraw(ViewRootImpl.java:2604)
                                                                                at android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals(ViewRootImpl.java:2211)
                                                                                at android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal(ViewRootImpl.java:1246)
                                                                                at android.view.ViewRootImpl$TraversalRunnable.run(ViewRootImpl.java:6301)
                                                                                at android.view.Choreographer$CallbackRecord.run(Choreographer.java:871)
                                                                                at android.view.Choreographer.doCallbacks(Choreographer.java:683)
                                                                                at android.view.Choreographer.doFrame(Choreographer.java:619)
                                                                                at android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver.run(Choreographer.java:857)
                                                                                at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:751)
                                                                                at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:95)
                                                                                at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:154)
                                                                                at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6077)
                                                                                at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
                                                                                at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:865)
                                                                                at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:755)
    opened by linceln 4
  • 增加setHtml和getHtml方法



    <h1>正则表达式</h1><p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <span style="text-decoration: underline;">正则表达式</span>,又称规则表达式。(英语:<em>Regular Expression</em>,在代码中常简写为regex、regexp或RE),计算机科学的一个<strong>概念</strong>。正则表通常被用来检索、替换那些符合某个模式(规则)的文本。

    通过setContent插入,span的style="text-decoration: underline;无法生效。 而通过insertHTML插入则正常,但是会默认选中一堆文字。

    此外getContent方法也会造成一些style="text-decoration: underline;类的样式丢失。


    opened by hongyangAndroid 3
  • How can I disable the editing function.

    How can I disable the editing function.

    Hi!! As the issue named, I want to use the same set of layout style in another view to display what I just typed in. Is there a way I can disable the cursor and toolbar, so the editor just looks like a text view?

    I need help 
    opened by xiaoyifan 3
  • Attempt to invoke virtual method android.webkit.WebView.setWebViewClient

    Attempt to invoke virtual method android.webkit.WebView.setWebViewClient

    Hello, thanks for your library, im migrating to react-native, but having some issues, i want to know if you can help me.

    The error is this.

    Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void android.webkit.WebView.setWebViewClient(android.webkit.WebViewClient)' on a null object reference
    public class KnifeViewManager extends SimpleViewManager<WebView> {
        public static final String REACT_CLASS = "RCTKnifeView";
        protected WebView webView;
        @Override public String getName() {
            return REACT_CLASS;
        @Override public WebView createViewInstance(ThemedReactContext context){
            //return new WebView(context);
            TextViewToolbar toolbar = new TextViewToolbar();
            Options options = new Options();
            options.setPlaceholder("Write Here ...");
            options.addAllowedAttributes("img", Arrays.asList("data-type", "data-id", "class", "src", "alt", "width", "height", "data-non-image"));
            options.addAllowedAttributes("iframe", Arrays.asList("data-type", "data-id", "class", "src", "width", "height"));
            options.addAllowedAttributes("a", Arrays.asList("data-type", "data-id", "class", "href", "target", "title"));
            Icarus icarus = new Icarus(toolbar, options, webView);
            //TextViewButton boldButton = new TextViewButton();
            //icarus.insertHtml("<img src='http://lorempixel.com/200/200' />");
            return webView;

    any idea?

    opened by cinder92 0
  • Bug: toggle buttons are not intuitive

    Bug: toggle buttons are not intuitive

    1.type 2. enable bold 3. type Bug: it doesn't write in bold. device-2018-02-12-113534.zip


    1. enable bold
    2. type stuff. 3.disable bold. 4.type Bug: It gets the new text bold still, and the toggle gets turned on again. See video:
    opened by AndroidDeveloperLB 0
  • Bug: unable to use right-alignment+list

    Bug: unable to use right-alignment+list


    1. write something.
    2. make it in a list.
    3. change alignment, to be on the right or even center.

    The bug is that it stays on the left. This occurs for both types of lists (numbered or bullets), and even with a language that should be aligned to the right (Hebrew).

    Attached video to show issue. device-2018-02-11-150058.zip

    opened by AndroidDeveloperLB 0
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