An address-autocompleting text field for Android



Build Status Android Arsenal

An AutocompleteTextView that interacts with the Google Maps Places API to provide location results and caches selected results in a history file for later use



The PlacesAutocompleteTextView is available from the sonatype snapshots repository. Use the following in your build.gradle:

repositories {
    maven { url '' }

dependencies {
    compile 'com.seatgeek:placesautocomplete:0.3-SNAPSHOT'

Basic setup and usage

  1. You'll need a Google Server API key for you application. There are instructions on how to set up your API project and generate a key here

  2. Your application will need the android.permission.INTERNET permission in its manifest for the View to interact with the Google Maps API

  3. With your API key, you're ready to add the PlacesAutocompleteTextView to your layout xml:

  4. Finally, you'll likely want a listener in your UI to know when the user has selected an item from the dropdown:

           new OnPlaceSelectedListener() {
               public void onPlaceSelected(final Place place) {
                  // do something awesome with the selected place
  5. That's it!

Note: you can treat the PlacesAutocompleteTextView the same as any AutocompleteTextView as it extends from the framework AutocompleteTextView. This means you can use custom styles with all the standard view properties.

Advanced usage/customization

XML properties

There are a few XML properties that can control some of the functionality of the autocomplete view:

xml property java method description
pacv_historyFile setHistoryManager() By default, the PlacesAutocompleteTextView will save the history of the selected Place's in a file on the file system. This is great for cases when your user may be typing in the same address in different parts of your UI or across different sessions. If you'd like to simply change the location of the file on the filesystem, you can specify the path string here. By default, the file is stored in the application cache dir under autocomplete/pacv_history.json. If this is a feature that you'd like to disable, you can set the property in xml to @null or call setHistoryManager(null).
pacv_resultType setResultType() The Places API can return various types of Places depending on what your application is looking to allow the user to select. By default, the PlacesAutocompleteTextView only requests items of type address, which returns locations associated with a full postal address, public or residential. You can change this to also be geocode for any address or establishment for non-residential addresses
pacv_adapterClass setAdapter() If you don't like the default Adapter for displaying the items in the dropdown list (it is pretty basic by default), you can override it by specifying your own in xml (by passing the fully-qualified classname) or using setAdapter(). An important note: because of how the filtering functionality works in the PlacesAutocompleteTextView, your custom adapter must extend AbstractPlacesAutocompleteAdapter.
pacv_clearEnabled showClearButton() Show the typicall X button to the right of the PlacesAutocompleteTextView to let user clear the text. Defaults to false. Other methods for controlling the clear button is setImgClearButton() Override the default Clear image and add your own, setOnClearListener() Override the clear listener like what should happen when the X is pressed, default is clear text, showClearButton() show/hide it.

Need more details? PlaceDetails

One of the requirements of our usage of this view was autofilling the payment and shipping addresses in our checkout flow. By default, the returned Place from the Google Maps API doesn't have the full set of address components (city, state, postal, street address, etc.) and instead provides it "conveniently" in a human readable string like "235 Park Ave South, New York, NY 10003". Which is probably pretty tricky to parse to get the address components. Enter the "Place Details" API. The PlacesAutocompleteTextView provides a helper method getDetailsFor(Place, DetailsCallback) that you can use to easily fetch the extra details that you might need. The PlaceDetails object has a lot more than just address components as well, so if you're building a complex UI around a location, this is probably the API call that you'll need to make.

If you have concerns about configuration changes while the details request is in-flight, you can grab the instance of the PlacesApi from PlacesAutoCompleteTextView#getApi() and manage the details request yourself.

See the example project for this API in use.

Getting stylish

The PlacesAutocompleteTextView is styleable using the pacv_placesAutoCompleteTextViewStyle global style attribute. The style should extend from PACV.Widget.PlacesAutoCompleteTextView to get the default style's parameters, e.g.:


        <style name="Widget.PlacesAutoCompleteTextView.Styled"
            <item name="android:background">@drawable/my_edit_text_background</item>
            <item name="android:textAppearance">@style/MyTextAppearance</item>


        <style name="AppTheme" parent="@style/YourParentStyle">
            <item name="pacv_placesAutoCompleteTextViewStyle">@style/Widget.PlacesAutoCompleteTextView.Styled</item>

Location biasing

A common thing that you might want to do is bias the place results to the location of the user. By default, the PlacesAutocompleteTextView will bias the results by a geoip lookup of the device's IP address. If your app has different requirements for where you want to bias the address results to or you want more accuracy than a geoip lookup, you can pass an Android Location into the PlacesAutocompleteTextView using the #setCurrentLocation() method.

You can tweak the biasing radius by using the setRadiusMeters(Long) method.

If you'd like to disable biasing completely, you can setLocationBiasEnabled(false)

Purpose and "why not use Google Play Services?"

This project was started internally before the Places API was released on Google Play Services and we needed a way to make entering your payment and shipping addresses in our Android app easier. The reason that this project is still alive and hasn't migrated to Google Play Services is twofold:

  1. It's still impossible to fetch the full PlaceDetails from the Google Play Services implementation [ref], without which you cannot get the full breakdown of address components
  2. It handles hooking the UI components to the data for you to accelerate your development process. With Google Play Services you still need to create your own FilterAdapter, AutocompleteTextView, etc.


  1. Fork this repo and clone your fork
  2. Make your desired changes
  3. Add tests for your new feature and ensure all tests are passing
  4. Commit and push
  5. Submit a Pull Request through Github's interface and a project maintainer will decide your change's fate.

Note: issues can be submitted via github issues


PlacesAutocompleteTextView is released under a BSD 2-Clause License, viewable here

  • Adapter View

    Adapter View

    Dude, I love your work man. I was using the AutoCompleteTextView, created custom adapter ext,. and working all these days.

    I started using yours and love it, the only problem is my earlier AutoCompleteTextView was showing many suggestions (like 8-10) as soon as i begin typing a place name. But yours shows only 2 ... Kindly help.

    opened by abaxxx 12
  • Failed to resolve: com.seatgeek:placesautocomplete:0.3-SNAPSHOT

    Failed to resolve: com.seatgeek:placesautocomplete:0.3-SNAPSHOT

    Failed to resolve: com.seatgeek:placesautocomplete:0.3-SNAPSHOT Show in File Show in Project Structure dialog

    i am getting this issue when i compile this

    opened by arunkush 7
  • search for an address or a business?

    search for an address or a business?

    Is it possible to request a list of matching address and businesses? I've tried all pacv_resultType combos, and it seems I'm limited to either businesses or addresses.

    opened by qtmspin 7
  • Support language different than english in PlaceDetails

    Support language different than english in PlaceDetails


    getDetailsFor() method alway returning PlaceDetails in english because language parameter is not set in URL generated by PlacesApi.details() method. This is an issue for non-english users.

    I think best way is take to take system language as a base.

    opened by re3lex 7
  •  Google Server API key

    Google Server API key

    Hello in using a Server key the production app throws this exception: This IP, site or mobile application is not authorized to use this API key. Request received from IP address How can I solve this?

    opened by lexrrx 5
  • 	InputMethodManager leaks the last focused view

    InputMethodManager leaks the last focused view

    I see this error using PlacesAutocompleteTextView. Not sure if this is related to PlacesAutocompleteTextView!?

    Here´s a screenshot from leakcanary: screenshot_2017-02-24-18-37-37

    opened by erikswed 5
  • I try to find a way to insert a `Fragment` `Context` into the adapter

    I try to find a way to insert a `Fragment` `Context` into the adapter

    Thanks all for the PlacesAutocompleteTextView it´s really helpful I try to find a way to insert a Fragment Context into the adapter but ended up creating the setContext(..method as you can see down below. Any ide how to do this in a better way? in Fragment..

            mAutocomplete = (PlacesAutocompleteTextView) v.findViewById(;

    in AbstractPlacesAutocompleteAdapter

    public class TestPlacesAutocompleteAdapter extends AddressFilterAdapter {
        public TestPlacesAutocompleteAdapter(final Context context, final PlacesApi api, final AutocompleteResultType resultType, final AutocompleteHistoryManager history) {
            super(context, api, resultType, history);
        protected View newView(final ViewGroup parent) {
            return LayoutInflater.from(parent.getContext()).inflate(R.layout.places_autocomplete_item, parent, false);
        protected void bindView(final View view, final Place item) {
            ((TextView) view).setText(item.description);
    public abstract class AddressFilterAdapter extends AbstractPlacesAutocompleteAdapter implements
           , Runnable {
        public AddressFilterAdapter(final Context context,
                                    final PlacesApi api,
                                    final AutocompleteResultType resultType,
                                    final AutocompleteHistoryManager history) {
            super(context, api, resultType, history);
            mRefreshLock = new Object();
            mHandler = new Handler();
            mRefreshRequested = false;
            mRefreshInProgess = false;
            mNextRefresh = new Date();
        public void setContext(HomeFragment context){
            this.mWeakReference = new WeakReference<HomeFragment>(context);
        public void run() {
    opened by erikswed 5
  • Problem with a custom adapter

    Problem with a custom adapter

    Hi everyone! First, awesome library. I realy like it. I try create a custom a adapter and passing it to my xml, however i get a error occurs at run activity. How to fix this bug? Thanks

    Here is my xml


    Here is log

    Caused by: android.view.InflateException: Unable to find valid constructor with params Context, PlacesApi, AutocompleteResultType, and DefaultAutocompleteHistoryManager for specified adapterClass: com.teusoft.sirved.adapter.TestPlacesAutocompleteAdapter
                                               at com.seatgeek.placesautocomplete.PlacesAutocompleteTextView.adapterForClass(
                                               at com.seatgeek.placesautocomplete.PlacesAutocompleteTextView.init(
                                               at com.seatgeek.placesautocomplete.PlacesAutocompleteTextView.(
                                               at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Native Method) 
                                               at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance( 
    opened by tuanth89 5
  • No Lat/Lng for some addresses

    No Lat/Lng for some addresses

    I've added PlacesAutocompleteTextView to an app. It appears to be working corrrectly except certain addresses don't geocode the lat/lng. In a bid to check if it's the coding, I checked another app and the same address returns lat/lng.

    I suspect that if a particular part of the address is not present, then it doesn't geocode??? For example, if the address doesn't have an 'suburb' of a 'city' then no geocode is present.

    Can anyone confirm this?

    opened by madcap66 4
  • dynamically change the pacv_historyFile name

    dynamically change the pacv_historyFile name

    Lets say there are many users and for each one I want to change the pacv_historyFile . I see the xml property the, pacv_historyFile but how to change that programmatically?

    opened by erikswed 4
  • NoSuchMethodException


    Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: [class android.content.Context, class com.seatgeek.placesautocomplete.PlacesApi, class com.seatgeek.placesautocomplete.model.AutocompleteResultType, interface com.seatgeek.placesautocomplete.history.AutocompleteHistoryManager] at java.lang.Class.getConstructorOrMethod( at java.lang.Class.getConstructor(

    opened by sarathnk 4
  • App crash when uploading my app to playstore

    App crash when uploading my app to playstore

    Hello everyone,

    I am using this script in my app and when I try to use it after uploading it to play services the app crash.

    When I enter the app and choosing the autocompletetextview and try to write something, its crash. In the debug version eveerything is working just fine and I don't know why.

    Crash report:

      at (
      at (
      at com.seatgeek.placesautocomplete.json.GsonPlacesApiJsonParser.autocompleteFromStream (
      at$1.handleStreamResult (
      at$1.handleStreamResult (
      at com.seatgeek.placesautocomplete.model.Status.isSuccessful (
      at (
      at (
      at (
      at com.seatgeek.placesautocomplete.PlacesApi.autocomplete (
      at com.seatgeek.placesautocomplete.adapter.PlacesApiFilter.performFiltering (
      at android.widget.Filter$RequestHandler.handleMessage (
      at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage (
      at android.os.Looper.loop (
      at (
    Caused by: java.lang.AssertionError: 
      at$EnumTypeAdapter.<init> (
      at$30.create (
      at (
      or                     .setDelegate (
      at (
      at (
      or                     .setDelegate (
      at (
      at (
      at (
      at (
      or                     .setDelegate (
      at (
      at (
      or                     .setDelegate (
      at (
      at (
      at (
      at (
      or                     .setDelegate (
      at (
      at (
      at com.seatgeek.placesautocomplete.json.GsonPlacesApiJsonParser.autocompleteFromStream (
      at$1.handleStreamResult (
      at$1.handleStreamResult (
      at com.seatgeek.placesautocomplete.model.Status.isSuccessful (
      at (
      at (
      at (
      at com.seatgeek.placesautocomplete.PlacesApi.autocomplete (
      at com.seatgeek.placesautocomplete.adapter.PlacesApiFilter.performFiltering (
      at android.widget.Filter$RequestHandler.handleMessage (
      at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage (
      at android.os.Looper.loop (
      at (
    Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: 
      at java.lang.Class.getField (
      at$EnumTypeAdapter.<init> (
      at$30.create (
      at (
      or                     .setDelegate (
      at (
      at (
      or                     .setDelegate (
      at (
      at (
      at (
      at (
      or                     .setDelegate (
      at (
      at (
      or                     .setDelegate (
      at (
      at (
      at (
      at (
      or                     .setDelegate (
      at (
      at (
      at com.seatgeek.placesautocomplete.json.GsonPlacesApiJsonParser.autocompleteFromStream (
      at$1.handleStreamResult (
      at$1.handleStreamResult (
      at com.seatgeek.placesautocomplete.model.Status.isSuccessful (
      at (
      at (
      at (
      at com.seatgeek.placesautocomplete.PlacesApi.autocomplete (
      at com.seatgeek.placesautocomplete.adapter.PlacesApiFilter.performFiltering (
      at android.widget.Filter$RequestHandler.handleMessage (
      at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage (
      at android.os.Looper.loop (
      at (
    opened by dorperez 2
  • java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException


    LGE LG K4 (lv1), 1024MB RAM, Android 6.0 Report 1 of 2 java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: at java.util.ArrayList.get ( at android.widget.ArrayAdapter.getItem ( at com.seatgeek.placesautocomplete.PlacesAutocompleteTextView$2.onItemClick ( at android.widget.AutoCompleteTextView.performCompletion ( at android.widget.AutoCompleteTextView.access$500 ( at android.widget.AutoCompleteTextView$DropDownItemClickListener.onItemClick ( at android.widget.ListPopupWindow.performItemClick ( at android.widget.AutoCompleteTextView.onCommitCompletion ( at ( at ( at$MyHandler.handleMessage ( at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage ( at android.os.Looper.loop ( at ( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke (Native Method) at$ ( at (

    bug help wanted 
    opened by Hanzala717 0
  • Add scroll in results

    Add scroll in results

    Hello, when searching location there are only two or three results are showing,remaining are kept under keyboard. If possible, please add scroll in search results in next release.It will more useful Thanks

    enhancement help wanted 
    opened by bewithdhanu 2
  • Information missing

    Information missing

    setCurrentLocation() not give current location until set the radius by calling setRadiusMeters(). There is not mention in the document that user have to first set call the setRadiusMeters(radius) method for getting the current locations places.

    bug help wanted 
    opened by zeeshanali0156 0
  • Proguard rule needed

    Proguard rule needed

    I´m building a release build but cannot get past his proguard related error:

    Process:, PID: 13817
    java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to read from field 'java.lang.Object android.widget.Filter$FilterResults.values' on a null object reference
       at com.seatgeek.placesautocomplete.adapter.PlacesApiFilter.publishResults(SourceFile:120)
       at android.widget.Filter$ResultsHandler.handleMessage(
       at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
       at android.os.Looper.loop(
       at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)

    In my file I have the:

    -keep class com.seatgeek{ *; } -keep public class{ *; }

    What am I missing please advice

    enhancement help wanted 
    opened by erikswed 6
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