Light-weighted, convenient implementation of expandable text view that supports expanding & collapsing animations for Android projects



Light-weighted, convenient implementation of expandable text view that supports expanding & collapsing animations for Android projects.

Why ExpandableTextView?

When the text is too long, a designer reasonably asks if it is possible to truncate the text by having a certain line count limitation. In addition, an expanding call-to-action (ie. "Read more") should be shown at the end of the text. When user taps the text, it expands to show the full content. ExpandableTextView helps creating such behaviour easily.


Normal RTL With drawable
maxLines when expand Width changes at runtime


Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file

  • AGP older than 7.1.0
// build.gradle (root level)
allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }
  • AGP 7.1.0 and newer
// settings.gradle
dependencyResolutionManagement {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }

Step 2. Add the dependency

// build.gradle (module level)
dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.giangpham96:ExpandableTextView:1.0.1'


Example XML

        app:expandableText="@string/long_text" />


Attributes Type Description Default value
app:collapsedMaxLines Int The maximum line counts when the text is collapsed 3
app:expandCta String The Cta at the end of truncated text such as "View more" "" (Nothing will be shown at the end of truncated text)
app:expandCtaColor Color The color of expand Cta #ffaa66cc
app:expandableText String The text to be displayed on this text view ""

Public functions

  • collapsedMaxLines public getter & setter for the maximum line counts when the text is collapsed.
  • expandCta public getter & setter for the Cta at the end of truncated text such as "View more".
  • expandCtaColor public getter & setter for the color of expand Cta.
  • expandableText public getter & setter for the text to be displayed on this text view.
  • collapsed public getter to determine if the text is being collapsed
  • expanded public getter to determine if the text is being expanded
  • toggle function that makes the text changes its state from collapsed to expanded & vice versa. It also adds animation transition during the state change.


  • DO NOT directly use android:text or setText in this view. Use app:expandableText or expandableText instead. Attempting to use android:text or setText will lead to unexpected behaviour.
  • At any time, collapsedMaxLines MUST always be less than or equal to maxLines. Otherwise, an exception will be thrown.
  • This view only supports TextUtils.TruncateAt.END.
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