A great material designed colorpicker by Marie Schweiz

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UI/UX Lobsterpicker


Designed by Marie Schweiz, Developed by Lars Werkman

Lobsterpicker is a library for android material design made to support apps and developers if a color should be choosen by a user. The library is offering a dialog with all shades of material design colors. Give it a try and download our demo app via google play


How you can use it:

Include one or multiple of the views inside of you layout:

    android:layout_height="wrap_content" />

    android:layout_height="wrap_content" />

    android:layout_height="wrap_content" />

summary of options

  • color wheel you prefer (wheel only)
  • color wheel and a before and after circle in the middle
  • color wheel and a slider for switching between different color spaces
  • color wheel, a slider for the colorspace and the opacity
  • slider only, toggle for 5 different shades you define
  • slider only and opacity

color wheel you prefer (wheel only)


LobsterPicker lobsterPicker = (LobsterPicker) findViewById(R.id.lobsterpicker);

//To retrieve the selected color use

//You'r also able to add a listener
lobsterPicker.addOnColorListener(new OnColorListener() {
    public void onColorChanged(@ColorInt int color) {

    public void onColorSelected(@ColorInt int color) {


color wheel and a before and after circle in the middle


By default this is disabled your able to enable it in xml


Or in Java

LobsterPicker lobsterPicker = (LobsterPicker) findViewById(R.id.lobsterpicker);

//To enable to color feedback use

//To set a previous picked color or reference color use

color wheel and a slider for switching between different color spaces


To connect a slider to the color wheel use

LobsterPicker lobsterPicker = (LobsterPicker) findViewById(R.id.lobsterpicker);
LobsterShadeSlider shadeSlider = (LobsterShadeSlider) findViewById(R.id.shadeslider);

//To connect them

All sliders implement the ColorDecorator interface, which enables them to manipulate the user selected color. Important to notice is the sequence you add decorators, because the first decorator that is added will be the first to manipulate the color.

color wheel, a slider for the colorspace and the opacity


To connect both the LobsterShadeSlider and LobsterOpacitySlider isn't any diffent then the previous mentioned method

LobsterPicker lobsterPicker = (LobsterPicker) findViewById(R.id.lobsterpicker);
LobsterShadeSlider shadeSlider = (LobsterShadeSlider) findViewById(R.id.shadeslider);
LobsterOpacitySlider opacitySlider = (LobsterOpacitySlider) findViewById(R.id.opacityslider);

//To connect them

slider only, toggle for 5 different shades you define


The LobsterShadeSlider can also be used as a standalone color selector.

//To retrieve to color is the same mehtod used for the LobsterPicker

To use your own colors this can be done by implementing the ColorAdapter interface. Or use the existing BitmapColorAdapter which takes a Drawable as color source.

lobsterPicker.setColorAdapter(new BitmapColorAdapter(this, R.drawable.default_shader_pallete));

slider only and opacity


Just like for the LobsterPicker you have to add the opacity slider as a decorator

LobsterShadeSlider shadeSlider = (LobsterShadeSlider) findViewById(R.id.shadeslider);
LobsterOpacitySlider opacitySlider = (LobsterOpacitySlider) findViewById(R.id.opacityslider);

//To connect them





compile 'com.larswerkman:lobsterpicker:1.0.1'


Copyright (C) 2015 Marie Schweiz & Lars Werkman
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.


This library is written and developed by Lars Werkman. For feedback, requests and collaboration please use Github or write us.

Lars Werkman Freelance android developer werkman.lars@gmail.com

Marie Schweiz Freelance android designer marie.schweiz@gmail.com

  • Add option to show color circle inside picker independent of color history

    Add option to show color circle inside picker independent of color history

    Currently it is only possible to show the color circle in conjunction with the history feature. It would be nice to be able to show the color circle when just choosing a color, thereby providing a more prominent preview of the selected color.

    opened by mpost 4
  • set initial colour?

    set initial colour?

    Hi, firstly - thanks for a great picker. is there a way to set the initial colour though?

    I'm using the picker in a fragment to manage lots of different preferences. It would be nice to set it to the previously chosen colour when a user pops it up.

    (e.g. if the user previously chose green, the slider/picker would start at green)

    setHistory doesn't seem to do that unless i'm missing something.

    opened by ConfusedVorlon 3
  • Shade slider missplaced when picker color black

    Shade slider missplaced when picker color black

    With the following slider position pointing at black the shade slider becomes smaller than the available width. All other colors render the slider with the expected full width. Seen with default ColorAdapter.


    I would also expect to see different shades of gray when choosing the black color in the picker.

    opened by mpost 3
  • Inner Circle color issue

    Inner Circle color issue

    On the demo i see that the inner cirlce shows the picked color. I am using this xml attribute: app:color_history_enabled="true" and only half of the circle sets to the picked color the right half remains black. Is this a normal behaviour?

    opened by PappBalazs 1
  • View doesn't save / restore its state

    View doesn't save / restore its state

    onSaveInstanceState and onRestoreInstanceState are not implemented. Any changes made to the color picker are not persisted upon a configuration / orientation change and they are lost.

    opened by zsoltk 0
  • Compatibility with oder Android versions

    Compatibility with oder Android versions

    Using the NineOldAndroids library, I adjusted Lobsterpicker to work on older Android versions (I set the minSdk to 7, though it might work on even older versions). I tested it on and API 10 (Android 2.3.3) emulator and it seems to work.

    Even though I could understand if you declined this PR due to the deprecated state of the NineOldAndroids library or due to the few KB of bloat it adds to the project, I think there are still many apps out there that need to support API 7+ and are thus not able to use your nice color picker in its current state. Supporting API 7+ would put this library on the same level as most of Google's Android Support Libraries.

    In the process of integrating NineOldAndroids, I also updated the Android Gradle Plugin, compileSDK, targetSDK and support library versions to their newest versions, respectively.

    opened by johan12345 0
  • UnsupportedOperationException


    Fatal Exception: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException at android.view.GLES20Canvas.clipPath(GLES20Canvas.java:429) at com.larswerkman.lobsterpicker.LobsterPicker.onDraw(Unknown Source) Sony ST23I Android 4.0.4

    found: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13850259/is-there-a-way-to-disable-hardware-acceleration-only-for-android-4-0-3/22643710#22643710 and http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8895677/work-around-canvas-clippath-that-is-not-supported-in-android-any-more/8895894#8895894

    fix if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN) { picker.setLayerType(View.LAYER_TYPE_SOFTWARE, null); }

    opened by QiXi 0
  • Decorate one LobsterShadeSlider with another

    Decorate one LobsterShadeSlider with another

    I am trying to use a LobsterShadeSlider to choose the defining hue and decorate that with another one to pick from shades, like with the LobsterPicker/LobsterShadeSlider combination. What would be the way to achieve this behavior ?

    opened by pbendel 0
  • Fixing bug where opacity slider doesn't update

    Fixing bug where opacity slider doesn't update

    When setting the color on the LobsterPicker with an attached opacity slider the opacity does not always update correctly. An example use case where it will not update and it should is:

    1. Set the lobster picker to a color with alpha either in code or by using it such as: 0xA0FF0000
    2. Set the lobster picker to a color with no alpha in code such as: 0xFFFF0000
    3. Notice that the alpha slider is still incorectly showing the old alpha value of A0
    opened by bdonahue 0
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