Grupo Zap - Viva Real
How to run locally
To run the application you need an installed emulator or a connected smartphone.
The app's minimum Api is 21, and the target is 30
To launch the application click on Run App (Shift + F10) and then choose the Device.
Clean Architecture
Android 3 Layers Architecture
UI Layer: MVVM
Data Layer: Repository
Dependencies.kt file
Technologies -- Kotlin - As main language
- Coroutines - To write asynchronous code
- Koin - As Dependency Injection Framework
- Retrofit - For API calls
- Lifecycle ViewModel - To preserve the view model alive through android configuration changes.
Junit Tests & Instrumentation
- Mockk library to mock junit tests
As alternative to MVP, MVVM takes advantage of the reactive programming to decrease the coupling between the presentation and the business layer. In that case the same viewModel could be used in many screens.